mage's dating rules

Chapter 415 Immortal Creek

Chapter 415 Immortal Creek
  Marika rented a carriage.

The advantage of the four-wheeled carriage is that you can put all the members of the rescue team into the carriage except the barbarians.

As for the barbarian, he could squeeze in with the driver on the driver's seat in front.

The coachman was a dark-skinned human. When he saw this group of people coming out of the Explorers Association, he asked doubtfully: "There is actually an expedition team with so few dwarfs?"

It turned out that he regarded the rescue team as an ordinary expedition team.

The king took a step forward: "Do expedition teams usually have many dwarfs?"

The coachman smiled: "No, but you come from the Explorers Association. The expedition teams that come out from here are basically dwarfs."

Wang: "Where do expedition teams that are not dwarfs usually gather?"

"The Council," the coachman lowered his voice, "I heard that the Council is now going to create its own expedition yearbook. They had already taken the lead when determining the metric system and measured the circumference of Golden Bay first. What latitude and longitude are we planning to get now?”

The king said "Oh": "You mean, the Thorn Island Council plans to establish its longitude and latitude first to make a name for itself?"

Coachman: "No. I heard that the key to establishing longitude and latitude is a navigational clock. Now the craftsmen on the Thorn Islands, regardless of whether they are dwarves or not, have already broken their heads trying to make this thing.

"In order to obtain raw materials more conveniently, many craftsmen who were originally closely associated with the Explorers Association have already made friends with the Council."

Wang was speechless: "There is such a thing."

Coachman: "This is all gossip. Where are you going? That dark-skinned lady hired me and gave me a gold coin directly. You can tell me where you want to go, there is no place I can't go to."

Wang: "I want to go to the council."

The driver's eyes widened and he glanced timidly at the dwarfs standing on the high steps behind the king.

At this time, Torey Smith shouted: "What are you afraid of! You can go wherever you want to take the gold coins."

"But..." The coachman looked embarrassed, "We still have to run business here."

King: "Aren't you a human? I heard that the council is dominated by races other than dwarfs."

The coachman smiled bitterly: "On the surface, this is true, but let me tell you the truth, we have to follow the council. If we don't follow the council, the dwarf will not help us except for any trouble. The dwarf will not help us. concept, they only care about adventure and invention.

"But help the Council. Most of the wealthy patrons are dwarfs. Many of them don't like the Council. They think the Council is just a sewer repairman."

After the coachman finished speaking, President Grom said loudly: "That's right! The Council was originally built to repair sewers and bake bread, but now it actually wants to get involved in exploration and invention. It's really disappointing!

"The reason why they are stuck in the maintenance of Feiyue Pinnacle is because if they don't do this, it is impossible to complete the calculation of longitude and latitude in advance."

Wang: "Since you can't gather enough materials to repair the ship by yourself, it means that you can't do without the council. In this case, wouldn't it be good to complete the research project together?"

"There is no door!" Grom said angrily, "In this world, we dwarfs are the ones who are always forging ahead! Humans are just lagging behind!"

Wang shook his head: "I'll go to the council to have a look. Mr. Coachman, don't worry, we'll rent your car for a month, one gold coin per day."

Mrs. Che almost fell off her seat: "Really?"

"Really. By the way, we are a rescue team, traveling to save the world. If you hear about spring water that can heal people, cheap healing scrolls, undead creatures starting to appear in batches - such news, please tell us."

The coachman frowned: " mean the Fountain of Youth?"

Everyone looked at the driver.

Marika forced herself in front of the coachman: "Tell me more about it, what is the Fountain of Youth?" Coachman: "Don't you know yet? Taverns are saying that there is a stream outside the city, and the water that flows out can heal wounds."

Wang: "When the wound heals? Will it leave strange scars? Will it grow scales?"

"Yes." The coachman nodded, "But just cut it off and soak it for a while. A few more soaks will always lead to perfect recovery. Young people have also developed a game of daring, competing to see who can cut off the extra scales. I can keep my face expressionless."

Wang turned to look at everyone.

Gotrick: "It looks like this has been going on for a while."

Wang turned around and asked Marika: "Didn't the Shadow Thief say anything?"

Marika: "The Shadow Thief has been staring at the healing scrolls and healing potions. Now think about it, if it was so easy to obtain and everyone knew about it, no one would sell it for money because no one would buy it."

Wang: "Take me to that creek."

Coachman: "Then you can only ride on horseback. It will be very difficult for my car to leave the stone road. In this way, wherever you live, I will wait for you at the door every day. By the way, I can also introduce hunters and horse sellers to you."

Wang took out ten gold coins and slapped them on the driver's seat of the carriage: "Then help us introduce a place to live. We have a lady here, and it's best if the quilt is free of fleas."

The coachman laughed loudly: "You are so funny. The money you slapped on the table is enough to stay in the best hotel here for a week."

  Three hours later, the rescue team, led by a halfling guide, arrived at the "Eternal Creek" and found that many residents had gathered by the creek.

Xiaobai looked at the surrounding environment and said: "Although I am not a Druid who specializes in plants, I can still confirm that there is something wrong with the surrounding plants."

Wang: "Nonsense, have you ever seen a banana as long as an arm under normal circumstances? All the fruits have become huge, and there are many strange places. The mutation has begun."

At this time a child shouted: "My tongue has changed!"

Everyone turned their heads together and saw that the child's tongue had become forked and very flexible, just like a snake's tongue.

The other children immediately gathered around and yelled: "Cut the tongue! Quickly chop the tongue!"

An older child, who might be the king of children, shouted: "Water! Bring the water! Don't die in time!"

So several children carried a bucket of stream water over on poles.

Immediately afterwards, the child with a forked tongue cut his own tongue with a knife, but still managed to remain silent.

Then others scrambled to pour the water over their heads.

The kid king shouted: "Idiot, you need to rinse your mouth! Another bucket!"

At this time, Flint stepped forward, recited a healing spell, and patted the child on the leg.

Then everyone watched as the child's tongue grew.

Flint: "Positive energy is still normal, at least my healing technique is normal."

Wang rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds before saying, "I think that just like Kailin's authority can be divided, Ragnola's power can also be divided."

Elizabeth: "That's not important. What's important is what to do with this spring? Do we want to block it?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone by the stream stopped and turned to look at Elizabeth.

(End of this chapter)

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