mage's dating rules

Chapter 416 A gift from daddy

Chapter 416 A gift from daddy

Elizabeth: "Uh...this..."

The eldest child who had just directed everyone stood up and said, "Why should we fill this place in?"

Elizabeth: "Huh? This is Ragnola's power. It is a bad power and will gradually turn you into monsters."

"I don't know what Ragnola is," the eldest child said plausibly, "but I know that since the creation of the Immortal Stream, no one has developed a fever because of accidentally scratching their arm, and no one's wound has festered anymore. Miss, Have you ever seen a festering wound? It’s much uglier than scales, and it also smells bad, like rotten eggs!”

Elizabeth shrank: "I...haven't seen it."

"Of course you haven't seen it. As long as you have a minor injury, a priest will treat it immediately, and the same goes for your friends. But you don't know that there is no priest to care for us people when we are injured or sick.

“Only if you are very lucky and meet a paladin, you will get treatment!

"Now there is such a spring and such a stream. No matter how poor people are, they can get treatment. Although strange things will occasionally grow, they just need to cut it off and soak it again. It will be fine.

"So many of us here have been gifted by this creek. We regard this as a blessing from God, but you want to block it!"

Wang suddenly interrupted the eldest child: "Are you from around here?"

"Of course I am!" the older child declared.

King: "Where do you live?"

Older child: "I live in..."

Wang: "I didn't ask you! Others said, this eldest child, where does your child Wang live? Whose child is he?"

Elizabeth asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Wang: "Didn't you notice that he used a lot of complicated words when he spoke? Is this what a country boy Wang can say? No, no, I have seen such a plausible guy and I am very familiar with it. Show your true colors, devil !”

The eldest child transformed back into his original form in a vortex of purple flames: "It's really interesting. I actually paid attention to the words I used. These are all words taught in the nearby Sunday school, but I was still found out."

Wang: "Come on, you are inexperienced at first glance. Don't pretend to be a big devil with profound knowledge. Even if you make your words a little more crude, the interlocking logic will not deceive people." A child king in the countryside would not say such logical things."

At this time, one of the children finally reacted and ran away screaming.

The devil turned around and opened his hand: "Hey, I'm actually a tiefling..."

As a result, all the children had run away, and all the adults who came to fetch water also ran away.

Flint: "That's why the positive energy is not affected. It turns out that any treatment or fountain of youth are all tricks of the devil."

"No," the devil said with a smile, "in fact, the pollution of water sources has already begun. But the effect is not obvious, and it is still at the level of rural legend."

As he spoke, the devil snapped his fingers, and the giant plantains and other things around him disappeared.

Wang: "No wonder this forest looks less disgusting than the forests corrupted by Ragnora's power we've seen before."

Devil: "If you think it's all my tricks, you're totally wrong. I just found this place very interesting, so I came to pose some puzzles to humans and harvest their souls by the way. Examine the spring carefully, the salvation team Captain."

As he spoke, the devil snapped his fingers, and a magic circle appeared at his feet.

Elizabeth was faced with a formidable enemy, apparently thinking that the devil was preparing to attack.

Gotrik didn't even pull out his axe.

Flint took out his pipe and glanced at Wang: "Is this because your dad can't stand it anymore and sent a man to remind you?"

Wang: "No, it's more like a devil caused by an interest encountered by chance."    "Oh, really?" Flint shrugged.

At this time, Xiaobai, who had reached the waterside, shouted loudly: "King! Come quickly!"

Wang leaned over in confusion, and then saw a very familiar plant by the water - the influence of Ragnola had caused the moss by the water to have mutated, and the style of mutation was a direction that the entire rescue team was familiar with.

Flint: "Now I am even more suspicious of the devil just now."

Wang: "Stop talking nonsense, Gotrick, find a way to block the spring. Nini, take water samples and lichen samples. We will show these to the council to prove that the crisis of annihilation is imminent."

Flint: "If the child king just now is really the child king, it may not be clear. If it is not handled well, it may even riot. After all, there is a precedent like Sissel. But the big child turned into a devil in a whirlwind , everything falls into place, it’s all the devil’s temptation.”

Wang had no choice but to sigh: "I admit that you are right. Maybe this is a minion sent by my dad. Then what? Why don't we use this one? Just because it is provided by the devil?"

Marika: "How could that be? In my opinion, devils are easy to deal with because they are reasonable. If given a choice, I would rather deal with devils than hook up with drow."

At this time, Gotrick shouted and punched the ground with his fist, causing the spring to collapse. After a while, no more water emerged from the spring.

Xiaobai was speechless: "I'll go, it's so powerful. I thought you were going to get some soil and stuff it in, and then let Dabai use the hell flame ray to melt the soil."

The barbarian raised his head and looked at Xiaobai in astonishment: "Eh? Oh yes, it can still be like this."

Everyone looked at each other.

  In the evening, Wang showed the collected lichen and spring water samples in front of the president of the Thorn Islands Council.

Wang: "The crisis of world destruction has entered the next stage. Whoever starts to deteriorate, people who drink this water may turn into monsters, which is very dangerous. The power of Ragnola is seeping into the world, and soon everyone will begin to change." Become a monster."

The president stared at the lichen for a few seconds: "I admit that this moss looks weird, but if you insist that the condition of the moss is weird, it means that we will also become monsters in the future. Isn't it a bit too far-fetched?"

Wang: "Then you can try a sample of the spring water here! Soon this kind of water will be sold all over the world!"

President: "We know the stage theory proposed by your teacher..."

Wang: "That's not a theory. It's very possible that my teacher stopped Ragnola once!"

"Then he can stop it again, can't he?" The vice president said next to him, "Please ask him to come out."

Wang: "He..."

"This is an exam for you." The president looked at Wang, "In the final analysis, it is just an exam, and we have already reached a conclusion about this."

King: "Two countries have been destroyed! Monrovia was almost destroyed too!"

"Calm down." The president smiled slightly, "I know you are here to persuade us to stop blocking the repair materials of the Summit. We are not stubborn people. If you promise not to bring the longitude and latitude of the Federation of Explorers in the future, Calculation team, we can consider it.”

Wang frowned: "You plan to let me drive away the ace spacecraft of the Federation of Explorers."

"Yes, we didn't ask you to bring me with you. Your measurement team is already... very talkative." The president maintained a smile.

Xiaobai looked at the ceiling: "I suddenly had the idea that it would be better if the world was destroyed like this. What about you?"

Wang: "That's not okay. I don't want this world to be destroyed."

Xiaobai: "What? Because this world is quite fun?"

The king thought for a moment and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I don't want it to be destroyed."

(End of this chapter)

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