mage's dating rules

Chapter 418 Ship No. 2

Chapter 418 Ship No. [-]

After lunch, Marika also returned.

Wang was picking his teeth and asked, "What's going on over there?"

Marika took out a letter and handed it to Wang without saying anything.

Wang looked at the letter suspiciously, first observing the sealing wax on the letter. This kind of sealing wax would usually be stamped with the coat of arms of a family or organization.

Unfortunately, the king was obviously not familiar with the heraldry of the Thorn Islands. He did not know about this heraldry consisting of gears and hand axes. He pointed out the heraldry to the dwarf Gaines.

Gaines: "This is the coat of arms of the Dreamer."

Wang: "Dreamer?"

Gaines: "Torre Smith's younger brother, John Smith. He always hoped to build the best airship in the Thorn Islands."

Wang: "This John Smith, is he capable?"

"Yes." Gaines said and shook his head. "It should be said that he was too capable, which led to him always not building ships according to the customer's designs and needs. Gradually, no one lent him money to build ships."

Xiaobai frowned: "Borrow money to build a ship?"

Elizabeth: "Ah, I know this. The deposit for shipbuilding is actually not enough to buy all the materials, let alone the wages of the shipbuilders. So for shipbuilding, you get the deposit and then ask the goldsmith or mint to borrow money, and use the borrowed money money to start work.

“When the customer pays after the construction is completed, the borrowed money will be returned with interest.

"So in Langdon City, the shipyard is surrounded by goldsmiths and coin merchants who are ready to lend money to the shipyard at any time."

Gaines said proudly: "Don't you have a banking industry there yet? You are really backward."

Elizabeth: "I heard that the countries in the Golden Bay have followed the example of the Sissel Republic in establishing a central bank, and Kuosania will do the same in the future. But my brother probably has to become the emperor of Kuosania first."

Wang was speechless.

Cosania is currently in a deadlock. Elizabeth's brother, the heir to Duke Langdon, has made it clear that he wants to be the emperor. As a result, the other electors are working hard and working against the odds.

Reports sent by the Shadow Thieves say that Quasania may fall into civil war within two to three years.

However, the situation in distant Cosania is now beyond the reach of the rescue team and has no way to control it. It can only provide all support except help.

Wang: "Continue to talk about this John Smith thing."

Gaines: "There's nothing to say. After no one was willing to lend money, the Smith family's shipyard was destroyed. Torrey Smith, who was originally the older brother, became a captain in the Explorers Association and sent the money he earned every month. Support the family for my brother.

"But my younger brother has always been fanciful and wanted to build an airship without balloons. The thing they built looked like an ugly duck. The furthest it flew I remember it flew for seven seconds."

At this time, the maid who happened to come in to collect the bowls heard what Gaines said, and followed with a smile: "Now I can fly for 20 seconds. From 7 seconds to 20 seconds, it took the dreamer a total of three years. Someone has calculated that as long as John Smith lives long enough and one day he will build a new airship capable of flying across Golden Bay."

King: "It can be made."

The maid stopped and looked at Wang: "What?"

Wang: "It can be made. Relying on wings would be a better solution."

The maid asked doubtfully: "You mean, an ornithopter?"

Wang: "No, no, you don't need to flap your wings. In fact, anyone who has observed flying birds will know that - wait, you can ask the Druid. Xiaobai, do you need to keep flapping your wings when you become a bald eagle?"

Xiaobai: "No, in fact, most of the time my wings don't move. I only flap them when the speed slows down." "Look. Druids know that most of the time, there is no need to flap the wings, and when flapping the wings, it is not necessary to flap the wings." It’s more about providing lift than maintaining speed.”

Xiaobai: "Yeah. Most of the time, you just need to open your wings and fly in the sky. Especially when facing the wind, it saves effort."

Elizabeth: "Why is that?"

Wang: "The different speeds of the air flowing up and down the wings produce lift. So as long as there is force that can pull the 'iron bird' forward, the wings don't need to be flapped."

Gaines jumped in: "Wait a minute! So what you're saying is that John Smith's idea can be realized?"

Wang: "Why do you think it can't be achieved? Have you carefully observed the flight of birds? Or you can ask the Druid."

Gaines covered his forehead: "The Druids don't want to talk to us. We also think they are barbarians who know magic, and we are not willing to talk to them. So is this actually a feasible technical route... It was actually really beaten by John Smith. That’s right.”

Wang Ze directly tore off the sealing wax.

Elizabeth was dumbfounded when she saw him directly breaking off the sealing wax: "No! In this case, you have to use a letter opener to open it from the side!"

Wang: "Whatever, it's all about opening letters."

Xiaobai exclaimed: "I thought the letter opener was for opening that red thing!"

Although the wax of candles is usually white, the sealing wax on envelopes is usually red or dark red.

Elizabeth: "There is someone's family crest on the sealing wax, so it would be very rude to just remove it."

Wang glanced at the dreamer's sealing wax that he had divided into two parts: "It's okay, this is just superstition. Let's see what this pioneer who built airplanes wants to do with us."

Flint had been unable to get in the conversation just now. After all, dwarves are good at forging, making armor and swords, etc. They are not good at making machines like dwarves.

Now he hurriedly said: "Maybe he built that kind of iron bird that doesn't need to flap its wings, and invited us to sail around the world on that thing."

Wang: "It's impossible. Even if it could be built, the current technological level in this world would not be able to create something that can fly around the world."

As he spoke, he took the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it.

Marika carefully blocked the position where she could peek into the letter's content.

However, Wang read it out directly: "Dear captain of the salvation team, ruler of the floating island, Kuosania... the following is omitted."

"It's not bad." Elizabeth smiled, "You are also annoyed by these long titles."

Wang: "No, it just says 'The following is abbreviated'."


Wang ignored Elizabeth's astonishment and continued reading: "Zhan Xinjia. I heard that you are looking for an airship that can sail around the world. I guess you have already lost one head and two due to the boring struggle for power on this island.

"As someone who participated in the design of the Pinnacle, I want to tell you that the Pinnacle was originally planned to build two ships. The second one was stopped due to infighting within the Explorers Association."

Wang stopped when he read this: "What do you mean, there is also a Flying Peak?"

Gaines: "There are indeed such rumors in the market, but no one has seen him in any airship factory. The most important thing is that even if this ship does exist, it has not been completed."

Wang: "Wait a minute, the Explorers Association controls the Pinnacle, and the Council has the materials for repair. So if there is an identical Pinnacle, and we transfer it to the Council's shipyard, we can repair it ourselves. Yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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