mage's dating rules

Chapter 419 No. 13, Flask Street

Chapter 419 No. 13, Flask Street

As soon as Wang finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

Marika immediately slipped to the door, listened, and said, "There are a few people outside."

Wang: "Open the door. We didn't intend to keep it secret in the first place. If there is really a No. [-] ship, we will have to rely on the strength of the Council to complete the construction of the ship."

Marika nodded and opened the door.

Outside was the president of the Council and a group of attachés.

Wang: "What a coincidence that your Excellency, President, has come here."

The president grinned and said: "Actually, we have been contacting this former shipbuilder, trying to find out the whereabouts of the second ship. We suspect that the second ship is in his workshop. But he keeps talking to us about his Whimsical airship design.”

"He wants your sponsorship?" Flint asked.

"Yes." The president nodded, "But that plan has always been considered fanciful, but... our maid reported that that plan is actually feasible."

Wang: "It is feasible. In fact, 'airplanes' are widely used in many planes. Airships only undertake some special tasks, such as serving as an advertising platform in the air.

"In some planes, airships are also regarded as a symbol of romance and have become toys for nobles and big businessmen."

The president frowned: "Romantic?"

"Yes, romantic." Wang spread his hands, "But I don't know what's romantic about it. In some planes, big robots are also regarded as romantic, and I don't quite understand it."

The president also looked puzzled, and he confirmed: "Is it romantic...?"

"That's right. You can't understand it either, right?"

President: "Indeed. Let's go back to the shipbuilding expert."

"John Smith." Wang said the name.

"Oh, yes, it's about Mr. Smith. Since you confirm that the direction he insists on is right, then our council is willing to help him continue related development. But..."

Wang: "But he wants to hand over the No. [-] ship to you."

"Yes. As an organization on an equal footing with the Explorers Council, we should of course have a flagship of the same level. Even if Mr. Smith's plan becomes mainstream in the future, we should have a flagship before then. What do you think?"

"I have no objection. In fact, I am preparing to set off to see this Mr. Smith. After all, he has sent me letters through Miss Marika. If you are interested in this, we can go together."

The president smiled broadly: "That's great. Let's set off now!"

King: "If I guess correctly, you want us to ride in a carriage with the crest of the Council, right?"

President: "You guessed it right. But if we get the second ship, you don't have to care about the Explorers Association, right? You won't lose anything by taking our carriage."

Wang thought for a while: "You are right, but please allow me to refuse. I refuse not because I am worried about the Explorers Association, but because I hate being used as a tool for political struggle by others."

He raised his voice: "I am the captain of the rescue team! Flint, tell the president who I am!"

Flint: "Huh? Why should I say that? Do I look like one of your followers?"

When the dwarf protested, Marika spoke: "Your Excellency, President, you are facing the end of the Emperor of Kusania, the distinguished guest of the new Duke of Langdon, the guardian of Monrovia..."

Marika spoke this string of words very smoothly, all the way to the last word "the one who is praised".

Wang: "Did you hear that you actually plan to use me like this as a tool?"

President: "I don't mean that at all. We are just trying to take advantage of you. If you agree to ride in a carriage with our coat of arms, the status of the entire Council will be greatly improved. This is a supreme honor!" Blinking, he couldn't find any flaw in the president's words for a while.

Xiaobai: "This person has the ability to use computers to black and white, it's so scary."

Flint: "It's obviously the same thing, but the meaning is completely different from another angle of interpretation. So Captain, should we let him take the spotlight?"

President: "This is definitely not a compliment. I sincerely believe that I am taking advantage of you, and I have no intention of treating you as a tool."

Wang: "I refuse. Don't involve me in your political struggle. If you don't come, we will find a way to build the No. [-] ship on our own, and by then you won't even be able to join the flagship."

Elizabeth smiled and said: "Although our captain is not very sensitive to political struggles, he has noticed it. Now his position has changed. It is you who have something to ask of us, President."

Marika also echoed her princess: "By the way, the captain is very stubborn in this situation."

Flint: "Yeah, even a stubborn dwarf like me would find him a little too stubborn."

The president touched his beard: "Okay, as long as the second ship can be transferred to us as the flagship afterwards, we are willing to provide all the materials needed for repairs.

"By the way, we could have used the material supply to negotiate with you, but the craftsman can't solve the material problem by himself."

Malika immediately said: "Yes, you are thinking about the overall situation."

Elizabeth: "What a wise president."

The president smiled slightly: "But it shouldn't be a problem if I go in a carriage with the guild's crest, right?"

Wang: "Why do you insist on this? If someone sees you getting off my carriage, wouldn't the effect be the same?"

In fact, the effect is different. This is a question of who makes the decision.

However, no one at the scene was sure whether Wang was knowingly and pretending to be stupid, or whether he was really unaware.

The president sighed: "I never knew the captain of the salvation team was such a skillful person."

On the contrary, Wang was very surprised: "Huh? Am I very skillful? Was that just now called skillful?"

Marika: "You misunderstood, our captain...he was born like this."

The president looked at Wang again: "I didn't believe there were born political animals before, but now I do. So without further ado, let's set off."

  Flask Street was even more shabby than Wang imagined.

Elizabeth: "This place looks like a garbage dump."

The president, who was sitting opposite Wang and Elizabeth, replied: "Don't worry, this is just a garbage dump. However, the craziest craftsmen in the entire Thorn Islands are also gathered here."

As soon as the words fell out of the car window, an explosion occurred, and then the dwarf with a flaming tail flew into the sky.

President: "Look. With explosions like this every three days, it is impossible for this street to become prosperous. But there has always been a legend that the craftsman who lives here built a huge shipyard underground to experiment with that kind of machinery. Big Bird is just his disguise.”

Wang: "And the legendary No. [-] ship happens to be in the shipyard? But how can the No. [-] ship take off in this case?"

The president shrugged: "I don't know, maybe the shipyard below is connected to a tunnel that can allow airships to pass?"

Flint immediately laughed: "How wide and high the tunnel that can lead to the airship must be! It's so imaginative. It's better to believe that the ceiling of this underground workshop can be moved to both sides, and the entire Flask Street is divided into two. Half."

At this time, the barbarian sitting on the driver's seat in front knocked on the lathe: "We are here! No. [-], Flask Street."

(End of this chapter)

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