mage's dating rules

Chapter 422 It seems that the first new volume did not change the map

Chapter 422 This seems to be the first time that the new volume does not change the map.

In the middle of winter, the Thorn Islands are not cold, but the air is extremely humid.

As soon as Wang wakes up, he will find that the quilt on his body is moist, and if he pinches it hard, it seems that water can be squeezed out - but it seems that it is just stuck at the critical value of water. You feel that water is coming out when you pinch it, but when you look at the palm of your hand, Found nothing.

Flint said that this winter was already over. In the summer, this kind of weather coupled with the high temperature made the whole person feel like he was soaking in a steamer every day.

Wang didn't want to know how uncomfortable Xia Tian was. He just wanted to leave this wet hell as soon as possible.

This morning, after completing the daily required spell preparations, Wang was studying this issue with everyone in the salvation team.

Gaines: "I brought news from Master Craftsman Fletcher. The shipyard has been destroyed, and the Summit is also destroyed inside. The Master Craftsman is considering removing parts to speed up the construction of the second ship."

Wang: "Didn't you say that the second ship can be completed in a week?"

"Yes, it is estimated that it can be accelerated to a few days. But..." Gaines spread his hands, "The great craftsman himself, Mr. Torrey Smith, and Mr. John Smith all agree to reduce the test time. It seems that the second ship is the fastest. We won’t be able to leave until March next year.”

Wang was stunned: "Is there no other airship that can cross the world's mountains?"

"No." Gaines shook his head, "That's the World Mountain Range! The World Mountain Range! Of course there is a plan that doesn't go over the World Mountain Range. It just requires a detour and an extra two thousand kilometers. The spacecraft needs to be inspected in the middle, so we have to Stop where there is a strong level of industry.”

As he spoke, Gaines drew a new route on the map: "If we take this route, we should arrive at the Forest Kingdom in February next year. It will be much faster than waiting here for the second ship to be tested."

Wang: "It's still too slow. It only takes [-] days to fly directly over the world's mountains to reach the forest kingdom, and it's not even New Year's Eve. Can't we compress the testing and airworthiness into one month to complete?"

Gaines: "This shortening of the test time is equivalent to risking the lives of the people on the spacecraft. Even if the feather fall technique can be used to ensure everyone survives when the spacecraft crashes, what about the rest of the journey?

"There is a high probability that someone will be killed even if they crash on the world's mountains."

Nini: "No, I will climb over the mountains of the world with my feet."

Wang: "She climbed over the mountains of the world with her feet."

Gaines' eyes widened: "You must be kidding me, feet? Ah, take the shield path of the Mountain Kingdom, right?"

Flint: "What are you thinking? How could she, a lone elf, take the shield path? Either she has to have dwarf teammates who are familiar with the situation and have dignity, or she can only be captured by human slave traders and follow the caravan. Take the shield path.”

Gaines hadn't turned the corner yet: "Then how did she survive the World Mountains?"

Nini: "I climb mountains."

"Mountain climbing?" The dwarf's eyes were already very big compared to his body size. When Gaines heard this, his eyes widened like bells, and he shot out lightning-like doubts.

Nini nodded: "Climb the mountain and turn over from the top. I originally thought I would climb over the wall-like peaks, but in fact the world's mountain range is not a whole. You can even see green trees in the short places."

"Wait a minute!" Wang shouted, "You said you saw green trees when you climbed over the World Mountains?"

Nini: "Yes, the World Mountain Range is not a continuous mountain like a wall. There are still short places."

Wang: "Is it possible to take an airship to that place?"

Without waiting for Nini to answer, Gaines muttered to himself: "There are green trees, which means that below the tree line, we can definitely use an airship to cross. God, I have discovered a way to make money. If we can get through it, we can use an ordinary airship. The trade volume of Shield Road will be more than half of ours if we safely fly over the world’s mountains!”

It seems the gnomes enjoy seeing dwarves deflate.

Gaines: "I'm going to find the current acting president of the Adventure Association."

King: "Wait a minute! What do you want to say? Share half of the dwarves' trade volume?"

"Right? Otherwise?" Wang thought for a while and said, "No, you should say that after opening a new route, the captain can name the new route."

Flint laughed loudly: "This is good, no dwarf can refuse this temptation."

Xiaobai looked at Wang sideways: "You really don't understand people's hearts?"

"He will tell you that this is logical reasoning." Elizabeth said firmly.

Wang: "This is logical reasoning."

Nini: "But I am the discoverer of this route. Why are you stepping on my toes?"

Wang: "Well, the teacher is telling you not to talk nonsense. You are only walking on the ground. The airflow in the air is very complicated. Only an experienced dwarf pilot can actually walk it to determine it."

Nini: "That's it."

Gaines echoed: "Yes, the airflow conditions in mountainous areas are particularly chaotic. The airship may be blown into the mountain at any time, which is very dangerous. The captain who completes the route is definitely qualified to name the route. Then I will go to the Explorers Union. "

Saying that, the dwarf bard ran away in a hurry.

Looking at his back, Flint sighed: "The short legs of a dwarf can actually walk so fast. We dwarves can't."

Everyone knows that a dwarf can move at a speed of six seconds and twenty feet.

Elizabeth: "So the problem is solved now?"

Wang shook his head: "No, this route is really dangerous. We still have to build the best possible airship. It doesn't need to fly so high, but its performance must be reliable. Otherwise we will have to walk to the Forest Kingdom. .We don’t have Nini’s ability to maneuver in the forest.”

Nini ran really fast in the woods, like a monkey, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time Marika opened the door and came in.

Wang: "How is the shipyard's investigation going?"

Marika: "I found the source of the explosives, guess what?"

Flint: "I guess they're all dead."

"Yes. They were all dead, cleanly. I knew at a glance that it was Momo Brian's intelligence unit that did it. I am very familiar with the method of eliminating traces."

Wang stood up: "Let's go to the scene and take a look. Maybe we can use prophecy magic to find some clues."

Marika: "It's useless. The intelligence team that caressed Brian will not only eliminate traces, but also perform rituals to interfere with the detection magic. We have to wait until the effect of the ritual has passed before we can detect it more accurately."

Wang: "And the effect of detecting magic will become worse and worse as time goes by. You are very professional."

Marika shrugged: "Indeed. But because he was too professional, he would leave a tail instead. According to the regular practice of the spy force, they must have a safe house here. I found this safe house."

Wang: "You also captured people from the spy force?"

"I caught the person who was eliminating traces of use in the safe house, but the intelligence force seemed to know that I would come, so they arranged 'safety measures' that I didn't know about. This person died."

"Talk to the dead," Wang said. "Take out the body and I'll talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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