mage's dating rules

Chapter 423 Why not ask the spider?

Chapter 423 Why not ask the spider?

The corpse Marika took out was a drow with gray skin.

As soon as Flint saw the color of his skin, he said, "Isn't this guy of high status?"

Marika: "Nowadays, status is no longer determined by skin color, at least not on the surface."

Elizabeth looked at Wang doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

King: "Generally, the darker the drow, the more noble they are."

At this moment Marika walked away from the body and nodded to the king.

So the king began to cast spells.

As the green light lit up, the corpse sat up.

However, before the king could ask any questions, the corpse spoke: "We finally meet, the captain of the rescue team, the current owner of my dear sister."

The members of the rescue team all drew their weapons.

Wang: "Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary trick."

The corpse laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, it would be very disappointing if you were scared to death like this."

Wang: "You just said it wrong. I am not Marika's master, I am her comrade-in-arms."

"Hmph." The other person didn't hide his contempt at all, "It's another trick of you weak races."

Wang ignored the other party's sarcasm and continued: "If I'm not mistaken, you are one of the giants who is rubbing Brian now? You took great pains to talk to me. Have you finally figured out that you want to join our great cause of saving the world?"

The other person didn't give up and continued to mock: "What a sharp-tongued monkey without self-awareness."

King: "If Ragnola comes, we will also become monsters. Your Majesty, the mistress, wouldn't want to become that disgusting monster, right? After all, drow elves are also elves, and art and aesthetics are all online, right?" ?”

Unexpectedly, Wang's words "Drow elves are also elves" caused the opponent to break through the defense directly.

"You actually think that we are the same as those low-level creatures? It seems there is no need for us to communicate anymore!"

Wang: "But you still haven't cut off the communication. Obviously you don't hate our cause as much as you show on the surface. After all, Ragnola's descendant is a bit ugly."

The corpse was silent for a second before speaking again: "You are right. But this kind of ugly thing is really suitable for those forest elves. They look better when they turn into monsters than they look pale now."

Wang looked at Nini and said, "I don't think the elves are pale. In my opinion, their skin color is just right, and they can show the vitality of life."

The corpse snorted: "Then it seems your aesthetics are hopeless."

Wang: "Let's talk about the main topic. If I understood what you just said correctly, you want to destroy the forest kingdom first and then come to us for cooperation?"


Wang: "But your sister said that this action may have been carried out by a devout believer of Lady Spider. She sincerely hopes for the destruction of the world. It doesn't matter how."

Marika added: "Of course it would be best if it is destroyed in a way that meets Ms. Spider's wishes."

Wang did not repeat, but waited for the corpse's answer.

Corpse: "That's the problem. We...we are not that religious, as you can see. If we become a monster, the whole world will become a world full of monsters, and we will also have a headache."

King: "You hope that we will not interfere with your destruction of the forest kingdom, and then ally with you afterwards? Stop dreaming, how is this possible?"

The corpse made a sharp neigh. Wang guessed that the other person was laughing, but the corpse's vocal cords were damaged and there was no way to faithfully restore the laughter.

"Actually, I just came to talk to you. We are also curious, although not as strong as the dwarves. And as the matron of the family, it is normal for me to care about the younger generation. Now that the greetings have been finished, I will not disturb you. The dead have spoken to track down the devout priestess of the Spider Lady."

After she finished speaking, the green light of the corpse became weaker.

But the body still sat.

Wang wasted a question: "Are you ready to talk to me now?"

"Yes," the corpse answered. King: "Who is in your action team?"

The corpse accurately reported a long list of names.

Wang: "Who is the commander?"

"Captain Sadie."

King: "Who is the priest in this city who has a devout spider lady?"

"Ms. Rodela, she has been lurking in the League of Explorers in disguise."

Wang: "Where is she now?"

The corpse said "I don't know" and fell backward.

Marika shook her head: "This information is probably all false. I can't imagine my sister using magic just to chat with you."

Elizabeth: "Maybe she misses you."

Malika sighed: "Your Highness, we are drow elves. It is normal for drow sisters to use swords against each other."

Elizabeth quickly corrected her statement: "Then maybe her knife misses you."

Wang: "Maybe your sister just made us afraid to believe the corpse's words easily. After all, she wasn't sure what we would ask, so she couldn't prepare the answers in advance. But with her communication like this, we didn't dare to believe the corpse's words. "

Elizabeth suddenly realized: "That's it! How wonderful."

Marika: "But I think it's true that my sister wants to kill this devout spider lady priest. I guess this priest is still on the Thorn Islands."

Wang: "Can you find her?"

"Since she can lurk in the Explorers Association, she should have magic items that can disguise her as a dwarf, and maybe she can also disguise herself as a dwarf. Although the Thorns Islands is an area dominated by dwarfs, the business is so developed and there are merchants of all races. a lot of.

"Honestly it's not easy to find."

Mallika looked serious.

Wang: "It doesn't matter. It will take a while before we are ready to go. You can look for it slowly."

Elizabeth: "Since she is a devout Spider Lady's priest, she must pray every day and go to mass regularly. Mass must have an altar. Why not start with the altar?"

Everyone looked at Elizabeth together.

Nini touched the top of her head in confusion, confirming that the Suozhi ring was on her head.

Elizabeth protested: "What are you doing! I'm the one who killed the Beholder Mother alone. I'm not stupid!"

Wang: "Yes, you are indeed not stupid."

"What you said is so perfunctory!"

Marika: "Let's continue chatting, I'm going to find the altar."

Wang: "Do you have any clues?"


Xiaobai suddenly said: "This spider lady, does she have a good relationship with spiders? I can ask the spiders."

Everyone fell silent again.

Flint: "Indeed, if you ask the spider, you don't need to find an altar. It seems that the intelligence of druids is much higher than that of warlocks."

Xiaobai raised his head and raised his nostrils: "Of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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