mage's dating rules

Chapter 432 The “nature” of the dwarf

Chapter 432 The “nature” of the dwarf

The president's promise was quickly implemented.

And the spacecraft they chose to transform turned out to be the spacecraft driven by the Salvation Team.

The transformation lasted for about a week. During this week, Wang gave a lecture to popularize some electrical knowledge to the dwarf every day and pointed out the direction of future research.

After a few days of talking, the dwarfs came to protest.

"Why do you talk about the same thing every day?" The leading dwarf seemed to be a big craftsman. The king couldn't tell their looks, so he could only say that in order to make himself more majestic, the little dwarf stacked five boxes and stood there. He stood on the box with his arms crossed and stared.

Xiaobai: "Wow, a dwarf that needs to be looked up to! This feeling is so special!"

The great craftsman was about to criticize the king, but when he heard Xiaobai's words, he immediately changed his temper: "You wild dog, you are not much taller than us, why are you pretending!"

Xiao Bai didn't answer, and turned into a giant wolf directly, then raised his paw and placed it on the dwarf's head.

At this moment, the king finally understood how the wolf laughed.

Dwarf Craftsman: "Isn't it just a bigger dog! Dogs are not allowed on the Thorn Islands, so get out!"

Xiaobai turned into a larger griffin.

The wolf's claws could only just cover the bald head of the great craftsman, while the gryphon's claws were much larger than the great craftsman's head. A press of the fleshy ball could cover half of the dwarf's face.

Elizabeth looked envious: "It's great, I want to bury my face in the meat ball and rub it."

Wang: "You can go find Rosalie. I guess the feeling should be similar to being buried in Rosalie's chest. Rosalie is still clean, after all, her chest is not in contact with the ground."

Elizabeth looked at Wang speechlessly.

Wang: "What's wrong? I think you and Rosalie have a very good relationship, but you can't even do this kind of thing? Then you can bury it in Nini's chest, and it should be about the same."

Elizabeth was shocked: "Have you buried it?"

"No, I can do a visual inspection." Wang spread his hands, "But Rosalie doesn't have much pectoral muscles, so she is soft up to her ribs. Nini is such a good archer, her pectoralis major muscles should be very strong, and they will probably be hard."

Elizabeth shook her head, with an expression that said, "I don't want to meet the man below."

At this time, the great craftsman who was pressed on the head by the gryphon finally got mad: "You bastards! My workshop is responsible for providing engines! Now that you are treating me like this, just wait until you can fly over the world's mountains with ordinary engines!"

Ordinary engines will lose efficiency in the thin air at high altitudes due to insufficient air intake, so a special air intake mechanism is required.

Wang originally wanted to draw them mature designs from other worlds, but considering the improvisational nature of dwarves, asking them to make new things would add some weird ideas to them, making them unusable.

Therefore, we can only use existing designs that have been improved several times.

Wang: "It turns out it's you, Master Powell who provided us with the engine!"

The dwarf was furious: "You just recognized me now!"

Wang laughed aloud, passed over this item, and asked: "What do you need? What are you dissatisfied with my lectures?"

Master Powell: "Where am I dissatisfied? I'm not dissatisfied anywhere! I've come to attend several lectures, but the content is the same every time!"

Wang: "Ah, I am here to popularize electrical knowledge as much as possible. It is enough for you to see it once."

"That's enough. The content of your first lecture has long been compiled into a book. Do you have a misunderstanding about the enthusiasm of us dwarfs in spreading knowledge? You don't need to talk about the same knowledge over and over again. You can go on. Ah!"  King: "Our principles in the Mage Tower do not encourage large-scale systematic diffusion of knowledge. We believe that the process of exploration is important to every civilization. Of course, professors often do not abide by this principle and diffuse knowledge at will.

"We also spread a lot of electrical knowledge on the floating island, but..."

Master Powell: "But you want to be a principled person?"

Wang: "Actually, the knowledge we spread on the floating island, with the 'dwarf's enthusiasm in spreading knowledge', should have been printed and published here."

Master Powell was indignant: "How is that possible! They are still waiting to use these to make amazing inventions, and then stand out in the Council of Great Craftsmen!"

Wang said "Oh" and concluded: "So the dwarf's enthusiasm for spreading knowledge has to give way to the enthusiasm for gaining glory?"

Flint walked in just at this time, and when he heard Wang's words, he immediately teased: "The dwarf is like this. He talks about living on curiosity, as if he doesn't care about anything except exploring the world.

"But in fact, humans have a lot of problems, but they value things differently. Humans value shiny gold coins, dwarves value well-crafted armor and weapons, and dwarves value certificates from the Council of Great Craftsmen!"

"This is slander!" cried Master Powell,

Flint: "When you accuse me, it will be more dignified if you take off the 'hat' on your head first."

The dwarf turned and glared at Xiaobai: "Take your claws away!"

Xiaobai turned his face sideways - griffins, like birds, have eyes on both sides. When looking at people, they should look sideways with one eye.

But at this time, her action seemed like a mockery.

"You!" Master Powell roared, "You don't want the engine anymore!"

Wang: "Master, she is now a griffin with a bird on her head. She looks at you sideways to see you clearly. On the contrary, she respects your performance."

Master Powell: "I don't care!"

Wang: "Also, we want the engine to save the Forest Kingdom. If you refuse to provide the engine because of this, the Forest Kingdom will be destroyed. Then you will become an accomplice in the destruction of the Forest Kingdom."

Master Powell did not answer immediately, apparently she had calmed down a little.

Wang: "Besides, opening a route over the world's mountain ranges will leave a name in history. Don't you want your name to remain in history? We used someone else's engine, so what went up is someone else's name."

Master Powell scratched his cheek in embarrassment: "Okay, you are right. It is urgent to save the innocent Long-eared people in the Forest Kingdom! I allow you to use our engine!"

Flint patted the king's leg and said teasingly: "See, I told you that dwarfs like all kinds of awards. Once you say you will leave your name in history, they won't be able to walk away."

Wang: "Indeed."

Master Powell was about to get angry again, so Wang added: "By the way, our lecture tomorrow will talk about some advanced knowledge. Although the principles of the Mage Tower are here, as I just said, professors don't abide by this principle very much. "

The other dwarfs gathered in the room cheered.

Master Powell, who was standing on the box, was a little embarrassed and could only smile.

Wang: "Okay, Xiaobai, put your paw down."

Xiaobai then retracted the paw holding the dwarf's head.

(End of this chapter)

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