mage's dating rules

Chapter 433 The evolution of diet in the Thorn Islands

Chapter 433 The evolution of diet in the Thorn Islands

There were a few hiccups, but with the help of Master Fletcher and John Smith, the former master shipbuilder, the renovation was completed on time.

According to Flint, punctuality seems to be a rare thing for gnomes, as they always add some whimsy of their own to the construction process.

So when the ship was completed on time, Flint suggested having a party to celebrate.

The king saw that he just wanted to hold a banquet.

After all, there are banquets in Caerin's authority, and it is normal for his chosen people to like banquets.

So on the evening of the completion day, the Salvation Team held a small banquet on the terrace of the big house provided by the Thorn Islands Council.

The Thorn Isles Council offers a vast array of exquisite local fruits, as well as carefully prepared delicacies.

Xiaobai sat on a chair with two layers of thick cushions and looked at the things on the table: "Fruits, fruits again, why do the Thorn Islands like to eat fruits so much! Fruits are only eaten when there is no food."

Wang: "Can a werewolf actually eat fruit?"

"If you don't eat and you get hungry, then of course you eat. Being hungry is much more uncomfortable than being vegetarian."

Wang: "That lake..."

"It's better to let me die." Xiaobai said decisively.

Elizabeth: "Speaking of the food in the Thorn Islands, it doesn't seem as distinctive as the countries we passed along the way. It feels like many different eating habits are mixed together."

Flint: "This is a place where shipping routes converge. Merchant ships from all over the world gather here. This kind of place will naturally form integrated eating habits."

As an "old Thorn Islander", Gaines joined the conversation at this time: "In fact, for a period of time, the main food of the Thorn Islands was the same as that of Catalonia. They were all kinds of paste with a lot of spices added, and they were paired with fried pot buns. This is ...This happened about three hundred years ago.

“At that time, Catalan was the largest exporter of goods in the entire Golden Bay, and most of the goods gathered on the Thorn Islands were produced in Catalan, or products that came down from the upper reaches of the Mashunya River.

“At that time, apart from the dwarfs, the Catalan merchants on the Thorns Islands were mainly Catalan merchants. They carried the goods from the river boats down the river to the sea ships, and then went to the Thorns Islands to find buyers.

“At that time, when I first arrived in the islands, my daily meals consisted of onions fried in olive oil, marsala fried in olive oil, and various other things fried in olive oil, and then crushed into a paste.

“When I first came to the Thorn Islands, I had diarrhea for a few months. At that time, the Catalans didn’t even use pot buns, and they didn’t eat anything other than liquids.

"There was a joke at the time that Catalans never poop because peeing is enough."

Xiaobai's eyes widened: "So do they poop?"

"Pull it." Gaines waved his hand to shoo away the flies that came from nowhere.

Wang: "Actually, the fact that Catalans like to eat glutinous rice has something to do with the climate. It's so hot there and they need a lot of water. Just drink water when you eat."

Xiaobai: "But then they had pot dumplings."

Gaines: "The pancake was originally introduced from Sissel. It was originally bread and eaten cut. But Catalan businessmen began to use it to wipe pans, and then it was imported back to Catalan. "

Xiaobai: "The Sissel people don't drink water?"

Gaines: "How did you come to that conclusion?"

"Because they don't eat glutinous rice, right?" Xiaobai said.

Wang: "Of course Sissel people drink water."

Flint: "They have the most developed wine culture, but I can't tell how good the wine is. We dwarves either have strong liquor like Shire pure brew, or dwarf beer brewed from dwarf rye."

Nini: "Dwarf beer is also very popular in the Forest Kingdom. The kingdom imports a lot of dwarf beer every year."

The dwarf looked at the elf in surprise: "What? There is such a thing? Then there is one more reason to save the forest kingdom!"

Xiaobai: "Is it because of this?"

Flint: "Of course, apart from liking dwarf beer, elves have no redeeming qualities. Ah, I didn't mention you, Long-Ear. You still have merit."

Wang looked at Gaines: "Let's talk about the dietary changes in the Thorn Islands."

Gaines: "You are indeed a scholar-type leader, and you are actually interested in these things. About thirty years after I came to the Thorn Islands, the number of merchants in Sissel began to increase. At that time, Sissel was still a country ruled by a king. , they began to pursue a policy called mercantilism.

"In addition, the king also raised the checkpoints set by many small nobles, so that domestic business did not need to be exploited at all levels, so Sissel began to become stronger quickly.        "There are more Sissel merchants on the Thorn Islands, so Sissel Sel's food also began to appear in large quantities. Bread, grilled snails, various snails, and foie gras.

"The most interesting thing is foie gras. The Catalans started trying to put foie gras into their paste. According to my observation, the Catalans' faces have become much more rosy since then."

Just as he was talking, the maid brought over a large plate of paste.

Xiaobai: "Is there foie gras in this?"

She picked up the spoon, took a spoonful of the paste, brought it to her mouth and took a small taste.

Then her face immediately wrinkled: "Uh ah ah... the mud is from the lake!"

Gaines: "Actually, there isn't much starch. In the current diet of Catalans, starch is mainly provided by pot pudding."

Xiaobai's face immediately relaxed: "I told you earlier. The spices in this thing are too strong, and I can't tell if there is any starch in it."

Elizabeth exclaimed: "You can't eat it!"

Gaines laughed loudly: "Of course, Catalan paste is heavily spiced, and what you eat is the taste of various spices. By the way, there is another way to eat Catalan paste on the Thorn Islands, which is to use Catalan paste as a dipping sauce. , used to dip meat."

Xiao Bai immediately picked up his fork, put a large piece of meat on his plate, dipped it in the paste and ate it.

"Well, it smells good!" she praised.

Wang: "You ate it the same way last time and said it was unpalatable!"

Xiaobai: "Last time I thought there was some salt in it. Now I know there is none or very little, so it tastes better."

Elizabeth: "Xiaobai has flexible standards for food."

Gaines: "In short, as Sissel's national power increases, the recipes of the Thorn Islands become richer."

Wang: "Then when did you start eating so much fruit? I mean, there are so many fruits on the island, but they are not included in the menu?"

Gaines: "Three hundred years ago, there were not many fruit trees on the Thorn Islands. These fruits..."

Wang: "Is it an invasive species?"

"What is an invasive species?" the dwarf bard was stunned.

Wang waved his hand: "Don't worry, keep talking."

Gaines: "These fruits actually originally grew on the continent on the other side of the world's mountains. With the opening of sea routes, navigators discovered that these fruits were delicious and introduced them to the Thorn Islands.

"Then because there are no natural predators on the island, it became what it is now."

Elizabeth exclaimed: "Plants have natural enemies?"

Wang: "This refers to pests and diseases. Invasive species generally have this advantage and will quickly spread and occupy the territory."

Xiaobai's mouth was full of mushy food at this time, and he commented: "It sounds like animals occupying the territory."

Wang: "It's just to occupy the land."

At this time Marika said: "I didn't expect that the changes in food can actually reflect the changes in the economy."

Wang: "What, you want to share with us the changes in the drow recipe?"

Marika shook her head: "Sorry, we can't do it. Our drow dining table has not changed for a long time, maybe because we don't have such a thing as economy."

Flint smiled and said: "Drow do business by exchanging slaves, and then let the slaves grow mushrooms, and they eat the mushrooms. If they want to eat other things, they go to the ground to grab them."

Marika: "Although I really want to refute you, unfortunately, you are right. Most of our exquisite food was stolen, or slaves were stolen to make it."

Flint: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's drink to the journey tomorrow!"

Everyone raised their glasses after hearing this.


(End of this chapter)

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