Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 22 Girls, and Conventional Ways of Meeting

Chapter 22 Girls, and Conventional Ways of Meeting

On the sunny ocean, the calm sea is like a mirror.

Suddenly, a thick water column exploded above the ocean, and a sub-dragon jumped out of the sea and rushed straight into the sky.

His whole body was burning with blue-black and crimson flames, his scales were pure white, shining with a little bit of starlight, and the brilliance was bright.

The tail of the dragon shines with a sharp cold light. It is more than 15 meters long and its wings are spread wide. Its posture is magnificent and majestic, full of strength and oppression.

"!!" A sea elf saw Yang Qi, his pupils trembled, and he took out a conch and was about to blow it.


Yang Qi opened his mouth and let out a dragon chant, and the deafening dragon chant sounded throughout the sea area, and huge white waves arose on the sea surface, one after another, like the prelude to a storm.

"Pfft!" The sea elf spat out a mouthful of blood, and was knocked down by the dragon's roar on the spot.

Swipe——Yang Qi flapped his wings, and flew in front of the sea elf at lightning speed. The huge figure was like a mountain.

The sea elf showed a look of incomparable horror, and wanted to crawl back, but he couldn't move a step, as if he was sluggish.

"Are you the sentinel sent by Triton? Did he send you to monitor this sea area?"

"Yes, it is."

"Where is your master now?!"

"He is on the Bailang Islands, 50 miles away from here." The sea elf replied tremblingly.

Yang Qi didn't kill him, grabbed the sea elf, tore it, tore off his wings, dripping with blood, and threw him into the sea.

The sea elf let out a scream and sank into the sea.

"The island of white waves 50 miles away." Yang Qi looked into the distance. Since he got the power of the Harpy, his eyesight has also improved a lot.

Yang Qi vaguely saw the island of Bailang in the distance. On the island, there was a lot of divine power and brilliance, but it looked like an island where gods lived.

"Triton, here I come!"

Endless hostility rose from Yang Qi's heart, and his face suddenly became ferocious and cold.

Yang Qi flapped his wings, boom!After the wings gushed out a torrent of air, the speed instantly increased to the limit, and it flew in the direction of Hailang Island.


A strange sound came. Yang Qi was flying at a high speed. Suddenly, he saw a purple light of divine power emerge out of thin air above the sea in front of him. The light danced wildly in the air and condensed into a portal.

The portal opened, and a girl stepped out of it.

The location of the portal is just above Yang Qi's route, and Yang Qi's speed is too fast to stop at all, boom! !

Yang Qi and the girl directly bumped into each other, pushing her to the sky.


Yang Qi heard the girl's sharp scolding voice, and got farther and farther away. Looking up, the girl was spinning in the sky, turning faster and faster.

In the panic, the brilliance flowed in the girl's hand, and a magic staff appeared in her hand, and a purple divine power shield appeared all over her body, and finally calmed down.She grinned her teeth, and tears were about to flow from the pain.

The girl looked sullenly at Yang Qi.

She is thin, wearing a gorgeous princess skirt, with long soft black hair hanging on her shoulders, and a pair of small white wings behind her.

Her blue eyes were like spinning stars, and her face was delicate and playful.

"You dumb, stupid, ugly, smelly big lizard with no winks! Do you know that you almost killed me?! Do you have any brains?! You are flying around like this, you are not afraid of hitting other people Are you a creature?! Did you mean it?! Are you looking down on me?! Are you trying to challenge me?!""

Yang Qi originally wanted to fly to Bailang Island and kill Triton, but he was already full of anger in his heart, so he opened his mouth and cursed back.


"Okay! Stinky lizard, you want to challenge me?!" The girl waved her staff and was about to cast a spell when suddenly she blinked, "You can talk!"

"Of course!"

"Hmph, if you can talk, you're not a stupid lizard, but you're still an ugly and smelly big lizard." The girl stared at Yang Qi, then suddenly fell from the sky and circled around Yang Qi.

"What are you doing? I have something important to do."

"What can you do?"

"I'm going to kill a god!"

"..." The girl listened, but didn't speak. She flapped her small white wings and circled Yang Qi three times, "You have blue, black and... crimson flames all over your body."

"It's up to you to say it."

"Hey." The girl took out three small stones from her pocket, threw them upwards, caught them with the back of her hand, and watched carefully.

"As expected." She raised her head, "So you are the dragon who wants to flood the ocean with blood today, make Poseidon angry, and make Triton die."

She rolled her eyes and grinned: "I really didn't think of it before. I thought it must be an ancient dragon, or a nine-headed sea dragon."

"It turned out that the one who dared to challenge the gods of Olympus turned out to be a lizard with wings."

"How do you know?" Yang Qi was puzzled. He just killed Triton's messenger, so the letter should not have been sent out.

"Wait." Yang Qi's heart skipped a beat when he saw the pure white stone in the girl's hand. "Are you the one who saved me before?"

"Of course." The girl smiled, showing her bright white teeth, "By the way, why have you changed?"

She turned her head and looked at Yang Qi carefully, "You were still completely black before, with a deep green like ancient jade, but now... you are as white as a dove."

"It's pure white, shining like a diamond!" Yang Qi replied.

"Tsk tsk, the words are still set." The girl smiled, "As for you asking me how I know, of course it is through divination."

She threw the pebble into the air again, caught it with the back of her hand, looked at it, and said with a smile: "I also found out through divination that you were stabbed in the right eye by Triton."

"It's the left eye."

"Oh, divination is sometimes not so accurate." The girl stuck out her tongue, put away the pebbles, turned around Yang Qi again, turned her head to the side, smiled secretly, and said, "Can I ride you?" ?”

"No!" Yang Qi rolled his eyes. Since the first day he crossed into a lizard, he swore that he would never become a servant of any god, nor be ridden by a god.


"It's okay, I'll go first." The girl is very cute, and Yang Qi felt very happy chatting with her, not to mention that she had saved himself.

But when he thought of Triton, the hostility in Yang Qi's heart exploded again, and his face immediately sank.

Whether it's chatting with her or thanking her, put it later.

There is only one thought in Yang Qi's mind now, which is to crush Triton alive.

Yang Qi flapped his wings, tore through the airflow, and flew in the direction of Bailang Island.

"If you don't let me ride, don't you let me ride?! Hey! Wait!!"

"What are you doing?..." The girl was still shouting from behind, and soon her voice and figure disappeared.

Then, boom! ! !

A violent purple light surged from behind Yang Qi, and the world suddenly changed color, "Hi~~~~~~!" A crisp voice sounded from behind.

The girl was riding a staff, and the staff spewed out a fierce light, and she caught up with Yang Qi in an instant. With a smirk on her face, she waved her hands: "Hi~~~Smelly, ugly and stingy lizard~~"

"I'm a dragon!" Yang Qi rolled his eyes again, the girl's disturbance made him almost lose his murderous intentions.

"It doesn't seem suitable for Zait Litong today." Yang Qi thought to himself, "Why don't you go back to my lair and sleep."

Then stop and fly back.

"Hey! Stinky lizard, Bailang Island is over there! You are going wrong!" The girl waved her hand and desperately pointed in the direction of Bailang Island.

"Not going today! Let Terry live two more days!"

"Don't!! I finally slipped out of the house!" The girl immediately activated her staff and flew to Yang Qi's side.

"Let's go, stinky lizard, go kill the god!"

Yang Qi was helpless, ignored him, and flew towards the lair.

"Hey! Lizard, do you hear that?"

"Smelly lizard, are you angry? Okay, then I won't call you stinky lizard, I'll call you little dragon, okay?"

"who are you?"

Yang Qi stopped and looked at the girl angrily.

The appearance of a girl is really cute.

"Me. Speaking out scares you to death." The girl triumphantly raised her staff, bang, a phantom appeared on the staff, and an empty and empty space appeared in the phantom.

The girl shook her head and said, "Stinky Lizard... Oh no, Xiaolong, I'll teach you a history lesson."

"A long, long, long, long, long, super long, super invincible explosion, long time ago, before time began, there was only chaos in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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