Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 23 The Life of the Magical Girl and Her Sadness

Chapter 23 The Life of the Magical Girl and Her Sadness

A phantom appeared on the girl's staff, and it was the endless, endless chaos.

The girl shook her head: "Then, a big consciousness suddenly awakened in the chaos. This big consciousness lives and dies on its own, constantly cycling between life and death."

"She is the Great Mother Goddess of the Olympian God Realm, the original order, the first causes, the beginning of the world, the end of the world, omniscient, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, Goddess Chaos. "

In the phantom summoned by the staff, a girl with a gentle complexion appeared. She was dressed in a shabby gray robe, with snow-white hair hanging down to her ankles. She looked exactly like a girl.

"Goddess Chaos looks exactly like you?"

"No one has ever seen the Great Mother Goddess, so it's possible that she looks the same as me!"

Then the girl waved her staff, and the phantom changed again.

Yang Qi saw that Chaos opened her palm and blew forward gently.

A silver egg appeared in her hand, and the eggshell shattered, and a girl with long black hair emerged from it. She was naked, with long black hair hanging loose, holding a golden loom in her hand.

"She is the ruling of heaven, the controller of fate, the goddess of absolute destiny, Ananke. The first daughter of the Great Mother Goddess Chaos," the girl pouted, "Master Ananke is a bit miserable."

Yang Qi saw that in the phantom, Chaos pinched his fingers, and then thousands of chaos returned to order.

She twisted chaos and order into a sword, held it in her hand, then smiled and stabbed Anan Ke.

Anan Ke showed a look of fear, she waved the golden loom in her hand, and threw it at Chaos.The golden light burst out of the loom flashed the universe a billion times in an instant, and then went out.

Chaos was still smiling, and Ananke's attack had no effect on her.She plunged the sword into Ananke's chest and dug out her god heart.

Ananke's divine blood kept flowing, she seemed to be struggling and screaming desperately, but she couldn't utter a word.

Her long black hair grew desperately, stretching to the deepest part of the chaotic universe.In a dark place in the chaotic universe, her long hair condenses into a palace.

"The Palace of Destiny." Yang Qi stared at the phantom and said in a low voice.

"You know a lot! That is the famous Palace of Destiny."

Then Chaos cut off Ananke's left eye, left arm, and left leg.

Ananke's left eye, left arm and left leg turned into three beautiful girls. The three girls took the golden loom from Ananke's hand, spread their wings behind them, and flew towards the Palace of Destiny.

They and the Palace of Destiny disappeared into the vast chaotic universe.

"They are the three goddesses of fate... The loom is the loom of fate." Yang Qi thought to himself.

"In the palace of fate, the three goddesses of fate are turning the loom of fate, weaving the thread of fate."

"That silk thread controls the time when the sun rises, the direction of the river's movement, and the fate of thousands of creatures in the God Realm, including the fate of the gods." The girl whispered.

Her divine voice was full of respect.

"Lord Ananke originally controlled our destiny. But the Great Mother Goddess Chaos took away the supreme control of destiny."

Then, the girl waved her staff again, and the phantom changed, and she said: "Then the Great Mother Goddess Chaos gave birth to four more children."

"Lord Chaos gave birth to Nyx, the goddess of the night, Erebus, the god of darkness, Tartarus, the body of the abyss, and Gaia, the mother of the earth."

An extremely huge goddess appeared in the phantom, her body almost occupied half of the chaotic space.Her divine body is made of hard rock and soil, covered with green vegetation, holding a shining colorful vase, which is the earth mother Gaia.

"I have seen Gaia in the phantom." Yang Qi looked at the phantom, thinking in his heart.

"Xiaolong, you must know that the body of Earth Mother Gaia is the earth! We can now say that we are stepping on the divine body of Earth Mother."

"We are obviously flying in the air now."

"Oh, yes." The girl stuck out her tongue, she shook her slender and white wrist, and the phantom above the staff changed again.

"After giving birth to these ultra-primitive gods, the Great Mother Goddess Chaos left... No one knows where she went, maybe she is still sleeping in the chaotic space. The next protagonist will be Lord Gaia body."

"Thousands of thousands of years later, Lord Gaia may want to make great achievements in the world, or maybe she is just bored and wants to create a god to accompany her. She stretches out her finger and points toward the void."

"Then a great god appeared. He is the Great Father, the first king of gods, the god of sky and time, Uranus."

"Uranus emerges from Gaia's fingers."

"He is the god of the sky, and his divine body is the body of the sky."

"At the same time, he is also the god of time. Time has only flowed since he was born. Before, time had no meaning."

"I asked you who you are, but you started talking from such a distant past?" Yang Qi said.

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon." The girl snapped her fingers, and the phantom changed again.

"After the birth of the Great Father God Uranus, the sky and the earth were tightly bonded together. There was a huge tree of life that penetrated the sky and the earth, injecting the divine power of the sky into the earth."

In the phantom, the ancient tree that pierced the sky and the earth trembled, bursting out with intense light.

"The great father god Uranus and Gaia combined, and they gave birth to the first generation of Titan gods. Among them, the youngest son is Cronus."

"I know, Gaia instigated Cronus to kill his father, the first generation of god kings fell, and the second generation of god kings ascended the throne, which opened the curse of the Titan. You speed up the progress, so who are you?"

"Yes." The girl nodded, "So, those who rule the God Realm are basically descendants of Lord Gaia, including the current God King Zeus."

"And I am not a descendant of Lord Gaia. Do you still remember? The Great Mother Goddess Chaos gave birth to her first daughter, Ananke, the God of Destiny. She cut off Ananke's eyes, hands and feet, Turned into a palace of destiny."

"The second daughter of the Great Mother Goddess Chaos is Nyx, the Goddess of the Night.

Nyx gave birth to my mother, Hecate, the three-faced goddess of chance, and I, "

"I am the daughter of Hecate, the greatest magician in the world, Medea!"

"Hee hee!" The girl waved the magic wand in her hand, her face full of pride.

"..." Yang Qi was speechless.

"So you understand?! I am the granddaughter of Nyx, the goddess of the night. My bloodline can be traced directly to Chaos, the Great Mother Goddess. My bloodline is as noble as Zeus!"

"...I don't understand." Yang Qi rolled his eyes. Although he had read many Greek myths in his previous life, the complicated blood relationship in the stories always gave him a headache.

"Stupid lizard! I don't understand what I said so clearly?!" Medea blushed, "Then let me say it again, before the super invincible explosion for a long time..."

"Okay, okay, I understand, Miss Medea! You are the granddaughter of Nyx, the goddess of the night, and your bloodline is equal to that of Zeus!" Yang Qi yawned, and Medea almost made him sleepy.

"Then you should respect me very much?! You are just a lizard crawling on the ground, and you have no chance to meet a god like me!"

"I am a dragon!"

"A lizard with wings!"

"If I hadn't seen you save me, I would have swung my tail in your face." Yang Qi said angrily, flapped his wings, and flew to the lair.


Swipe—Medea flew to Yang Qi's side while driving the staff, "Okay," she blinked and smiled, "Xiaolong, do you want to go to the underworld?"

"Underworld?" Yang Qi turned his head sideways.

He promised to go to the river Styx to save the soul of the harpy, but he still doesn't know how to go to the underworld.

The offer appealed to him.

"Wait." Yang Qi cast a glance, and he saw three small white stones tightly held in Medea's hands.

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "Did she just come out of divination, and I want to go to the underworld, so I made this proposal?"

Then asked: "Do you know the way to the underworld?"

"Of course, as familiar as my home! In fact, the underworld is my home!"

"No!" Yang Qi's heart turned and he continued to fly forward.

"Hey—wait, wait!" Medea caught up with Yang Qi again, she bit her lip, as if she had made a huge determination, she took out a crystal clear gemstone from her pocket, and the divine power surged out of it It exploded violently.

"Death spar! This is for you!" Medea said, "I'll give you another piece after you kill Triton!"

"Underworld spar!" Yang Qi looked at the stone, his heart skipped a beat.

Olympus God Realm produces countless spars full of divine power. If ordinary creatures are lucky enough to obtain them and absorb the divine power from them, they can be reborn and even become demigods.

Among them, the most precious ones are the Neptune spar excavated from the ghost veins in the underworld, the Neptune spar excavated from the ruins of Atlantis in the ocean, and the summit of Olympus, which are sublimated by the divine power between heaven and earth. God King spar.

It happens to be controlled by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

"Give me two yuan first, and then give me two yuan after the end!"

"You are going to die! You are robbing!"

"You want me to kill God, isn't this little reward too much?"

"You wanted to kill Triton!"

"It's okay to kill this year, and next year, I'm not in a hurry."

"Three pieces, no more!" Medea's face was full of anger, "Do you think this is a stone that can be seen everywhere?! I don't even have a few pieces. I have accumulated it for a long time. It was originally used to prepare for the study of ancient magic. of!"

"Barely force it." Yang Qi grabbed the stone in Medea's hand and swallowed it.

The rolling divine power suddenly burst out from the body, spreading to the whole body.

"It's so expensive!" Medea looked unhappy, stomped her feet, mounted her staff, then turned her head and stared at Yang Qi.

"Go!" she yelled.

"You want to follow?"

"Of course!"

"It's very dangerous. I'm going to fight Terry with all my strength, and I may not be able to protect you."

"I don't need your protection!" Medea's face was full of black lines, "Don't underestimate me! I am the number one magician in Olympus!"

"Okay." Yang Qi flapped his wings, turned around, and flew in the direction of Bailang Island. "Do you have any feud with Terry?"

"..." There was a moment of silence, and the atmosphere became tense and awkward.

Medea did not speak for a long time.

Yang Qi turned his head and saw that her hands were tightly grasping the staff, a little blue, with a trace of sadness on her face, and her face looked a little pale.

"Yes, and no." After a long time, Medea said softly, "I have no personal grievances with Terry. I..."

She gritted her teeth and raised her voice again.

"It's useless to be sad about the spring and autumn." The sea breeze blew Medea's long hair, and her long hair danced in the air, and she regained her smile. "Hey, it's a good show to kill Triton today!"

(End of this chapter)

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