Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 95 Medea's Letter, and Her Heart

Chapter 95 Medea's Letter, and Her Heart
"It's okay." Persephone's face was uncertain, "Since the three-headed dog is so weak, how can it be qualified to guard the gate of the underworld for me."

In the air, the giant dragon was still crazily sucking on the sea of ​​flames. He puffed up the dragon's belly again, and the flames turned into countless streams and poured into his mouth.

Hum...In an instant, the black sea of ​​flames was swept away, and the flame three-headed dog, the flames around it dissipated, and the three heads shattered, just disappeared into the air.

The giant dragon fell on the ground, only feeling full in the stomach, and the divine power was constantly circulating around the body. In the source of the divine power, there was a heavy rain, and the dense forest of dreams became more green.

"I'm so full." The comfortable and uncomfortable feeling that was about to explode, Yang Qi had to close his dragon eyes to consolidate his divine power.

"The battle is over. The three-headed dog Cerberus dies, and the victor is the mighty dragon, Restless Wing."

"You are very powerful, Restless Wing." Persephone said softly.

"Then, it's my turn! The final battle!" Zagreos stepped forward with the huge coffin in his hands.

"No, wait." Persephone stared at the dragon, and then at Zagreos.

"The Endless Wing has just absorbed the source of the three-headed dog's divine power, and now it needs to be consolidated."

"As for you, my favorite son of God, you were injured in the battle just now."

"This duel will be suspended for a hundred days. After a hundred days, the final battle will be held in the court of God."

"Dear Godmother! This little injury is nothing!" Zagreos' complexion changed, "I don't want to wait for a second!"

"I will not let you down!"

"Enough. That's it."

Persephone ignored him, she waved her hand, the shadow of death on her face spread, she entered the shadow and disappeared.

And Hades was still sitting on the throne, motionless.

"Let's go." Thanatos cast a glance at the dragon in the distance, and left with Hypnos.

The gods such as the three judges of the underworld and the boatmen of the Styx River also left the divine court.

"Mighty dragon, congratulations." The divine voice sounded like three thousand soldiers screaming together, Yang Qi opened his eyes, and Biya was standing in front of him.

"We made an agreement that we will have the last duel after you have recovered." Biya said, "Dragon, have you recovered yet?"

"Yes, it seems that there is such a thing...she still remembers." Yang Qi thought to himself.

"Bia. We have to go. The Mother of God is hurt and we need to go back and heal her."

Naiji stepped forward, and her face, which had been bitten by the worms of the dead, returned to its original state.But her complexion was pale and her breath was unsteady, obviously the source of divine power was hurt.

Naiji took Biya's hand, "I'll talk about it later."

"Okay." Bea nodded.

Nai Ji stared at Yang Qi pointedly, and a secret breath came into Yang Qi's mind, "I will come to you in thirty days."

Yang Qi also fluttered his wings and left the court, and all the gods left in an instant.

In the empty hall, only Zagreos, the coffin he was carrying, and Merinoe, the goddess of conspiracy and ghosts, remained behind him.

"Hee~hee~heehe...Brother~brother~" Merlinoer's misty divine voice sounded, "God~mother~is~calling you~go in~"

"Yes." Zagreos stared at the place where the Empress of Hades disappeared.

"God~mother~she~loves you so much~she wants to enhance~your divine power~"

"I~~~so jealous~~~"

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!" Melinoe kept flying around Zagreos.


Dozens of days later, in the underworld, in a dark cave.

Yang Qi opened his eyes, and the divine power of the hell three-headed dog had been digested.

"Sure enough, my current dragon body has changed... It can not only absorb divine power, but also transform divine power into what I want."

In the past, no matter what kind of divine power Yang Qi absorbed, a corresponding strange scene would appear in the source of divine power.

This is actually not a good thing, because it will make the source of divine power appear messy.

There is nothing fancy about the source of Zeus's divine power, it is a simple [200 million trillion thunder].

No god dared to underestimate his combat power.

Yang Qi felt the source of divine power. This time, he absorbed the divine power of the hell three-headed dog, transformed them into rain of divine power, and watered them in the source of divine power.

In the source of divine power, there is still the dense forest of the tree of the world shining with the color of a dream, and it looks more verdant at this moment.

The river of blood flying around the dense forest is billowing and becoming more turbulent.

Looking at this source of divine power, Yang Qi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

What he was thinking about was: What kind of source of divine power is the strongest?

Is it simple, or complex?

Yang Qi felt like a painter, facing a half-finished canvas, thinking hard about how to continue writing.

"My previous decision should be correct."

"If I didn't transform the divine power of the three-headed dog, but absorbed it directly, then a black sea of ​​flames would appear in the source of my divine power, and that huge gate of hell..."

"Those don't seem to match my current source of divine power."

Yang Qi vaguely felt that the source of divine power is definitely not the more complicated the better.

However, such a pure and violent source of divine power, like Zeus, does not seem to be the right way.

The source of divine power should be like a painting—the elements in it should be able to match each other to form a harmonious whole.

Yang Qi stared at the river of blood surrounding the dense forest, "The river of blood floats in the air and surrounds the dense forest, is it really good?"

"If I can adjust my source of divine power, split the blood river into countless fine blood droplets, and rain blood all day long in the source of divine power..."

"My current source of divine power is [Surrounded by a river of blood, the dense forest of dreams in the world]."

"At that time, it will be [Blood Rain Falls Forever, The Forest of Dreams in the World]."

"Will it be better?"

"It's better to simply...just do nothing, refine the power of the blood river, and integrate it into the divine power of life and the divine power of dreams..."

While thinking about it, Yang Qi suddenly felt a familiar fluctuation of divine power all over his body.

"It's the divine power of Medea!"

It had been a long time since he parted from Medea.

"Medea's divine power can appear here?! What's going on here?"

Yang Qi saw a group of purple threads of divine power churning in the air, condensing into a small portal.

A tome and a gem appeared from it, and then the portal shattered and disappeared.

"Gem...?" The gem exudes a familiar smell, this gem should be carried by Medea.

Yang Qi stuffed the gemstone into his mouth, and immediately raised his dragon eyebrows. The abundant divine power erupted from the dragon's belly, stretched towards the limbs, and then merged into the source of divine power.

Yang Qi felt the dew in the morning, the first ray of sunshine and the first ray of moonlight between heaven and earth.

"This gem of divine the divine stone of Olympus!"

The three sacred stones of the God Realm, the Olympus sacred stone controlled by Zeus, the underworld gem controlled by Hades, and the oceanic sacred stone controlled by Poseidon.

"How did Medea get it?!"

The gem is very small, and soon, the divine power in it was absorbed by Yang Qi.

Then he opened the scroll, and there were crooked words inside, which were written by Medea.

Yang Qi could even imagine that she picked some black-tailed grass that can be seen everywhere in the God Realm, stuffed it into her mouth, chewed it into juice, smeared it on her fingertips, and wrote it on the scroll.

Yang Qi was too lazy to read word by word, and simply used his divine power to feel the contents of the parchment.

Medea's voice and face seemed to be in front of her eyes.

"My venerable husband! My dragon!"

"You actually quietly left your dragon mark beside me!!!"

"Don't think that I don't know, I am very proficient in dragon magic - you want to use the marker to locate my location, and then come to me through the dragon's gate?"


"I'm not happy. I don't want to be a burden to you."

"I know you are worried about my safety. Don't be afraid! I have been roaming the God Realm since I was a child, and I know how to deal with everything big and small."

"I also know that you miss me... Maybe you want to come to me through the Dragon's Gate, and do what Aphrodite bestows on all living beings to make all living beings happy. Hey."

"I think about it occasionally. I dream of you occasionally in my dreams."

"But what I'm more about is looking for a way to restore my source of divine power."

"I got this gem by chance during the journey, and it is of no use to me. I give it to you."

"at last!!!"

Suddenly, Medea's strokes became wild, and Yang Qi seemed to think that she was screaming.

"I actually forgot one thing!"

"That is, you—as a dragon—and the dragon race—is even more romantic than Zeus and Poseidon!"

"I forgot to warn you!!!"

"Don't, with, except for me, of, any, Goddess, stay in a room alone!!!"

"Don't, fall in love with, except me, of, any, one, goddess!!!"

"Don't make me angry, make me jealous, or I'll kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill."

More than 30 killing words followed.

"Otherwise, I will cut your dragon's throat, hold your dragon's head, and jump off the top of Olympus."

"Love you."

And finally her signature, Medea.


Yang Qi swallowed the scroll into his mouth.

"Sure enough, it's what Medea would say..."

As for the Goddess.

Deep down in his heart, Yang Qi really wanted to see his daughter with bright eyes, the first-blooming star, the best, most powerful, and most beautiful Athena among the new generation of gods in Olympus.

"Of course... Apollo's sister, the master of beasts, the god of wilderness and hunting, Artemis, also wants to meet."

"Hmm... the limit of beauty, the god of love and beauty, Aphrodite also wants to see her again."

"Luxury as the jewel in the crown, surrounded by peacocks all day long, the goddess Hera, who is famous for her fragrance soaring to the sky and her white arms...I want to see her too."

"In the past few days, I have seen Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. She is noble, elegant, and beautiful, like a rose blooming in the dark. If it is possible..."

"It is recorded in the later generations that the gods each dedicated their precious divine power and quality, and the Pandora formed by condensing it is also..."

"Wild, bloodthirsty and beautiful, Medusa who has left many legends, if I can meet her..."

"Not to mention the most beautiful woman in mankind, Helen...and Zeus' lover, the second most beautiful woman in mankind, Europa..."


"A mighty dragon."

At this moment, the clear and melodious voice of God sounded like a lark in the distance.

"I'm Naiji, and Bea is by my side."

"Told you before."

"I want to talk to you."

Yang Qi thought of the flamboyant and wild words in the Medea scroll:

"Don't, with, except for me, of, any, Goddess, stay in a room alone!!!"

I also thought of Nai Ji's blue eyes like pure emeralds, and her face like a spring breeze.

And dumb Biya.

"Well... there are two goddesses, so it is not considered to be alone in the same room."

(End of this chapter)

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