Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 96 The Wind of Life, Merging into the Dream of Myriad Darkness

Chapter 96 The Wind of Life, Merging into Thousands of Dark Dreams

The green light lit up, illuminating the dark cave.

Naiji pulled Biya, stepped on the green moon, and fell from the sky.

When Naiji landed, she sniffled and looked at the dragon: "Interesting smell."

Biya looked around, "What smell. I can't smell it."

Naiji smiled and said, "What else could it smell like?"

"Dark caves, dragons alone, smells of beasts, carrion, moss, and damp are not surprising."

"The strange thing is..." She glanced at Yang Qi, "It smells like a female creature."

"..." Yang Qi was speechless.

"The little Olympus stone that I swallowed just now was once carried by Medea."

"Did Nai Ji smell it all?"

Nai Ji walked over, she was like a grassland blown by the spring breeze, endless petals fluttered around her, and faint cheers flowed from her green eyes.

"Dragon, I don't ask unintelligent questions. I don't care whose scent it is."

Yang Qi nodded, thinking in his heart: "After all, Medea's identity is more sensitive. I don't want to explain."

Then he asked: "Dear Goddess of Victory, what do you want from me."

"Time is limited. I have to leave quickly, so I just said it." Nagibi Green's eyes blinked.

"I want to make a deal with you."

Yang Qi said: "Deal? What do you want, and what can you give me?"

"What I want is simple."

Nai Ji raised a finger, and a little bit of divine light flowed on her fingertips, "I can twist my divine body, compress my source of divine power, and make myself very, very small."

"Yes." Yang Qi recalled the records about Athena in his previous life.

The beautiful and powerful Athena often held the little goddess of victory in her hand.

"I want to get smaller and hide in your dragon's ears."

"You take me out of the underworld."

"..." Yang Qi was silent for a moment, "Do you want to leave the underworld?"


Nai Ji still had a spring breeze on her face, but her divine voice, which was as clear as a lark, suddenly became a little cold and melancholy.

"I have a very bad feeling." She gritted her teeth and said word by word.

"I feel that soon, something big will happen in the underworld."

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "What Nai Ji had predicted was the lost memory of the Empress Dowager..."

"If the Queen of Hades gets the lost memory, she may want to return to the Olympus God Realm."

"With the disappearance of the supreme master who rules the underworld, the underworld will fall into chaos."

Yang Qi said: "You want to escape from the underworld, can't you escape by yourself?"

Naiji said: "If you want to leave the underworld, you must pass through the gate of the underworld, and then cross the river Styx."

"The gate of the underworld is guarded by the three-headed dog of hell. Not only that, but a key is needed to open the gate of the underworld. And the key is in the hands of the queen of the underworld."

"Usually, the only person who can leave the underworld is Thanatos, the god of death. He will go to the world and bestow death on living beings."

"There is also Hypnos, the god of sleep. He flies to the world every night, spreading the breath of sleep to the creatures in the world."

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "Doesn't Medea often sneak out of the underworld... Yes, she knows all kinds of witchcraft and can summon portals."

Naiji said softly: "I'm not like them. I can't leave the God Realm at will."

"And you—"

Nai Ji stared at Yang Qi, and Yang Qi felt that her beautiful eyes seemed to be flowing.

"If you can defeat Zagreos in the battle after a hundred days, you will definitely be selected by the queen of the underworld, go to Mount Olympus, and participate in the banquet of the gods!"

"For the banquet of the gods, there are only five places in the underworld."

"The King of Hades and the Queen of Hades, together with Zagreos, the son of the underworld, already occupy three positions."

"In the past, Thanatos, the god of death, would occupy one of them, and it should be the same this time."

"The last place, the last time the queen of the underworld chose Minos, the head of the judge of the underworld."

"However, the Queen of the Underworld is not satisfied with Minos' performance at the banquet of the gods. This is why the Queen of the Hades will hold a competition this year."

"I thought I could impress the Queen of the Underworld and be selected. Looking at it now, it's impossible."

"And you, if you can defeat Zagreos in the final battle, you will definitely be chosen!"

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "I also want to attend the banquet of the gods. It seems that the next battle must be won."

Yang Qi said: "So, if I win the competition, I will be selected by the Empress Dowager."

"You just use your supernatural power to become smaller, hide in my dragon's ears, and escape from the underworld, right?"

Naiji nodded: "Yes."

"So what do I get?"

Naiji said decisively: "The upper reaches of the Styx, the original ghost flower!"

"You have fought against the Son of Blight, then you must have seen his rotten flower ship."

Yang Qi nodded: "Yes, I have."

"The withered son has wings of rotten leaves, he can fly with divine power, why did he create that flower boat?"

"That's because he wants to find the original Minghua!"

"Now in the underworld, there are four gardens, bright red, pale, withered, and mental."

"And these four kinds of ghost flowers actually have an ancestor: the original ghost flower!"

"If you want to find the original dark flower, you must take a flower boat made of flowers and sail upstream along the dark river."

Naiji's divine voice gradually sank, "Then, I was able to find a broken, incomplete mysterious space."

"The original ghost flower is in it!"

"Broken, incomplete space?" Yang Qi's heart suddenly moved, and he remembered something.

"You don't mean, the birth of a Titan..."

"Yes. Birthplace of the Broken Titan."

"That's where the second generation of gods such as Cronus were born."

"This makes sense!" Yang Qi thought in his heart, "The place where the Titan was born is the most secret place of Earth Mother Gaia."

"After the birth of the Titan, that piece of space may be abandoned and gradually shattered."

"The earth is Gaia's body, and all the flowers and plants grow on her body."

"There are primitive ghost flowers there, it's very reasonable..."

Yang Qi then asked: "What's the use of the original Minghua?"

"The original ghost flower contains a lot of divine power, and it can help the gods and reshape the source of divine power!"

"Reshape the source of divine power?" Yang Qi's heart moved, "I am worrying about my source of divine power, which includes the divine power of life, wind, darkness, blood and dreams, which is too complicated."

"It would be great if we could reshape the source of divine power..."

"Hmm..." Yang Qi thought for a moment, then said, "One last question."

"How do you know these things?"

Naiji smiled, "Because my mother of gods is the goddess Styx."

"She can faintly feel that there is a fetish in the upper reaches of the Styx River, and she has also obtained fragments of the original Styx Flower. She naturally knows the little thought of the withered son."

Bang, the source of Naiji's divine power, [Song of Thousands of Flowers, Oath and Victory] appeared behind her.

"The source of my divine power can undergo such a big change in a short period of time, it is because of that fragment."

Naiji said seriously: "As long as you can defeat Zagreos and agree to take me away from the underworld, I will work with Biya to help you obtain the original underworld flower."

"The Mother of God has already told me the location of the broken space."

"Hmm..." Yang Qi thought in his heart, "I originally wanted to defeat Zagreos and get the qualification to go to the banquet of the gods."

"It doesn't take much trouble to bring Nai Ji. The only problem is, if this is discovered by the Empress Dowager, will it anger her..."

"I've angered Poseidon, I can't anger the underworld anymore."

Naiji seemed to have seen through Yang Qi's intentions, "Mighty dragon, please rest assured. I can use magic to temporarily dissipate my divine power and extinguish my divine breath. The Queen of the Dead will never find out."

She stared at Yang Qi very solemnly, "At that time, I can use that magical technique in person, and you can judge for yourself. If you disagree, you can refuse."

"it is good."

Yang Qi nodded.

This is a great deal!

You don't need to pay anything, you only need to take a little risk, and you can reshape your own source of divine power!
This reward is much richer than simply gaining divine power!

The battle of the gods is definitely not a competition of who has more divine power, but a competition of the quality of the source of divine power!
Yang Qi's source of divine power is very powerful, but - a little messy!
It's like a painting that has been half-painted, and then it can only be tinkered with on the original basis.

And obtaining the original Minghua is like opening a new page of canvas, the source of divine power, and you can start over!
"I will definitely defeat Zagreos. I will take you out of the underworld." Yang Qi said.

"Great." Naiji smiled, at this moment, she turned her head and found that Biya had disappeared.


"Where did it go?" Naiji mobilized her divine power to search around, and found that Biya was squatting in a dark corner.

"Sister." Biya raised her head. She was holding two mice in her hands. The mice were bitten off by the waist, and the corners of their mouths were full of blood.

"Eat this kind of thing again." Nai Ji's complexion changed, she stepped forward, slapped the mouse in Biya's hand, and pulled her, a green moon appeared under her feet.

"Dragon, when will we fight that battle?" Biya wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Naiji hugged Bea and said, "We'll talk about that kind of trivial matter later."

"We cannot be found leaving the Temple of Styx for too long."

Then she nodded to Yang Qi: "Mighty dragon, we are leaving. I wish you victory in the decisive battle with Zagreos."

The green moon erupted with bright light, and Naiji and Biya left the cave.

Yang Qi watched their leaving backs, "If I can reshape the source of divine power..."

He closed his dragon eyes, feeling the source of divine power.

On the system panel, a line of words gradually appeared.

Dream power: 45%.

Life force: 25%.

Dark power: 20%.

Blood power: 9%.

Wind power: 1%.

"This is the ratio of divine power I have now."

"How should I choose these divine powers, and then reshape my source of divine power?"

Yang Qi went through these divine powers one by one.

"The divine power of dream is definitely not good. I am the rainbow dragon of dream now, how can I abandon the divine power of dream."

"The divine power of life is not good either... The divine power of life can heal me, and the green light tide is also a very useful attack method."

"Dark divine power is not good either. I must preserve this divine power in order to gain power through Cronus' memories and dreams."

"Then it is the divine power of blood and wind..."

"The divine power of wind is not good. Although it is only 1%, this kind of divine power is really suitable for me."

"The divine power of the wind can enhance the power of my dragon flames and increase my flying speed, which is also necessary for me to roar out the dragon's chant."

"I didn't expect that this 1% of divine power contributed so much..."

"By comparison, the divine power of blood is not that important."

"Yes! I should transform my blood power into wind power!"

In an instant, Yang Qi was extremely excited.

"If I get the Primordial Darkness Flower and can reshape my source of divine power, what should it look like?!"

"The divine power of dreams and the divine power of life are combined to form a dense forest of dreams. This is very suitable."

"The element [Dream Forest] does not need to be changed."

"As for the divine power of the wind and the divine power of darkness..."

"The combination of the two forms a black whirlwind? [Black whirlwind, dense forest of dreams]?"

"No! This is probably not as good as my current source of divine power..."

Yang Qi carefully felt the divine power, "Now I can precisely manipulate the divine power, condensing the divine power of wind and the divine power of darkness into a black giant dragon..."

Yang Qi imagined that the divine power of the wind would condense into a giant dragon, and then the divine power of darkness would add pitch-black scales to it.

One, two, three...

Five thousand, ten thousand...

Fifty thousand... one hundred thousand...


Yang Qi suddenly opened his dragon's eyes. In his imagination, the source of divine power turned into a dense forest shining with the color of dreams. Above the dense forest, there are [-] black dragons soaring.

"[Dream Forest, One Hundred Thousand Black Dragons]..."

"It's better than before, but it's still not good enough."

"Could it be that instead of combining the divine power of life and the divine power of dreams, they should be separated and condensed into other..."

"There are four divine powers in total: the divine power of dreams, the divine power of life, the divine power of darkness, and the divine power of wind."

"The divine power of dreams, plus the divine power of darkness!"

Yang Qi felt the divine power, and he imagined that the divine power of dreams shining with infinite brilliance condensed into thousands of dreams, and then black flames rose from the void, painting those dreams with dark colors.

"Then, the divine power of wind plus the divine power of life!"


In Yang Qi's imagination, the divine power of the wind condensed into thousands of black air streams, and those air streams were dyed green by the divine power of life, turning into thousands of winds of life, whistling, and merged into those dark dreams !
boom! ! !
The thousands of dark dreams shook, and amazing divine power erupted from it, as if the dream was about to become reality!

"Those dark dreams seem to be coming true...!"

"Wait, I see... Dreams have a body, a shape, everything, but, no life!"

"It's like a perfect body that has lost its soul."

"And the injection of life force will revive this perfect body..."

"My thousands of dark dreams will also become like reality because of the infusion of the wind of life!"

"Oh my God!!!"

Suddenly, Yang Qi opened the dragon's eyes, and sweat could not help but flow from the dragon's forehead.

Those thousands of shining dark dreams can become reality!

"In this case, the source of my divine power will become—"

"[Wind of Life, Into Thousands of Dark Dreams]!"

"In my current source of divine power [Surrounded by a river of blood, the dense forest of thousands of dreams]..."

"It looks like it's about the same."

"However, as those dreams come true, I will gain inexhaustible power from them... That is the power that each world brings to me!"

In an instant, Yang Qi understood the final form of the source of divine power: all elements can form a coordination, and finally reach a harmonious whole, outputting huge divine power!

This is the ultimate mystery of the source of divine power!
"Thousands of dark dreams will form thousands of dark worlds with the infusion of the wind of life!"

Bang, bang, bang, Yang Qi couldn't help but jump wildly in his heart, "This--it's really too strong!"

"I want to reshape my source of divine power...!"

"This source of divine power will not be very strong when it is just formed, but it has incomparable potential..."

"Even, the source of divine power that can surpass Zeus!"

"The source of Zeus's divine power is violent and pure, seventy-two million trillion thunderbolts, so much, so much!"

"Unlike this source of divine power, it can evolve. It may evolve from thousands of dark dreams to thousands of dark worlds, and then become one hundred thousand, one million, one billion dark worlds...!"


Suddenly, Yang Qi roared, and the entire dark cave was shaking!
"The more I want it, the more I can't let them occupy my heart, let me think about it day and night, and form a heart disease!"

"Put those behind you, forget about them!"

"Those are all after I was able to defeat Zagreos!"

"I can't defeat Zagreos, what is the banquet of the gods, what is the priesthood, what is the authority, what is going to see Athena, Aphrodite, what is reshaping the source of divine power, it is all a dream!"

"Zaglios is very strong! He didn't even summon the source of divine power, and easily defeated Naiji!"


A coldness flashed in Yang Qi's eyes, "The Empress Suspended the game halfway, maybe she will help Zagreos improve his divine power in this short period of time!"

"There are less than one hundred days left...!!! I must raise my strength to the limit within these one hundred days."

"Defeat Zagreos!"

Yang Qi gritted his teeth, and he had never had such a great fighting spirit in his heart!
"In this short period of time, the fastest way to improve your strength..."

Yang Qi brought up the system panel, and a line of words displayed on it made his eyes shine!
"Currently available simulation times: once."

(End of this chapter)

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