I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 226 Gathering Apprentices of the Illuminati

Chapter 226 Gathering Apprentices of the Illuminati

Hearing Sophia's words, Anna's heart trembled.

"Let me try!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Anna decisively picked up her token, tried to communicate with the outside world, and summoned the guiding power of the fifth-class instructors.

After a few seconds, Anna put down the token in her hand, and shook her head at Yihua, Sophia and the others with a gray face.

Seeing that Anna and Sophia failed to leave the secret world, Yi Hua plans to try it himself.

At this moment, Li Wei and Laman behind were a little panicked, but firm voices came:

"Master Vice President, let's try too!"

Hearing the volunteers of the two, Yi Hua nodded in agreement.

Next, the two tried to communicate with the outside world through the token, but it seemed like a muddy cow had fallen into the sea. The information passed by the two to the token did not cause any waves.

"How could this be..."

"Could it be that we can't leave the secret world?"

Without responding to Li Wei and Laman's words, Yihua's eyes flashed, and he decisively tried to communicate with the token.

But after just a few seconds, Yi Hua, who also tried to leave the secret world to no avail, fell into deep thought.

Previously, the ability to leave a rift world was only lost if you were in a dark part of the rift world.

Not long ago, Yihua let the apprentices who fought with Anna and the two leave the secret world through tokens.

Apparently, the ability to leave the world of the secret realm through tokens at that time did not fail in the Bright Zone.

But now, everyone present cannot leave the secret realm world through tokens.

This also means that all the apprentices in the secret world today, no matter where they are, will most likely not be able to leave the secret world through tokens.

Is there a problem with the outside world, or is it affected by the strange power of the secret world?
Both possibilities will lead to the failure of the ability to leave the secret world.

But the latter is more likely than the former.

After all, unless there is a problem with all the fifth-class tutors from the outside world, it will be difficult for an outside tutor to respond to the request to leave the secret world.

If you want to test the reason, you just need to check to see if there are still apprentices entering from the outside world.

So Yihua decisively called up the current real-time standings——

[Real-time standings for the apprenticeship exam]

[No.1——Milkor Farbouti——Currently holding points: 2787 points]

[No.2——Rey Fercis——Currently holding points: 2232 points]

[No.3——Enzo Lateran——Currently holds points: 2056 points]


[The 170th place...Currently holds points: 10 points]

Yi Hua stared intently at the standings, and just a few seconds later, the last place in the standings changed again.

[The 170th place...Currently holds points: 10 points]

"The apprentices who took the exam are still entering normally. It seems that there is no problem with the outside world."

Realizing this, Yi Hua blinked, looked at Anna and Li Wei who were standing around, waiting for the result of his own thinking, or who were thinking, and said bluntly:
"Currently there are still apprentices entering the secret world. There should be no problems from the outside world. It seems that it is affected by the abnormal and strange power in the secret world."

Seeing that everyone turned around one after another and looked at him expectantly, Yi Hua didn't hold back, and immediately said:
"Since this is the case, no apprentices in the secret world have given up their exam qualifications for a long time, and leaving the secret world will inevitably attract the attention of the fifth-class tutors outside!"

Yi Hua can perceive that the ability to travel through the world of death has not been affected.

This also means that Yihua can use the death world shuttle technique to hide in the death world at any time.

Judging from this, the strange power in the secret world is most likely to be affected by the ability to communicate with the outside world through tokens.

This makes it impossible for the fifth-class instructors outside to perceive the message from the apprentices in the secret world to leave the secret world.

In fact, if the fifth-class mentors from the outside sense the strangeness in the secret world, they can take the initiative to forcibly lure the apprentices from the inside.

With the soul feeding technique and some of the food he brought with him when he entered the secret world, he could easily hide in the world of death for several months.

But the death world shuttle technique cannot carry other people, and it is really dangerous. Although Yihua can temporarily escape, Anna and Li Wei and other apprentices of the Illuminati can hardly escape the end of total annihilation.

Thinking of this, Yi Hua looked at Anna and the others around him.

"Next, just continue to explore in the secret world, gather other Illuminati apprentices, look for more clues, and wait for the fifth-class mentors from outside to find out."

Later, under Yihua's suggestion, Anna and Sophia, who knew that the danger level of the secret world had skyrocketed, did not refuse, and decisively chose to join Yihua's team.

In the following time, relying on the resonance stone held by the apprentices of the Illuminati, Yihua began to constantly look for the apprentices of the Illuminati scattered in the secret world.

As time passed, the team around Yi Hua began to grow at an astonishing speed.

A few hours later, more than [-] apprentices gathered around Yihua.

There are also many familiar faces among them, but most of them are first-class apprentices. As Gabriel's deputy, Li Wei is already the strongest of the five second-class apprentices of the Illuminati present.

As for being currently the strongest Gabriel in the Illuminati besides Yi Hua.

As well as "Explosive Flame" Dean who won the top [-] in the college competition, Yihua did not get any clues related to the two of them from the gathered apprentices of the Illuminati.

However, according to the real-time standings, Gabriel and Dean are No. 20 and No. 38 respectively, and Yi Hua judges that they are still in the secret world.

After the meeting, Yihua also let these Illuminati apprentices try to communicate with the outside world, but just like Yihua's previous test, these Illuminati apprentices could not get in touch with the outside world.

For these Illuminati apprentices who fell into a panic because they lost the ability to leave the secret world, Yihua asked Li Wei and Laman to explain the situation of everyone to these colleagues in a concise manner.

Relying on the prestige accumulated before, after learning about the anomalies in the secret world today, as the vice president of the Illuminati and the actual founder, Yihua, it is no surprise that he became the backbone of the Illuminati apprentices.

As time passed, some of the Illuminati apprentices who followed Yihua began to feel hungry and thirsty.

There is a lot of vegetation in the secret world, but there seems to be no other animals, but water can be obtained from streams and lakes.

But out of guard against the unknown things in the secret world, most of the apprentices who enter the secret world dare not directly drink the water in the secret world.

Fortunately, when entering the secret world, the apprentices who took the exam all carried a certain amount of dry food and drinking water with them.

Although the portion is not much, but as wizard apprentices, the ability to withstand hunger and thirst far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In addition, the apprenticeship exam only lasted for three days, and the apprentices who took the exam would not starve to death or die of thirst in the secret world.

After realizing that the apprentices who followed him had been running at full speed in the secret world for a long time and their condition had declined, Yihua did not choose to continue to act, but found a grassland with a wide view and gave an order to rest temporarily.

During the temporary rest, Yi Hua was not idle either.

After refusing the food offered to him by several apprentices, Yi Hua asked the Illuminati apprentices who were chewing dry food and drinking water one by one, collecting their previous experiences.

According to these, the narrations of the Illuminati apprentices who bought the Orb of Life from Yihua.

These Illuminati apprentices had just entered the secret world, and most of them reacted nervously and awkwardly when facing hostile apprentices.

But relying on the protection of the Orb of Life, he realized that the enemy could not harm him.

These Illuminati apprentices with greatly increased confidence took decisive action to defeat the hostile apprentices.

Immediately afterwards, some apprentices passed through the resonance stone and joined other apprentices of the Illuminati.

In the case of a group, the life orb played the role of one plus one greater than two, and the Illuminati apprentices who moved in groups became almost unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Once they encounter a single enemy, they will rush forward.

Beating the master to death with random punches, relying on the advantage in numbers, these groups of Illuminati apprentices almost met each other, defeated the single first-class and second-class apprentices, and took them away after that, and divided them equally. Points in defeated apprentice tokens.

Even a genius apprentice who ranked among the top [-] in the previous college competition and was comparable to the strength of "Burst Flame" Dean who tested the power of the Life Orb before, was among the six or seven first- and second-class light holders who held the Life Orb. As an apprentice, under continuous witchcraft attacks like a fortress, his magic power was exhausted, and he chose to escape in shame.

And if they encounter apprentices from other organizations who are also grouped together, these Illuminati apprentices who hold the life orb and their own strength are not afraid.

Relying on the advantage of the life orb's strong defense power that can be continuously restored.

In the face of the enemy's concentrated fire attack, these Illuminati apprentices alternately stepped forward to resist the enemy's attack.

In the evenly matched battle between the two sides, the enemy will soon be defeated due to injuries and exhaustion of magic power.

Captured by the apprentices of the Illuminati who relied on the life orb, which was several times the magic reserve advantage of the second-class apprentices, and took away the points.

What the Illuminati apprentices who told Yihua about their previous experiences did not know.

At this moment, more apprentices of the Illuminati are fighting with other apprentices who are taking the exam in different areas of the secret world.

As time went by, the information that almost all Illuminati apprentices were equipped with an extremely powerful and almost indestructible defensive magic item spread at an alarming speed.

Today, more and more apprentices know that the Illuminati apprentices, especially the Illuminati apprentices in groups, are terrifying existences that non-third-class apprentices should not provoke.

Even the top second-class apprentices, once they meet groups of Illuminati apprentices scattered all over the secret world, and see the iconic silver cross badge of the Illuminati, they will choose to go as fast as possible without saying a word. run away.

Due to the low strength of these Illuminati apprentices, facing the top second-class apprentices' speed of tens of meters per second, most of the Illuminati apprentices have no time to catch up.

Therefore, for the sake of caution, in order not to be broken by the enemy one by one after separation, the Illuminati chose to ignore them.

Under the leadership of some second-class apprentices of the Illuminati, these groups of Illuminati apprentices, through gathering together, can cover a bright zone of hundreds of meters in radius, and they only pick out soft persimmons who meet by chance but have no time to escape. pinch.

Maybe even Yihua didn't expect that the hundreds of Illuminati apprentices who bought the Orb of Life would have such a huge impact on this year's apprenticeship exam.

Aside from those powerful apprentices, most of the weaker first- and second-class apprentices could not escape the pursuit of the Illuminati apprentices once they encountered the unstoppable Illuminati apprentices who held the life orb.

In the end, he could only obediently offer the points with both hands.

And these Illuminati apprentices, perhaps because of the purpose of the Illuminati to "lead people to be good", or the apprentices who joined the Illuminati, after Yihua's screening, are basically existences with positive karma levels.

When encountering unentangled apprentices who simply surrendered without too much resistance, the apprentices of the Illuminati will basically leave some points in the token to maintain the light zone after taking away the points of these apprentices.

Although the purpose of their behavior is to keep a thread in everything.

In order to prevent these apprentices who did not cause substantial harm to themselves, did not get angry, and only clashed because of the need to win points for the exam, they would not be groping for other apprentices in the darkness where they could not see their fingers.

However, it also accidentally implemented Yihua's goal of reducing the number of dead apprentices in the secret world and slowing down the growth of strange forces in the dark zone.

If there are no credits left in the token, that is, the energy of the lumen stone is used to dispel the darkness.

Those apprentices who lost their points and couldn't leave the secret world through tokens couldn't live for a moment in the darkness full of strange powers.

Of course, if they encountered murderous or hostile Masonic apprentices, these Illuminati apprentices would kill without mercy.

But compared to other apprentices who took the exam, there are only a handful of apprentices who died under the hands of the Illuminati.

Not long after Yihua realized that the ability to communicate with the outside world through the token and leave the secret world was invalid, the apprentices scattered in every corner of the secret world also gradually discovered this abnormal phenomenon.

After many unsuccessful attempts, most of the apprentices who took the exam were not interested in getting points, and they stayed where they were and fell into a panic.

But there are also many sensible apprentices among them. It didn't take long for them to use a method similar to Yi Hua's to realize that apprentices are still entering the world of secret realms, and there is a high probability that there will be no problems with the outside world.

Therefore, after this abnormal phenomenon lasts for a certain period of time, it will inevitably be noticed by the fifth-class tutors outside.

After less than a quarter of an hour, I saw that the twenty or so Illuminati apprentices who followed me, as well as Anna and Sophia, had almost rested.

Yi Hua stood up resolutely, and announced to the apprentices around him to proceed.

He subconsciously took out the resonance stone in his pocket, trying to find if there were other Illuminati apprentices around.

Due to the large size of the secret world and the fact that everyone has not moved for a long time, Yi Hua did not expect too much from other Illuminati apprentices around.

Unexpectedly, the resonance stone in front of him actually emitted the fluctuations of the Illuminati apprentices other than the apprentices present.

(End of this chapter)

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