I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 227 Encounter with Enzo!

Chapter 227 Encounter with Enzo!

And judging from the state of the resonance stone, the number of those Illuminati apprentices is not even inferior to the Illuminati apprentices who are currently following Yihua!

"Huh? About [-] meters away, there are nearly [-] Illuminati apprentices gathered together?"

Seeing a series of fluctuations from the resonance stone, Yi Hua's eyes flashed.

Relying on the frequency of resonance, Yi Hua changed several different directions one after another.

After a while, Yihua, who finally confirmed the location of the Illuminati, took Li Wei, Anna and others, and a group of Illuminati apprentices without any hesitation, and rushed towards the positions displayed by the resonance stones at full speed.
Earlier, Yihua was currently located [-] meters away, somewhere in a bright zone covering a radius of nearly a kilometer, two forces were confronting each other.

One of them was more than a dozen Illuminati apprentices who were no more than first- and second-class in strength, but who held the life orb.

Among the apprentices of the Illuminati, the leader was "Burst Flame" Dean who had won the top [-] in the college competition and had tested the defense of the Life Orb before the exam.

But the total number of Illuminati apprentices is only two thousand points.

In order to create a light zone of such a terrifying scale covering nearly a kilometer, it is obvious that the forces that confront the Illuminati have only a lot more points than the Illuminati apprentices!
What's even more frightening is that there is only one apprentice confronting the Illuminati apprentices headed by "Blast Flame" Dean!
"Damn it! I actually met this guy!"

Located tens of meters away from a group of apprentices of the Illuminati, dressed strangely, surrounded by several burly undead up to three meters high, the apprentices with bone-piercing chills on their beautiful faces, suddenly emerged, retreated for three years, and appeared in the Enzo, the third-class necromancer apprentice in this apprenticeship exam.

"I'll say it one last time, if you don't want to die, hand over the token immediately, otherwise don't blame my undead for not having eyes!"

After all, Enzo, who had a pale complexion and a slightly immature face, snorted coldly.

In an instant, as the surrounding space distorted, another twenty skeleton knights with a height of nearly two meters, wearing heavy armor, and holding swords appeared in front of the group of Illuminati apprentices.

If Yihua was present, he would be able to recognize them at a glance. These are similar in appearance to the first-class skeleton knights, but they are one size bigger. The more powerful skeleton undead are the advanced version of the skeleton knight——

Skeleton heavy knight.

Looking at Enzo, who looked ready to do something at any time, Dean gritted his teeth.

In fact, as early as half a minute ago, when a group of Illuminati apprentices and Enzo first met, the two sides had already fought.

The four burly undead with a height of three meters and giant axes accompanying Enzo had extremely powerful defense and destructive power.

With just one encounter, four burly undead, covered in bone armor and with pale bone horns growing on their heads, waved their giant axes casually, and sent seven or eight Illuminati apprentices flying tens of meters away.

Although relying on the defense of the life orb, the apprentices of the Illuminati barely resisted the attack of the four undead, but the life armor on their body surface also became fragmented.

You know, no matter how bad the second-class life armor is, it can generally withstand two Dean's explosive pyrotechnics that are close to the limit of second-class witchcraft!
And several Illuminati apprentices, only withstood the ax swung by four burly undead, and the second-class life armor shaped by the life orb was shattered.

Then, under the command of Dean, in the counterattack against Enzo, four burly undead with a height of three meters and covered in bone armor forcibly carried more than a dozen first- and second-class witchcraft.

It even included a second-class explosive fire technique performed by Dean himself.

However, after the four undead carried out these witchcrafts, there were only a few cracks and scorched burn marks on the bone armor on the body surface.

A series of attacks by the apprentices of the Illuminati did not even cause substantial damage to the four undead under Enzo's command.

Such strength also convinced Dean that the four burly undead covered in bone armor were the third-class undead enslaved by Enzo!
"Brother Dean, what should we do now?"

Seeing that Enzo's face became more and more impatient with the passage of time, a first-class apprentice beside him hurriedly asked Dean beside him.

Hearing the inquiry from the blond young apprentice beside him, Dean quickly recovered from his memories.

He looked at the number of undead not far away, more than 20 second- and third-class undead, even more than the dozen or so Illuminati apprentices present, knowing that the situation was urgent, his brains turned sharply.

Under the current situation, whether it is to obediently follow Enzo's order and obediently hand over the points in everyone's hands.

It was an extremely bad choice to refuse the other party's order and fight Enzo, who was a third-class necromancer apprentice.

Although Dean didn't know that after losing the points, he would be attacked by strange forces in the dark, and the probability of survival was slim.

But he also knows how difficult it is to find other apprentices to collect points again in the darkness after losing points.

Besides, even if they surrendered their points obediently, Enzo might not let them go.

If Enzo has murderous intentions, they can only choose to activate the power in the token, and under the guidance of the fifth-class mentor, leave the secret world——

This also means that they are completely eliminated and will never have a chance to pass the exam. They can only become slaves of the academy in the future!

If it was an ordinary first-class apprentice who had difficulty passing the exam, perhaps he wouldn't care too much.

But he has been promoted to the second class for a long time, and he is not too far away from the third class. Dean, who has achieved the top [-] results in the college competition, can be regarded as a genius among this year's apprentices!
Under normal circumstances, he would definitely be able to pass the apprenticeship exam and go to the mainland for further studies, so how could he be willing to stop here?
Although Dean and his Illuminati apprentices have been busy fighting, it is not yet known that the apprentices in the secret world have lost the ability to actively choose to leave the secret world.

But everyone was obviously unwilling to obey Enzo's order, so they stopped there.

Just as the Illuminati apprentices present were anxious, Dean keenly sensed a series of fluctuations from the resonance stone in his arms.

Realizing a certain possibility, Dean's heart trembled slightly.

In order not to let Enzo notice, Dean glanced at the current state of the Resonance Stone through the gap in the inner pocket of the robe.

The resonance stone in Dean's pocket is now emitting a series of vibrations.

As time passed, the frequency of the series of vibrations of the resonance stone became faster and faster.

This means that there are now a large number of apprentices of the Illuminati, within the detection range of the resonance stone of Dean and others, and they are approaching everyone at an alarming speed.

"Could it be Gabriel? Or... Vice President Yihua?"

Realizing that the situation had turned for the better, Dean's heart was pounding, and a subtle joy flashed in his eyes.

"Illuminati apprentices of this scale, even if there are no two vice presidents Yihua, just ordinary apprentices of the Illuminati, relying on a life orb in each hand, can greatly relieve my pressure, and even rely on the number of people. Zuo contends against one or two!"

Thinking of this, seeing that the other Illuminati apprentices behind him also sensed the abnormality of the resonance stone, Dean quickly stopped everyone from taking out the resonance stone.

At the same time, he told the Illuminati apprentices behind him in an extremely small voice:

"Procrastinate! The brothers in the club are here to support us! As long as we procrastinate, maybe we don't have to hand over the points!"

After finishing speaking, Dean looked at the impatient Enzo, forced a smile and said:

"Miss Enzo, can you give us a little time to discuss? It only takes a minute or two!"

According to Dean's thinking, there are three days left in the apprenticeship exam, and Enzo is not short of the two minutes.

If there is a real fight, even if Dean and the others are not Enzo's opponents, they can use the Orb of Life to deal injuries with injuries and eliminate most of the undead present.

Enzo wanted to deal with all the apprentices of the Illuminati without injury, so he would most likely give them a few minutes to discuss.

"Just now, you group of apprentices, who are no more than second-class, were able to resist the casual blow of my third-class undead. It should be equipped with some kind of mass-produced magic item?"

Dean was caught off guard when he heard that Enzo didn't reply positively, but suddenly asked everyone about the Orb of Life.

After deliberately showing an appearance of sorting out the language, and after delaying for a few seconds, Dean slowly opened his mouth and said:

"That's right, most of the apprentices of our Illuminati are equipped with this kind of magical item."

"A mere first-class apprentice can rely on this magical item to resist third-level attacks, and it can even be mass-produced. I am very interested in this magical item equipped by you."

Having said that, Enzo opened his palm to Dean, making a requesting gesture.

"Hand over all the magical items you have equipped, and transfer all your points to me, and I can let you leave alive."

Seeing that Enzo added one more condition besides the previously requested points, Dean, who was thinking about how to delay the time, shrank his pupils and hesitated:

Unexpectedly, seeing Dean showing a hesitant expression, Enzo, who had long purple hair and pale complexion, snorted coldly and took a step forward.

Along with her dark red robe, a large number of metal ornaments in the shape of skulls and another string of tokens obtained from the defeated apprentice collided with each other and jingled.

Enzo said in a cold voice:

"I've already given you a chance to live, yet you still dare to hesitate. In this case, let me take the points and magic items in your hands directly from your corpses!"

As soon as the words fell, before all the Illuminati apprentices could react.

Under Enzo's control, twenty heavy skeleton knights jumped up, and rushed towards a group of Illuminati apprentices dozens of meters away at an astonishing speed that did not match their size.

"Damn it, Enzo doesn't play his cards according to the routine!"

Seeing Enzo's surly personality, Dean subconsciously cursed.

Dean, who knew that the Illuminati apprentice on his side was not Enzo, the third-class necromancer apprentice opponent, was lucky and tried to make the last effort to prevent the outbreak of the battle.

Dean's eyes flashed, and he said bluntly:
"This battle must be fought? The vice president of our Illuminati, the top three in this college competition, will arrive here soon!"

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Dean's statement, Enzo sneered, and the undead who rushed towards the group of Illuminati apprentices did not slow down at all, and at the same time mocked:
"It's just a second-class necromancer apprentice, so what if he is also an earth knight? The power of a wizard is not comparable to that of a lowly highwayman like a knight!"

"You should pray in your heart that your vice president will retire as soon as possible, otherwise I don't mind charging an extra point!"

"You lunatic!"

Seeing Enzo's disdain for the attitude of Yihua, the vice president of the Illuminati, Dean felt angry. He had an unforgettable memory of Enzo's arrogance as a third-class necromancer apprentice, and he gritted his teeth hard. rattle.

Realizing that this battle was unavoidable, he decisively ordered the Illuminati apprentices behind him to start building witchcraft and prepare to meet the enemy.

"Latte, Todd, Mardo, you apprentices who are good at melee combat, go up to meet the enemy! The rest of the apprentices, retreat as soon as possible to open the distance, and at the same time construct witchcraft to fight back!"

Following Dean's order, several apprentices who were fully armed and looked like Kongwu's mighty eyes flashed a ruthless look. Relying on the defense of the life orb, they rushed forward quickly, drew out the swords around their waists, and fought with a large number of The skeleton heavy knights collided together.

Bang bang bang!
A series of slashes from the heavy rusted swords of the heavy skeleton knights fell heavily on several Illuminati apprentices who were charging forward.

The white light from the life armor flashed past, successfully resisting this series of slashes.

Immediately afterwards, the swords of several Illuminati apprentices fell on the closest skeleton knights.

With the sound of several bone cracks, the head of a heavy skeleton knight was completely chopped off, turning into dry bones and scattered on the ground.

The other skeleton heavy knights who were attacked also suffered trauma to varying degrees.

But these traumas have no effect on the bone-heavy knight who has no pain.

However, in order to reduce losses, under Enzo's command, these injured skeleton heavy knights retreated temporarily, and a few intact skeleton heavy knights took their place.

But Enzo didn't intend to foolishly besiege these apprentices of the Illuminati in close combat.

In the next moment, under Enzo's control, half of the skeleton heavy knights dragged several Illuminati apprentices in close combat, and the remaining skeleton heavy knights rushed to the back row after losing their resistance. Dean and others who were building witchcraft .

Fortunately, with the delay of several melee Illuminati apprentices, as a large number of flames condensed into groups, Dean's explosive fire technique was successfully constructed.

Without time to hesitate, Dean aimed at a skeleton heavy knight. The front of him represented the explosive fire technique, and an orange fireball exuding terrifying heat was ejected instantly.

The blasting flames engulfed the nearest skeleton heavy knights.

Before the flames dissipated, the sorcery in the hands of the other dozen Illuminati apprentices in the back row also took shape, aiming at the skeleton heavy knight rushing up, and then launched an attack.

Bang bang bang!
A series of witchcraft exploded, and the splendid effect produced enveloped a large number of skeleton heavy knights.

Seeing that he couldn't see the status of the heavy skeleton knights, a blond young apprentice subconsciously said:
"Has it been resolved?"

(End of this chapter)

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