I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 53 Blood Plague Orb

Chapter 53 Blood Plague Orb (3.2k)
"Huh? There seems to be something wrong with the town square."

Sensing the picture before the skeleton knight disconnected the soul connection, it seemed that a large number of people were abnormally concentrated in the town square, Yi Hua frowned.

Presumably the great knight that Lucien mentioned earlier was in the square at this time, but why did the other party gather a large number of people in the square?

Yi Hua, who noticed the strangeness, decided to go to the square to have a look in person, then turned to Lucien and said to the three of them:
"The leader of the bandits seems to be in the square. I'm going to have a look. Are you staying where you are?"

Lucien and his younger sister looked at each other and told their decision.

"Master Fercis, we will go with you."

Now the town is full of bandits, it's not safe to stay where it is, it's better to follow the wizard Yihua.

Yi Hua didn't care about this either, protecting the three of them was just a matter of effort, and maybe he could gain some extra merit.

The size of the town is not large, and the old guard Polk drove the carriage forward at full speed, and the four of them arrived at the town square in just a few minutes.

What caught everyone's eyes were mummified corpses all over the place, as well as many panicked town residents tied up in the open space of the square.

A group of bandits had already been waiting here, and the leader was a plain-looking black-haired young man.

As a great knight, Yi Hua saw the strangeness of the black-haired young man at a glance, and there was a strange life force reflected in the other's body.

Different from the normal soothing and vigorous milky white life energy, the slightly scarlet life energy in the opponent's body appeared extremely violent and uncontrollable.

He has clearly reached the level of a great knight, but he doesn't know how to restrain his life energy.

The crazily leaked life energy seemed to remind the people around him all the time: "I am a great knight!"

And from the age point of view, the other party is a bit too young, unless he is a talented noble knight, but this is incompatible with the other party's identity as a bandit.

And on the high platform, there seems to be a more intense scarlet life energy.

But due to the angle of view, Yi Hua couldn't see the scene on the high platform clearly.

"You murderers!"

Looking at the piled up corpses on the ground, among which were a lot of faces he was familiar with from the past, Lucien was full of resentment, his eyes were red and he roared at the bandits.

Yi Hua didn't respond to the pungent smell of blood in the square, even if it was a more unpleasant smell, he had already seen it in the world of death.

He scanned the bodies of the two skeleton knights on the ground, set his sights on the bound residents in the square, and issued an ultimatum:

"Let go!"

Regarding Yi Hua's words, the young great knight glanced at the wizard badge on Yi Hua's chest, did not take any action, but clenched the long sword in his hand, and said coldly:
"Your Excellency the wizard, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

At the same time, Yihua's remaining eight skeleton knights received Yihua's order and gathered behind Yihua one after another.

The morale and discipline of the bandits present were completely incomparable to that of the regular army of the empire. Looking at the skeleton knights on the opposite side, fear flashed across their faces one after another.

Just as the battle was about to start, a disdainful voice came from the woman in blood from the high platform in the center of the square:

"It's just a first-class wizard. Since you found this place, don't even think about leaving. You guys, kill him!"

The bandits present seemed unable to disobey the order of the woman in blood, and Yi Hua also noticed this, knowing that the abnormal life energy of these bandits might be related to the woman on the high platform.

The moment her words just fell, streaks of scarlet life energy descended.

A large number of bandits who only had the strength of apprentice knights swelled and their eyes turned red. In just an instant, their strength was forcibly raised from the original apprentice knights to the official knight level.

"It turns out that the power of these robbers was bestowed by the woman on the high platform. Could it be that the other party is also a wizard?"

Yi Hua guessed in his heart.

The bandits who have improved their strength seem to have fallen into a state of rage.

Under the leadership of the young great knight, a dozen or so formal knight-level bandits behind him rushed towards Yihua fearlessly with devouring eyes.

Yi Hua, who was standing still, was not idle, and the eight skeleton knights behind him quickly greeted the bandits.

The breath of death was successfully released at the same time, and the cross sword in Yihua's hand was shrouded in gray mist representing the power of death.

Now that there are many people present, and the situation is confusing, Yihua is not going to summon the skinner immediately, and chooses to test first.

Seeing the young knight whose life energy faintly overwhelmed Yihua, Yihua displayed a life burst.

Accompanied by the violent beating of the heart, a steady stream of power emerged from the limbs and bones.

Seeing that the young great knight aimed at his vital parts, Yi Hua did not stop the defense.

Relying on the advantage of his life armor, he slashed straight at the arm of the young great knight with the attitude of completely abandoning his defense.

The young great knight was startled, changed his move hastily at the last moment, barely resisted it, and took several steps back to stabilize his figure.

The mist of death power added to the Daomo Crossed Sword is like a branding iron thrown into the water, causing the scarlet life energy on the young man to violently churn.

Yi Hua also noticed this, knowing that the power of death can consume life energy, he launched a more violent attack.

At the same time, eight skeleton knights clashed with more than a dozen formal knight-level bandits, and blood and bones flew all over the place instantly.

In just an instant, four bandits fell to the ground with serious injuries, and a skeleton knight was unfortunately hit in the vitals and turned into a pile of broken bones.

Yihua didn't care about this, and chased and beat the young knight.

Perhaps the great knight who was promoted by relying on the scarlet life energy could not use life burst. The young great knight obviously had more life energy than Yihua, but he was being suppressed by Yihua.

Finally, the young man showed his flaws due to a momentary loss of strength, and Yihua seized the opportunity to slash at the opponent's arm.

Just before Yihua was about to cut off the young man's arm, a missile made of scarlet life energy attacked Yihua.

With Yi Hua's speed, he could completely dodge the missile, but if he did so, he would lose the chance to cut off the arm of the young great knight.

Sensing that the energy fluctuations of the scarlet missile were probably within the category of second-class witchcraft, Yi Hua chose not to retreat, and forcibly resisted the attack.


There was a crisp sound, and the arm of the young great knight snapped off, and the scarlet missile also hit Yihua's side, causing ripples in the life armor.

The scarlet life energy and the milky white life energy on Yihua's body consumed each other, and finally returned to calm.

Feeling that the life armor consumed [-]% of the energy, which was roughly equivalent to the full blow of the skinner, Yi Hua heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, he cast a second-class light therapy technique to supplement the life energy that was lacking due to the life explosion and the attack.

As if sensing that the situation was not good, the blood-clothed woman on the high platform also came down.

The previous scarlet missile was released by the opponent.

Seeing that the witchcraft released did not force Yihua back, and was even resisted by the opponent, the blood-clothed woman frowned, and no longer despised the first-class apprentice in front of her.

Yi Hua's pupils shrank when he saw the other party's attire, because although the other party was a wizard, he did not wear the badge of the academy.

This means that the opponent is most likely not a wizard from the academy, but a wizard from other regions, or even a wizard who once defected from the academy.

Mortals are an extremely important resource for wizards. Slaughtering human beings is an act that will arouse the anger of wizards, and it is also an act that is expressly prohibited by the academy.

Even a black wizard academy like the Nine Ring White Tower would not slaughter mortals for no reason.

Thinking about it this way, the other party's identity and purpose are worth deliberating.

In an instant, the battlefield returned to calm, and the skeleton knight summoned by Yihua slaughtered all the bandits present at the cost of four perishing.

The woman in blood rushed forward quickly, forcing Yi Hua back.

She snorted coldly, took out a scarlet bead, and said contemptuously to the young great knight whose arm was cut off and howled in pain:
"What a waste, absorbing so much energy from the blood plague bead for nothing, let me help you."

Blood plague bead?

Yi Hua looked at the scarlet ball in the woman's hand, felt the majestic scarlet life energy contained in it, and secretly wrote down the name the woman said casually.

Seeing the big knight being embarrassed, the blood-clothed woman stepped forward and pierced the opponent's chest with her sharp nails.

She pulled out the heart of the young great knight, and stuffed the blood plague beads in at the same time.


The young great knight's veins popped out, as if thousands of earthworms were wriggling under his skin, his flesh and blood began to swell rapidly.

In just a few seconds, the figure swelled up, and the body was no longer human.

How could Yihua just sit idly by, Yihua rushed to the young knight in an instant carrying a cross sword with the power of death.

Although he didn't know what kind of changes the Blood Plague Orb would bring, Yihua knew that this change must not be a good thing for him.

The blade in Yihua's hand sliced ​​through the airflow, and stabbed heavily into the chest of the young great knight.

The violent and uncontrollable life energy of the blood plague orb collided with the higher power of death.

The body of the originally inflated young great knight shrank suddenly, and between the constant expansion and contraction, his body suddenly exploded.

A burst of blood rained down on the blood-clothed woman. The other party didn't seem to expect that the power of death on Yi Hua's sword could stop the strengthening process of the blood plague bead, and even detonate it in advance.

Under the sluggish eyes of the blood-clothed woman, Yi Hua, relying on the nearly doubled speed brought by the burst of life, rushed forward and chopped off her head with a sword.


This blood-clothed woman seems to have been going smoothly, and she doesn't have much actual combat experience.

After she encountered something unexpected, she panicked for a moment, and was killed by Yi Hua so easily.

Seeing that the battle was over, Yi Hua ordered the three people in the carriage who had been protected by the skeleton knight to get out of the carriage, and untied the stunned residents on the field.

Frightened by the hellish scene before, and shocked by the fight between the dead and the living just now, the battle between two powerful knights that caused the earth to tremble like a tank colliding.

Until now, I feel that my arm has regained its freedom, and the arm that was numb due to the blood blockage has gradually regained consciousness.

Only then did the residents of the small town come back to their senses from what they saw with their own eyes, like the fantastic scene in a troubadour's story.

There were murmurs in the square——

"Am I in a dream?"

"Master Wizard saved us?"


Feeling the frantic influx of merit points, Yi Hua ignored these emotions and picked up the scarlet ball that fell to the ground due to the previous explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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