I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 54 Creating New Witchcraft

Chapter 54 Creating New Witchcraft
The life energy in the scarlet beads gives a violent, uncontrollable feeling.

Just getting close, Yi Hua felt the life energy in his body churning, and there was a crazy feeling in his heart that wanted to destroy everything.

"Blood plague beads can strengthen humans, so can they be used to strengthen beasts?"

According to the efficacy of this blood plague bead, Yi Hua subconsciously associated it with the beasts in the Fangorn Forest.

Compared to before, the ferocious beasts in Fangorn Forest are not only stronger, but also more aggressive.

Reminiscent of the blood-clothed woman's previous behavior of sacrificing mortals, and the fact that this place is just close to the border of Fangorn Forest, Yi Hua was suddenly startled.

"Could it be that the mutation in Fangorn Forest was caused by humans?"

However, why did the other party do this? Apart from causing losses to mortals, is there any benefit to the other party?

At this moment, Yihua suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembering the words he heard from Maisui City earlier.

It is said that once the mutation in Fangorn Forest develops to a certain extent, the college will send wizards to resist and go deep into Fangorn Forest to solve the mutation.

Perhaps, the opponent's target is not an ordinary person, but a wizard in the academy?

Could it be that the other party wants to entrap the wizards in the academy?
Thinking of this, Yihua's heart sank. If the academy was in crisis, he would not be able to run away.

If this is the case, Yihua must report the information to Mentor Simon as soon as possible.

In this way, Yihua not only solved this hot potato, but with the academy's attitude of clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments, he might even be rewarded by the academy.

After making a decision, Yi Hua searched the corpses on the ground.

This group of bandits, including the young grand knight at the head, had nothing of value on them except for some imperial coins.

It was the blood-clothed woman, from whom Yihua found several witch crystals and a black iron box.

Feeling the barrier of the iron box to the spirit, Yi Hua opened it directly, only to see that there was nothing inside, but there was a spherical groove.

Through the size comparison, Yihua confirmed that this is a container used to contain the blood plague beads and prevent the life energy from radiating out.

After ascertaining its effect, Yihua felt the life energy in his body stimulated by the blood plague bead, and he was overwhelmingly fighting against it, so he immediately took the blood plague bead in.

The moment the lid was closed, the life energy in Yihua's body also calmed down.

After that, under the leadership of Lucien, Yi Hua went to the castle in the center of the town.

Under the fourth old tree in the back garden of the castle, dig out a branch of life buried deep in the underground box.

After confirming that it was correct through the comparison, Yi Hua accepted this section of treasure that could improve the knight's progress.

He decided to look up the information after he went back and extract the life energy contained in it.

Now the sky is dark, the sun is about to set, and the drizzle is falling on the ground. The burning flames of the town are gradually subsiding.

After that, under the leadership of the old mayor who survived by chance, and Lucien, the son of the lord, rescue and search work was carried out.

But these have nothing to do with Yi Hua. At this time, he has already lived in a room in the castle that is still in good condition.

After taking a shower, he sat cross-legged on the big velvet bed in his bathrobe and let out a slow breath.

After experiencing this series of events, Yi Hua stared at the body again, and a golden panel emerged like an ancient scroll.

"Name: Eva Fercis"

"Karma Level: Neutral Good (25/100)"

"Realm: First Class Necromancer Apprentice (34/36 Runes), Great Knight (15/100)"

"Magician qualifications: first-class affinity for death (9/9) ↑, third-class affinity for life (33/39)..."

"Skill: Elementary Scroll Making (100/100)↑"


"merit value: 27"

Now the merit value has skyrocketed from 7 points to 27 points, but it took less than a week.

Yihua saw a large amount of merit quietly lying in the column of merit value, merit earned only after going through several dangers, and a sense of fullness emerged spontaneously.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Yihua decided to break through the three items that were on the verge of breaking through.

The breakthrough process is as usual.

It's just that when he was promoted to third-class phototherapy, he had a few more options in his mind.

Looking at the 34 runes floating in the spiritual sea, Yi Hua also realized the new ability of the supernatural power.

"I can choose to integrate the inscribed runes into it during the witchcraft breakthrough process, so that the witchcraft after the breakthrough will have a new effect?"

Yi Hua showed a look of disbelief.

Most of the existing witchcraft has been repeatedly verified and used for thousands of years, and there is basically no change.

The witchcraft model is composed of a large amount of professional knowledge and is extremely sophisticated.

A slight change in the witchcraft model may make the witchcraft unable to be released successfully.

Changing existing witchcraft, or even creating new witchcraft, is the ability only possessed by advanced apprentices with rich knowledge reserves, or even official wizards.

It is said that some outstanding third-class witchcraft models can even fetch high prices for hundreds or thousands of witch crystals.

And his soul ability can directly create new witchcraft without any cost?
Thinking of this, Yi Hua decided to try this new function of the ability.

Life runes, death runes, time, space, destruction, temperature...

Looking at the 34 runes that he had engraved, Yi Hua fell into deep thought.

Yi Hua tried to extend his spirit to the life rune, only to see that as the life rune was temporarily integrated, the light ball representing the light therapy surged in a circle instantly.

"Fusion with the life rune seems to only strengthen the healing ability..."

Light therapy is composed of life runes. If you choose life runes, the third-class light therapy after breakthrough will not have any changes, but will only be enhanced on the original basis.

Thinking of this, Yihua's mental power was disconnected from the life rune.

The phototherapy technique, which had soared to the size of a skull, also returned to its original palm size.

The ability can make the light therapy and runes enter the "pre-fusion" state, but it can't clearly show the value after promotion like the game in the previous life.

Therefore, Yi Hua can only rely on the changes on the surface of the phototherapy in the "pre-fusion" state, as well as the properties of each rune, and finally speculate on the mutations produced by the fusion of the rune phototherapy.

Next, Yi Hua tried to integrate the death rune into the light therapy.

I saw that with the influx of death power, the light sphere representing the light therapy shrank instantly, leaving only a ball the size of an egg, which turned gray and black.

The scene in front of him reminded Yihua of the previous scene where the forces of life and death canceled each other out.

Life and death are incompatible and even cancel each other out.

According to Yi Hua's known information, there is no witchcraft that can maintain the balance between the two, at least not during the apprenticeship stage.

Although the two maintained a balance with the power of supernatural powers, Yi Hua still shook his head when he felt the energy greatly weakened by the fused third-class light therapy.

In the next moment, Yi Hua thought about it.

 Please collect, recommend, and read~

(End of this chapter)

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