Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 100 Objection is void

Chapter 100 Objection is void
Originally, Dreadfort, Streamland, and Desolate Mound had agreed to give Domilik the opportunity to celebrate the name day, and gather in Winterfell to protest Eddie's ban on salt in Winterfell.

The absence of Lord Roderick Lathwell of the Streamland obviously disrupted the plans of Roose Bolton and Mrs. Ballerina.

The representative sent by the Streamland to Winterfell was the second son of Earl Rodrik, Reeve Rythwell, who was very soft-spoken.

In the study of Winterfell, Ed turned to Mrs. Roose Bolton, who was across the table from the ballerina, and said: "I know that there are many little nobles in the Dreadfort and Desolation Village, who collude with smugglers and use Salt Village to deceive Winterfell." City’s money. My financial advisor, Kral, told me that Winterfell spent thousands of gold dragons to buy back salt from Yantun in just a few months. the pockets of oppressors and greedy nobles.”

"I severely punished the smugglers, confiscated their wealth, and exiled the smugglers to the Great Wall of Immortality. Many people asked me to strictly investigate the nobles who colluded with the smugglers. I didn't pursue them for your sake. Pull out the carrots and bring out the mud , if I investigate strictly, can you guarantee that the members of the Bolton family and the Dustin family are all innocent?"

Madame Ballerina and Roose Bolton exchanged uneasy glances.

Ed raised his voice, "If you still disobey me and object to Winterfell's ban on salt, then I will have to investigate the Dreadfort and Desolation Village to see how much money you have smuggled in the salt village." .”

"This is the policy that my brother Brandon came up with to unite the North. I will not compromise with you just because you took the lead in opposing it."

Brandon's name helped.Mrs. Ballerina straightened her cloak with her white hands, "Master Ed, since the ban on salt is Brandon's policy and he is my first love, I have no objection."

Earl Wyman of White Harbor supports the ban on salt, Lord Roderick Rythwell of the Streamland is absent, and Lady Ballerina announces her acceptance of the ban on salt.Now Roose Bolton understood that it was impossible to oppose the salt ban by relying solely on the power of the Dreadfort.

"Duke Ed, so many vassals have accepted it, I can only accept the ban on salt." Roose Bolton said helplessly, "However, I am still worried that this will harm the interests of the Dreadfort and the people."

Ed touched the direwolf emblem on his heart, "I swear to the gods on the honor of the Stark family that Winterfell will never use salt to squeeze the property of vassals and common people. Promised, the vassals do not need to invest any copper coins in Yantun, the salt farm, the Stark family guarantees that the vassals can eat free salt forever, and at the same time can share the income of Yantun.”

Of course, Winterfell has the final say on how much to share.Roose Bolton nodded resignedly, and he got up: "I'd better go and spend more time with my son Domeric, Lord Ed, please allow me to take my leave."

Mrs. Ballerina also left, leaving only Earl Wyman and Ed in the study.

The most powerful vassals in the Northern Territory, Dreadfort, Barrentown, and White Harbor, all accepted Ed's ban on salt. From now on, the Stark family in Winterfell can firmly control the salt production in the Northern Territory. With business and management, taking control of the dining tables of nobles and commoners, Ed thus strengthened his control over the northern border.In the future, Ed will process fine salt and earn a lot of wealth.

Earl Wyman's belly shook violently like a pudding. After the door closed, he said softly: "Lord Ed, Roose Bolton United Stream, Barren Village, against Lord Ed's ban on salt, this kind of person cannot Trust! In fact, Roose Bolton sent someone to White Harbor a few days ago, hoping to reconcile with me and oppose the salt ban, but I sternly refused. Roose Bolton will do anything for profit come out."

Ed reached out to hold Earl Wyman's hand, "Earl Wyman, you supported me at the critical moment, I will never forget it."

Earl Wyman smiled, "Lord Ed, the salt in the Dreadfort salt village is all settled in White Harbor. It is impossible for the salt village in the Dreadfort to produce so much salt. Roose Bolton collected too much salt from the people. , mixed with the salt in Yantun to cheat money. If Master Ed needs evidence, I can provide it."

"This matter is still here." Winterfell has mastered the production and management rights of salt in the north. Ed does not intend to pursue the matter of noble vassals using salt to cheat money. Ed said, "Roose Bolton I don't believe a word of the claim that you used White Harbor Customs to smuggle salt from the outside world to the north, but White Harbor did catch a lot of smugglers, didn't it?"

Earl Wyman nodded solemnly, "Wolf's Den Dungeon has arrested more than 100 people. We confiscated their properties. There must be thousands of gold dragons. I will hand over the money to Winterfell. Ai My lord, the smugglers colluded with customs officials to transport the salt from the valley and the Three Sisters Islands to White Harbor, and our Mandalay family is innocent."

Ed was a little angry, "Aren't these harbor officials too arrogant?"

Earl Wyman said helplessly: "They are all customs officials sent by King's Landing."

The people of King's Landing, in other words, the people of Littlefinger.

Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger, once served as the adopted son of Duke Hoster Tully in Riverrun. He grew up with Caitlin, Lysa, Edmure and other members of the Tully family and had a close relationship.Petyr Baelish is Caitlin's suitor. In order to woo Caitlin, he did not hesitate to duel Brandon Stark.

Today's Littlefinger, under the promotion of Jon Arryn, served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer in King's Landing. , Mugu Town, Maiden Spring Town, Dragonstone Island, Chaotou Island and other places' customs are full of his people.Littlefinger will no doubt use these customs officers to rake in wild money and enrich himself.

Ed had nothing but disgust for Littlefinger, a sinister and cunning fellow.Like a sea monster, Littlefinger extended its tentacles to White Harbor, the mouth of the northern border, and cultivated its own power at the White Harbor Customs. Ed decided to eradicate it resolutely.

Ed thought about it in his heart, and said to Earl Wyman: "Now, White Harbor Customs officials are taking advantage of Winterfell's salt settlement policy to resell illicit salt in the northern border. I must severely punish, Earl Wyman, after you go back, arrest These customs officials, replaced by people from Winterfell and White Harbor, will control the customs."

Earl Wyman was a little surprised, "Lord Ed, the White Harbor customs officers are all sent by King's Landing. If they are caught, in case King Robert and Prime Minister Jon Arryn ask him, this."

"Don't worry, I will write to King Robert and Prime Minister Jon Arryn to explain."

Ed believed that Littlefinger would protest to Jon Arryn and Robert at the imperial meeting after receiving the news of the arrest of the White Harbor customs officer. However, Ed and Robert had a close personal relationship with Jon Arryn. Littlefinger can't compare.

Robert danced and danced in brothels every day, and didn't care about the arrest of White Harbor customs officials at all.Even if Jon Arryn wants to investigate the White Harbor Customs, the customs officers sent by Littlefinger, colluding with smugglers to smuggle salt and embezzle are all facts.

"As long as King's Landing collects taxes from White Harbor Customs on time, they won't mind some customs officials being replaced."

Ed's ban on salt not only allowed Winterfell to control the salt, but also wiped out Littlefinger's influence in White Harbor Customs, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

 Thanks to the book friend "Li Binjie" for the monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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