Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 101 The Northern Fleet and the Great Wall Garrison

Chapter 101 The Northern Fleet and the Great Wall Garrison

In the study, Ed asked Earl Wyman of White Harbor about the White Harbor Shipyard.

"Today, there are more than 200 shipbuilders in the shipyard in White Harbor, and some novice craftsmen are becoming more and more proficient." Earl Wyman told Ed, "Marin, the shipbuilder, has already built four galley warships, and there are three more. A galley is under construction."

Speaking of the fleet, Earl Wyman's belly shook excitedly. He picked up the ale glass in front of him and drank it down, "Master Ed, this is the first time that our northern border has its own fleet in hundreds of years. ! With the Stark fleet guarding the coastline of the North, White Harbor is much safer."

Ed smiled, "The number is still too small, let Marin continue to build more warships."

The shipbuilder Marin is a native of Pentos, and he has worked as a shipbuilder in the Braavos Armory for many years.The northern rowing warship is designed according to Braavos' famous purple shell rowing battleship. Once the number of the northern fleet increases and the fleet takes shape, the naval power of the northern border will be comparable to the Royal Fleet and the Arbor Island Fleet in the River Bend and the Iron Fleet of the Iron Islands.

King Robert is now sitting in King's Landing. He is Ed's good brother. Ed's adoptive father Jon Arryn is the Prime Minister. Now the Seven Kingdoms barely maintain a fragile peace. move.

Once there is a change in the south, Ed can order a naval commander to command the northern rowing warships to go out of Bite Bay and go south, while he himself leads the northern army to go south on the King's Road.The two-way attack by sea will undoubtedly have a strong deterrent to the enemies in the south who are trying to go to the north, so that they dare not act rashly.

Earl Wyman licked the ale on his lips, "Lord Ed, when I arrived at the upper reaches of the White Knife, I saw that there was also a shipyard there. Is Winterfell going to build its own ships?"

Ed nodded, "Iron Bitch Helen Pike's shipbuilder Mogul and Raphael are both masters in designing and building longships. Both of them have participated in the design and construction of Iron Fleet longships. Build longships up the river."

Earl Wyman lowered his voice and said softly: "Lord Ed, the Ironborn cannot be trusted! Only six years have passed since King Balon's rebellion, and the iron bitch's collusion with the rock seed rebellion has just been suppressed, and Lord Ed let the Ironborn Shipwrights build longships, and what if the ironborn escape with the ships built by Winterfell?"

During the battle on Skagos Island, Earl Wyman's two sons, Sir Willis and Sir Wendell, were once captured by the iron bitch Helen Pike. Earl Wyman was in fear for many days in White Harbor. No wonder Wyman The Earl loathes the Iron Bitch and her ironborn shipwrights.

Ed smiled at Earl Wyman, "Lord Wyman, don't worry, the ironborn shipbuilders are only responsible for building ships. After the ships are built, they will be sent to White Harbor and Eastwatch."

Now Winterfell has reached a cooperation with the Night Watchman. All the more than 30 ironman longships captured by Ed on Skagos Island have been sailed to Eastwatch, where they are jointly used by the Brothers Nightwatchman and the soldiers of Winterfell. The shabby fleet turned into a wealthy fleet in an instant, and now you can fish in Seal Bay and Shivering Sea every day.

The person in charge of Winterfell in Eastwatch is Haihua. Now Haihua is leading the soldiers of Winterfell, and together with the craftsmen of the Night Watch, they are rebuilding Fort Greenguard next door to Eastwatch. The cold room here will be used as a storage place for seafood and food. land.

In addition to Fort Greenguard, Harwin was in charge of the Long Night Fort, and Erin was in charge of Westbridge Watch, and they were all under intense construction.Once Greenguard, Long Night Fort, and Westbridge Watch are rebuilt and the castle is put into use, Winterfell will directly rebuild the manor and set up a military camp on the land grant south of the castle.

On that day, Winterfell prepared a rich dinner, including barley venison soup, honey cake, lemon cake, mead, wild boar, onion beef, etc., to celebrate Domeric Bolton's name day.

With Ed's help, Roose Bolton and Earl Wyman shook hands and made peace, and the two drank "the wine that symbolizes friendship" together.Madame Ballerina sits with her brother, River Rythwell.

Reeve Rythwell was in his early thirties, with a strong build and a brown beard. He was the second son of Roderick Rythwell, Earl of Streamland.

Instigated by Sansa and Arya, Domeric picked up the harp and sang the song "The Stream and the Steed", which praised the cavalry and war horses in the stream. Mrs. Ballerina was fascinated by it, and her eyes were dim.

Caitlin handed Mrs. Ballet a handkerchief embroidered with silver trout, "Mrs. Ballet, what's wrong with you?"

"I just remembered things from my childhood." Mrs. Ballerina wiped away her tears, "When I was young, I often rode horses with Brandon and Lyanna in the stream, and now the horses in the stream are still galloping, the grass is still green, Brandon and Lyanna They all died."

Reef Rythwell said with a smirk: "Old sister, you are always with the ghosts of the past, is it true that the legend of the deserted tomb is true? It is said that the ancestor king of the great deserted tomb will cast a curse on the living, and slowly suck it." Dry the aura of the people who live around the Great Desolate Tomb. Sister, could it be that the First Ancestor King drained your vitality and passion? You should find a man earlier and have a bunch of children. Widowhood will only make you neurotic. "

Mrs. Ballerina glared at her younger brother, "Get away! My father can't control me, when is it your turn to point out my marriage?"

Reeve Rythwell made a grimace, and went to drink with Earl Wyman with his glass.

Ed came over, "Mrs. Ballerina, Brandon and Lyanna are buried in the ground. You must be very lonely in Barrowton, why don't you stay in Winterfell for a few more days. We can go hunting in Wolfwood together, go You can go fishing in the nearby river, or go to the manor to play.”

Mrs. Ballet covered her stomach, "Master Ed, thank you for your kindness, but I have not been feeling well in the past few days, some women's diseases."

Caitlin said with concern: "Our Maester Luwin in Winterfell has excellent medical skills. He can treat women's diseases. Why don't we let him diagnose and treat for you?"

Mrs. Ballet has always hated bachelors, she rolled her eyes, "You are so kind, but I don't like gray mice, let alone let them see a doctor for me. I just have a cold body, and every few days after menstruation, I will be covered all over. cold."

Caitlin held Mrs. Ballerina's hand, "I also have this symptom, soaking in the hot springs will heal slowly. The hot springs in Winterfell are the best, Mrs. Barbaret, let's take a bath together tonight, you will be able to soak in the hot springs Much more comfortable."

In the women's bathroom of Winterfell, Mrs. Ballerina and Caitlin soaked in the hot springs. The steam overflowed, making Mrs. Ballerina feel refreshed all over. Her skin was sweating, and her long hair hung down her shoulders.

"Winterfell is really a good place, there is a hot spring in the castle."

Caitlin smiled, "Winterfell not only has hot springs, but also glass gardens, sanctuaries and catacombs. Ed said that the glass farm will be expanded in the future."

Madame Ballet watched Caitlin through the steam.

"Mrs. Caitlin, I'm jealous of you. If Brandon is still alive, I might be the hostess of Winterfell."

(End of this chapter)

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