Chapter 13
Maester Luwin sent letters to King's Landing on Eddard's behalf, and both Hand Hand Jon Arryn and King Robert replied.

After receiving Robert's reply, Ed originally thought it would be written by the Grand Master Pycelle, but unexpectedly, it was actually written by Robert himself. In the letter, Robert greatly appreciated Ed's winter town expansion plan, and hoped that the new town would "It can be as majestic as Storm's End, and as noble as the Eagle's Nest City." It seems that Robert completely didn't understand that Ed was building a town, not a castle.

However, Robert generously promised to recruit Eddard a hundred blacksmiths or blacksmith apprentices in the Stormlands, Kingland and King's Landing.After the "prosperous new town" is completed, Robert will take the royal team to the north for the first royal parade.

Jon Arryn promised that he would recruit [-] experienced stonemasons in the valley for Ed and send them to Winterfell. In addition, Jon Arryn also recommended to Ed an architect Downs who stayed at Robert's court. .

Jon Arryn mentioned in his letter that this Downs once designed a luxurious house for Lord Tyrosh.After arriving in King's Landing, he has been petitioning Robert, hoping to build some "great works" to match King Robert's "great rule".

According to Downs' plan, Robert should build a new city 100 miles south of King's Landing, disperse the flow of people in King's Landing, restore the Dragon's Den, rebuild the Midsummer Hall, and widen the King's Road by one-third
Robert, who likes extravagance, thought about these unrealistic plans. Jon Arryn worried that Downs' stay at the court would make the treasury even worse, so he simply recommended Downes to Winterfell to serve Duke Eddard.

According to Maester Luwin's suggestion, Ed asked Theon to write a letter to Baron Greyjoy, the ruler of the Iron Islands, hoping to recruit some Iron Islands blacksmiths and ship designers, but Baron did not reply for a long time.

Today, from Kraken Point, Rock Coast, Bear Island, Saltspear Beach, Flint's Finger, some arrow towers have been erected on the west coast of the northern border of Ice Bay. The garrison in Yantun is guarding the coast while refining sea salt. Ed believes that Pirate raids will be much less frequent.

In the hall of Winterfell, Ed called Theon to stop.

"What's the matter with your father? He hasn't replied."

Theon said helplessly: "I guess my father might not be very happy when he heard about the establishment of salt settlements by the sea to defend against pirates, right? He might take it as a provocation."

Ed laughed and said, "I'm on the land in the north, and I'm building salt villages to resist pirates. What kind of provocation is this?"

Theon said: "We ironmen often say 'any land that can smell the breath of sea water or hear the sound of waves is my territory'. We yearn for the ancient roads, but when the ironmen see the arrow towers by the sea, they dare not charge , Naturally there will be a sense of loss. My father may not be able to accept the reality."

"Lord Ed, I'm very sad. Although you said you treated me like your own child, my father refused to respond to Winterfell's request. Does he really not care about my life? I am his only living son !"

Ed touched Theon's hand and signaled him to feel relieved, "I can't blame you for the blacksmith or the shipbuilder, don't think about it."

Ed was not surprised that Balon Greyjoy refused to send out blacksmiths and shipwrights. After all, too many northerners hated the ironborn, and the ironborn would not forget that the northern soldiers helped King Robert suppress the rebellion.Ed's only concern is whether the incident in Yantun will irritate Baron.

Although Baron bowed his knees, he swore to Robert that he would restrain his ironmen and end the ancient road. If the ironmen wanted to plunder, they would go to the Stone Step Islands or the distant seas across the narrow sea. Baron even declared that the ironmen were in the Seven Kingdoms. Anyone who plunders anywhere in the territory will drown all the way back to the Iron Islands.

But the Ironborn pirates are still like poachers and smugglers, haunting all over the Seven Kingdoms, even though it is only a small-scale robbery.According to folk rumors, Balon will share the property brought back by the robbers and condone the iron race's plunder.

Ed did not wait for the blacksmiths and shipbuilders from the Iron Islands. Fortunately, the vassals in the north did not disappoint Ed. Deepwood Castle sent 30 carpenters, and Dreadfort sent [-] stonemasons from Lonely Mountain.

Since Domilik Bolton, the heir of the Dreadfort, stayed in Winterfell as an adopted son, Roose Bolton has become more enthusiastic about Winterfell's instructions. Roose Bolton said in a letter to Winterfell, Work has begun on the first Arrow Tower Saltworks in the Dreadfort fiefdom.

The Leswell family in Streamland sent three experienced veterinarians. Streamland has always been an important place of origin for warhorses in the northern border. There are not only cavalrymen with excellent riding skills, but also many people who know how to look at horses and raise horses. .These three veterinarians are very good at treating horses.Eddard put them under Hullen, the stable master of Winterfell.There is no shortage of stable boys in the stables of Winterfell, but too few veterinarians.

Greatjon Umber sent a fat man named Ji Wen. Ji Wen has raised pigs in Umber's family for 20 years. He knows how to breed pigs, treat diseases, deliver pigs and care for sows after delivery.Ed put Shay in charge of the pigsty in Winterfell.

Mrs. Ballerina sent [-] brickmakers, and Ed arranged for these people to build a brick factory in the south of Winterfell together with the brickmakers recruited by Winterfell to prepare to produce bricks.

Herman Tall of Torren Square City sent fifty cavalry to help maintain the law and order in the winter town. Earl Seven sent sixty peasants to help build houses in the winter town. Earl Hornwood sent a batch of tailor.

Many residents in Winterfell Town couldn't buy needles and threads. Ed gave these tailors to Sister Mordane and asked them to live in Winterfell to help people mend clothes and earn some copper coins.

Among the people Earl Wyman sent were blacksmiths, craftsmen, and carpenters. Earl Wyman sent a message from the grain transport team from White Harbor to Duke Ed. He had already selected the location of the shipyard in White Harbor. The shipbuilders invited by Foss also arrived in White Harbor, and once the shipbuilders were in place, the ship could be formally built.

Ed walked to the forge in Winterfell, where Mikken was forging iron.Mikan is tall, with silver hair and a stocky physique, but he is obviously one size smaller in front of Hodor. Hodor is a big man with a height of nearly 2.1 meters.

Hodor is a stable boy, but he often comes to the forge to help out in his free time.Carrying the iron was hard work, but it was not difficult for Hodor because he was so thick that the iron was like straw in his hands.

Mikan saw Ed, "Master Ed, people often say that blacksmithing is a rough man's job and does not need brains, but look at Hodor, you will know that this sentence is very wrong. Hodor is the most handsome It's suitable for blacksmithing, but it's a pity that he doesn't have enough brains, otherwise he has been doing odd jobs for me for so many years, no matter how stupid an apprentice is, he should be a teacher."

Ed smiled and said, "Hodor is a simple person."

Mikan put down the hammer, "Lord Ed, I heard that you have recruited many blacksmiths. Am I going to lose my job? I hope to be able to work in Winterfell until the day I can't work anymore."

Ed said: "You are my best blacksmith. I recruited blacksmiths to prepare for the forge in the winter town. At that time, we will build weapons and armor on a large scale. Those blacksmiths are your subordinates, because I will put the forge in your charge."

Mikan said with a smile: "That's a good relationship. Is it really going to war?"

"Winter is coming, prepare early."

When the lords of the Seven Kingdoms went out to fight, the lords requisitioned soldiers, many of whom were fishermen, farmers, and herdsmen improvised. These people brought their own equipment, and some even used sickles and hammers as weapons. For ordinary soldiers, leather armor is It was a luxury, not to mention chain mail and plate armor.

Armor and swords are expensive, but Winterfell must store more, so that it will have an advantage when the war is mobilized.

Mikan touched the hammer, "I feel that there will be no more wars. Robert has firmly secured the Iron Throne. Now is the time of peace and prosperity."

Maester Luwin came running hastily, a letter in his hand.

"Lord Ed, our Yantun by the sea was attacked, more than 20 people died, and the arrow tower was destroyed."

Ed was taken aback, "What? Could it be that the ironmen on the west coast are so rampant? These damned ironmen."

Maester Luwin was panting.

"Lord Ed, it's not the west coast, but Seal Bay on the east coast, the territory of the Amber family. The enemy is not the iron species, but the barbarians from Skagos Island, the rock species!"

(End of this chapter)

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