Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 14 Winterfell Adopted Son

Chapter 14 Winterfell Adopted Son

Ed dined with the children in the hall.

Little Rickon was still nursing, so Catelyn had the servants bring food to the bedroom.

Robb and Bran wore woolen coats with the direwolf emblem of House Stark on their chests, and Domeric wore the scarlet cloak of House Bolton with the rusty crown and crossed battleaxes of Aunt Dustin's house on his chest .Before Domilik came to Winterfell as an adopted son, he was a servant to his aunt, Mrs. Ballerina.Theon's black leather armor bore the golden sea monster sigil of House Greyjoy.

Jon Snow sat in the corner of the table, the bastard son of Winterfell without any arms to wear.

Ed heard from Ser Roderick Cassel, the coach of Winterfell, that Theon has been practicing archery and swordsmanship more and more recently.In the past, Theon, Robb, and Jon trained together. When the 11-year-old Robb and Jon were practicing, they could not threaten Theon at all. Theon always defeated Robb and Jon with a smirk. .

But now, Domilik, the heir to the Dreadfort, has come to Winterfell and has become Ed's adopted son. Domilik's swordsmanship, riding skills and spear skills are better than those of his peers. It has been transferred from Theon to Domilik.

Sansa always asks Domilik for music and ballads, and pesters him to play the harp for her; Arya didn't like Domeric at first, but seeing his excellent sword skills, she began to pester Domilik to teach swordsmanship.

As an adopted son, Theon is far less popular among the children than Domilik, and the maids also prefer the gentle and gentle Domilik. Recently, Theon has changed a lot and took the initiative to chat with Sansa, Arya and Bran. You know In the past, Theon, except for Robb, didn't answer the other children at all.Theon's training was harder, he stopped talking dirty jokes to the maids, and he went to the winter town brothel less frequently.

Ed thought it might be that Theon felt that his status was threatened by Domilik. Although Theon always laughed, but after all, he was dependent on others, and in the hall of Winterfell, there was another person who was better and more popular than himself. The adopted son made it difficult for Theon not to change.

But Ed had to notice that Theon seemed to be pleasing everyone around him, but his relationship with Domilik had deteriorated. Whether it was in the school grounds or eating in the hall, Theon seldom spoke to Domilik.

The only thing that has not changed is the attitude towards Jon. Theon has always been indifferent to Jon, and it is the same now.

A servant brought a honey-roasted chicken, and Robb tore off a leg.

"Father, I heard from Sir Rodrik that the savages from Skagos Island attacked the Umber family's salt village by the sea and killed more than 20 people."

Ed said sadly: "Yes, the news spread really fast."

Theon said: "Lord Ed, the people in the winter shelter town are full of righteous indignation! When I was patrolling with the guards, I heard many people say that Lord Ed should gather the northern army and teach those cannibals a lesson."

Sansa turned pale with fright. She wore a long sea-green dress and her red hair hung over her shoulders. "Cannibals? How can there be cannibals in the world? It's terrible. It's not mentioned in the song."

"It's only fools who believe ballads." Arya, skinny and tousled, never bothered to dress herself up, wearing a brown top and black wool trousers.

Sansa glared at Arya, who ignored Sansa and turned to Ed.

"Father, those cannibals came to Amber's territory, burned, killed and looted, did they eat people?"

"It shouldn't be." Ed didn't want to discuss such horrible things as cannibals with the children at the dinner table.

Robb slammed the table, "Father, we must kill those Skaggs pirates and avenge those who died. Can I go to the battlefield?"

Ed smiled and said, "Robb, you're too young to be considered summer grass, at most the sprouts of spring. Have you ever seen a puppy in a stable? Are we going to have a puppy? Is the milk dog on the battlefield?"

Robb was a little angry, "I will be an adult in three years."

"Me too." Jon echoed, "Lord Ed, Robb and I can go to the battlefield. We often beat adults on the training ground."

The younger Bran ate the egg cake, "Can I go too?"

Theon laughed and said, "Are you little brats going to fight the rock species and deliver food to those cannibals? Skagos Island is plundering by boat and harassing the coast of the North. Who else is better than me?" Are you qualified to lead the army? I am the heir of the Iron Islands, not King Balon, the son of Lord Balon, a born ironborn."

"Let the ironborn defeat the rockborn, is there anything more perfect than this?"

Domilik Bolton, who had been silent all the time, said, "Theon, the Skaggs do call themselves rock species, but we northerners usually refer to the Skaggs as 'Skaggs', which is a slur The rock species is just what the Skaggs call themselves, and we northerners will not give the Skaggs such a high-sounding name."

"'We northerners'?" Theon's smile disappeared, and he grasped the word sensitively, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Domilik apologized sincerely, "I just said what the northerners think of the Skaggs. The name is different from us... from the people in the north, it's just a cultural difference."

Theon picked up his eating fork as if it were a weapon, his face contorted with rage.

"Do I need you to teach me? Tell you, I came to Winterfell when I was ten years old. I grew up here. My coming-of-age ceremony and my first kiss with a girl were all here. Lord Ed said that I Half rascal, half sea monster. You have only been in Winterfell for a few days? How dare you push me aside."

Sansa exclaimed, "Theon, you are so rude, how can you talk to good Domeric like that?"

Arya chimed in, "Yeah, Theon, you're taking it too seriously."

Jon commented, "Domeric apologized, Theon, you shouldn't be so persistent."

Facing the accusations of everyone, Theon became more and more angry. He looked at Robb and cast a look of help.

Robb looked at Domilik, then at Theon, he was a little confused, "Theon, I think what Domilik said is actually the truth, he's not targeting you, he shouldn't be so glassy."

Theon broke down and said, "Even if you say that, what did I do wrong? So many of you are targeting me."

Domeric stood up and put his hand on Theon's shoulder.

"Theon, I'm sorry, all this is caused by my poor words."

Theon slapped Domilik's hand off, "Flayer, don't give me hypocrisy."

Robb shakes his head and sighs, Sansa scolds Theon softly, Arya hits Theon with an egg on the table, and Jon curses Theon.Bran applauded, "It's fighting! Hurry up!"

"Enough!" Ed's voice cut through the hall of Winterfell like a sharp sword.

"The savages of Skagos are killing the lands of the north, the savages, the ironmen may be in some dark corner, planning the next attack on the north, you children are in my hall noisy."

Theon suppressed his anger and sat down on the chair.

Ed said: "Theon, you are an adult now, you can't be dominated by emotions, being too sensitive will only expose your shortcomings to others. Domilik apologized to you just now, you have to apologize to him."

Theon said a perfunctory "I'm sorry," and Domilik accepted it solemnly.

Sansa looked at Ed.

"Dad, what the hell is going on with the cannibals of Skaggs? I've never heard of it."

Ed's eyes patrolled Jon, Robb, Theon, and Domeric.

"Children, you study with Maester Luwin every day. Now it's time to test you. Who can introduce Sansa to Skagos Island and the tribes above?"

Robb and Jon were a little confused, and Theon frowned, seemingly racking his brains.

Domilik said: "Master Ed, let me come!"

"The Starks of Winterfell are kings in the North, from the south of the Gathering of the Night's Watch on the Wall to the north of the Neck, no matter the nobles who live in the castle or the mountain clans who live in the mountains , the forest tribes living in the wolf forest, all submit to the rule of the Stark family."

"But there is one exception. This area is Skagos Island, which is located between Seal Bay and Shivering Sea. This island is the easternmost point of the Great Wall, and the port fortress of Brother Night Watch is across the sea. It is the northernmost area. The largest island. The Skaggs have rebelled many times in history, challenging the Stark family, and the last major rebellion occurred during the time of Daeron II."

Robb said angrily: "The largest island in the north does not submit to the rule of Winterfell."

Domilik continued: "The people living on this island are the Skaggs people, who call themselves rock species. The savages living on Skaggs Island are somewhat different from their neighbors, the Amber family on the opposite side of Seal Bay. Similarly, they are tall and tall, and it is said that they have the blood of giants like the Umber family. They wear fur coats that exude a fishy smell. They will kill the living and sacrifice the weirwood. There are even legends that, They have a habit of cannibalism."

"It is rumored that the leader of Skaggs will ride a unicorn to fight. The island produces obsidian and animal fur. The Skaggs have no currency, and they will barter for things when they trade. Their warships are relatively backward. Winterfell The ships of the islanders were burned many times, and they were banned from going to sea, but due to the weak strength of the navy in the north, the sea ban was in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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