Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 15 The Rock Species Threat

Chapter 15 The Rock Species Threat

Domeric Bolton loved history, and in the Great Hall of Winterfell, in front of Eddard, he told the children of Winterfell about Skagos Island and the rock species that lived on that land.

"The Skaggs are the same as the wildlings outside the Great Wall north of the Great Wall. They speak the common language. Some tribes may speak ancient languages ​​and worship the old gods. This is the same as the ancestors of the northern border and the wildlings outside the Great Wall. Learn from some Maesters classify the Skaggs as wildlings, believing that they are descendants of seafaring adventurers among the wildlings, and they are regarded as seafaring peoples in the wildling civilization, while other maesters believe that their customs are closer to the mountain clans in the north. There's also an opinion in town that the Skaggs may have Iban blood."

"Whether the Skaggs are more like savages or more like mountain clans, they are all tough and warlike peoples, and they have maintained many barbaric customs, such as sacrificing living people to the weirwood. Many ancient books , have recorded the custom of cannibalism among the Skagos, and this season is more common in the harsh winter.”

Sansa shuddered. "It's terrible."

Bran knocked on the bowl with his spoon. "What's so scary? Old Nan's stories are scary! Old Nan's stories say that the Skagos were on the Isle of Skagne next to Skagos. Women, kill men and old people, and use their flesh to start a feast for half a year!"

Sansa turned pale with fright, and Robb said disdainfully, "Old Nan's stories are all about scaring children."

Domilik smiled and said, "I'm afraid there are some real elements in the story. The most authoritative work on Skagos Island and rock species today is "The Edge of the World" by Bachelor Baldr. During his time as Lord Commander Stark, he served as a Maester at Eastwatch for sixty years."

"The terrifying feast of Skaine in Old Nan's story is also described in Maester Baldr's "Edge of the World", but the details are different. The rock species feast recorded in "Edge of the World" was held for half a month, not Old Nan's story. The island of Skaine is likely to be a no-man’s land, the seaside is covered with bones, and the passing ships are far away. Many passing sailors said that they can still hear the howls of the tragic dead, so I think There's a lot of truth to this story."

Both Robb and Jon began to get nervous. After all, Old Nan's story was one thing, and the maester's story was another.

Ed gave Domilik an approving look, "Domilik, you are like a moving library, and you actually know so much about the desolate and savage Skagos Island."

Domilik said humbly: "Lord Ed is overrated. I just like the battles, heroes and stories in the books."

Theon said angrily: "I haven't believed in stories since I was weaned! Stupid stories are just old women's babble."

Ed smiled: "Theon, you, Jon, and Robb should learn from Domilik. Read more books, and more books can increase your wisdom. If you want to become military strategists and leaders in the future, more books can help you of."

Robb and Jon nodded solemnly, and Theon was a little perfunctory.

Ed added: "Of course, if you all want to be brave and foolish, you can only charge into battle, it doesn't matter if you don't read or not. Just like Greatjon Umber. He actually asked me to be alone Lead troops and row fishing boats across the sea to Skagos Island to avenge those barbarians."

Greatjon's territory was plundered by Skaggs pirates. The first attack occurred at the newly established salt village beside Seal Bay. Soldiers in these salt villages usually refine sea salt in the morning and practice weapons in the afternoon.Since these people were newly recruited and had only been trained for a few days, when the rock pirates attacked Yantun, these recruits were no match at all.

The first time the rock pirates attacked and killed more than 20 people. A few days later, a raven flew to the last hearth city and reported that the rock pirates slaughtered another village, killing old people, men, and abducting women And children, leaving dead bodies everywhere.The Greatjon was about to explode, and asked Eddard to march to Skagos Island to get revenge on the Skagos.

Jon looked at Eddard, "Lord Stark, Skaggo."

"It's a rock species." Ed corrected, "The Skags are a scorn. The Skaggs are uncivilized barbarians. They are traitors in the north. They are our enemies. I will not despise the enemy. Despise the enemy It will only lead to arrogance, and arrogance and underestimation of the enemy is a big taboo on the battlefield."

Jon nodded, "Well, the rock pirates burned, killed and looted in Greatjon's territory. Isn't it reasonable for Greatjon to request to send troops to Skagos Island? Why do you think this is foolhardy?"

Ed said indifferently: "Jon, if you want to become a qualified commander when you grow up, you must consider risks in everything you do. Great Jon wants to gather a fleet of fishing boats to compete with the barbaric Skaggs pirates at sea. , he even wants to go deep into the strange island of Skagos. Don't you see the risk of the Greatjon doing this? Think carefully before answering me."

Jon pondered for a while, "Bigjon's fishing boat can't compete with pirate ships at all. He may be attacked by rock pirates after going out to sea. He may not be able to reach Skagos Island at all."

Ed nodded, "That's right, even if he arrived at Skagos Island, the island haunted by terrifying cannibal legends, few outsiders would dare to set foot there. For the Greatjon and the members of the Umber family, it is simply In a strange place, with narrow paths in the mountains, ancient forests, and strange lakes, there is a high probability that the entire army will be wiped out if they go deep alone."

Robb gritted his teeth, "Damn the rock seed pirates are traitors in the north. They once swore allegiance to Winterfell, but they committed rebellion many times. I guess the rock seed has long forgotten that Stark was once their lord. The Rock Seed pirates attacked the Amber family's territory, Father, as the guardian of the North, the Duke of Winterfell, should we endure the killing and humiliation of the Rock Seed?"

Ed said: "I have sent orders to Greatjon and Rickard Karstark, as long as they see any rock pirates, kill them without mercy, and destroy rock boats as much as possible, but they can't go to sea to confront them .”

Domilik said: "Master Ed, Skaggs Island is a backward and barren island. I think the Karstark family and the Amber family should join forces, and Winterfell also send soldiers to join us. Let's assemble a fleet , go to Skagos Island and teach these savages a lesson, the chances of winning are great."

"Of course, if Lord Eddard calls up soldiers from all the North, let the crossbowmen of the Marshlanders, the cavalry of the Streamlands, the cavalry and spearmen of the Dreadfort, the knights of White Harbor, the infantry of the Mountain Clans, the spearmen of Deepwood Motte The shield soldiers and cavalry archers from Torun's Fang City gathered together in a mighty way to Seal Bay, found a ship to transport them to Skagos Island, and wiped out these barbarians completely, and it would not be difficult for them to surrender."

Ed smiled wryly, "Do you think rock species are really that easy to deal with?"

Domilik shrugged, "When the lord gathers an army, the barbarians will flee into the mountains, struggle and be defeated, captured, and surrender. When the tyrants are rampant, heroes will come in response to the call of the people, hold high the banner of justice, and kill Tyrant, Rebuild Dawn. Good always triumphs over evil, and it's always been written in the history books."

There was a confident smile on Domilik's face. Among his peers, Domilik was considered mature, prudent and knowledgeable, but he was still too young after all.

Ed frowned, "How can war be child's play? Every victory you see is actually dangerous. Don't underestimate the rock species. In fact, the last rebellion of the rock species occurred during the period of Daeron II. It was just over 100 years ago. The rebellion lasted for several years and claimed thousands of lives, including the then Duke of the North, Bath Stark."

Originally, Ed's Yantun plan was aimed at the Ironborn raiders on the west coast, but he didn't expect the rock species on the east coast to be the first to jump up.According to reports, there were still small groups of raiders on the west coast, but most of their targets were fishing villages, and the ironmen rarely harassed the salt settlements guarded by the arrow towers by the sea.

The ravages of rock species forced Ed to set his target on Skaggs Island.According to the ravens sent by Kahuo City, rock pirates appeared even in Karstark's peninsula territory, but the scale was not as big as that of Amber's.

The expansion of the winter shelter town, the Yantun, the military settlement with increased land, and the beehive plans in various places have caused a large number of golden dragons to flow out of Winterfell every day. Now that Winterfell is short of funds, the damn rock pirates jumped out to make trouble at this time , making Ed very depressed.

Because Skagos Island is too mysterious, no one knows how many tribes and populations live in the mountains of this island.However, judging from the last time Winterfell quelled the rebellion on Skagos Island, rock species were not easy to deal with.

Now the night watchmen of Eastwatch are in Seal Bay, and they will kill the wildlings if they catch the boats, but they still can't stop the wildlings' boats from appearing in the territory of the Umber family and even the Karstark family. It is conceivable that the wildling raiders rowed boats Landings on Skagos Island are common.

The savages and the rock tribes have similar common language accents. According to legend, some tribes can still communicate in ancient languages. Using Skaggs Island as a springboard to attack the North would be a disaster for the North.

Among other things, Ed's hard-working Yantun, land-increasing military settlements, beehives, expansion plans for winter shelters, etc. will have to be interrupted, and the previous investment will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Ed actually felt cold in the warm hall, and the cold climbed up his back.

The cold wind blows, chilling to the bone.

(End of this chapter)

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