Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 200 Scorched Earth West Territory, Seven Gods Contest, Venomous Snake Revenge

Chapter 200 The Western Territory of the Scorched Earth, the Contest of the Seven Gods, and the Revenge of the Viper
In the Western Territory camp to the west of Golden Tooth City, Duke Tywin looked at the map of the Western Territory with a sad face.

"I didn't expect that Ed would dare to take the initiative to send troops into the mountains of the western border when the iron people were aggressively attacking the northern border."

Sir Kevan said melancholy: "What happened to the Ironborn? According to the time, the Iron Fleet should have captured Wolf's Castle on the west coast of the northern border and occupied the northern border of Calim Bay."

James snorted softly, "The iron people are capricious. King Balon took Lannister's gold, but don't expect the iron people to help Lannister and defeat Stark. Now the enemy has entered the mountains of the western region, and we are fighting in the western region. If you are more familiar with the terrain, it will not be a problem to eliminate the wolf king's mountain army."

Duke Tywin said: "It is true that the people of the western region are more familiar with the mountains in the western region, but there must be skinchangers in the mountain army. Those hawks, owls, giant eagles and the like can be easily detected."

The golden girl's skirt whirled, "I can deal with skinchangers. My sparrows and squirrels can scout for Lannister in the mountains. I can even try to charm the beasts that occupy the skinchangers."

Duke Tywin: "Golden Girl, your little animal scouting for Lannister can indeed offset the advantage of skinchangers scouting for us, but the combat capability of the Mountain Legion in the mountains cannot be underestimated."

"According to the information I got before, the wolf king's mountain army is composed of rock species from Skaggs Island, cavemen from Frostfang outside the Great Wall, nightwalking tribes, mountain clans from the Bright Moon Mountains in the valley, and warriors from the northern mountain tribes. , Such an army is a nightmare in the mountains!"

James stroked the ribbon on the gold-plated sword, "Father, these are just a group of barbarians, the wolf king's barbarian pets. Give me a legion, and I can easily wipe out the enemies in the mountains, and let these barbarians go back to the country, crying and howling." Riverland."

Duke Tywin said: "The soldiers of the Mountain Legion are mostly barbarians, but their commander is Bronze Jon. Bronze Jon, the Earl of Runestone City, is brave and good at fighting, and he is by no means easy to dismiss."

James said disdainfully: "Bronze Jon is a prince of the valley, how can he know the mountains in our western region? I have faced Bronze Jon several times in the tournament field before. Bronze Jon is wearing his bronze armor, When was it not defeated by my gun?"

"Father, send me to deal with Bronze Yohn and the Mountain Legion!"

Duke Tywin shook his head stubbornly, "No, James, you have to stay here."

James said angrily, "Why?"

Lord Tywin's finger landed on Riverrun on the map.

"Brynden the Blackfish and Robb, the little wolf cub, led an army to gather under the city of Riverrun. Now that the mountain army has entered the northern mountainous area of ​​the western region, as long as I divide my troops to rescue the northern mountainous area, the army of the wolf king under the city of Riverrun will surely follow the river. Avenue, attack the Golden Tooth City."

"Golden Tooth City is the throat of the Western Region. Once Golden Tooth City falls, the entire defense line of the Western Region will collapse. James, you must stay in Golden Tooth City. You are needed here."

James said: "The news recently came that Earl Jason Mallister of Sea Frontier City led the Sea Frontier City fleet to plunder the fishing villages and small towns along the coast of the western region. Should we send troops to support them?"

Duke Tywin shook his head, "The fleet ships in Sea Front City are not many, even if Ed sets up a shipyard in Sea Front City, there will not be many warships in Sea Front City in the short term. I will write to Earl Farman and let the Fairy Island fleet go north Deal with the fleet in Sea Front City, and at the same time write to King Balon, asking the Ironborn to plunder the coast of the Riverlands, when the time comes, Earl Jason Mallister will definitely retreat."

Lord Tywin turned to Sir Kevan, "Kevon, I will allocate 1 elite soldiers to you. You go all the way north and gather the lords along the way. When the lords from all over the place add up their forces, when you reach the northern mountainous area, your strength should be [-] There are ten thousand people, enough to deal with Bronze Jorn's mountain army."

"I sent you the Golden Lady, she can help you deal with the skinchangers in the Mountain Legion."

The golden girl showed an evil smile, "Duke Tywin, don't worry, I will capture every skinchanger, and let the skinchangers and their beasts cry in the dungeon of Casterly Rock!"

Ed rode a giant eagle and brought the eagle prince Mi Chu, the giant eagle princess Bertha and the magic dragon Flying Wolf to the blacksmith city of Kraken Point.

After the defeat of the Iron Islands army, Asha, the commander of the Iron Fleet, Victarion, and Aeron Damphair set sail and fled the northern border. Benford Tallhar, the heir of Lunfang City, led troops to surround the Rock City of Wolf's Castle, which was occupied by the Ironmen from land, and Jon Snow led the northern west coast fleet to attack from the sea.

After a bloody battle, the Ironborn soldiers assassinated the commander appointed by Victarion, raised the white flag and surrendered, Rock City returned to the hands of the North, and the Ironborn on the Rock Coast was also wiped out.

Today, the last wolf castle occupied by the ironmen is the blacksmith city in Kraken Point.

Flint's Finger is the northern lord's castle closest to the blacksmith city. Earl Barak Flint has led his army to the blacksmith city. The northern soldiers from the arrow tower and beacon tower on the Flint cliff also descended to join the siege The team of Blacksmith City.

Even seeing the dragon and the giant eagle attacking, the iron people did not lose their courage. The iron people fought with crossbows and yew longbows, and shot and wounded several giant eagles. Even the dragon and the wolf were shot through the wings by sharp arrows. , the spurted blood is flame.

Fortunately, the trebuchet brought by Barak Flint smashed down the walls of the blacksmith city with stones. The northern soldiers rushed up and fought bloody battles with the ironmen among the ruins of the city walls. After a fierce and bloody battle, the northerners killed all of them. The ironborn in the city, the heads of the ironborn were piled up under the weirwood heart tree, blood sacrificed to the old gods.

Ed ordered the eagle prince Michu and the giant eagle princess Bertha to take care of the injured giant eagle and the dragon Flying Wolf. He came to the dungeon and rescued the iron bitch Helen who was imprisoned in the cell, James Could and others .

Helen pressed a wet kiss on Ed's face, and Helen fell into Ed's arms, "Your Highness Wolf, I knew that you would come to save me."

Ed caressed Helen's pretty face, "I hope these damn iron invaders didn't abuse my iron bitch."

Helen said: "A few guys almost raped me, but fortunately King Baron's daughter Asha saved me. Your Highness Wolf, I have been locked in the dungeon all this time. How is the battle outside?"

Ed said: "Jon and I burned the Iron Islands fleet with wildfire and dragon flames in the Heat Wave River. The Iron Fleet lost two-thirds of its ships, and the fleets of other leaders of the Iron Islands also suffered heavy losses."

"Many large ships in the Iron Islands, such as Victarion's Invincible Ironborn, Asha's Black Wind, Aeron Damphair's Drowned God, Lord Harlaw's Book, and Lord Bodley's King , were all destroyed by the flames. I captured Rodrik the Reader of Harlow Island, as well as the leader of Botley, Dagmer the Cleft Jaw and other famous generals of the Iron Islands."

"Now the Wolf's Castle in the north occupied by the ironmen has been taken back by the northerners. Victarion, Asha, and Aeron Damphair fled towards the Iron Islands like defeated dogs."

Helen was very excited, "I knew that with the strategizing of Jon and His Royal Highness the Wolf, the Ironborn would definitely be wiped out. It's a pity that I became a prisoner and missed the great battle."

Ed softly said: "Don't be stupid, if it wasn't for the blacksmith city of Kraken Point, the Rock City of the Rocky Coast, the Warhorse City in the Streamland, and the Dawn Watch in the Barren Tomb, they fought hard and slowed down the attack speed of the Ironborn, and I and I How is it possible that Jon has time to organize a defense at the Heatwave River?"

Helen was greatly moved, "I didn't get His Highness the Wolf's order before, and rushed to attack Lannisport, will His Highness the Wolf be angry?"

Ed softly said: "You disobeyed the military order, I am very angry, but fortunately you destroyed the Lannisport fleet, my army has already begun to attack the western region, Lannisport has no fleet, the sea defense of the western region is even weaker. You are here When you resisted the ironborn, you also made contributions, so I forgive you for your previous mistakes."

Helen bowed her head, "I am the salt concubine of His Royal Highness Wolf, and I will definitely obey His Royal Highness Wolf's orders in the future."

"Your Highness Wolf, the Iron Islands fleet has lost too many longships after the fiasco of the Rewave River. Please let me take the northern west coast fleet south. I will definitely be able to wipe out the Iron Islands."

Ed said: "Helen, I will send you to lead the fleet southwards from the west coast of the northern border, but not to attack the Iron Islands, but to plunder the western border."

Helen was a little surprised, "Western Territory?"

Ed said: "Although the iron people suffered a disastrous defeat, the fighting power of the iron people at sea should not be underestimated. Back then, King Robert put down the Greyjoy rebellion, Stannis destroyed the iron fleet on Fairy Isle, and the Seven Kingdoms later The army attacked the Iron Islands, fought on the islands of the Iron Islands, and still suffered heavy casualties."

"After all, the Iron Islands are too barren, there is very little arable land there, and the iron ore on the island is worthless. Even if the northern border captures the Iron Islands, it will be too difficult to conquer the Ironborn. Helen, you are an Ironborn yourself. You It is clear that the Ironmen worship the Drowned God, and they are quite different from the men of the North, the Riverlands, and the Vale."

"I have decided to attack the Western Region first. The Western Region is much richer than the Iron Islands. There are gold and silver mines everywhere. After I conquer Lannister, I will conquer the Iron Islands."

Helen Pike said: "So, I'm going to bring the west coast fleet of the Northern Territory to Sea Frontier City?"

Ed nodded, "That's right. The Northern Fleet staying in Sea Frontier City can deter the Iron Islands across the sea, and it will be very convenient to go south to plunder the Western Territory."

"I will ride a giant eagle and bring the dragon back to the riverlands. I will take the armies of the riverlands, the valleys and the north to conquer Lannister in the west!"

In the Great Hall of Riverrun, Lord Hoster, Brynden the Blackfish, Robb the Young Wolf Lord, and Ser Edmure greeted Renly together.

Now, Edmure has been exempted from military authority by Duke Hoster due to his previous disobedience to the military order. He has concentrated on managing the affairs of the territory and performed well.

The army of the Wolf King under Riverrun City has already begun to march towards the west. The first team is led by Phelan and Robert Glover, the second team is led by Greatjon Umber, and the third team is led by Tay from Raventree City. Lord Dos Blackwood was at the head of the fourth, Lord Herman Tallhart of Torrhen's Square was the fourth, Ser Lynn Corbray of the Vale was the fifth, and Jay Jay of Stonehedge was the sixth. Lord North Bracken at the head of the Seventh Company, Lady Meggie Mormont of Bear Isle.

The seven-way army, with a total of more than 2 people, marched towards the Golden Tooth City, the fortress of the western border, and plundered villages and mines along the western border.

Duke Hoster was in good spirits, "Your Majesty Renly, I never thought you would come to Riverrun."

Renly said humbly: "Duke Hoster, where am I still your majesty? The nobles of the Stormlands and the Reach have abandoned me. Now, I have given up the crown. You can just call me Renly. I am just a The exiles are here to join the wolf king Ed."

Then Renly presented the crown of roses and stags, made of pure gold, with roses carved out of opals, garnets, and rubies, and stags of sapphires, tourmalines, and agates. The cost was high, and Horst quickly asked Robb to accept the crown.

Duke Hoster smiled and said, "Then, Lord Renly, on behalf of the Wolf King, I welcome you and your friends!"

Renly pointed to Loras and Brienne, the Knights of Flowers, "These two are my friends. Loras, the Knight of Flowers, is the youngest son of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden. This is Tarth's Brienne, Lord Tarth, daughter of Lord Selwyn the Evening Star."

"Brennie and Loras have always been with me. Even though their family abandoned me, they still did not abandon me. They are the most precious wealth in my short king's career."

Brienne said: "As long as the Wolf King treats Renly well, the Knight of Flowers and I are willing to fight for the Wolf King."

Loras, the Knight of Hundred Flowers, said: "Yes, we are longing for the wolf king to lead us to win the glory of the battle together."

The young wolf lord Robb said excitedly: "The wolf king has gone to the north now. If he knows that you have come to join him, he must be very happy. Loras, the knight of flowers, and Brienne of Tarth are all powerful fighters, and Renly is even more famous. A well-known good man, deeply loved by the common people. With your support, the wolf king is like a tiger with wings."

Blackfish Brynden said: "The Wolf King has always imagined to form a women's army. In the future, Miss Brienne is the best candidate for the commander of the women's army. Brienne and Loras, you can stay under my account, I will I will let you lead the scout troops."

Duke Hoster said: "Now that Gregor the Devil's Mountain is leading a group of mad dogs to wreak havoc in the riverlands, I think Loras, the Knight of Flowers, is suitable for hunting the Devil's Mountain."

On the way to Riverrun, Renly, Loras, and Brienne all witnessed the atrocities committed by the Lannister mad dogs such as Gregor the Mountain, Amory Lodge, and the Blood Mummers against the civilians in the riverland. Outraged.

Loras, the Knight of Flowers, stroked his sword, "Gregor the Mountain is a hypocritical knight. I have long wanted to kill this guy."

A rough voice came, "Little Flower Knight, if you want to kill my brother, you still have to line up."

Sandor, dressed in smoke-gray armor and a dog helmet, came to the hall with the mercenary Bronn.

Renly asked in surprise, "Sandor, you weren't in King's Landing to protect your master Joffrey, why did you come here?"

Sandor said unhappily: "King's Landing has become a city of the dead, and I am no longer a dog of Lannister. Now, I am a dog of wolves. Renly, what about you? Why don't you be your king in Highgarden , What are you doing in Riverrun?"

Renly said helplessly, "My kingdom of roses and stags has been destroyed, so I have to go to the wolf king."

Sandor let out a rough laugh, "You are suitable for bragging at palace banquets, not for being a king. What can you do when you come to the wolf king? You also want to fight?"

Duke Hoster said: "Lord Renly is the distinguished guest of the Wolf King and my guest. He doesn't need to go to the battlefield."

As long as Renly stays in Riverrun, Brienne and Knight of Flowers are willing to serve the Wolf King. Moreover, Renly's military strength and command ability are very average, so he is not suitable for combat.

Renly said: "Duke Hoster, I still hope to serve the Wolf King. Please arrange something for me to do! I don't want to be idle. I used to be the Minister of Justice in King Robert's imperial council."

Horst thought for a while, "Master Renly, the wolf king Ed has not become king, and there is no imperial meeting. The wolf king is implementing the military settlement and household registration system in the riverlands and valleys. A lot of work needs to be done every day. If you If you are interested, you can join in."

Renly smiled. "I'm more than happy to serve the Starks and the Wolf King."

Brynden the Blackfish took Brienne, Loras, the Knight of Flowers, and Sandor the Hound to the camp outside Riverrun. In the camp, they met Prince Oberyn who had returned from the war.

Prince Oberyn's eyes widened. "Am I not mistaken? Why are Joffrey's dogs, Renly's Blossoms and the Beauty together?"

Blackfish Brynden said: "Prince Oberyn, during your expedition, Sandor, Loras the Flower Knight, Brienne of Tarth, and Renly have all joined the Wolf King's camp."

The hunting dog Sandor said coldly: "I heard that a Dornish red viper was going to hunt and kill my brother, the Devil's Mountain, in the riverlands, so I joined the wolves, my brother, the Devil's Mountain, Gregor, and only I Can kill."

Prince Oberyn said indifferently: "The Hound, Gregor the Mountain is one of my targets. I also want to kill Tywin's old thief, Amory Loki."

"Now that Gregor the Mountain and Amory Lodge have appeared in Mummer's Beach and Wende Town, are you interested in hunting them all?"

The Hound Sandor said: "Okay, Amory Lodge can be left to you, but don't try to take my brother's head from the Devil's Mountain."

Prince Oberyn winked at Loras, "Knight of Flowers, you are getting more and more handsome. Any beauty who can sleep with someone like you at night must be very happy."

Renly followed the jailer of Riverrun City to the dungeon of Riverrun City, where Tyrion and his servant Podrick were imprisoned.

Tyrion asked curiously, "Your Majesty Renly, why did you come to Riverrun? Could it be that you were also a prisoner of the Wolf King?"

Renly said, "I have given up my crown and surrendered to the Wolf King, and now I am his guest."

Tyrion looked at the shackles on his hands, "Renly, you are a guest in the wolf king's living room, and I am a prisoner, why don't you say something to save me?"

Renly smirked and said, "Your father is not willing to spend gold to redeem you at all. Who is to blame? I heard that some dark and terrible things happened in King's Landing? I heard that Cersei became the queen?"

Tyrion smiled, "Compared to those fallen creatures in King's Landing, being a prisoner in Riverrun isn't that bad?"

King's Landing, the Great Cathedral of Baelor, under the watchful eyes of the seven gods, the Virgin, the Father, the Warrior, the Crone, the Maiden, the Stranger, and the Blacksmith, the big fat archbishop dressed in silk and satin knelt before Cersei and the necromancer Ogbeta in front of.

The archbishop cried: "I am willing to abandon the belief of the Seven Gods and become the most humble servant of the God of Cold, as long as you spare my life."

Cersei sneered, "Chief Bishop, you are the spokesperson of the Seven Gods! You rely on the Seven Gods to make countless fortunes, eat fat and fat, and are a frequent visitor to the brothel on Silk Street. The peacock meat, skylark meat, and caviar you eat every day, The golden wine from Qingting Island, the blue nobles, which one is not a gift from the Seven Gods."

"Why did you even betray the belief of the Seven Gods?"

The archbishop wept and said: "Your Majesty, I just want to live. As long as I can survive, I will do whatever you ask me to do?"

Ogbeta held the skeleton scepter in his hand, "Master, are you really willing to abandon the belief in the Seven Gods?"

The archbishop shook his fat pig-like neck, "Yes, I am willing to follow the cold god and become a believer of the cold god."

Ogbeta showed an ugly smile, "To prove your determination, I want you to announce that the Seven Gods are hypocritical gods and that the Cold God is the only true God in front of the people of King's Landing."

"I want you to personally take the disciples of the Cold God and destroy the statues of the Seven Gods in the Great Cathedral of Baylor."

The archbishop was a little scared, "I can convert to the belief of the cold god, but it is not good for me to attack the seven gods in public, right? I will be killed by the monks and nuns of the church, the silent sisters, the faithful men and women of the seven kingdoms, and the people who anointed the holy oil." The knight cursed. I am willing to give up the position of archbishop and become an apprentice of the cold god, is that not enough?"

Ogbeta said darkly: "If you reject me, I will make your life worse than death."

In the end, the archbishop succumbed.

Cersei was originally worried that the archbishop would lead the people of the church to resist to the death. It seems that this fat archbishop loves himself more than the seven gods.

In the seven holy places like the Baelor Cathedral, publicly slandering the seven gods is destined to offend the knights and believers of the seven gods who anointed the holy oil, but Cersei doesn't care.As long as it can please Hanshen, it is worth doing anything.

When Cersei burned the Godswood and destroyed the statue of the Seven Gods in the Royal Sanctuary, Sir Alys Oakheart of the Royal Guards was very dissatisfied. A few days later, Alys Oakheart disappeared. Has escaped from King's Landing.

Princess Myrcella likes Sir Alys Oakheart very much, because Alys Oakheart is the most handsome one in the Kingsguard, and he is also very gentlemanly and chivalrous.Myrcella wept when she learned of Ser Alys Oakheart's departure.

However, Cersei did not feel that the departure of Aris Oakheart was a loss. He was the youngest son of the Countess of Oakheart, and Ancient Oak was a vassal of Highgarden. The territory is adjacent to the Western Territory, and it has been the outpost of the Reach against the Western Territory since ancient times.

After Alys Oakheart left, there was another vacancy in the Kingsguard. Cersei immediately filled the vacancy with Black King Tabit, who, like Flame Nulustu, was a slave Hercules , is Cersei's male favourite.

Today's Kingsguard are all Cersei's people, Cersei is much more at ease.But Cersei doesn't need the protection of the Kingsguard. The Kingsguard protects Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen.

With Cersei, Prince Rhaegar and Deathstorm are enough.

It was the God of Cold who gave Cersei Rhaegar Prince, the man she loved all her life. Cersei would touch Rhaegar's silver-white hair and kiss his godlike face every day. Unfortunately, the resurrected Prince Rhaegar had no body temperature. It's cold all over, and it's impossible to warm Cersei in bed like Jaime, Flame Nulustu, and Black King Kong Thabeet.

As for the death storm, he is the resurrection of the worm king Robert. Cersei hates Robert, but she cannot deny that Robert is a powerful fighter, and Cersei feels at ease with Robert by his side.

What pleased Cersei the most was that Robert could no longer go to a brothel to find prostitutes to fool around with as before. He didn't eat or drink, had no desire, and couldn't enjoy food and wine anymore. He became Cersei's servant, and Cersei Xi has Death Storm to wash her feet every day. Whenever Death Storm washes Cersei's feet, Cersei feels that she is the queen above her.

Today, Cersei has become a loyal believer of the cold god,

The bell of Baylor Cathedral sounded like a death knell, calling the people of King's Landing to gather in Baylor Cathedral.

So, people from Steel Street, Silk Street, Flea Nest, Flour Street, Shoemaker's Square, the street under Rhaenys Hill, Dragon's Lair, the street under Aegon's High Hill, and Shadow Lane, heard the bell and turned towards Baelor. The church came.

In the past few days, Ogbeta used bats and mice to conduct investigations, and found out about the Baelor Cathedral and the wealthy area near the old city gate. They hid a lot of food and food, and the whole city was starving. Now, the rich and the church can still live comfortably, and even make a fortune by taking advantage of the hoarded food.

Ogbeta sent a death storm with black robes composed of cold god believers, and confiscated a lot of food from the church and the rich. Today, all the food was transported to the high platform in the square of the Baelor Cathedral.

Seven crystal towers surround the Baelor Cathedral, and on the square of the Baelor Cathedral, the statue of Saint Baelor stands proudly.

Under the high platform of the square, there are indifferent King's Landing people, each with indifferent expressions and dull eyes. Almost everyone looks at the bread, ham, ale, corn and other food on the high platform with hungry eyes.

When people filled the entire Baelor Square, the Archbishop, Ogbetta, and Cersei, escorted by Deathstorm and Prince Rhaegar, came to the high platform.

Prince Rhaegar was dressed in silver-white armor. The three-headed dragon emblem on the breastplate was carved out of rubies. His helmet was made in the shape of a dragon. His purple eyes and silver-white hair set off his breathtaking beauty.

Deathstorm is dressed in azure armor. On the breastplate is the crowned stag of the Baratheon family. His helmet is an antler helmet and he holds a war hammer.The mask covered his face, but familiar people could still recognize Robert through the armor and figure.

Of course some old men in King's Landing knew Prince Rhaegar and Robert, so there were whispers everywhere in the market place about the rebirth of Prince Rhaegar and Robert, who were now Queen Cersei's subordinates.The common people are afraid, Cersei is satisfied.The more afraid the people are, the better it is for the ruler.

Whether it is the people of King's Landing, or the monks and nuns of the church, and the Silent Sisters, they all looked at the archbishop, Cersei, Ogbeta, Prince Rhaegar and Deathstorm with awe.

The Archbishop cleared his throat, "Everyone in Westeros knows that the Archbishop is the spokesperson of the Seven Gods in the mortal world. As the Archbishop, I know the Seven Gods best. I want to solemnly announce today that the Seven Gods It's a false god, a false god!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the crowd.

Lord Gales Rosby began to cough violently, Countess Tanda and her daughter were terrified, Grand Maester Pycelle stroked his heart, and the Redwyne twins Hobber and Horace exchanged angry looks. Some monks and nuns began to whisper, and more people began to curse.

A strong man with the appearance of a blacksmith said, "Chief Bishop, what nonsense are you talking about?"

An old woman said: "The seven gods are attached to the seven kingdoms. As the archbishop, you actually blasphemed your own gods?"

A gray-haired missionary cursed: "Chief Bishop, you are so depraved! How dare you say such blasphemous words in the sacred Baylor Cathedral!"

The crowd started throwing stones at the archbishop, who ran away with his head in his arms, and he hid in front of Ogberta.

"I told you a long time ago that if you want me to publicly accuse the Seven Gods, it will cause public anger."

Ogbeta knocked with the skeleton scepter in his hand, and the seven crystal towers of the Baelor Cathedral were instantly overcast and covered with bats, and the statue of Saint Baelor was covered by bats.

The people were terrified and quieted down, and no one threw stones at the high platform again.

Ogbeta's dirty yellow teeth showed a terrifying smile, "Poor faithful men and women, I am moved by your piety, but unfortunately, your seven gods have no power in the world, they can't save you, Han But gods can, cold gods have power!"

A knight showed his long sword, "I am Will, the knight who anointed the holy oil, and you, a heretic, are not allowed to slander the Seven Gods!"

The gray-haired missionary raised his arms and shouted, "Is there no one, together with this brave and kind Will knight, to defend the belief of the Seven Gods?"

All of a sudden, hundreds of hired knights, sworn knights, free riders, and servants who have not yet become knights all raised their swords in the square.

The black robe of the cold god believer on the high platform immediately showed his crossbow, and on the other side, the golden robe of the capital defense team also drew his sword and confronted the seven god believers in the crowd.

Ogbeta said disdainfully: "Idiots who are overconfident! You say that the Baylor Cathedral is a holy place in your mind. Is there any knight who is anointed with holy oil who is willing to stand up and challenge the death storm of the cold god warrior? "

"The hypocritical seven gods have no power. You can send seven knights together to challenge the death storm. The death storm will be [-]v[-]. If you win, I will immediately take the disciples of the cold god and leave King's Landing."

"On the contrary, if the death storm of the disciples of the Cold God wins, I will destroy the statue of the Seven Gods in the Baylor Cathedral, and transform the Baylor Cathedral into a Temple of the Cold God."

The people began to whisper, and soon, the monks of the church discussed with the knights and the brothers of the beggar gang for a while, and seven knights were selected.

They are Ser Edel from the Arbor, captain of the guard of the Redwyne twins; Ser Pate from Bitterbridge, a hedge knight; Ser Will from Maidenpool; and Devon from the Rainforest. Ser Leo of Gulltown; Ser Tom of Lannisport.

The last was Ser Alan Santagar of Dorne, Master of the Red Keep.

Alan Santagar is usually responsible for teaching Joffrey, Tommen and the royal servants swordsmanship. When Cersei destroyed the statue of the Seven Gods in the Royal Sanctuary of the Red Castle, Alan Santagar was very upset.

Cersei looked at Alan Santagar in surprise, "Sir Alan, are you sure you want to fight the death storm for the Seven Gods?"

Alan Santagar snorted softly, "Queen Cersei, I know exactly who the man under the antler helmet mask is, and you know it too. The undead eroded the Iron Throne, eroded the Red Castle, and now they are eroding the Seven Holy Spirits." Dibelor Cathedral."

"When you destroyed the seven gods in the Royal Sanctuary, as a knight who anointed the holy oil, I should stand up and defend the seven gods, but I became a coward. Now, you and this necromancer, and This cowardly archbishop blasphemed the seven gods in front of the King's Landing people and the holy seven gods. I can't bear it! I want to fight for the seven gods!"

Cersei said disdainfully: "I think you are crazy about wanting to die!"

On the high platform of the Baelor Cathedral, seven knights representing the Seven Gods surrounded the Death Storm.

The skeleton scepter in Ogbeta's hand emitted a strange blue light.

"Today, Death Storm, the servant of the Cold God, will defeat you seven knights in front of the false gods and seven gods, and show the power of the Cold God to you ignorant people in the world!"

Witnessed by countless bats in the air and tens of thousands of people in King's Landing, the contest began.

Death Storm wielded a warhammer and smashed the shield of Sir Edel of the Arbor Island with one blow. Sir Alan Santagar, Sir Devon of the Rainforest, slashed on Death Storm's armor with two swords, and the long sword instantly covered There was a layer of frost on it.

People let out a burst of exclamation.Alan Santagar, Sir Devon's hand skin was injured by the cold current. When their hands left the hilt, a large piece of hand skin was frozen off, and blood flowed out like jelly.

The death storm was as swift as a spirit snake, and the war hammer shattered the breastplates of Alan Santagar and Sir Devon, and the two vomited blood to death.

The ensuing match was a massacre, with Deathstorm smashing the head of Ser Pate at Bitterbridge with his warhammer, and then the hammer smashed Ser Will's knee at Maidenpool, and the bones in his calf burst and flew out.

Sir Edel of Arbor Island was smashed to death by the shield of Deathstorm, and Sir Tom of Lannisport was smashed in the face by a warhammer after being roughly pierced by Deathstorm's antler helmet.

The people of King's Landing, the nuns and monks of the church, and the silent sisters were all stunned and silent.

Bats feast on the bodies of the dead.

Ogbeta, the necromancer, walked on the sticky high platform, stepped on the brains and blood, and proudly said: "Good men and women, you have all seen that the seven knights who were sent by the false seven gods to smear the holy oil died after the servant of the cold god died. In the face of the storm, it is completely vulnerable!"

"Seven is a sacred number. You must have seen it. The seven gods are here and have no power!"

"Hug the God of Cold! The servants of the God of Cold can receive food for free!"

Baskets of ham sausage, oatmeal bread, black bread, roasted corn, pumpkin pie, barrels of beer, ale and mead were pushed over by the black robe.

These are all food seized from churches, wealthy districts.

The hungry people began to exchange glances, and there began to be skinny poor people who went to receive food and bread.

There were few people at first, but soon the trickle turned into a sea of ​​people. People in King's Landing starved to death every day. Under the threat of hunger, the gods became irrelevant.

Cersei lowered her voice beside Ogbetta.

"Wouldn't it be a waste of food to give these poor people food? Wouldn't it be better to let them starve to death and turn into corpses, and then resurrect them?"

Ogbeta showed an ugly bloody smile, "Your Majesty, it takes a lot of magic to revive a corpse. Besides, these weak souls have poor combat effectiveness after being resurrected. Only those who were great fighters during their lifetime are eligible to be resurrected with magic. Become a servant of the cold god."

"It is more beneficial for us that these ordinary people are alive. The undead are powerful, but the undead have no fear. The fear of mortals will help me refine the dark magic weapon, collect more magic, and resurrect the frost dragon."

"Besides, I have treated these foods with dark magic. After eating these foods, they will become extremely devout to the Cold God, and gradually become the most loyal servants of the Cold God."

Cersei smirked and said, "A few days ago you sent the black robe to poison the wells in King's Landing in order to make the people of King's Landing pious?"

Ogbeta nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty the Queen Mother, after eating the food and water of the Cold God, these people will be loyal to His Majesty and become the loyal servants of the Cold God and His Majesty."

In the afternoon, the black robe and the gold robe removed the statues of the seven gods in the Great Sept of Baelor. The statues of the Virgin, the Crone, the Maiden, the Warrior, the Heavenly Father, the Stranger, and the Blacksmith were piled up on the square of the Great Sept of Baelor. Pulled down the statue of Saint Baelor.

In Prince Rhaegar's requiem, tens of thousands of people in King's Landing ate the food they had just received, and watched all this in a daze. No one protested, let alone stopped.

Jon "Bronze" led the Mountain Legion and captured Fort Nun in the northern mountainous area of ​​the Western Territory. Gisela the goat girl cut down the Lannister's roaring lion banner on the castle and replaced it with Stark's direwolf banner.

Fort Nun is one of the famous gold mining areas in the west, and there are hills of gold in the castle.

Xia Ga of the Gaoshan clan touched the gold sand and gold nuggets with his thick hands, and shed tears of poverty.

"Our Mingyue Mountains produce stones. Why is there so much gold in the mountains of Lannister in the western region?"

The rock species from Skagos Island, Billy Stern, the owner of Driftwood Hall, said: "We, Skagos Island, only produce hides, wood and obsidian, and no gold."

Bronze Jorn said: "As long as you follow the wolf king Ed, all the gold in Lannister in the west will be our gold."

After marching into the west, Bronze Ioan sent Gisela the goat, McCain the eagle, Thorn the lynx, etc. to use animals to investigate and find the caves hidden behind each mountain peak, and then sent cavemen, night tribes, and mountain clan warriors, Rock species, occupying every cave.

Afterwards, 1 people from the Sanhe Army and the Young Eagle Army slowly climbed over the mountains of the western border by rope ladders. Together with the warriors of the mountain clan, the strength of the troops in the northern mountainous area of ​​the western border has exceeded 2.

These days, the Mountain Legion has swept every village, every castle, and every mine in the mountainous area in the northern part of the Western Territory. Wherever they pass, there is scorched earth. A total of more than a dozen castles of property-owning knights have been occupied by the Mountain Legion, including the notorious Sir Amory Lodge's castle.

Sir Amory Lodge led troops to plunder the riverlands and slaughtered the people in the riverlands. After Bronze Yon captured Amory Lodge's castle, he did not kill the civilians in the territory, but the soldiers of the Mountain Legion killed Destroyed all of Amory Lodge's family and piled their bodies under the heart tree.

All the noble captives, women and children captured by the Mountain Legion were sent to the cave at the border between the Riverland and the Western Territory, and from there, they were transported across the mountains to the Riverland.

To rob children and women was Ed's order to Bronze Yon when he left the riverlands.

Since there are many rock species in the mountain army, the warriors and wildlings of the mountain clan are very familiar with snatching children and women.

Bronze Jorn said: "The Wolf King told me that when our army invades the western region, it will consume Lannister's resources. We only need to stay in the mountains and consume the enemy continuously. Wait for the black fish Brynden and the young Lord Wolf, after capturing Golden Tooth City, the defenses of the western region will be completely disintegrated."

In the riverlands, the red viper Oberyn used a long spear to poke holes in the body of Sir Amory Lodge.

Amory Lodge let out a burst of miserable howls.

In recent days, the army of the Wolf King has begun to counterattack the Western Territory. Those blood troupes who roamed and looted in the riverlands, Amory Loki, and Gregor the Mountain have a more difficult life. Their troops are constantly being attacked by the Lightning King, the Red Viper , Thoros, Knight of Flowers, and Brienne's team were severely damaged.

Loras, the Knight of Flowers, said, "Red Viper, how did you catch Sir Amory Lodge?"

The Red Serpent Oberyn said: "Sir Amory Lodge's castle was attacked by the Bronze Jon and the Mountain Legion, and the warriors of the Mountain Legion killed Amory Lodge's family. Ugly daughter, she must have been raped. Sir Amory is very sad, he wanted to return to the west, but he fell into the encirclement of my Viper Squad, isn't it sad, Sir Amory?"

"When you tortured and killed my sister, Princess Ilia's little daughter, you should have expected that your family would have this day too!"

Ser Amory Lodge wept like a child, sobbing, "Spare me! I am only doing Lord Tywin's bidding."

Red Viper Oberyn said: "Don't worry, old thief Tywin and Gregor the Devil's Mountain won't be able to escape. They will be reunited with you in hell."

Brienne looked disgusted, "Prince Oberyn, this Amory is a hypocritical knight. His crimes are heinous. Just kill him with a sword. Torturing him is meaningless."

Prince Oberyn turned the spear, and the spear turned on Amory Lodge's chest, and Amory Lodge let out a horrible cry.

"Of course it makes sense, Brienne of Tarth, it's vengeance."

Sir Amory Lodge screamed and passed out. In the end, Amory Lodge was beheaded by the red snake Oberyn, his head was thrown into the stinking ditch, and the body was fed to the hounds.

Red Viper Oberyn said: "Now on the list of vengeance, there is one Manticore knight missing, leaving only Mad Dog Knight and Lion Duke."

Blackfish Brynden and Robb stood on a high hill in the west, overlooking the Golden Tooth City.

Under the hill, the Young Eagle Army, the Three Rivers Army, the Winter Wolf Army, and the armies from the riverlands, northern borders, and valleys are marching towards the Golden Tooth City. Their armor and spears are shining in the sun, like Steel roses in the sun.

Robb said: "Duke Tywin is determined to be a coward. Even if our army enters the territory of the Western Region, Duke Tywin will still stay behind the Golden Tooth City and refuse to attack."

Blackfish Brynden said: "Duke Tywin must have divided his troops to deal with Bronze Yon in the northern mountainous area of ​​the western border. Golden Tooth City's western border troops are not as large as ours, and Duke Tywin has carried out fortified walls and cleared the land outside Golden Tooth City very early. He has evacuated his people and transferred the food, and the troops in the western region are at a disadvantage, so there is no need to take the initiative to attack."

Robb frowned, "If our army advances to the Golden Tooth City, do we really want to forcibly attack the city? Gold Tooth City is the location chosen by Duke Tywin, and our army will suffer heavy casualties."

Blackfish Brynden said: "The wolf king said that there will be a mountain path near Golden Tooth City, which can be used for sneak attacks. I have sent the skinchanger Auriel with his eagle to scout, and your direwolf Gray Wind is also here. Sniffing, we need a breaking point."

"Of course, Tai Wen personally defended the Golden Tooth City. Maybe the alleys were blocked by Tai Wen's troops. In that case, we can only attack the Golden Tooth City. Even if the casualties are heavy, we must attack."

"According to the Wolf King's arrangement, the Frey family will fight as the vanguard."

Robb was a little puzzled, "Why did you choose the Frey family as the vanguard?"

Blackfish Brynden said: "Why not? The Frey family is relatives of Duke Tywin, and Emmon Frey, the second son of Lord Walder, married Duke Tywin's younger sister, Gina, but the Emmon family lived in the house all year round. Casterly Rock and Lannisport, rarely back to the Twins."

"The Frey family at River Ferry is not enthusiastic about the Wolf King's reforms in the riverlands, such as the household registration system and the military settlement system. It is rumored that they are flirting with Lannister. Marquess Wade often resisted Duke Horst's orders before. He If you dare to play tricks in front of the Wolf King, you must be prepared to use the descendants of the Frey family as cannon fodder."

Sir Stevron, the heir of the Frey family, stayed in Riverrun and was in charge of food and supplies. He was old, nearly seventy years old, but after all, he was more than 20 years younger than Lord Walder.

Sir Stevron has a good character. In the Frey family with a large population and complex factions, he is a representative of the pro-Stark faction. Wolf King Ed hopes that Stevron can successfully succeed Lord Walder. the Freys would be more obedient.

Those who lead the army are Walder River, Black Walder, and Aenys Frey, the powerful fighters of the Frey family. These people generally have a bad reputation and are ambitious. Both Ed the Wolf King and Brynden the Blackfish want these Freys to fight. Be able to fight to the death and win the glory of battle.

 Thanks to Happy Man 008, the old popsicle in the radiation wasteland, wasu, and you have become a joy 1, Mo Zi, the God of Cool Running every day, for sending out monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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