Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 201 Ironmen's Death, Ravaging the Western Territory

Chapter 201 Ironmen's Death, Ravaging the Western Territory

At the beginning, when the Iron Islands fleet set off from King's Harbor, the wharf of this small fishing village was crowded with crowds of farewells. People dreamed of ancient roads, of the glory of conquering the northern border, and of bringing back slave labor and salt from the northern border. concubine.

Asha still remembers the day when the ironborn raiders sang the songs of the ancient conquerors, Aeron Damphair gave an impassioned speech on the longship "Drowned God", and Victarion, the commander of the Iron Fleet, On the longship of the Invincible Ironborn, they performed a finger dance with the captain of the "Boozy" Dagmer "Cleft Palate". Asha's uncle, Roderick Harlow, "The Reader", held a book while Pray sincerely.
Everything seemed like yesterday. After the fiasco at the northern border of the Red Wave River, the main battleship of the Iron Fleet was almost wiped out, and the fleets of the noble leaders of the Iron Islands also suffered heavy losses. It was raining icy cold.The people on the pier of King's Harbor looked at the defeated Iron Islands fleet with indifferent eyes.

The rebellious ironborn admire strength and despise weakness, and they are not easy to forgive the defeated.No one will feel sorry for a fleet that has returned home in defeat.

Asha, Iron Fleet Commander Victarion, and Aeron with wet hair huddled on the bow of the "Slaver", languishing in the sea wind, and every crew member was cold and hungry like a dog in the water.

When the ship returned to Pike Island, it used to replenish fresh water in the ten-tower city of Harlow Island. This is the home of Asha's uncle "The Reader" Roderick Harlow, and Asha's mother Alani Si and King Balon had broken up for many years, and she had been living in the Ten Towers City led by Harlow, and she had become delirious in recent years.

Asha, who survived the catastrophe, ran to Ten Towers City.

As soon as Mrs. Alanis saw her daughter Asha, she immediately held Asha's hand, "Asha, have you brought back my little baby Theon?"

Not only did Asha fail to bring Theon back, her uncle "The Reader" Roderick Harlow also failed to escape from the North and became a prisoner of Stark.

The war was too cruel for Mrs. Alanis. When King Balon launched the Iron Islands rebellion, Alanis's two sons died in the capture, and the only surviving son, Sean, was taken over by Ed Stark. as a hostage.

Many years later, when King Balon was crowned again and sent troops to attack the northern border, Asha didn't know whether the wolf king had executed his younger brother Theon, let alone whether his uncle Rodrik could return to the Iron Islands alive.

In such a situation, Asha naturally couldn't tell her mother Alanis, she could only lie, "Theon went to a far away place and started a great voyage."

Asha, Victarion, and Aeron Damphair came to the hall of Pike City.

The surviving captains, the chiefs, were blocked out of the hall.

King Balon sat on a Seastone Seat in his weirwood crown of driftwood.

Victarion, like a sad bull, told King Balon about the fiasco of the Heatwave River, and the story of Warhorse City where the northern army recaptured the stream, Rock City on the Rock Coast, Blacksmith City at Kraken Point, and the face of King Balon. twisted with rage.

King Balon's sharp eyes met Aeron Damphair, the priest of the Drowned God beside him.

"Damphair, didn't you say that the Drowned God will guide us to conquer the northern border? You said that Calim Bay will guide us with a great victory. Why did my army suffer a crushing defeat in the northern border?"

Aeron Damphair's brow was covered with cold sweat, "Jon Snow's wild fire, and the wolf king's dragon, destroyed the Iron Islands fleet at the heatwave river. We failed to sacrifice more enemies to The Drowned God made the Drowned God unhappy, so the Drowned God failed to protect us during the Battle of the North."

"However, I believe that the Ironborn will soon make a comeback under the leadership of King Balon. The dead will never die, and they will surely rise again, with even greater force."

King Balon took off the driftwood crown on his head, "When I wanted to be crowned king, what the Drowned God sent was a piece of weirwood. The weirwood is a god worshiped by the barbarians in the north, wet hair, didn't you say, Does this indicate that the Drowned God wants us to conquer the North?"

Aeron Damphair said, "Indeed. One failure is nothing."

Baron snorted softly, "I'm not so confident. The wolf king's dragon, Flying Wolf, is growing bigger and bigger. He still has two dragons in Harrenhal, seven griffins are growing, and Winterfell is hatching." More giant eagles. After the fiasco at Relanghe, the gap in strength between us and the northern border is getting wider and wider."

Then King Balon turned his sharp eyes to Victarion.

"What's going on? We have so many longships going out, and you once captured the Saltspear Beach and the wolf castles in Kraken Point. Why didn't you destroy the fleet on the west coast of the northern border?"

Victarion bowed his head and said: "Jon Snow, the bastard of the Wolf King, has been avoiding the battle to save the ship. He hid all the ships of Wolf Castle in the upper reaches of the Barren Mound River, and the offensive of the Iron Islands fleet is in the barren grave. The Dawn of Wolf Castle at the mouth of the Mound River was blocked. I had no choice but to give up attacking Dawn of Wolf Castle in the barren mound and go up the Rewave River to attack Kalin Bay."

King Balon clenched his hands into fists, "Desolate Tomb, Desolate Tomb River, it seems that you have brought the Iron Islands fleet into the grave."

Asha said: "Father, the fleet on the west coast of the northern border has almost no losses. The wolf king has assembled the army of the northern border, the river land and the valley in the riverland. If the west coast fleet of the northern border reaches Sea Front City, the wolf king is entirely possible to cross the sea." Attack the Iron Islands, sweep them with iron and fire."

King Balon got up angrily, "I will not stay in the archipelago and wait for death. This time, I will personally lead the fleet to sweep the land between the rivers and avenge my revenge."

Asha said in amazement: "Father, we have lost too many longships, my Black Wind, the flagship of the Iron Fleet, the Invincible Ironborn, the Great Drink, the Drowned God, the Book Fragrance, and the Ancient Glory, all of which were destroyed. We have lost Dagmer Cleftjaw, Lord Pottery, and my uncle Lord Harlaw. It would be unwise for the Iron Islands to continue to provoke the Wolf King."

Victarion also said: "The iron people must take revenge, but we must first build enough ships to rebuild the Iron Fleet. Revenge can be delayed for a while."

Aeron Damphair said reverently: "The Drowned God will protect us, watch over us, and fulfill our revenge. The dead will never die, and will surely rise again, with even greater force!"

King Balon said wearily: "You all go! I want to be quiet for a while."

Victarion, Damphair left, only Asha remained.

Asha worried: "Father, during our expedition, is there any news that the wolf king has executed Theon?"

King Balon shook his head, "No, now that the Iron Islands fleet has suffered a disastrous defeat, the Wolf King is strong in the Green Land, and even Lannister can hardly compete with the wolves. I guess, the Wolf King will keep Theon well for the future, the Wolf King After his army took the Iron Islands, he used Theon to rule the wolves."

"Wolf King Ed has adopted so many adopted sons. He is greedy for the inheritance rights of those adopted sons. There is no doubt that Sean is the most valuable adopted son in the eyes of Wolf King. He is not willing to kill Sean!"

Asha said: "Theon is probably staying in the riverland. Maybe we should send someone to find Theon and bring him back?"

King Balon said sadly: "Theon was picked up by Stark when he was ten years old. He grew up in Winterfell and became a member of the wolf pack long ago. Now, Theon knows that the Iron Islands don't care about his life, A large-scale attack on the northern border will only make the wolf king more determined."

"I have completely lost my son Theon. Victarion is so embarrassing, and Aeron Damphair can only talk about it. Asha, you must shoulder the burden. You are the heir to the Seastone seat in the future."

"Actually, I miss Euron Crow's Eye a little bit. If Euron Crow's Eye is in charge of this expedition to the north, the Ironborn will definitely not fall into the tricks of the bastard Jon Snow and the Wolf King at the Heatwave River."

Sir Kevan arrived at Branded City, the home of the Marbrand family, with the army from the west. Sir Kevan was riding on a white horse, and beside him was a golden lady in a long ivory silk dress, riding on a lion.

Damon Marbrand, the Earl of Branded City, led his soldiers to meet Sir Kevan. Damon Marbrand had gray hair, his plate armor was covered with green glaze, and on his breastplate was the burning tree of the Marbrand family. .

Damon Marbrand's aunt is Lord Tywin and Ser Kevan's biological mother, so Ser Damon is Lord Tywin's cousin and loyal to Lannister.Adam Marbrand, son of Earl Damon, commanded scouts under Lord Tywin and was one of the most valiant knights in the West.

As soon as he saw the army of the Western Territory behind Sir Kevan, Earl Damon Marbrand set up an arbor and visually estimated the number of troops.

"Ser Kevan, you have too few troops."

Sir Kevan said: "Duke Tywin gave me 8000 elite soldiers. Many lords, wealthy knights, free riders, and wandering warriors joined me along the way. Now the strength of my troops has reached more than [-]. I went all the way north. , more soldiers from the Western Territory will join us."

Earl Damon Marbrand said helplessly: "That's still too little. Bronze Yon's mountain army has already controlled every mountain peak north of the Tengshi River, the rock species of Skagos Island, and the black ears of the Bright Moon Mountains. The tribe, the Moonmen tribe, the Stone Crow tribe, the cave dwellers of Frost and Snow Fang beyond the Great Wall, the Night Walk tribe, and the barbarians of the northern mountain clans, each one is more barbaric than the other, they robbed women and children, food, livestock and burned villages."

Ser Kevan frowned. "Wolf King's army actually snatched women and children?"

Earl Damon Marbrand said: "What do you think? Ever since Duke Tywin sent the blood troupe, Gregor the Mountain, and Amory Loki to burn, kill and loot in the riverlands, this battlefield has It became even crazier, and the revenge came so fiercely. The people of the Riverlands hate the West, while the barbarians from the North, Beyond the Wall and the Bright Moon Mountains, snatching women and children is as natural as eating and breathing."

"There are tears everywhere, scorched earth everywhere, and blood everywhere. The wolf king Ed has the support of the riverland, the north and the valley, and the territory is much larger than the west. His Majesty Joffrey was surrounded by Stannis in King's Landing, King's Landing came Each piece of news is more terrifying than the last."

"Ser Kevan, sometimes even I have to wonder, can we win this war?"

Sir Kevan said: "I can tell you responsibly. Lannister has won the support of the Reach and the Iron Islands. Lannister will win this war."

Earl Damon Marbrand was not convinced, he said: "The Reach gave up supporting Renly, but the Tyrell family of Highgarden did not send troops to the west, nor did they send troops to attack the Riverland. The Court chose to continue confronting Stannis at Bitterbridge."

"As for the Ironmen of the Iron Islands, news from the north indicates that the Iron Islands seem to have lost their battle in the northern border. The Iron Islands fleet suffered heavy losses. The commander of the Iron Fleet, Victarion, has fled back with the remaining fleet. Iron Islands."

Kevan was taken aback, "This is unlikely."

Earl Damon Marbrand shrugged, "Anyway, it is true that Sea Frontier City's fleet is wreaking havoc on the west coast of the Western Territory. Logically speaking, Sea Frontier City is so close to the Iron Islands. If the Iron Islands are victorious in the Northern Territory, the Sea Frontier City fleet will They should stay in the riverland and guard the riverside along the coast."

"To make matters worse, the Mountain Legion helped more wolf kings to cross the mountain and enter the western region. According to the news sent by the raven, the territory of the Bainford family in the scourge, the territory of the Westerling family in the crag city, They are all under attack, and these castles may be captured by the wolf king's army at any time."

"The army in the western region is already struggling to face the mountain army that is good at mountain warfare, let alone the skinchangers riding shadow lynxes, goats, and saber-toothed tigers that haunt the mountains."

In the eyes of the golden girl, golden light shone, and the lion under her crotch let out roars.

"Leave it to me, the skinchanger of the northerners!"

In Golden Tooth City in the western region, Duke Tywin looked at the letter sent by the bachelor, his face was expressionless, but his heart was bleeding.

James, who was wearing a gold-plated armor, asked curiously, "Father, what was written in the letter?"

Duke Tywin said sullenly: "The Iron Islands fleet suffered a disastrous defeat at the northern border of the Heat Wave River. Many ironmen leaders and captains were captured by the northern border."

James said depressedly: "The iron people are really useless, we should never spend so much gold to form an alliance with the iron people."

Duke Tywin said helplessly: "I originally hoped that after the Ironborn captured Cailin Bay, they would force the North to withdraw from the Riverlands. Even if the Ironborn couldn't do it, at least they should hold the North at Saltspear Flat and Kraken Point." Fortunately, the wolf king Ed easily defeated the Iron Fleet, and the wolf king will soon bring his Giant Eagle Legion and Demon Dragon to the western border."

Under the Golden Tooth City, the army of the Wolf King stretched for dozens of miles along the Hejian Avenue, and the battle flags were flying. James saw the twin towers of the Frey family, the broken chain giant of the Umber family, and Bear Island. Crest of the Human Standing Bear, Crest of the Crescent Falcon of House Arryn in the Vale, Crest of the Leaping Trout of House Tully, and Crest of the Direwolf of House Stark of Winterfell
The aristocrats of the Riverland, the Valley, and the Northern Territory, with various coats of arms and banners, appeared on the Western Territory outside the Golden Tooth City.

At this moment, soldiers are really approaching the city.

 Thanks for the nonsense, Lin'an farmers, don't know what ID is good, the monthly pass sent out, thank you for your support!

  I'm too busy with work, too tired to update, and my body is a bit overwhelmed. The Buddhist system has been updated in the past few days. Please forgive me, readers.

(End of this chapter)

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