Chapter 208
Cersei was dressed in sea-green silk, sitting on the Iron Throne. The ferocious Iron Throne was covered with skeletons, and every skeleton seemed to be smiling.

Prince Rhaegar has silver hair and purple eyes, and a three-headed dragon emblem made of rubies on the breastplate, which is cold and beautiful.

Robert the Deathstorm stood aside, his antler helm off, his bushy black hair and beard covered in hoarfrost, his hammer in his hand.

Cersei was very happy. Robert could no longer drink and eat meat, and he was looking for women to fool around.

Sometimes, Cersei would deliberately kiss Prince Rhaegar in front of Robert, and Deathstorm Robert remained expressionless.

It's a pity that Rhaegar is also the living dead, his kiss is cold, Cersei can't find any tenderness in Prince Rhaegar, sometimes, Cersei can smell the winter snow rose from Prince Rhaegar's kiss taste.

Winter Snow Rose, that's the smell of damned Lyanna the she-wolf.Cersei plans to capture Dorne in the future, and she will go to the Tower of Bliss in Dorne in person to resurrect Lyanna, then imprison her and humiliate her, and let Lyanna be her maid for life.

But later, Cersei remembered that Lyanna's bones were taken to Winterfell by Ed, and they were now located in the catacombs of Winterfell, the land of the old gods.Ed the wolf king is really Cersei's disaster star, always against Cersei everywhere, even a corpse can't make Cersei get what she wants.

In the throne room, seven people were nailed to death on the dark magic weapon by ice cones under the watchful eyes of the hideous statues of the seven gods.

Every day, the necromancer Ogbeta will change his tricks and execute seven people. The screams and fear of the dying people are absorbed by the dark magic weapon and transformed into dark magic to collect.

According to the necromancer Ogbeta, dark magic can make Death Storm and Prince Rhaegar stronger and stronger.

A white raven flew into the throne room, Grand Maester Pycelle said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, the Academy sent out a white raven, indicating that summer is over and autumn has officially entered Westeros."

In Westeros, the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter may last for several years. Seasonal changes vary in length and often have a great impact on people's production and life. Therefore, research on seasonal changes has always been the focus of the city. important research topic.

The necromancer Ogbeta, holding a skeleton scepter, showed a flattering smile.

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, autumn is here, can winter be far behind?"

"The Night King, the servant of the Cold God, is gathering strength outside the Great Wall. The army of undead will capture the Great Wall of Desperation when winter comes."

Queen Cersei leaned forward, "Why is this Night King so smudged? Many of the northern army followed Eddie the wolf king and went to the western border to fight. The defense of the northern border is relatively empty. He should immediately attack the Great Wall and attack the northern border."

"You tell the Night King, just say, I, Queen Cersei, order him to march immediately!"

In Cersei's mind, the Night King, like the necromancer Ogbeta, is a servant given to her by the cold god.

The necromancer Ogbeta forced a smile.

"Your Majesty, between the North and Beyond the Great Wall stands the Great Wall of Impairment, which was built specifically to resist the aliens. Ed, the wolf king, rebuilt the nineteen fortresses on the Great Wall of Immortality. Today's Night Watchmen Corps, military rations, All the equipment is provided by the Stark family, and most of the fortresses of the Impassable Wall are garrisoned by the Winter Wolves, and the Impassable Wall is firmly in Stark's hands."

"The Great Wall of Impassable was created by Brandon, the 'builder' of the year. The Great Wall of Impassable itself possesses magical powers. Together with the wolf king Ed, he opened up a manor in the south of the Great Wall of Impassable. The arsenal manufactures obsidian weapons and torches every day, and even alchemy Warlocks produce wildfire."

"If you want to attack the Great Wall of Desperation, you can only wait until winter, because only in winter, the power of the cold god is the strongest."

Cersei said depressedly: "It's just autumn, and Stannis' army has already reached the city of King's Landing. The fog has shrouded King's Landing. Stannis has not attacked for the time being, but can this fog cover the whole autumn?"

Ogbeta, the necromancer, showed the ugliest smile, "Your Majesty, since we began to sacrifice the disciples of the Seven Gods to the Cold God, the power of the Cold God has become more and more powerful, and the time for the undead army to fight back is ripe."

"Three days ago, I rode a bat and arrived at the Royal Forest. For Her Majesty, I resurrected the bandits of the Royal Forest Brotherhood. At this moment, Simon Toyne, the Smiling Knight, Benn with a big belly, Dick the Fletcher, and White Hart Wen Da, Oswain the Giraffe, these notorious bandits have all been resurrected to plunder the Stormlands for Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

Cersei's eyes widened, and a strange blue light flashed in her green pupils. She said excitedly, "The Brotherhood of the Kingswood? My younger brother James often mentioned the bandits of the Brotherhood of the Kingswood. He fought against these bandits back then. Now The members of the Yulin Brotherhood are mine?"

Necromancer Ogbeta said: "Yes, they are the most loyal servants of Her Majesty the Queen Mother. The Royal Forest Brotherhood and their bandits have very few troops. I opened some cemeteries near the Royal Forest and resurrected some skeleton warriors. They can Keep Stannis at bay in the Kingswood."

"Your Majesty only needs to send the Death Storm, and our army can defeat Stannis. If all goes well, it will only take a few months for the Death Storm to sweep the Stormlands and win the support of the Queen Mother."

Cersei was as happy as a little girl, "With the Stormlands, I can show Westeros the power of the Lion and Joffrey."

Grand Maester Paicell looked at the necromancer Ogbeta, and said weakly: "Necromancer, the terrain of the storm is complicated. Compared with it, Dragonstone Island is easier to attack. Why don't you send troops to attack Dragonstone Island directly? Woolen cloth?"

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Old man, Dragonstone Island has many volcanoes, and it is the residence of the Targaryen family for generations. The Targaryen family relies on the dragon to make a fortune, and the dragon belongs to the flame. Therefore, the red god R'hllor is here Dragonstone is powerful, and I will not attack Dragonstone lightly."

Cersei on the Iron Throne said: "Our army is going to march to the stormlands, when will we march to the kingdoms in the north? Looking at the castles of the kingdoms such as Rosby City, Harvard City, and Fort Stokeworth, there are Stannis's flaming heart and stag banner, I'm not happy. Joffrey is king on the Iron Throne, and he can't take the crown, so what's the matter?"

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Your Majesty, these small castles in the kingdom have no strategic value. Prince Rhaegar has already made preparations. He will march to Harrenhal and wipe out the castles in the kingdom along the way."

Grand Maester Pycelle's sleepy eyes widened, "Harrenhal is now the territory of the wolf king Ed, and the wolf king Ed has deployed heavy troops in Harrenhal. Do you have enough troops?"

The necromancer Ogbeta showed an evil smile, "Prince Rhaegar, like the death storm, has mastered the skill of manipulating corpses under the blessing of my dark magic. May I ask what is the most corpses on the battlefield? Of course, there are the most corpses, and the army of undead will grow stronger." Hit more."

"I also have some knowledge about the situation of Harrenhal. I saw it in the dark. The lord who stayed in Harrenhal was Earl Rickard Karstark of Kahuo City. In addition, the youngest daughter of the wolf king Ed Arya, Sansa, Lady Catelyn, all in Harrenhal."

"Ed, the wolf king, is still fighting in the west. Don't forget, there are two dragons, Koi and Hawkeye, and seven griffins in Harrenhal. As long as we take Harrenhal, we can catch the wolves." Ed Wang's daughter, and Caitlin the she-wolf as hostages. And dragons and griffins."

"I believe that Her Majesty the Empress Dowager will like such a generous gift."

Cersei doesn't like Harrenhal by God's Eye Lake, and Cersei will never forget that it was in Harrenhal that Prince Rhaegar met the damned she-wolf Lyanna.

The wrong spring was the most glorious moment of Prince Rhaegar's life, but it also sounded the death knell for the Targaryen dynasty. Now that Prince Rhaegar was resurrected, he marched to Harrenhal as a death knight, which is really a great irony.

Cersei clenched her fists, "Let my death knights quickly sweep the Stormlands and Harrenhal! I want the dragons and griffins of Harrenhal, I want the heads of Storm's End and Stannis, and I want the heads of Storm's End and Stannis." Want Sansa, Arya and Catelyn."

"I want the she-wolf Caitlin and the two little she-wolves to be kept in captivity in the tower of the Red Castle. Look at the wolf king Ed, what else will he fight with me!"


Ed led the army to the camp of the Wolf King's army near the brand castle of the Marbrand family. The golden girl rode a lion beside Ed.

In the last battle, Ed captured the golden girl, Bronze Jon, and Sir Barristan, and they all suggested that Ed should execute the witch, but Ed refused. "The golden girl has surrendered. Only by recruiting surrender and accepting rebellion can we strengthen our strength."

On Skagos Isle, Eddler includes Rockborn and Iron Bitch, Beyond the Wall, Eddard includes Giants, Wildlings, and Skinchangers, and south of the Neck, Eddard includes Riverland Lords and Vale Lords .

Now it's the turn of the Western Territory, Ed will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.Witches like the Golden Girls would be useful to keep around.

When Ed just arrived in the western region, he got several good news from Bronze Jorn.

The first is Tyrion being imprisoned at Riverrun.Ed always believed that Tyrion's degree of danger was second only to Tywin, and now that Tyrion was captured, Lannister lost a think tank.

If he can win the loyalty of the little devil, then Ed will have an extra imperial prime minister and military advisor.

Presumably, once Tyrion knows the truth that Tessa is a peasant girl and not a prostitute, he will definitely break with James and Tywin.

Arriving at Riverrun with Tyrion, there were also Bronn and the Hound Sandor. The wolf king's army had two more warriors.

The second good news is that Renly went to Riverrun to join the army of the Wolf King, and Renly brought Loras and Brienne, the Knights of Hundred Flowers.

Now Brienne, the Hound Sandor and the Knight of Flowers are following the Lightning King, the Red Priest Thoros, and the Red Viper Oberyn, fighting on the Golden Road in the West, ravaging the Silver Hall Shallot family, the Deep Cavern City Layton family territory.

The third good news came from the east. Ed received a letter from Stannis. In the letter, Stannis claimed that Cersei and the necromancers, in the city of King's Landing, destroyed the Royal Sanctuary, the Great Cathedral of St. Baelor The statues of the Seven Gods were burned, the Red Castle Godswood Forest was burned, and the followers of the Seven Gods were sacrificed to the God of Cold.

Ed suspected that Stannis might have sent a letter to every castle in the West, and even the castles in the Reach, Dorne, Riverland, Valley and other regions had also received letters.

Once the news spreads everywhere, it means that Lannister will lose the support of the church, the faithful men and women, and many knights in the Westland will also doubt whether to fight for the pagan King Joffrey and the queen Cersei.

Lannister in King's Landing became a believer of the cold god, which is also one of the reasons why the golden girl abandoned Lannister and surrendered to Ed.The golden girl is not a believer of the Seven Gods, but she will never support the God of Cold.Between the living and the undead, the choice becomes easy.

However, in the past few days, the raven has not always brought good news. Ed met the white crow during the march.

The crows themselves do not carry any letters, and their appearance only announces one thing, the change of seasons, which means that the long summer is over and Westeros has officially entered autumn.

Autumn is here, and winter is coming.

Because the undead occupy King's Landing, this makes winter terrible, and the army of the cold god and the night king is destined to make Westeros corpses litter the fields and blood flow into rivers.

Ed must end the Clash of Kings as soon as possible so that he can better face the cold god and the undead.

After being defeated by Ed, the golden girl was as docile as a kitten. She knelt in front of Ed, swore allegiance to Ed in the name of the old and new gods, and told Ed all about the defense of the branded city.

"Sir Kevan fled back to Branded City with the remnants of the defeated soldiers from the western region. Branded City is fairly strong, but it is vulnerable to the demon dragon and giant eagle army."

Now that he has come to the city of Brand, after experiencing the disastrous defeat in the Pendry Hills, Sir Kevan knows that the army in the western region has no chance of winning against the army of the wolf king with giant eagles, dragons and beasts, so Sir Kevan has no choice. He went out of the city to meet the enemy, but chose to close the city gate for defense.

As long as the branded city is captured, the wolf king's army can go directly south and appear behind the Golden Tooth City, the throat fortress in the western region, and the wolf king's army in the north of the Golden Tooth City will attack the western region's army commanded by Tywin and James in the Golden Tooth City. They can also go to the coastal areas of the western region. , threatening the town of Ketche, Casterly Rock and Lannisport.

Sir Kevan stood on the city wall, looking at the dozens of giant eagles, dragons and wolves circling in the sky, frowning, the wrinkles on his forehead were like ravines.

Ed rode on the back of the direwolf Nightwalker and shouted to Kevan on the city wall.

"Sir Kevan, surrender immediately. In front of the dragon and the giant eagle, pointless resistance will only lead to more casualties."

Sir Kevan clenched his fists, "In the name of King Joffrey on the Iron Throne, I guard the territory of the Western Territory. Wolf King Ed, you are an invader. How could I surrender to you?"

Ed said loudly: "Sir Kevan, haven't you received the letter from Stannis? Cersei has become a corpse, and Prince Robert and Rhaegar are reborn to protect Cersei. Cersei and Joffrey, in King's Landing Kill the followers of the Seven Gods, and sacrifice living people to the Cold God every day. The Cold God is a dark god that belongs to the undead, ghouls, and strange ghosts. If you fight for Joffrey, you are fighting for the Cold God.”

Many hedge knights anointed with holy oil on the city wall, sworn knights, heard this and began to whisper

"Robert and Prince Rhaegar reborn?"

"How can you do such a thing to Seven Gods?"

"Murting the followers of the Seven Gods will be punished by heaven."

Sir Kevan saw the enthusiasm of the army, and quickly said: "Wolf King Ed, don't be here, you are bewitching the public. We all know that Stannis usurped the king. He coveted King Joffrey's Iron Throne, and Stannis' army surrounded him. After entering King’s Landing, of course they will fabricate all kinds of lies to slander Cersei and King Joffrey, anyway King’s Landing is under siege, Cersei and Joffrey can’t defend themselves.”

The golden girl next to Ed said: "Sir Kevan, what Stannis said in the letter is true, Lannister in King's Landing has fallen to become a believer of the undead, Cersei and Joffrey not only destroyed They bought the statues of the Seven Gods, and openly accused the Seven Gods of being hypocritical gods. Necromancers sacrificed the followers of the Seven Gods every day to please the Cold God. This news has been brought to West by the sparrows in King’s Landing and the ravens of Stannis. Everywhere in Los Angeles."

The golden girl had just surrendered to Ed, and many knights and nobles in the western region of the branded city were afraid of the golden girl. They knew that the golden girl had the ability to communicate with animals. Therefore, as soon as the golden girl spoke, the western knights on the city wall began Believe it.

Sir Kevan standing on the city wall angrily scolded: "Golden girl, Lannister has treated you well. You were captured by the wolf king Ed, and you surrendered to the wolf king to save your life. You shameless witch, what face do you have in front of the army of the western region? , what nonsense?"

The golden girl said angrily: "Sir Kevan, when you need me, I'm a magical witch. If you don't need me, I'll become a shameless witch. I'm afraid you forgot, if it weren't for me, this city of branding would It's already fallen."

"Now, I will fight for the Wolf King and take this castle."

The lion roared under the golden girl's crotch, and the golden girl sprinkled a handful of gold powder from her sleeve. For a while, yellow sand appeared in the air, and a sandstorm appeared. The roaring lion flag of Lannister on the city wall, the Marbrand family The flag of the Burning Tree fluttered in the sandstorm.

Many Western soldiers on the city wall were attacked by yellow sand, and their vision was blocked.

At this time, the giant eagle prince Mi Chu, the giant eagle princess Bertha, and the wolf king Ed, rode a giant eagle around the sandstorm and entered the branded city.

The dragon and flying wolf spewed hot dragon flames towards the gate of the branded city, and the bronze gate of the oak tree began to twist and deform. Bronze Jorn led the soldiers, holding a makeshift battering ram, and smashed open the gate.

The Lannister soldiers in the city gate were waiting to resist. Goats, shadow lynxes, saber-toothed tigers, and lions rushed in first. The fierce beasts tore open the enemy's throat and twisted off the enemy's arm, and blood splattered everywhere.Barristan, Bronze Jorn led the Wolf King's army, charged into the city gate, screaming, screaming, and horses neighing.

Joffrey and Cersei in King's Landing killed the followers of the Seven Gods and betrayed the belief of the Seven Gods, which shook the army's morale in Branded City. Many hired knights and sworn knights had no intention of resisting. The Wolf King's army invaded Branded City. He dropped his arms and surrendered.

Kevan, Earl Damon Marbrand, saw that the situation was over, so he had no choice but to open the south gate and flee in the direction of the Golden Tooth City.

The branded city fell into the hands of the wolf king Ed, and the soldiers raised the direwolf flag.

As the home castle of the Marbrand family, Branded City is also the largest castle occupied by the Northern Army that attacked the western region. The scale of the castle is larger than that of the Westerling family's Cliff City and the Banfort family's scourge.

The wolf king's army got more than a dozen siege equipment such as ballistas and catapults, piles of grain, food, and hundreds of barrels of ale, honey and red wine in the wine cellar.The wolf king's army captured more than [-] soldiers and civilians in the western region.All the wealth accumulated by the Marbrand family fell into Ed's hands, and many members of the Marbrand family became captives of the wolf king.

In the dungeon of Branded City, Ed rescued Sir Balon Swann, Thorn the Lynx, Gisela the Goat, Tiggs the Saber-toothed Tiger and others, and returned the beasts to the shapechangers. Kissing the saber-toothed tiger, Gisela climbed on the back of the goat, and the brambles stroked the ears of the shadow lynx.

The goat girl Gisela looked at the golden girl beside Ed sadly, "Father, if it weren't for the golden girl's sorcery, we would never have been captured."

Ed said: "The golden girl has become my subordinate. She helped us capture Branded City and proved her loyalty. From now on, she will be a member of the wolf pack."

Baron Swan said: "Your Highness Wolf, we have captured the city of Brand, where should we attack next? Take the road by the sea to attack the town of Kaiche, threatening Casterly Rock, the heart of Lannister, Lannis Port? Or attack the western fortress Golden Tooth City."

Ed looked to the southeast, "Attack the Golden Tooth City directly. Once the Golden Tooth City is captured, our army can join forces with the black fish Brynden and Robb's army. The defense line in the west will completely collapse, and Lannister will usher in the end .”

 Thanks for skin song and bone itching, singing white Velume, corn tomato, every day there is a shortage of books, 20210301106523548588, the monthly ticket sent out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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