Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 209 Undead War Stannis, Tywin's Choice

Chapter 209 Undead War Stannis, Tywin's Choice
In the strange thick fog of the Blackwater River, the necromancer Ogbeta and Death Storm brought his undead army to the south bank of the Blackwater River by boat. The necromancer carried the crowned stag banner of the Baratheon family, And the white flag of peace talks.

Stannis's scouts brought the news to Stannis' central army account. Stannis gritted his teeth, "The necromancer wants to negotiate? What can I negotiate with the dead?"

Stannis has been pissing off the dead lately, and the Kingswood brothers and brigands, resurrected by the Necromancer, are rampaging through the Kingswood.

Simon Toyne, the Smiling Knight, Winda the White Hart, Ben the Pot, Dick the Fletcher, these Brotherhood of Kingsmen bandits rode skeleton horses, used skeleton arrows, skeleton swords and shields to fight in the Kingswood, and the vast Kingswood became A natural shelter for undead bandits.

The Brotherhood of the Kingswood was so rampant that many of the knights and soldiers Stannis sent to destroy the Brotherhood of the Kingswood turned into corpses and then became members of the Brotherhood of the Kingswood.There are more and more undead in the royal forest, and even some wild boars have become undead. The undead wild boars wantonly attack Stannis' soldiers and even innocent civilians.

Davos Seaworth fumbled nervously for the pouch hanging on his breast.The pouch contained the fingerbone that Stannis had chipped off the Onion Knight, and Davos kept it in the pouch, which had always been his lucky charm.

But now, no amount of lucky charms can appease the anxiety in the Onion Knight's heart.

"Your Majesty, Ogbeta, the Necromancer, is a savage from beyond the Great Wall. He is not a dead man."

Stannis pursed his lips tightly, "Necromancers are living people, but they are worse than dead people. The resurrection of Prince Rhaegar and the death storm are both masterpieces of this guy. Robert is dead and manipulated by this damned necromancer, reduced to the living dead."

The Onion Knight said: "We don't know much about the undead, maybe the death storm retains the memory of Robert from his previous life?"

Stannis snorted, "If the Deathstorm had any memory of Robert, he should have killed the whore Cersei with a warhammer, and then killed the three bastards, Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen. The Deathstorm is cold." God's creation, this monster of the dead, has become Cersei's minion."

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, Deathstorm is the slave of the cold god's darkness. Only by killing him can Robert's soul rest in peace. Ogbeta, the necromancer, is the core figure in the court of the undead in King's Landing. It appears that Cersei and Joffrey have also become puppets of the Necromancer."

"Your Majesty should be careful. In my opinion, this is more like a trap set by the necromancer Ogbeta. In the name of peace talks, he invited His Majesty to come to the peace talks. He is likely to assassinate His Majesty."

Stannis frowned. "You saw this in the holy fire?"

"No." Melisandre said helplessly, "The followers of the Cold God in King's Landing sacrifice the believers of the Seven Gods to the Cold God every day. The power of the Red God R'hllor, the eternal enemy of the Cold God, is getting weaker and weaker here."

Stannis' jaw tightened. "The stronger the cold god, the weaker the red god? What's the point?"

Melisandre explained, "The relationship between the cold god and the red god R'hllor is like a fight between ice and fire. One side is strong and the other side is weak. One goes up and down. I look at the holy fire, amidst the ashes and thick smoke, All visions are haunted by skeletons, death and cold."

"If Your Majesty follows my method and sacrifices living people to the Red God R'hllor, the power of the Red God R'hllor will rise immediately, and suppress the cold god near King's Landing, and we can defeat the death knights, necromancers and other cold gods Slaves to darkness."

"If Your Majesty will offer Robert's bastard son Edric Storm, all problems will be solved."

Stannis began to grind his teeth, and Davos, the onion knight, said, "Your Majesty, burning any innocent person as a sacrifice to the gods will tarnish your cause. The common people and nobles will think that since the red god Rah Luo, like the Cold God, they need living sacrifices, and they will think that the Red God is as evil as the Cold God. What's more, Edric Storm is your nephew."

Melisandre insisted, "If you don't sacrifice the living, Your Majesty will lose this war. The stormy land and the king's territory will all be taken away by the undead army. I saw it in the holy fire."

Stannis said coldly: "Sacrificing the living can directly exchange for the destruction of the undead army?"

Melisandre said depressedly: "No, but can the Red God help us defeat the undead army?"

"Then I'd rather rely on myself to defeat the undead army." Stannis clenched the burning sword tightly, and the whole tent was instantly bathed in colorful halos, "I'm going to meet the necromancer Ogbeta, and death storm."

The meeting place was at Stannis' camp on the south bank of the Blackwater River. Stannis deliberately chose noon, when the sun was shining on the earth. However, the Blackwater River, hundreds of meters away, was still shrouded in dense fog.

What's even more weird is that Ogbeta, Deathstorm and his party arrived at Stannis' camp. Overcast clouds came like a shadow, covering the noon sun, and the sky instantly became dark.

The necromancer Ogbeta hunched over, holding a snow-white skeleton scepter, and his flag bearer was Deathstorm.

Deathstorm King Robert wore an antler helmet, his thick black hair and beard were like dry grass, his eyes were bleak, and he exuded the breath of coldness and death. His horse's eyes were weeping blood, which was obviously a dead horse.Robert carried a warhammer on his back.

Stannis' subordinates Justin Marseille, Gaudi Falling, Clutton Songger, Richard Hope, Donovan Fell and others all stared dumbfounded at the death of the former king Robert. storm.

Behind the death storm and the necromancer, thirteen knights in black robes lined up on skeleton horses. They were all dressed in black, with their faces hidden in black hoods. At first glance, the onion knight thought it was the Great Wall Brothers of the Night's Watch.

The standard bearer of Stannis is the red-robed woman Melisandre. Melisandre is wearing a red robe, holding up the flaming red-heart stag banner in her hand. The crowned stag of the Baratheon family seems to have been completely destroyed by the flames. devour.

The Onion Knight looked at Deathstorm's crowned stag banner, feeling inexplicably sad. Obviously this was the most familiar banner of the Baratheon family, but Stannis replaced the crowned stag with the banner of the flaming red heart.The one who now bears the banner of Baratheon is a resurrected Baratheon.

The necromancer Ogbetta showed a flattering smile, "Stannis, I thought you didn't have the guts to meet me and Deathstorm!"

Deathstorm said, "Necromancer, I told you a long time ago that there is nothing that can scare my brother Stannis."

Stannis stared at Deathstorm. "Robert was my brother when he was alive. As for you, Deathstorm, you are just a monster resurrected by the cold god. I will kill you and let Robert's soul rest forever."

Death Storm let out a piercing laugh, "When I was alive with flesh and blood, I felt emptiness, boredom and loneliness. Only when the Cold God revived me did I enjoy the joy of life."

Stannis laughed. "A dead man talking about the joys of life? How is that any different from a fish talking about the joys of flying? Cut the crap, what do you want to talk about in the name of peace?"

The necromancer showed his dirty teeth, "It's very simple, we hope that you will surrender immediately and become servants of the cold god. In this way, many innocent lives can be saved."

Stannis gritted his teeth as a flash of light shone from his flaming sword. "I will not surrender! Instead, I will slay all slaves of the cold god's darkness and cleanse the land."

Death Storm said to the necromancer Ogbeta: "I told you a long time ago that my brother is upright and unyielding. It is impossible for such a person to succumb."

Melisandre said: "R'hllor, the Lord of Light, will burn all evil and darkness in the world."

Ogbeta snorted softly, "Red Robe Girl, your Red God is trembling, no one can match the Cold God. It doesn't matter if you refuse to surrender, everyone is mortal, and after death you can still become the Cold God servant."

At this time, the skeleton scepter in Ogbeta's hand emitted a strange blue light, and the white flag in Deathstorm's hand instantly appeared a bloody skull surrounded by bats.

The bats on the banner flew around, screaming and biting Stannis, and Stannis panicked.

Melisandre fluttered her long sleeves, spilling a handful of red powder, and a wall of flames instantly appeared around Stannis, and the bats instantly burst into flames.

The drums of war sounded, and the day was swallowed up in darkness, as bandits from the Brotherhood of the Kingswood and hundreds of undead knights stormed into Stannis' camp.

Sir Zinedan Massey blew his horn and organized a counterattack.

"Fletcher" Dick saw Zinedan Marseille on the skeleton horse. He took up the skeleton bow and arrow, and a skeleton arrow shot Zinedan Marseille. Black blood spurted from Zinedan Marseille's wound. His attendant rushed to rescue him, and not long after, Zinedan Massai turned into a blue-eyed undead, and killed his attendant with a sword.

The Smiling Knight, Simon Toyne and Deathstorm, were killing a lot in the camp.

Stannis' soldiers use fire, and obsidian fights back. These undead are not white walkers, so obsidian weapon attacks are completely ineffective.

Flame attacks can kill undead, but undead are much more flexible than ghouls, ghouls are clumsy and move slowly, but undead's speed is almost the same as that of living people.The living who died in battle were instantly revived as undead by the necromancer.

Torches and flaming arrows are ineffective in counterattacking.There are more and more undead on the battlefield.

Stannis' army is in retreat.

Richard Hope, Gordy Falling, Clutton Songger and others, all with swords in their hands, rushed forward to protect Stannis, and together with Melisandre and Onion Knight, they slashed a bloody path , fled to the south.

The Western Territory, the Golden Tooth City, Sir Kevan, and Lord Damon Marbrand came to Duke Tywin in disgrace.

Duke Tywin was furious, "Kevon, I ordered you to stick to the Branded City, but you lost your army in the Branded City and lost the castle. After losing the Branded City, the wolf king's army can go around to the rear of the Golden Tooth City to attack, or even It can directly threaten Lannisport and Casterly Rock!"

Sir Kevan apologized: "After the golden girl was captured, she surrendered to the wolf king Ed. She used demon methods to help the wolf king's army attack the city. The enemy had giant eagles and magic dragons, so our army was defeated."

Earl Damon Marbrand said nervously: "Duke Tywin, Wolf King Ed was in Branded City, claiming that Queen Cersei and King Joffrey of King's Landing abandoned the belief of the Seven Gods and became followers of the Cold God. They accused the Seven Gods of being They are hypocritical gods, and even killed the believers of the Seven Gods. Therefore, the knights of the branded city were shaken, and they were vulnerable to the enemy's offensive."

Sir Kevan echoed, "The news is all from Stannis. Brand City received a letter from Stannis before."

Duke Tywin said angrily: "Golden Tooth City also received a letter from Stannis. This is just another lie carefully fabricated by Stannis. Stannis is the one who usurped the king. He surrounded King's Landing. Do you expect him to Said that Joffrey and Cersei are in King's Landing, and they have won the hearts of the people with their benevolent policies?"

In fact, Tywin had already had a premonition that something might have happened in King's Landing, but he refused to admit it.After all, if Joffrey turned his back on the Faith of the Seven, Lannister would lose the support of the Church, the faithful, and the knights.Once Tywin acknowledges the news brought by Stannis, the already low morale in the West Territory will completely collapse.

James came in with a letter.

"Father, you said that Stannis was lying. Could it be that the Archbishop of the Starry Sept in Oldtown is also lying?"

Tywin frowned, "Are you crazy? The Archbishop's residence is the Baelor Cathedral in King's Landing. Why did the Archbishop go to Old Town?"

James said: "Father, it is clearly written in this letter. Cersei and Joffrey, in the Great Sept of Baylor, persecuted the former archbishop, that fat man who put on airs, accused the Seven Gods of being The hypocritical gods also burned the statues of the Seven Gods and killed the followers of the Seven Gods."

"The archbishop who escaped from King's Landing assembled in Old Town and elected a new archbishop. The archbishop has publicly accused Cersei to castles all over Westeros. Joffrey is a heretic who blasphemed the seven gods. Knights of the world, take up your sword and defend the Seven Gods!"

"Now, the Hightower family in the Reach, the Tyrell family in Highgarden, the Rowan family in Golden Tree City, the Oakheart family in Ancient Oak City, and the Tully family in Horn Hill have expressed their support for the church."

Sir Kevan was shocked, "Cersei is too stupid to do this. The Tyrells of Highgarden were originally allied with the Lannisters, but now the alliance is completely broken."

The Reach is the hometown of knights, where the most knights are in Westeros. At the moment when Lannister broke with the church, the Tyrell family of Highgarden would of course choose to support the church.

Duke Tywin and Sir Kevan read the letter from the archbishop together. Duke Tywin slumped on his chair as if struck by lightning, and murmured: "The Lannisters have already lost the war."

Sir Kevan pondered for a while, "Cersei is so stupid, why would she trust a necromancer from beyond the Great Wall? Could this Ogbeta be from the wolf king Ed? The wolf king Ed conquered the beyond and sent Ogbeta to mess up King's Landing , instigated Cersei, Joffrey attacked the church, massacred the disciples of the Seven Gods, thus completely destroying Lannister’s reputation in King’s Landing and Westeros?”

Duke Tywin said indifferently: "Your analysis is very correct. This Ogbeta is a member of Stark. As we all know, Stark is a barbarian who worships the weirwood heart tree, and Beyond the Wall is the hometown of the White Walkers. We can It is claimed that Ed the wolf king is the mastermind behind Ogbeta's murder of the followers of the Seven Gods in King's Landing."

James shrugged, "Father, this is unlikely. Ogbetta can resurrect Robert and Prince Rhaegar. How can such a powerful wizard be under the wolf king Ed?"

Duke Tywin was a little displeased, "James, you are a good fighter on the battlefield, but your brain is not as bright as Tyrion's. We are fighting Stark, and the propaganda offensive is an important battlefield. Now, those who mess up King's Landing Ogbeta, from outside the Great Wall, even the wolf king Ed can't deny this."

"If it hadn't been for Ed the wolf king who merged beyond the Great Wall, would this necromancer come to King's Landing? I don't think so. It must be Ed the Wolf King. He conquered the barren land beyond the Great Wall and awakened the ancient power beyond the Great Wall. No one can deny it, Ogg Beta may have colluded with the wolf king Ed."

James frowned, "But we don't have evidence, what's the difference between that and a blatant lie?"

Tywin looked at James like he was looking at a fool, "A lie told a thousand times is enough to come true. Cersei, Joffrey, under the bewitching of the necromancer, became a heretic, killed the followers of the Seven Gods, and Lannister caused public anger Of course, we can accuse this necromancer of being the lackey of the wolf king, and in this way, the anger of the disciples of the Seven Gods may be transferred to Stark."

"At least the Lannisters in the western region are still believers of the Seven Gods. The church and the faithful men and women south of the Neck, when they hear the rumor that the necromancer is Eddard the wolf king's lackey, they will suddenly remember that Stark worships the old gods, Weirwood Wood Heart The barbarians of the north, and the Lannisters of the West, have been followers of the Seven for thousands of years."

Ser Kevan said: "The ruse may well succeed, but with the fall of Brand and the siege of the Golden Tooth, in the midst of war, will it have time? The necromancer's ability to bring Robert and Prince Rhaegar back to life proves that the undead Far more dangerous than a Stark."

"There are undead in King's Landing, and the undead outside the Great Wall may also be ready to move. The Stark family understands the threat of undead best. Winter is coming, and in winter, undead are bound to wreak havoc. I think if we send envoys to negotiate peace with Wolf King Ed, emphasizing the threat of undead Threat, maybe Stark will agree to a truce."

Duke Tywin said coldly: "The Westland is retreating steadily on the battlefield. The Red Viper, Ed the Wolf King, and Hoster Tully cannot possibly agree to a truce with us. Their goal is to uproot Lannister."

James stroked his sword belt, "Then fight to the death with the damn Wolf King, the Red Viper and the Tully family."

Duke Tywin said: "As long as people believe that Lannister in King's Landing is blaspheming the Seven Gods and slaughtering the followers of the Seven Gods, we will not even have a chance to fight to the end. Just ask the knights in the western region, good men and women, will follow Lannis who is against the Seven Gods?" Special?"

"We must convince the good men and women and the knights all over the world that the wolf king Ed is behind the undead. Write to the archbishop of Old Town and tell the church and the good men and women all over the world that it is the pagan wolf king Ed who sent the necromancer Ogbeta , Bewitching Cersei and Joffrey, Cersei and Joffrey were prisoners of the undead, so they committed an act of blasphemy against the Seven Gods. Lannister unconditionally supports the church and is willing to pay for the losses caused by the church in King’s Landing. Make compensation."

"Once Lannister gets rid of the relationship with the undead, we still have a chance to defeat the wolf king Ed."

 Thanks to Corn Tomato, Simarillion for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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