Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 210 Undead ravages the stormlands, wolves and lions battle against Golden Tooth City

Chapter 210 Undead ravages the stormlands, wolves and lions battle against Golden Tooth City

The entire imperial forest was on fire, and the thick smoke was like a dark dagger, piercing the belly of the sky.

In the fire of the Kingswood, Stannis' army was scattered all the way south, but the fire also burned many undead.

If the Onion Knight hadn't advised Stannis in time to set fire to the royal forest, more people would have died in Stannis's army, and every time Stannis died in battle, there would be one more undead warrior on the side of Deathstorm.

It was the Onion Knight's idea to set fire to the royal forest, but it was the red-robed woman Melisandre who really made the plan go smoothly. She spilled powder from her sleeve, and the surrounding forest burned rapidly and fell into a sea of ​​flames.

The Onion Knight noticed that after casting the spell, Melisandre was out of breath, her forehead was covered with sweat, and the big ruby ​​in her throat was as hot as coal and seemed about to burst.

It seems that casting spells made Melisandre exhausted. For a moment, the Onion Knight seemed to see Melisandre turned into an old woman. When the Onion Knight rubbed his eyes and looked again, Melisandre had recovered Beautiful appearance.

What a strange thing, could it be that after experiencing the undead, the dead and the fiasco, the Onion Knight couldn't help suspecting that he was hallucinating.

Many deer, boars, pheasants, foxes and other animals, followed Stannis' defeated army and fled southward, not only to escape the smoke and fire, but also to escape the undead sweeping down from the north.

Stannis gathers the defeated soldiers in Hay Hall, which is the fortress of the Arlo family. At this time, Earl Bryce Cullen came to meet Stannis with [-] cavalry from Storm's End.

Fearing that King's Landing's undead army would cut off the Rose Road, Stannis had withdrawn his troops from the Reach a month ago. Led by the earl, they all retreated to Storm's End, the castle of the Baratheon family.

Now it seems that this move is very wise. If Stannis continues to garrison in the Reach, King's Landing's undead army will cut off the army's retreat to the Stormlands, and the Stannis army who stays in the Reach will suffer. The attack of the river bend army and the undead army.

After Stannis retreated from the Reach, the nobles of the Reach who had sworn allegiance to Stannis, the Meidou family in Green Valley City, the Peck family in Star Shuttle City, and the Merry Weiss family in the Long Table Hall, Immediately, he followed suit and renewed his allegiance to House Tyrell of Highgarden.

But looking at it now, this is nothing to be regretful about. After all, the Stormlands is being attacked by the undead, and it is difficult to preserve the Stormlands' own fiefdom. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the nobles of the Reach to continue to support Stannis.

The army that had retreated from the Reach to Storm's End, at least for Stannis, had survived.

In Hayhall, Stannis ate some bread and jerky, and immediately called a council of war.

"Our army is strong enough, we should take advantage of the fire in the imperial forest and take the initiative to attack. The undead are afraid of fire!"

Richard Hope, Justin Marseille, Gaudí Falin and others exchanged skeptical glances.

Justin Marseille said nervously: "Your Majesty, the undead are afraid of fire, and the living are also afraid of fire! Many soldiers in our army were buried under the flames."

Stannis narrowed his eyes. "War always kills!"

Richard Hope said: "Your Majesty, I fought Death Storm one-on-one on the battlefield. I hit Death Storm's face with flames, but the Death Storm was not affected at all. I suspect that the flames also hurt Not Deathstorm. He almost killed me with his hammer! I saw with my own eyes that Deathstorm killed no fewer than seven knights!"

The unattractive Richard Hope is one of Stannis' most powerful swordsmen. He admires Robert very much and once dreamed of becoming King Robert's Kingsguard.Now, Richard Hope faced the death storm Robert, but almost died under the enemy's warhammer.

Gaudi Falin said: "Your Majesty, we are not afraid of death, but if every one of us dies, the undead will have one more walking dead warrior, how can we fight this battle?"

Justin Marseille agreed, "I saw my cousin Zinedan turned into an undead knight, and many warriors saw their relatives and friends turned into blue-eyed undead. It was very painful."

Stannis turned to the Onion Knight. "My knights seem to be holding back. What do you think I should do?"

The Onion Knight said: "Your Majesty, my suggestion is to withdraw the troops immediately and return to Storm's End."

Stannis snorted. "Smugglers only sneak to avoid the big ships. If I retreat to Storm's End, what if the enemy captures Storm's End?"

The Onion Knight said: "Storm's End is one of the strongest fortresses in Westeros. Even if the undead gather an army, they may not be able to conquer Storm's End. As long as you hold Storm's End, you can protect the vast area south of the Stormlands. Tath Island, Dragonstone Island, and Ismond Island can also provide us with supplies."

"Your Majesty, don't forget that the Necromancer named King Robert the Storm of Death. Melisandre has also seen it many times in the sacred fire. The storm of death sweeps the Stormland."

"Is there anything more suitable for resisting the death storm than Storm's End?"

Stannis pursed his lips and looked at Melisandre, "What's your opinion?"

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, your smuggler has wisdom that ordinary people don't have. Ordinary castles cannot resist the invasion of the undead, but Storm's End can. There is magic in the walls of Storm's End, and even the undead can't fight against that heroic castle." The city is raging."

At this time, Maester Pylos hurried in and handed over a letter.

"Your Majesty, Prince Rhaegar has captured the city of Rosby, Fort Stokeworth, and is marching towards the city of Harvard. According to your previous instructions, all the castles in the royal territory have given up their defenses and assembled towards the town of Dusk Valley, Dusk Valley The town commander, Roland Storm, has ordered the fleet to transport all the king's coins, provisions, and luggage to Dragonstone Island."

Stannis frowned. "Rosby City is only two days away from Duskendale. The enemy didn't attack Duskendale?"

Palos said: "No, the army of undead is marching towards Harrenhal."

"Roland Storm said in his letter that he had written to warn the commander of Harrenhal, Earl Rickard Karstark, to prepare the wolf king's army to resist the undead army."

The main force of Stannis' army was gathered in the Stormlands. The castles north of King's Landing, Fort Stokeworth and Rosby City, had only a few dozen people defending each castle. The town of Duskendale had the largest number of troops, reaching 2000 people.

The small castle north of King's Landing has little strategic significance, and Stannis does not intend to waste troops defending it.Earlier, Stannis had ordered Roland Storm, the commander of the king's land, to withdraw from the king's land immediately once the undead army from King's Landing attacked Duskendale Town.Fortunately, the undead did not attack Mugu Town for the time being.

Roland Storm is the illegitimate brother of Bryce Cullen, the Earl of Nightingale City in the borderland. He is brave and good at fighting.

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, the undead are marching towards Harrenhal. Wolf King Ed will definitely bring the dragon to rescue Harrenhal. Our army sticks to Storm's End. Once Wolf King Ed defeats the undead at Harrenhal, our army will also be able to defend Harrenhal." Launch a counterattack from Storm's End, and attack the Lannisters and undead in King's Landing from north to south with the Wolf King's army."

Stannis crushed the letter and sighed, "It seems that we can only retreat to Storm's End. The order goes on, Fawn Park, Hay Hall, Bronzegate City, Fallenwood City...anyone north of Storm's End Nobles and commoners will all migrate to Storm's End, and I will leave the enemy a no-man's land."

Earl Sebastian Erlo, Lord of the Hay Hall, said: "Your Majesty, this is the land that my family has lived in for generations. Is it just abandoned? My mother just passed away last year and was just buried in the grave."

Stannis' jaw tightened. "Then dig your mother out of the grave and burn her, or the necromancer may resurrect her to attack us."

Harrenhal, Great Hall of the Burning King Tower.

Caitlin frowned, "Prince Rhaegar marched on Harrenhal?"

Lord Rickard Karstark nodded, "Yes, Stokeworthburg, Rosby City, and Harvard City have all planted the skull flag and King Joffrey's lion and stag. .”

Caitlin said depressedly: "Stannis should resolutely resist in the king's land."

Rickard Karstark shrugged, "Stannis' Stormlands was also attacked. Deathstorm Robert himself led the army. The Stormlands is Stannis' base. Will miss the royal area."

Caitlin said melancholy: "Can we defeat Prince Rhaegar, the death knight?"

Originally, Ed left an army of [-] in Harrenhal, more than enough to defend the most majestic castle in Westeros, but this time the enemy was an army of undead.

Rickard Karstark said helplessly: "Back then, I followed the wolf king Ed and fought against Prince Rhaegar on the Trident River. In that battle, Prince Rhaegar died under Robert's war hammer. More than ten years later , Prince Rhaegar has been resurrected again, and now he is a death knight, commanding the army of the undead, whoever it is, there is no certainty that he can defeat the army of the undead."

Countess Sheila Hean sighed, "In the wrong spring that year, Prince Rhaegar was the champion of the tournament at the Harrenhal Tournament. His love affair with Miss Lyanna is still the favorite of many singers."

"However, I don't like this love. It was the winter snow rose that Prince Rhaegar gave to Lyanna that sounded the death knell of the Targaryen dynasty. My children and relatives all died in the ensuing Reaver War. "

"Now, Prince Rhaegar is here again, with his army of undead. Prince Rhaegar is truly the bane of Harrenhal!"

Caitlin was very scared, but she had to be strong. She held the hand of Countess Sheila Hean, "Lady Sheila, don't worry, the Wolf King's army will crush Prince Rhaegar and his undead army under the castle of Harrenhal. Huh Renborg is next to God's Eye Lake Thousand Faces Islet, which is the holy land of the old gods, and Ed hatched the dragon and griffin in Harrenhal, we will definitely be able to defeat the enemy."

The giant Sissy was feeding the dragon Hawkeye and the koi, and the griffin was eating ribs. Sansa, Arya and Robin Arryn were standing beside the griffin.

Aegis Dawson and water dancer Syrio Forel guard Sansa and Arya.After Ed mastered the ability of the power of the elements, he was almost integrated with the beast. Now Ed does not need a personal guard, so he left all the guards in Harrenhal to protect Caitlin and his daughters.

Countess Sheila said: "We dragons and griffins are too small to go on the battlefield."

Earl Rickard Karstark said: "After our army fortified the wall and cleared the field, we will close the gate of Harrenhal and defend it. Our wildfire weapons will make the undead pay the price. Of course, if His Royal Highness the Wolf returns from the west with the dragon , it will be safe to support Harrenhal.”

Caitlin said: "Harrenhal is very important. It protects the Trident River Ferry and the riverland. I will write to Ed and ask him to bring the dragon and the giant eagle to help Harrenhal."

In the western region, Wolf King Ed rode on the back of the direwolf Nightwalker, overlooking the Golden Tooth City on the Hejian Avenue in the south of the Golden Tooth City.

After the wolf king's army captured Branded City, the south of the western fortress Golden Tooth City has fallen into the hands of the Wolf King's army. Now, the north of Golden Tooth City is the army led by Heiyu, led by Robb, and the south is the army led by Wolf King Ed. Golden Tooth City It has been completely surrounded by the wolf king's army.

Bronze Jorn said disdainfully: "Our army is approaching the city, and Duke Tywin is still shrinking his head."

Sir Barristan said: "If I were Duke Tywin, I would do the same thing. The Lannister army is not as strong as our army, and they are at an absolute disadvantage in front of giant eagles and dragons. The city of Golden Tooth is strong and the terrain is dangerous. It is better to stick to the Golden Tooth City instead of attacking."

Duke Eddard said indifferently: "Duke Tywin wants to continue to stick to the Golden Tooth City, so he can't help him. Bronze Jorn, I will send you five thousand troops to attack Casterly Rock City and Lannisport."

Bronze Jorn showed a distressed expression, "Your Highness Wolf, since ancient times, we have marched southwest, and there is Sarsfield City blocking the way. Even if our army successfully captures Sarsfield City, facing Casterly Rock City and Lannis Port will be equally difficult. .”

"Casterly Rock City has never been breached. As for Lannisport, Lannisport has a large population. The capital defense team there is also known as the most disciplined city defense team in Westeros, and its combat effectiveness far exceeds that of King's Landing. .”

"Casterly Rock City and Lannisport are the heart of Westland and Lannister. To capture these two places, I need more troops."

Ed said: "Don't worry, I didn't ask you to really attack. You led the army along the river road and marched towards Casterly Rock City and Lannisport. Duke Tywin got the news and could only send troops south to attack. At that time, The enemy will fall into the encirclement of our army, and you lead the army back directly to participate in the feast of hunting."

Bronze Jon suddenly realized, so Bronze Jon selected [-] elite cavalry, marched towards Casterly Rock City and Lannisport with banners and war songs.

Ed led the army and hid in the mountains near Cambridge Village. This is a long and narrow valley, suitable for ambush.

Eagle King McCain's hawks, falcons, and owls scout the sky.

The western scouts in the mountains detected the wolf king's army marching southwest, and immediately wrote to Tywin in Golden Tooth City. Falcon saw the raven and let it go on purpose.

The ravens arrived at Golden Tooth City, and Duke Tywin looked at the letter, feeling very depressed, "Wolf King Ed is marching towards Casterly Rock City and Lannisport, so I can only go out."

Sir Kevan said: "Wolf King's army is attacking Casterly Rock City. Could it be a feint attack? I suspect that the real purpose of Wolf King Ed is to lure our army into battle. Wolf King Ed must have ambushed soldiers in the hills."

Duke Tywin said helplessly: "There is no doubt that Ed will lie in ambush in the hills and mountains, but we can only go out to fight, otherwise, our army will continue to sit in the city of sorrow, and Wolf King Ed will pull out the castles in the western region one by one."

"The Casterly Rock City is the heart of Lannister. If we can't even defend the Casterly Rock City, the castles all over the western region will surrender to the direwolves one after another."

James clenched his fists, "I've been eager to try it for a long time. I would rather die on the way to charge than be trapped to death by the enemy in the castle."

Lord Tywin said: "The time has come for you to perform. Kevan, you stick to the Golden Tooth City. James and I will lead the attack, and Sir Adam Marbrand will command the scout troops."

Sir Kevan said depressedly: "The enemy uses giant eagles, hawks, falcons, and saber-toothed tigers to scout, but we still rely on cavalry for scouting. Such sorties are meaningless."

Duke Tywin said sadly: "Of course it makes sense, at least it can tell Wolf King Ed that I'm still alive."

The south gate of Golden Tooth City opened, and Adam Marbrand led a thousand cavalry to set off first, and Jaime, Duke Tywin led ten thousand elite soldiers to walk behind the scout troops.

Adam Marbrand's scouts returned two days later.

"The Cambridge Canyon is ahead. My scouts went up the mountain to investigate, and none of them came back alive. Obviously, Ed Wolf King ambushed his troops in the hills. If we take a detour, our army will waste several days. There is still a possibility in the mountains. With the mountain army of wolf king Ed, the cavalry has no advantage in the narrow mountain roads, facing barbarians such as rock species, mountain clans, and cavemen."

Duke Tywin sighed, "The mountains in the west are our barriers, but now they are occupied by the wolf king. The enemies include skinchangers, dragons, giant eagles and beasts. No matter how we fight, our army is always at a disadvantage .In the name of peace, I want to talk to Wolf King Ed."

James worried: "The wolf king has direwolves, dragons and giant eagles in his hands, in case he wants to harm you during the peace talks"

"Then you will be the next Duke of Lannister."

James frowned, "When I joined the Kingsguard, I gave up my family's inheritance rights. The heir of Casterly Rock is Tyrion."

Tywin disdainfully said: "Cersei turned the Kingsguard into a joke, besides, the followers of the Seven Gods were slaughtered in King's Landing, Lannister has already offended the church, in this age when the dead can walk, who cares whether you are White robe or black robe?"

In the evening of the next day, Wolf King Ed met Duke Tywin on a hill.

Duke Tywin was wearing a golden battle armor, and his cloak was sewn with gold thread. He was majestic, but he was exhausted.The flag bearer of Duke Tywin is Jaime, beside him is Sir Adam, and there are more than 50 famous noble knights in the West.

Ed rode a direwolf at night, and the flag bearer beside him was Sir Barristan. Ed led a dozen cavalrymen, a dozen giant eagles hovering in the sky, and there were dragons and flying wolves in the sky.

Duke Tywin said: "Wolf King Ed, you conquered beyond the Great Wall. You sent the necromancer Ogbeta to King's Landing, bewitched Queen Cersei and King Joffrey, and you also brought an army to invade the West. The Stark family Where did my sense of honor go?"

Ed laughed dumbly, "Hehe! Duke Tywin, you really know how to sue the wicked first! Cersei, Joffrey is in King's Landing, colluded with necromancers, and killed the followers of the Seven Gods. The archbishop of Old Town has already complained to West Send letters all over Los Angeles, good men and women everywhere, knights, will know the evil deeds of Lannister in King's Landing."

Duke Tywin said: "Ogbeta is a wildling, just like your skinchanger pet. There has never been an undead in the south of the Neck. After you conquered Beyond the Wall, a necromancer appeared in King's Landing. It is clearly you who brought the evil power , from beyond the Great Wall to King's Landing. You should be cast aside by the disciples of the Seven Gods!"

Ser Barristan spoke.

"Duke Tywin, I have served in the King's Landing Guard for decades. I have witnessed Cersei from a pure girl to a slut, and finally to a greedy and vain woman. Cersei murdered King Robert. I don't think it's surprising that this kind of person has fallen into the company of the undead to achieve his goal and use whatever means he can."

Then Barristan turned to the knights of the Westmarch.

"I know many of you, and some of them were sealed by me myself. I tell you, as anointed knights, you are obliged to defend the Church and the Seven Gods. If you continue to follow Lannister, it would be foolish."

"Fearless" Barristan is well known in Westeros, and he is almost synonymous with knights. As soon as Sir Barristan said this, more than 50 knights in the Westland began to whisper and look at each other.

Duke Tywin said sullenly: "Sir Barristan, you have abandoned the king you swore to protect. You who have broken your oath, what right do you have to talk nonsense in front of the knights of the West?"

Ser Barristan shrugged. "Lord Tywin, you can accuse him as you like. Joffrey is a bastard. I have a clear conscience."

Ed said: "Duke Tywin, the undead are our great enemy, and there is still time to surrender.

"If you surrender sincerely, you will not lose your title as duke."

Duke Tywin said grimly: "I will never surrender. Early tomorrow morning, I will lead the army from the western region to fight to the death with you!"

As night fell, Lord Tywin returned to the camp and immediately summoned Adam Marbrand, Jaime.

"Call the army immediately and prepare for a sneak attack tonight!"

James frowned, "Didn't we make an appointment for tomorrow?"

Duke Tywin said: "The enemy is an invader. To deal with this kind of enemy, there is no need to keep your promise. Our army launched a night attack and caught the enemy by surprise."

James said: "The enemy has skinchangers, and sneak attacks are very difficult to succeed."

Duke Tywin said: "Of course I know, but I have no choice. If I don't take the initiative to attack, I will definitely lose."

At midnight, the army of the western border launched an attack on the enemy in the hills. Suddenly, the rocks rolled down and arrows were fired. James, Lord Tywin saw that the army of the wolf king was fully prepared, and complained endlessly. He quickly withdrew the army. A long line of corpses was laid.

Lord Tywin, James fled towards the camp, when he suddenly saw the camp of the Western Territory army bursting into flames and screaming for killing.

It turned out that Oberyn the Red Viper, Sandor the Hound, Brienne, Loras the Knight of Flowers, and the Lightning King led an army across mountains and mountains to join forces with Ed the Wolf King. .

Barristan charged with his army, Bronze Yohn led his cavalry back, and shadow lynxes, goats, saber-toothed tigers and other ferocious beasts rampaged across the battlefield.

Because Lannister in King's Landing massacred the disciples of the Seven Gods, the knights in the western region were already demoralized. Facing a strong enemy, the army in the western region began to collapse.

Oberyn, the Red Viper, saw Tywin in the crowd and said angrily, "Old thief Tywin, I'll kill you!"

James blocked the red viper Oberyn, and Tywin, escorted by a group of red-robed guards, rushed to a small forest. Brienne and the Knight of Flowers, Loras, led the cavalry to kill them. Brienne and the Knight of Flowers rushed in. On the enemy line, he killed every red-robed guard like chopping melons and vegetables.

There were fewer and fewer soldiers around Duke Tywin, but fortunately a group of cavalry rushed out and rescued Tywin.

Tai Wen was very pleased to see that it was Kai Feng who led the army, "Kai Feng, thanks to you for saving me, our army hastened to return to Golden Tooth City."

Sir Kevan said apologetically, "Brother, after you led the army to go out, the little ghost Robb led the army of the wolf king to attack from the alley, and the knights of the west came out as traitors, and opened the city gate to welcome Robb. Robb's direwolf, Gray Wind, bit More than a dozen people were killed. The Frey family set up a ladder to storm the city, coupled with the sneak attack of the giant eagle, our army was defeated."

"The Golden Tooth City has been lost. I escaped with a team of cavalry. Now, the tens of thousands of troops of Black Fish Brynden and Robb have crossed the Golden Tooth City and came from the north."

Lord Tywin sighed and fell to the ground in a faint.

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(End of this chapter)

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