Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 211 The Wolf King ravages the Western Territory, Frey is full of loyalty, and the offensive

Chapter 211 The Wolf King ravages the Western Territory, Frey is full of loyalty, and the offensive and defensive battle of Harrenhal
Blackfish Brynden, the army led by young wolf lord Robb, finally captured the Golden Tooth City, the throat fortress in the west.

This legion of more than 3 people had spent a long time outside the Golden Tooth City, and now it finally broke through the Golden Tooth City. The young wolf lord Robb's legion descended like a tiger, and the western army was defeated in this night of blood.

Marge, the king of giants, grabbed a Lannister knight with a roaring lion on his breastplate. His roar was like thunder, and the surrounding soldiers in the western region felt their spines tremble.Like a toy doll, Margot, the king of giants, tore the knight in his hand, blood splattering everywhere.

There are also some giants riding on mammoths. The knights of the western region could not control their mounts at all in front of the mammoths.

"Six-Shaped Man" Varamyr, the snow bear standing under him stood more than four meters high. The snow bear smashed the head of a western infantryman with one palm, and Varamyr's three wolves tore apart a fat Clay. The spearman of the He family, the spearman let out a horrific scream.

Samantha's moa is stronger than a bear, and it rampages on the battlefield. The mouth of the moa is like a war hammer, and it easily smashes the breastplate of a knight of the Brax family. fell to the ground.

The giant eagle of the giant eagle prince Michu looked for prey in the sky, swooped down, and culled it. Every time the eagle hit the sky, it brought the death of a soldier from the western region.

The demon dragon and flying wolf were on the battlefield, biting the charred corpses of soldiers from the western region.

The army of the Western Territory was being defeated. Duke Tywin passed out, was rescued by Sir Kevan, and retreated to the west. Sir Kevan retreated to a hill with the remnant soldiers. Adam Marbrand, James, Harris Swyfer and others arrived at the hill with the remaining troops one after another.

Jaime's white robe was stained with blood, the gold-plated sword was covered with blood, and many of the Westlanders were wounded. He picked up the wine bag and drank for Duke Tywin. At this time, Duke Tywin woke up slowly.

The sound of killing from the east was approaching, and Duke Tywin was very depressed, "Are we defeated?"

James said helplessly: "The wolf king's army has giants, mammoths, shapechangers, beasts and dragons, it is too cruel. Compared with the beasts and dragons, the knight of flowers, the red viper, and the beautiful cloth People like Renee, Sandor the Hound, are much gentler."

The weak-tempered lord of Corn City, Harris Swyfer, who is Sir Kevan's father-in-law, said: "Duke Tywin, the defense line in the western region has collapsed, and we have no chance of winning against the army of the Wolf King. and."

Tywin snorted softly, "The archbishop reprimanded Cersei and Joffrey for killing the followers of the Seven Gods in King's Landing. Now the church is calling on believers to overthrow Lannister, and the undead are raging. It is impossible for the Wolf King to accept the truce and peace."

Tywin cheered up, and he pulled out his golden sword, "I would rather die on the way to the charge than surrender! Let me charge! This time I will lead the charge myself."

For decades, Duke Tywin has always sat in the rear and commanded by remote control. Now Tywin wants to be the vanguard himself. It seems that Tywin has made up his mind to die.

Sir Kevan quickly dissuaded him, "Golden Tooth City has fallen, and our army's morale is low. Tonight our army has been routed, and many soldiers are wounded. What is the difference between charging at this time and committing suicide? We have to avoid the edge for the time being and retreat first."

Duke Tywin said angrily: "Retreat? Retreat to Lannisport. The riverside avenue of Casterly Rock City has been cut off by the enemy. There are enemies everywhere. Where else can I retreat?"

Sir Kevan pointed to the west, "Wolf King Ed has assembled an army, and the defenses around Castamere are bound to be empty. Our army hastened into Castamere, and we have the right to settle down. Then we will take the seaside road and return to Casterly Rock."

"Helen the Iron Bitch's northern west coast fleet plundered the town of Keche and the fishing villages around the Fire Banquet City. Fortunately, the enemy's attack on the coastal castles and towns in the western border was repulsed, and the enemy fleet has now blocked the coast near the western border. Once we arrive at Casterly Rock City, we can gather the armies of Ketche Town, Banfire City, and Lannisport, and then fight Wolf King Ed to the death."

Castamere is where Tywin Lannister became famous in the first battle.

At that time, Tywin, who had not yet become a duke, wiped out the Reyes family of Castamere and the Tarbeck family of Tarbeck City with thunderous force. Lord Tywin's suppression.

The castle ruins of Castamere and Tarbeck Hall, sealed caverns reduced to wordless tombstones.

"The Rainy Season of Castamere" made countless nobles and commoners of Westeros terrified. Now that Duke Tywin was defeated, he actually wanted to take refuge in Castamere, which is really a great irony.

Duke Tywin had no choice but to march towards Castame in the west with the remnants of the defeated army.

Ed the wolf king was in the camp and met the black fish Brynden, the young wolf master Robb, and Domeric who had been rescued from the dungeon of Golden Tooth City.

Domilik was captured by James the Kingslayer during the battle in the riverland before, and has been imprisoned in the dungeon of Golden Tooth City since then.The Wolf King's army captured the Golden Tooth City, and Robb rescued Domeric from the dungeon.

Domilik, the heir to the Dreadfort, is one of Ed's favorite adopted sons. Ed hugged Domilik, "Domilik, you have finally returned to the pack of wolves."

Domilik said: "I knew that Lord Wolf and Robb would come to rescue me."

Later, King Lightning brought Sandor the Hound, Brienne the Beauty, and Loras, the Knight of Flowers.

Ed smiled and said, "Welcome to join the Wolf King's army."

Sandor the Hound, Brienne, and Loras, the Knight of Flowers, are all blood-stained robes. They are the most powerful fighters.

The Hound Sandor said roughly: "Wolf King, as long as you leave me my brother Moshan, my Hound is willing to follow the direwolf."

Loras, the Knight of Hundred Flowers, said: "Your Highness Wolf, Brienne and I, together with Duke Renly, seek refuge with His Highness Wolf. I hope His Highness Wolf treats Duke Renly well."

Ed said: "Don't worry, Renly is in Riverrun, assisting Duke Hoster, Edmure, and managing the rear. I will not forget your contribution, nor will I forget Renly's contribution."

Subsequently, Lord Greatjon Umber, White Harbor Heir Willis Manderly, Countess Maege Mormont, Earl Herman Tallhart, Earl Roose Bolton and other northern nobles surrounded Ed side.

Roose Bolton said softly: "Your Highness Wolf, my son Domeric has been rescued, and I can finally feel at ease."

Ed has always distrusted Roose Bolton, and now Roose Bolton, in the Winter Wolf Army, is becoming more and more marginalized, and he is in charge of the supply unit.At the beginning, Roose Bolton complained occasionally about not being reused, but now he seems to be used to it.

Greatjon Umber clenched his fists.

"We northerners followed His Royal Highness Wolf, conquered Skagos Island, conquered Beyond the Wall, merged the Vale of Arryn and the Riverlands, and now it's the turn of the West, Tywin's ass is about to be beaten to death by the army of the Wolf King! Our army After taking the Golden Tooth City, the three armies joined forces, and the Lannister defense line collapsed."

Blackfish Brynden said: "Our army attacked the city violently, which attracted the attention of the enemy, which also bought an opportunity for a sneak attack on the small road. Robb led the army, led by Gray Wind, took the small road, and went around the mountains After that, attack the side gate of Golden Tooth City."

"King's Landing Lannister slaughtered the followers of the Seven Gods and blasphemed the Seven Gods. The knights of the Western Region in the Golden Tooth City were moved. Some knights with conscience opened the side door for our army. Our army finally took the Golden Tooth City and captured A large amount of food, armor, weapons, siege equipment and war horses in the western region captured hundreds of nobles and knights in the western region."

The young wolf lord Robb said with a heavy heart, "However, victory always comes with casualties. When the Frey family attacked the city from the front, they killed many warriors of the Frey family with boiling oil and random arrows. Ser Aenys Frey, commander of House Ray, and Ser Hostyn Frey."

The wolf king Ed had a dignified expression, but his heart was full of joy. The more Foyle died, the better.

In Ed's impression, Aenis Frey and Hostyn Frey were both the sons of Marquis Walder, the brave and good at fighting in the Frey family.

Previously, Lord Walder's illegitimate son, Walder River, and another son, Raymond Frey, died in the sneak attack on the Golden Tooth City.

With so many sons of Lord Walder dying at the hands of Lannister, and Lord Walder sending a white-haired man to a black-haired man, the Frey family will hate Lannister even more.In war, the weakening of House Frey will make them more loyal to House Stark and House Tully.

After the death of Ser Aenys Frey, the command of Frey's army fell into the hands of Ryman Frey, the eldest grandson of Lord Walder and the eldest son of Sir Stevron, the heir of the Twins. A fat man in his 40s, bald and reeking of alcohol.

According to Blackfish Brynden, Sir Ryman Frey's life in the army was very simple. He ate, drank, and hung out with prostitutes every day. He was a typical waste.

Once the Marquess of Walder and Sir Stevron pass away, Lyman Frey will be the heir to the Twins. This kind of waste will be the head of the Frey family of the Twins at the river ferry. At that time, Ed can find an opportunity to deprive some fiefdoms and continue Weaken the power of House Frey.

Ed took Lyman Frey's hand, "Sir Lyman, your two uncles died in the Golden Tooth City. The warriors of the Frey family gave their precious lives. I will never forget the contribution of the Frey family."

The two uncles died in battle, and Lyman Frey's mood didn't seem to be affected. He said: "I will send someone to take the bodies of Innis, Hosting, and Walder River and Raymond before, Send them back to the Twins together. My grandfather Lord Walder will be sad, but he will be proud to watch these loyal warriors return to the Twins."

Ed took out gold and rewarded every noble and general. Anyway, there are real gold and silver in the western region.

Then Ed turned to the surrounding generals.

"Now, Duke Tywin has become a bereaved dog, fleeing to the west, who is willing to lead the cavalry to hunt and kill Duke Tywin?"

Oberyn the Red Viper squeezed over, "Dorne and the old thief Tywin have a deep hatred, this task is none other than mine!"

Greatjon Umber shouted: "This honor should belong to the northerners who first followed the Wolf King. Who better than me?"

Sir Lynn Corbray said: "I have the Valyrian steel sword Lady Kongji, and I am the best swordsman. I should lead the army to hunt down Tywin."

Nobles from all over the world called for the battle one after another. Sir Lyman was affected by his emotions, and he also yelled twice.

"The Frey family requests to fight! Hunt Tywin!"

Ed put his hand on Ryman Frey's shoulder, "The Frey family is full of loyalty and loyalty. This task is entrusted to you."

Ryman Foyle was shocked, his eyes were clearly saying, "It's not good for so many people to ask for the battle, so think highly of me, isn't it?"

But since he was chosen, Lyman Frey could only accept the task, and led the cavalry of the Frey family to pursue Duke Tywin.

After the nobles dispersed, only the black fish Brynden and Robb remained beside Ed.

Heiyu said: "Duke Tywin is very capable of using troops. Although the army of the Western Territory was defeated and retreated westward, they must ambush troops in dangerous places in the canyon. Lyman Frey is a mediocre man. How could he be Duke Tywin's opponent?"

Ed said: "It would be difficult for anyone to capture and kill Tywin in one battle, let the Frey family try!"

Best for the Freys and the Lannisters to lose both sides.

Ed continued: "Tywin took the remnants of the Western Territory Army and marched towards Castamere. The castle there was destroyed by Tywin himself. It is impossible for Lannister to stay there for a long time. Tywin's goal is obviously Kai The Rock. Tywin, the Kingslayer, tried to return to Casterly Rock by the seaside road."

"Sir Brynden, you and Robb quickly marched towards Casterly Rock and Lannisport with an army of [-]. I will lead the rest of the army to hunt down Lannister."

Robb comforted: "The Lannister will soon be over."

Ed didn't take it seriously, "That's true for the Lannisters in the Western Region, but don't forget, there are Lannisters in King's Landing. Cersei, Deathstorm, Prince Rhaegar, Necromancers, and the like may be more dangerous than Tywin."

In King's Landing, Cersei sits on the Iron Throne.

The necromancer Ogbeta wore a black robe, "Your Majesty, the death storm led the army of undead, and together with the Brotherhood of the Royal Forest, they captured the Hay Hall of the Errol family in the storm, the Fallen Wood Hall of the Fell family, and Booker. The Bronze Gates of House Le. Stannis retreated to Storm's End with his army."

"The Stormlands north of Storm's End belong to King Joffrey and His Majesty the Queen!"

Cersei was as happy as a little girl, "Stannis is vulnerable to the army of undead."

The necromancer Ogbetta showed a flattering smile, "At the same time, the Northern Army led by Prince Rhaegar occupied castles such as Fort Stokeworth, Rosby City, Harvard City, and Sow's Corner in the king's land. The hosts are coming to Harrenhal."

Cersei said: "The wolf king Ed's daughters Sansa, Arya, and the she-wolf Caitlin are all in Harrenhal. If Harrenhal is captured and they are escorted to King's Landing, I will take Ed's wife personally." And my daughter, sacrifice to the cold god!"

Once upon a time, King's Landing was once reduced to an isolated island in the king's land, but now the army of undead quickly captured the stormlands, a large piece of land in the king's land, and the soldiers pointed directly at the two majestic castles of Harrenhal and Storm's End, and Cersei was full of ambition.

The necromancer said: "Your Majesty, it's a pity that victory is also mixed with a little bit of failure. Yesterday, when I gazed into the darkness, I saw that Duke Tywin's army in the western region suffered a disastrous defeat in the western fortress Golden Tooth City. The wolf king's giant, Skinchangers, beasts, and dragons ravage the lands of the West."

Lancel on the side became nervous, "Necromancer, have you seen my father, Sir Kevan? Is he injured? Are my brothers and mother still alive?"

In the past, Lancel was quite devout to the Seven Gods. Every time he slept with Cersei, Lancel would pretend to confess to the Seven Gods.However, after the rise of the Cold God in King's Landing, the Necromancer and Cersei executed the believers of the Seven Gods, and Lancel immediately became a believer of the Cold God.

Today, the Church of the Cold God in King’s Landing is formally established. Lu Chen of the Frey family has become the first Archbishop of the God of Cold. Lancel is the first batch of dark knights in the Church of the Cold God. They are all believers in the cold god.

The necromancer said: "War always kills people, who knows whether your family is dead or alive?"

Lancel turned to Cersei, "Your Majesty, you and I are the children of Lannister. Now the land in the western region has been ravaged by the army of the wolf king. Please immediately send an army of undead to rescue the western region."

Cersei was unmoved, and snorted softly, "When I was in King's Landing, I asked Lord Tywin and James of the Western Territory for help, but they refused to send troops to rescue them. Now that they can't even keep the Western Territory, you want me to send troops to rescue them? Don't worry, the western region can't stay any longer, the Lannisters in the western region can escape to King's Landing, and I will take them in."

Lancel said dejectedly: "If you refuse to send troops to rescue Lannister in the western region, maybe Lord Tywin, James, and my father, Ser Kevan, may all be killed by the wolf king's army."

Cersei said depressedly: "Don't worry, when the army of undead captured Harrenhal, Wolf King Ed will naturally withdraw his troops from the western region. This is called 'surround Harrenhal and save Casterly Rock'. When I wipe out Stan in the Stormlands Nice, the land between the rivers of Wolf King Ed and the Tully family, is my next victim."

"Ten thousand steps back, even if all the Lannisters in the western region are dead, our cold god and necromancer can resurrect them and continue to fight against the wolf king Ed. Why are you panic?"

If Lord Tywin and Sir Kevan are dead, Cersei will not feel bad, because Cersei believes that once the cold god resurrects Lord Tywin and Sir Kevan, they will become Cersei's dark servants, and they will never be able to do anything again. As before, point fingers at Cersei.

On the contrary, the undead Tywin and Sir Kevan will tirelessly govern the country for Cersei, without a salary, and even save food and drink.

Tywin has been the Hand of the King for decades, and Sir Kevan is also capable enough to be the Hand of the King. Once Ed and Stannis, the wolf king, are eliminated, Cersei can turn Westeros into a powerful undead country.

The only person Cersei feels sorry for is Jaime the Kingslayer.After my brother becomes an undead, he will lose his body temperature and enthusiasm in bed.

In the dark artifact in the Throne Hall, seven disciples of the Seven Gods were executed by Joffrey himself. Joffrey was covered in butcher's oilcloth, stained with blood. Today, Joffrey became more and more bloodthirsty. Believers of gods, offering sacrifices to the cold god, the screams and fear of the dying, turned into black magic, absorbing the golden dark magic weapon.

Ogbeta, the necromancer, showed a bloody smile.

"Your Majesty Cersei, our territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the more believers of the Seven Gods can be sacrificed in the future. In the future, I will sacrifice believers of the Old Gods, believers of the Red God and other heretics to the Cold God."

"The power of the Cold God will become stronger and stronger. One day, we can resurrect the Frost Dragon, capture Storm's End, Harrenhal, and Winterfell, and wipe out all fireworks in the world."

Harrenhal, Catelyn, Arya and Sansa, stand on the ramparts.

Prince Rhaegar's undead army is approaching the city.

When Caitlin was young, Prince Rhaegar was famous for his beauty. Any girl would dream of marrying Prince Rhaegar. After many years, Caitlin has become a middle-aged lady, but Prince Rhaegar still maintains his youthful youth, with silver hair and purple eyes. The beauty is heartbreaking.

Sansa couldn't help sighing, "Prince Rhaegar is so handsome! He is the perfect prince and knight in the ballad."

Arya said depressedly: "He didn't come out of the ballad, he crawled out of the grave, he is a death knight!"

Prince Rhaegar was riding on a dead white horse, "Lord Rickard, Lady Caitlin, surrender immediately!"

Lord Rickard Karstark grimaced, "Surrender to the living, we can still ask for life, surrender to the dead, what can we get?"


Mrs. Caitlin said: "Prince Rhaegar, when King Robert killed you at the Trident River, he gave you mercy, but you crawled out of the grave. As a person who died once, you returned to the world , for what?"

Prince Rhaegar said gloomily: "For love and unfulfilled wishes in my lifetime. I will capture Winterfell, resurrect Lyanna, and work with Lyanna for the Cold God."

Earl Rickard said harshly: "You are just a puppet of the Cold God. Rhaegar controlled by the Cold God is a slave to darkness, not the legendary Prince Rhaegar. We will never surrender!"

Prince Rhaegar waved his hand, and the army of undead behind him began to siege the city.

For a moment, the undead catapult fired stones and smashed them against the city wall of Harrenhal. Due to the limited range, the enemy's stones could only hit two-thirds of the height of the city wall at most, and then bounced away harmlessly.

For 300 years Harrenhal has been defeated by any siege engine except Dragonfire.

Catelyn and Harrenhal Commander Rickard Karstark had sent tens of thousands of people near Harrenhal to Stonehedge City of the Bracken family and Raventree City of the Blackwood family. , Riverrun City, Aram City and Travel Rest City of the Vance Family, and the Pink City territory of the Piper Family.

The city of Harrenhal gathered elite soldiers, with more than [-] warriors and [-] craftsmen, servants, peasants, etc., blacksmith shops, and alchemy guild workshops, producing armor, crossbow bolts, and wildfire every day.

All the wildfires in King's Landing were sent to the north by Ed Wolf King. Considering that Harrenhal is an important castle in the south, Ed had ordered Earl Wyman of White Harbor to send [-] cans of wildfire from the north to Herrenhal a few months ago. Harrenhal also mobilized a group of alchemists to produce wildfire in Harrenhal.

Today, Harrenhal has plenty of wildfires. At the same time, with the help of Harrenhal giants and riverland craftsmen, a hundred giant trebuchets have been erected on the walls of Harrenhal, towering in multiple directions on the wall. .

Earl Rickard Karstark gave an order, and the catapults on the city wall began to fight back. Compared with the catapults, the catapults of the undead are simply children's toys. The catapults have a longer range. On the hit, some undead were destroyed by the boulder.

Afterwards, the skeleton warriors and undead warriors carried the ladder and began to attack Harrenhal.

Before the enemy approached, Earl Rickard gave an order, and flaming arrows shot out from the city wall. Skeleton warriors and undead warriors screamed again and again. Several ladders approached Harrenhal, and the skeleton warriors began to climb along the ladders. The city wall boiled. The oil poured down, and the skeleton warrior let out a horrific scream, emitting a puff of white smoke, and turned into a pile of dry bones. This time he was dead.

Cauldrons filled with boiling oil were strewn all over the city walls, and craftsmen adapted some direwolf-shaped drainpipes, which, during the war, rolled down the boiling oil.

Seeing that Prince Rhaegar could not win, with one move, the undead army quickly retreated to the God's Eye Lake in the south.

Caitlin was very excited, "We repelled the enemy!"

Earl Rickard said indifferently: "Ma'am, this is just a small attempt by the army of the undead. Prince Rhaegar snapped his fingers lightly. After being repelled by our army, he will attack other places. It is everywhere. Graves, bones, mortals die, the undead have strength, and worst of all, the undead know no fear."

Sansa worried: "Will the undead attack the children of the forest on Qianmian Islet in God's Eye Lake?"

Earl Rickard said: "Thousand Faces Islet is an old sacred place that protects us, and the undead don't dare to attack Thousand Faces Islet easily."

"In any case, the undead are much more dangerous than Lannister. I hope the Wolf King will end the war in the western region as soon as possible and come to Harrenhal to fight against the undead."

 Thanks to Youhai for the reward, thanks to Fengge Jiutian, Hujulongpan, Corn Tomato, Titan Liu Sandao, Ji Didi, Salary King Will, 20180108214747340, 100722123526921, Ding Ding Ding Dangdang, waiting for the eye, 20180928122622970, the monthly ticket sent out , thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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