Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 214 Bats Raid Harrenhal, Robb Plans to Break Casterly Rock

Chapter 214 Bats Raid Harrenhal, Robb Plans to Break Casterly Rock

The sun rose in the east, turning the sky a cobalt blue.

Harrenhal soldiers began to gather in the vast school grounds. Every soldier wore plate armor, a long sword covered in wildfire, and an obsidian dagger.

These brave soldiers are going to the town of Earl Harroway to fight against the undead. This small town near the intersection of the Blue Fork, Red Fork and Green Fork is being threatened by an army of undead.

The sky in the north is cloudy and the wind is blowing. There is no doubt that these are caused by the undead.

Caitlin looked at the obsidian daggers on the soldiers' waists. Obsidian weapons were fragile, but they could easily kill the White Walkers.

Some knights of Harrenhal believe that obsidian weapons have a chance of killing the death knight Rhaegar.

Lord Rickard Karstark is in full armor, riding on a horse, and he is ready to lead the team himself.

Caitlin stopped Earl Rickard, "You are the commander of Harrenhal appointed by Ed. It is too dangerous to leave the castle to fight. You should stay."

Earl Rickard said: "I am the commander, so I should take the lead and charge forward."

Some commanders like to charge the front line, some commanders like to sit in the rear, Lord Rickard Karstark obviously belongs to the former, he will charge in the front line every time he goes into battle.

Caitlin hoped that Earl Rickard would make a change, "The defense of Harrenhal cannot be separated from you. The task of rescuing Earl Harroway's town can be handed over to other commanders."

Harrenhal has two dragons, the dragon Hawkeye from the valley, and the dragon Koi from the riverlands. Unfortunately, these two young dragons are too small, only the size of a calf now.

In addition, there are seven griffins in Harrenhal, and the size of the griffins is slightly smaller than that of the dragon.

The giantess Sissi is the nanny of Griffins, Dragons and Lord Robin Arryn. These dragons and Griffins drink giant milk every day, eat beef, mutton and bones. They grow very fast, but they are not yet ready for battle. when.

With Lord Rickard Karstark at Harrenhal, Catelyn felt more at ease.Soldiers and knights from the Riverlands, the Vale and the North feared the irascible Lord of Kahoe City.

Under Caitlin's persuasion, Earl Rickard finally agreed to stay in Harrenhal.

The next question was to choose the commander for this expedition to the town of Earl Harroway.

Lysa leaned over, "Ser Vardis Egan, who has followed Jon Arryn for many years, is very loyal and brave. He has rich combat experience, and he can command this expedition."

Sir Vardis Egan served as the captain of the guards of the Eagle's Nest City for a long time, and served as the captain of the guards of the former Prime Minister when Jon Arryn was the Prime Minister in King's Landing. Rich.

As a canyon knight, Sir Vardis Egan believed in the seven gods. After the arrival of the undead, Sir Vardis Egan became more devout. He insisted that the cavalry use the shield engraved with the seven-pointed star coat of arms.

"When the Andals brought the Seven Gods to Westeros, the valley happened to be the earliest settlement of the Andals. There are still many rocks in the Five Fingers Peninsula, engraved with the ancient seven-pointed star coat of arms."

"When fighting against ordinary enemies, the seven-pointed star may be insignificant, but against such evil things as the undead, the seven-pointed star will protect us."

Catelyn and Lord Rickard, on the walls of Harrenhal, watched as Ser Vardis Egan and Ser Raymond Darry marched north to the town of Earl Harroway with three thousand cavalry, Seven Point In the sun, the star emblem shines together with the spear, like a steel rose blooming in the sun.

Caitlin originally wanted to send more reinforcements, but when fighting with the undead, the dead soldiers would turn into undead, and having more people might not be an advantage.

At this time the sun had risen high, but there were so many bats in the sky, Caitlin couldn't help frowning.

"Why are there so many bats? Logically speaking, bats should hate sunlight."

Earl Rickard twirled his beard, "Harrenhal used to have a lot of bats! The Rothstein family before the He'an family had bats as their coat of arms."

The skinchanger Kanu on the side said: "I don't like these bats. My falcons, eagles, and owls can all smell them. These bats are abnormal, full of the smell of death, cold and disease."

Arya stroked the Needle, a slender assassin's sword.

"Kanu, why don't you use your falcon to kill these bats? Falcons are much faster than bats."

Kanu said in a flat tone: "Miss Arya, these bats are very evil. I suspect they are sent by the undead. My falcons, eagles and owls are not willing to approach these bats."

Arya snorted softly, "It must be because your cultivation level is not enough. If it was your master Eagle King McCain, he would definitely be able to control the birds of prey and cull these bats."

The direwolf lady, Nymeria also hated the bats in the air, and howled at the bats.

Angai, a frontier archer, draws his bow and draws an arrow. The yew longbow in his hand is fully drawn. When the arrow is shot, a bat spins and falls to the ground, bleeding a pool of black blood and emitting a foul stench.

Arya clapped her hands and cheered, "Angai, you are really amazing. I feel that your archery skills are as strong as Ferran's."

An Gai smiled and said, "People from the frontier are born sharpshooters."

Laresa of Dorne is not to be outdone, her skin is dark, and her mother is from the Summer Isles. She is one of the illegitimate daughters of the Red Viper Oberyn and Ed's adopted daughter. The bat in the sky shot an arrow, and the long arrow drew an arc. A bat screamed and fell, struggling on the city wall.

Laresa said: "When it comes to archery, we Dornish people are better."

The Borderlanders and the Dornishmen were bitter enemies, but Laresa and Anguy became close friends, and together they were responsible for training the soldiers of Harrenhal to shoot arrows.Arya also often learns archery from Laresa and Anguy.

An Gai said in disbelief: "Laresa, you use a golden heart wood longbow, and I use a yew wood longbow. The golden heart wood longbow is much more expensive than the yew wood longbow, and its range is also farther."

Earl Rickard Karstark said indifferently: "Our Harrenhal has so many crossbowmen, and there are also marksmen like Laresa and Anguy. You don't have to be afraid of how many bats come."

However, when night fell, horns rang through Harrenhal.

Kanu, the skinchanger, was in a cold sweat, "The bat is coming! My owl, falcon, and eagle have all seen it."

An Gai stroked the yew longbow, "As many bats come and die!"

Kanu shook his head like a rattle, "It's not the little bats that appear during the day, but giant bats! Their wingspan is the size of a giant eagle!"

The sound of the horn roused Harrenhal, and the soldiers hurriedly donned their armor, took up crossbows, yew longbows, and swords, and readied for battle.Lord Rickard Karstark walked across the courtyard, shouting orders.

"The crossbowman is ready, the ballista is ready! No matter what monsters appear in the night sky, don't panic, aim at them and shoot decisively!"

The crossbowmen are distributed in the Tower of Terror, the Tower of the Widow, the Tower of the Burning King, the Tower of Wailing, and the Tower of Ghosts. Every arrow tower on the city wall, every 50 meters on the city wall, is a ballista.The ballista fired an arrow more than two meters long.

The bright moonlight shone on Harrenhal, and when the giant bat appeared in the dark night, it quickly blocked the moonlight.

The ballista sounded, and a long arrow hit the wing of a giant bat, and black blood flowed from the wing. The soldiers on the city wall cheered in unison, but the giant bat hit the city wall and did not die. It screamed He slammed into the ballista on the side and overturned the ballista in an instant. Several soldiers around were thrown off the city wall by giant bats.

Ser Masont's arm was bitten off by a giant bat, and blood spurted from the broken pile. He screamed and fell from the walls of Harrenhal.

The city walls of Harrenhal suddenly became chaotic. Many catapults and ballistas were knocked over by giant bats. The crossbowmen on the city wall fired arrows at random. Some giant bats were shot into hedgehogs, and their bodies were covered with arrows. The giant bat didn't seem to know the pain, and was still charging wildly after being hit by countless arrows.

The giant bat bit the Harrenhal soldier's neck and sucked a few mouthfuls. The soldier turned into a mummy. After the light in his eyes dimmed, they turned into a strange blue.

Sir Harry of Raventree City had his leg bitten off by a giant bat. He fell down the stairs, fell on the straw, and slipped to the ground. Nurse Mary immediately ran to try to check Sir Harry's injury. At this time, Sir Harry had already Turning into a blue-eyed dead man, he lifted nurse Mary off the ground with his cold hands, strangled nurse Mary to death.

People who are bitten to death by giant bats will become undead, which is the worst.The more soldiers died at Harrenhal, the more undead.

Outside the gate of Harrenhal, thousands of undead emerged from the darkness. They stared at the gate of Harrenhal, waiting for the bat to open the gate from inside.

Earl Rickard of the castle guarded the gate himself, and he shouted, "Fire arrows and torches! Give these bat bastards some color!"

The soldiers fought back with torches and flaming arrows one after another. Flame is the nemesis of the undead. Giant bats had already been killed in the yard. At this time, bats of normal size also appeared.

Caitlin, Sansa, the Countess of Hean, and Arya were staying in the room on the second floor of the Burning King Tower. A group of bats rushed over and tried to bite everyone. Sansa was so frightened that she could only use her hands to drive them away. The lady and Nymeria killed some bats, but there were too many of them.

Arya stabbed some bats to death with a sewing needle. At this time, Aegis Dawson and water dancer Syrio Forel arrived, and the two guards swung their swords and killed bats all over the place, but more Bats swarmed from the windows.

Caitlin took Sansa, Countess of River Ann, and tried to escape to the first floor, only to find the stairs crawling with bats.

The bats had eaten holes in Sansa's skirt, revealing white thighs, Catelyn's arm had been bitten, and the Countess of River Ann began to cry.

Caitlin put her hand over her heart. "Gods! Who can save us? Who can save us helpless wretches?"

At this time, as if the gods responded, the silver-white magic dragon Eagle Eye and the red-brown magic dragon koi flew to Caitlin's side.

Every tower in Harrenhal is exaggerated in size. Even the smallest guest room is enough for giants to live in. Therefore, the nursery room for the dragon and the griffin is on the second floor of the Burning King Tower, next to Caitlin, Sansa, and Ellie. Ya's room.

The nurse giant, Leilei, is in the nursery, feeding the griffin and the dragon, and Arya, Sansa, and Caitlin take care of the dragon and the griffin together.

The magic dragon Hawkeye and the koi, heard the shouts of killing in the hall, smelled the smell of blood, and rushed out of the room. The koi spewed out orange flames, and Hawkeye spewed out blue and white flames. The bats were unbearable in front of Longyan. With one blow, one after another bathed in dragon flames, screaming and dying.

The giant Leilei rushed out of the room. She picked up a screen, held it in her hand like a fan, and slapped a group of bats to death.

The griffin also rushed out of the room. In front of the griffin, the bat is a mouse. The griffin has the strength of a lion and the agility of an eagle. The griffin flaps its wings and hunts down the bats. There were heavy casualties, and people kept the second floor of the Fenwang Pagoda.

But in the courtyard, on the top of the castle, in the stables, in the armory, and even in the kitchen, there were shouts of killing everywhere.

Arya said, "We should send the dragon, the griffin, to fight in the yard! Bats are afraid of dragonfire."

Sansa worried: "Hawkeye, the koi are still young dragons, and the griffins are also cubs. When my father left Harrenhal, he clearly ordered that young dragons and griffins are not allowed to participate in the battle."

Arya excitedly said: "If the bats are allowed to wreak havoc, the bats will open the city gates and Harrenhal will fall. At that time, Hawkeye, Koi, Griffin, and the lady, Nymeria, we will all die .”

Caitlin hesitated, she looked at Aegis Dawson and Syrio Forel, they are the loyal guards of the Stark family, "You followed Ed in the north and south, what's your opinion?"

Aegis Dawson's shield was stained with the blood of bats, "Madam, if the dragon and the griffin don't join the battle, it will be difficult for us to defend Harrenhal."

Said the water dancer Syrio Forel: "Harrenhal needs every strength tonight."

The giant Sissy waved her fist, "My children, the dragon and griffin are all ready to fight."

Caitlin thought for a while, "Let the dark bats of the undead taste the wrath of the dragon and the griffin!"

Originally, the defenders of Harrenhal were retreating steadily, and the major towers, city walls, and the inner sides of the city gates were all struggling to support them.

When the dragon koi, Hawkeye, and seven griffins appeared above Harrenhal, the dragon flame ignited a giant bat in the air, and the dragon roared.

The morale of the defenders was greatly shaken. Count Rickard hacked a giant bat to death with a flaming sword, and roared: "The dragon and the griffin are gifts from the old gods. Under the care of the old gods, Mr. Ed is looking after us. Harrenhal hatched these beasts, and they are the patron saints of Harrenhal!"

"Long live Stark! Long live the wolf king Ed!"

"Long live the wolf king Ed!"

An Gai drew an arrow with his bow, and an arrow hit the head of a giant bat. The giant bat hit the ground hard and wanted to get up, but the black and white bears tore it to pieces together.

The giant leaped high and grabbed a giant bat with both hands. The giant bat bit the giant's face. The giant let out a roar that made the spine tremble, and tore the giant bat with his hands.

Laresa hits the spotlight, and she shoots a giant bat, which crashes into the godswood, and the direwolf, along with the moa, kills the giant bat.

In the smithy, Gendry, wearing a horned helmet, hit a ghoul soldier with a red-hot hammer from a boiler, causing the ghoul to fall screaming.

Under the sweeping of torches and flaming swords, the bats in Harrenhal Tower of Terror, Wailing Tower, Widow's Tower, and Ghost Tower were wiped out one after another, and those defenders who unfortunately became undead were also killed by the flames and dragon flames.

Afterwards, the crossbowmen of Harrenhal used flame arrows to repel the undead army under the city gate, leaving behind a field of white bones.

In the end, after paying a huge price, the defenders of Harrenhal finally won the battle of defense.

Harrenhal commander Rickard Karstark suffered some injuries, but he held back the pain and immediately sent craftsmen to repair the catapults, ballistas and arrow towers on the city wall overnight.

After daybreak, Caitlin stood at the top of the city, watching the soldiers pile up the corpses of giant bats in the bear pit and burn them. The smoke was like long fingers caressing the sky.

Catelyn looked to the north, where there was also thick smoke. There was no doubt that Lord Harroway's town was at war with the undead.

A few days later, news came that Sir Vardis Egan's three thousand cavalry warriors used the "hammer and anvil" tactics to repel Prince Rhaegar's undead under the walls of Earl Harroway's town The army, Prince Rhaegar, retreated south into the night along the Kingsroad.

Earl Rickard breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as we defend Harrenhal, we can keep the Trident River valley well, and the undead cannot leave a powerful city like Harrenhal behind."

Caitlin said: "I hope Ed returns to Harrenhal quickly, we need the dragon and the wolf."

Earl Rickard twirled his beard, "We have our own dragon, Ma'am, Hawkeye and Koi have proven themselves."

In the west, Duke Tywin paddled with the sailors, and finally arrived at the town of Keche on the dilapidated fishing boat "Cat".

Lord Tywin had never sailed in such a dilapidated vessel, and even by fishing standards, the Cat was dilapidated, with its sails patched and patched, and the wooden sculpture of a cat at the bow riddled with insect bites.

However, when it arrived at the Fairy Island fishing village, the cat was the fastest fishing boat in the fishing village.

Due to the Haijiang City Fleet and the North West Coast Fleet frequently harassing Fairy Island, Earl Farman of Fairy Island mobilized the Fairy Island fleet to protect the waters near Fairy City. The area around Fairy City became a war zone, and Duke Tywin set sail from Castame The dilapidated fleet, encountering any enemy warship is doomed to death.

Duke Tywin had no choice but to order that the fishing fleet stay far away from the waters near Fairy City and choose to land in a small fishing village southwest of Fairy Island. One was blown away by the storm, but fortunately the battered fleet finally arrived at the fishing village on Fairy Isle.

Local fishermen presented the "Cat" fishing boat to Duke Tywin. They claimed that this boat had participated in many smuggling activities when they were young, and had traveled as far as Old Town, Arbor Island, King's Landing, and even White Harbor. Or Onion Knight, both have been used before.

Tywin has no doubt that this smuggling boat has also participated in the smuggling activities in Lannisport. After all, Fairy Island is next to Lannisport, but the fishermen dare not admit it.

Tywin never showed mercy to smugglers, and would hang the hanged smugglers in the port of Lannisport to feed the crows.

However, during this fantasy rafting trip from Castame to Keche Town, Tywin was willing to exchange knights from the western region for excellent smugglers like Onion Knight, because along the way, Duke Tywin was avoiding iron whores. If there is a sailing master like the Onion Knight, Tywin will be able to reach Keche Town earlier if the fleet on the west coast of the north is commanded by his son.

The Iron Bitch was born as a pirate of the Ironborn, the dignified Duke of the West, and was reduced to avoiding pirates at sea, Tywin's lungs exploded.

When approaching the town of Keche, due to the unclean food, several oarsmen began to have diarrhea. Tywin had to paddle together with Kevan and James, and he was ashamed and covered in sweat Came to the town of Ketche.

Stepping off the cat, Tywin's face was livid.Tywin began to suspect that it was a cruel joke for the gods to let him return to the Westland Continent on the Cat Cat.He was still a lion of the western region when he went out to fight, and he became a cat when he returned.

Keche Town is the second largest town in the Western Territory, second only to Lannisport in size. It has not yet been attacked by land enemies. However, the Iron Bitch led the West Coast Fleet of the Northern Territory and plundered many nearby fishing villages. The port here was also looted, and the fish market, docks, and shops were burned.

Seeing this scene, Tywin was furious.The Kenning family in Keche Town, whose ancestor is Kelok Kenning from Harlow Island, has pure ironborn blood.

Back then, the High King of the Iron Islands and King Casterly Rock competed for the coastal area of ​​the western region. At that time, the town of Keche fell into the hands of the ironmen, and it was an important stronghold for the ironmen to plunder the western region.

The founder of the Kenning family in Keche Town is the iron warrior Kelock Kenning. Kelock Kenning chose to fight for Kaiyan City. He blew the horn of Kelock. Leading the soldiers of the Western Territory, he captured the town of Keche of the Ironborn, and the King of Kaiyan rewarded the town of Keche to Kelok Kenning to resist the Ironmen on the sea.

Now, the Kenning family can't deal with an iron bitch, and Tai Wen thinks that the Kenning family is really a bunch of waste in his heart.

Earl Terrence Kenning personally came to greet Duke Tywin and his party. He was amazed as he looked at the gray-faced and shabby-clothed Duke Tywin.

"Duke Tywin, many people are saying that you died in Castamere."

"This is a malicious rumor spread by the enemy. The rumor is self-defeating, and I am still alive." Duke Tywin clenched his fists, "Tell me the latest battle situation."

Earl Terrence Kenning said: "The iron bitch led the fleet on the west coast of the north and led troops to attack Lannisport. Lady Gina climbed up the city wall herself, boosted morale, and repelled the iron bitch."

"The Layton family in Deep Cave City, the Saliott family in Silverhall, and the Brax family in Horn Valley City surrendered one after another."

"The Earl of Sarsfield also surrendered. The black fish Brynden and Robb's army marched towards Casterly Rock along the river road. The army led by Barristan came from the sea to Keche Town. The red viper Ober Ron, Bronze Jon has appeared on the Golden Road, and is marching on Casterly Rock."

James sullenly said, "There are so many traitors in the western region? When our army recovers the western region, the fate of these traitors will be as miserable as the Reyes family in Castamere and the Tarbeck family in Tarbeck Hall!"

Lord Terrence Kenning was visibly unhappy, and Lord Tywin complained to James.

"James, where have all your politeness gone? The nobles of the western region surrendered because of the situation. As long as our army defeats the enemy, these nobles will still return to the embrace of the lion."

Earl Terrence Kenning said: "Duke Tywin, it is not all bad news that has spread to the west during this period. Queen Cersei of King's Landing sent an army of undead to capture the Stormlands, a large piece of land in the king's territory , the flames of war have reached the riverlands, and the undead army is approaching the castle of Harrenhal."

Duke Tywin lifted his spirits, "Is the news reliable?"

Earl Terrence Kenning nodded, "Exiled in the king's land, members of the church in the riverlands, wrote a letter to reprimand Queen Cersei, Her Majesty Joffrey's crimes, and stated that they are marching towards Storm's End and Harrenhal. The commanders of the two undead armies are Deathstorm and Prince Rhaegar."

For a moment, Lord Tywin almost smiled.

"The river land is under attack. Wolf King Ed must withdraw his troops from the western region and rush to help Harrenhal. We can defeat the enemies in the western region one by one."

James frowned, "However, the Wolf King's army is still marching towards Casterly Rock City, and there is no sign of retreating."

Tywin said: "Once the undead capture Harrenhal, they can directly threaten the Trident River valley or even the valley. As long as we defend Casterly Rock City, Ed can only withdraw from the west."

"It's autumn now, and winter is not far away. In winter, the undead from beyond the Wall may also invade the northern border. At that time, it will be the time for the lion of the west to take revenge. I will take the eagle of the Vale of Arryn, the trout of Tully in the river, And the direwolves, defeat each one!"

Earl Kenning said excitedly: "Duke Tywin is about to embark on a journey of revenge! Long live the lion! What are you going to do?"

Duke Tywin stared at Earl Kenning, "The first step in revenge is to recruit troops to protect Casterly Rock City. I want you to gather four thousand soldiers and follow me to Casterly Rock City."

Earl Kenning said sadly: "Duke Tywin, the town of Keche is also facing enemy attacks. Sir Barristan's army may approach the city at any time, and there are iron bitches looting from time to time on the ocean. I need soldiers to protect my territory. .”

Duke Tywin said: "Their ultimate goal will be Casterly Rock City and Lannisport. Don't worry, it is impossible for the enemy to attack Ketche Town."

After some bargaining, Earl Kenning dispatched [-] soldiers to Duke Tywin, and the Prester family of the Banquet Fire City sent [-] soldiers.

In addition to the horses brought by the nearby wealthy knights, Duke Tywin gathered more than 6000 soldiers and marched towards Casterly Rock City.

Ed the wolf king arrived at Riverrun with a giant eagle and a dragon.

The soldiers at the top of Riverrun City cheered like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

The Giant Eagle Prince Michu continued to rush to Harrenhal with the Giant Eagle Legion, as well as the Lightning King and the red-robed monk Soros.

Ed stopped at Riverrun, where he met Renly.

Renly smiled all over his face, "Your Highness Wolf, my Knight of Flowers, Brienne, are you still satisfied?"

Ed hugged Renly, "They were brave on the battlefield. As for you, Your Majesty Renly, you have joined my army and boosted our morale."

Renly presents the crown of rose and stag, the gorgeous crown is made of gold, sapphire, red garnet, opal and other expensive gemstones and metals.

"It's a joke for me to wear the crown. Now I dedicate the crown to His Royal Highness Wolf. I only want to be His Highness Wolf's servant and do my best."

Renly changed a lot after his failure to become king.

Renly said: "Your Majesty Wolf, the little devil is still imprisoned in the dungeon with his attendants. If possible, I hope you will spare his life. Although he is a Lannister, he has a good character."

In the dungeon, Ed met Tyrion and his squire Podrick Payne.

Tyrion's food is quite good, he can read books every day, and the dungeon is clean and tidy.

Ed said: "Tyrion, our army has captured many castles in the western region, and soon Lannisport and Casterly Rock will also fall. Are you willing to surrender?"

Tyrion stared into the oddly sized eyes.

"My father was cruel to me, and my elder sister Cersei treated me as an enemy, but all my uncles treated me well, whether it was Uncle Tigget who passed away, or Uncle Jillian who went to sea to find the missing sword, or Uncle Kevan."

"And my elder brother James, my elder brother James treated me the best. He loved and protected me since he was a child. Even if it's only for James, I can't betray Lannister."

Ed suppressed a smile, "The Kingslayer once lied to you, and you were kept in the dark."

Tyrion said with a smirk: "Your Highness Wolf, if you play the trick of sowing dissension, I won't be fooled."

Ed said indifferently: "Do you still remember Tessa? Your wife Tessa."

The smile on Tyrion's face disappeared, and he said nervously: "Of course I remember. How do you know about Tessa? It must be some noble from the western region who surrendered and told my scandal. Tessa is a prostitute, I thought she was a peasant girl , I married Tessa when I was 13."

"It was Brother James and my father Tywin who made me recognize my wife. It turned out that she was a prostitute. Later, my father gave Tessa to a battalion of soldiers to enjoy, and each soldier paid a copper coin. "

"I was last, and I paid in silver, because my father said Lannisters don't cost the same."

Ed said: "Tessa has never been a prostitute, she is a farm girl, but James and Tywin deceived you and made you believe that Tessa is a prostitute."

Tyrion froze in place, all kinds of past events went back in his mind, Tyrion recalled all the details of the year, and suddenly realized that Ed was telling the truth, Tyrion completely collapsed.

"Why did James lie to me?"

Ed said: "If you have a chance, you can ask Sir James yourself."

Tyrion was filled with guilt, "Where did Tessa go? I actually, together with those beasts, ravaged and humiliated her."

Ed said: "I believe Tessa is still alive and living somewhere. Now, the army of undead is attacking Harrenhal and Storm's End. If the undead are allowed to wreak havoc, everyone including Tessa will die, and Your old sister, Cersei, is behind the undead."

"Tyrion, serve me! You serve me, I will never make you an enemy of Lannister, as long as you help me deal with the undead. In return, I will help you find Tessa, I am Skinchangers, finding people is my forte."

Tyrion sighed, "Brother Jaime has ruined the last bit of my affection for Lannister, and I don't want to continue to rot in the dungeon. I am eager to find Tessa to make amends."

"Your Highness Wolf, I am willing to serve you."

Podrick Payne knelt after him, and Eddard helped Tyrion up.

"Now, come with me to Harrenhal."

The Serenity of Euron Crow's Eye in the Three Sisters Islands at the port of the Sisters.

A sudden storm destroyed the longship fleet of the Three Sisters Islands. When Euron Crow's Eye led his pirate ship into the port of the sisters, the sisters tried to resist, but unfortunately, the sisters were defeated by the crazy pirates. , leaving corpses everywhere.

The Marquis of Sunderland personally led the charge, but was injured by an arrow, so he had to escape under the protection of his own soldiers and completely abandoned the sister village.The pirates have completely controlled the entire town.

Before, Ed the wolf king had written to warn the lords of the Three Sisters Islands to be careful of pirate attacks. Since the Three Sisters Islands themselves were a den of pirates, all the lords of the Three Sisters Islands, including the Marquis of Sunderland, took the warning of the Wolf King as a warning. joke.

Unexpectedly, this day finally came.

Yoren the Crow's Eye watched the pirates put women and children in shackles and put them on slave ships.

Euron is the second brother of King Balon and the second uncle of Theon. A few years ago, he was exiled by King Balon because he had an affair with the salt concubine of his third brother Victarion.

Euron was handsome, with black hair and dark eyes, fair skin, his left eye was covered by an eyepatch, and his right was a smiling blue eye.

In the past few years, Euron took the Serenity, plundered the Free Trade City, the Slaver's Bay City, and even completed expeditions in the ruins of Valyria and the Sea of ​​Smoke, and even visited Asshai.

Now, Euron has returned to Westeros, loaded with wizards from the east, evil forces.

Davidson, the captain of the Hustle, was a pot-bellied Iban. He said, "Crow's Eye, Sisters are vulnerable. If you want, we can completely conquer the Three Sisters Islands, then plunder White Harbor and go up the White Knife River. It can even threaten Winterfell, which has countless wealth accumulated by the Wolf King."

The wizards offered an ancient horn.

Euron smirked and said, "I've already got what I want. I'm going to find three beautiful girls to warm my bed tonight. As for the next step, we'll talk about it tomorrow. I hate going according to plan."

Casterly Rock City, Duke Tywin finally led his army to arrive at Casterly Rock City before Robb and Brynden the Blackfish.

Previously, Steve Lannister, the acting lord of Casterly Rock City, sent soldiers to stop Robb and Blackfish Brynden. The Lannister army suffered heavy losses, but they also won for Tywin, James, Kevan and others to escape back to Casterly Rock City. precious time.

Casterly Rock City is the largest, wealthiest, and most well-defended castle in Westeros. With many bunkers, watchtowers, and towers, Casterly Rock City is essentially a huge rock.

The height of the giant rock is three times that of the Great Wall and the towering tower of the old town. It contains halls, barracks, armories, blacksmiths, granaries, stables, and even caves by the sea, as well as ports, docks and shipyards.

Casterly Rock has never been captured or trapped in history.

It is said that Queen Visenia rode the giant dragon Vaghar to tour the western region. When she saw Casterly Rock City for the first time, Queen Visenia couldn't help but sigh. If he chose to surrender, once Lannister chose to retreat into Casterly Rock City and defend and counterattack, even Longyan would have no choice but to take this giant rock castle.

Duke Tywin passed the golden corridor, walked through the Hall of Heroes displaying the magnificent armor of the kings of Casterly Rock and Duke Lannister, and returned to the Golden Hall.

The throne of the Golden Hall, backed by the ten-meter-high golden lion statue, is majestic and majestic, shining in the torch.

Tywin sat on the throne.

"Casterly Rock City has never fallen. I have to teach Robb and Blackfish Brynden a lesson. The West Territory urgently needs a victory to boost morale."

Sir Kevan said: "Brother, don't forget that the wolf king Ed has a magic dragon in his hand."

Tywin snorted softly, "A dragon that hasn't grown up yet, besides, according to my analysis, the demon dragon Flying Wolf followed the wolf king Ed to the river land to fight against the undead."

James said: "Father, Lannisport and Casterly Rock City are the heart of Lannister. When we come to our territory, we must teach the enemy a lesson. I ask to lead the cavalry to attack. I will definitely be able to defeat the little devil Robb and Blackfish Brin Deng's army!"

Tywin said indifferently: "In a normal cavalry confrontation, I don't doubt that you can defeat the enemy, but the enemy has a shapechanger in their hands, and even the golden girl in the west has fallen to the enemy. Sending cavalry to charge like this is just a waste of troops .”

"My army in the western region will stick to Casterly Rock City. When the undead are raging in the riverland and the wolf king deploys troops from the western region to rescue the riverland, my army in the western region will be able to sound the clarion call to counterattack."

James didn't take it seriously, "Robb the Kid, Brynden the Blackfish's army far outnumbers us, and after Barristan's army, the Red Viper, and Bronze Yon's army assembled at Casterly Rock, I conservatively estimate that the number of enemy troops is about More than 4 people."

"It's entirely possible for them to attack Lannisport. Lannisport's defense is incomparable to Casterly Rock City. Moreover, there are giants and giant eagles in the enemy camp. If the enemy directly attacks Lannisport, why should we hide in the city? Casterly Rock?"

There was a flash of excitement in Tywin's golden eyes.

"You're right. As long as Blackfish, the kid Robb has a brain, he will definitely attack Lannisport. I decided to ask the army of the wolf king for peace."

James was a little confused, "Father, you said that since the Archbishop announced that Lannister had blasphemed the Seven Gods and killed the Seven Gods, it is impossible for Stark to agree to peace talks with us."

Tywin said: "It was indeed impossible for Stark to agree to peace talks in the past, but now, the situation has changed. The undead are raging in the stormlands and the riverlands. Stark knows that the threat of the undead far exceeds us, and the northern border may also be attacked by the undead." Attack. They will be willing to negotiate peace, at least for that precious honor, they are also willing to consider our peace talks plan."

"As long as the peace talks start, the other party will give us a chance to cease the war and delay the time. After the undead expand the results of the battle in the river, the enemy will still have to withdraw from the western region. As soon as they withdraw, we will start to recover the lost ground, and wait for the opportunity to ignite the flames of war. To the riverlands."

James was a little reluctant.

"Rely on the undead to win the war? I would rather fight with real swords and guns. Father, the undead are the bitter fruit caused by Cersei, and they are a disaster for all mankind. We cannot degenerate to regard the undead as allies."

Tywin said disdainfully: "If you really think that way, you are really an innocent fool! The undead is the conspiracy of the wolf king Ed, don't forget, the undead wizard Ogbeta is a savage. It must be Ed who brought the undead The wizard sent King's Landing, tempted Cersei to fall."

"It's just that the necromancer escaped from the control of the wolf king Ed, and the river land of the wolf king Ed was attacked by the undead. To a certain extent, this is just playing with fire."

Tywin turned to Kevan, "Send the letter immediately, I will use the peace talks to buy us time."

The wolf king's army is located in Oxford's camp, which is only three days away from Lannisport. Blackfish Brynden and Robb are looking at the letter sent by the envoy sent by Duke Tywin.

Blackfish Brynden snorted softly, "Our army is approaching the city, and Duke Tywin actually asked for peace talks."

Robb said depressedly: "What Lannister said makes sense. The undead are indeed a common threat to mankind. I am worried that Harrenhal, my mother, Arya, and Sansa are all in Harrenhal, but they are attacked there. The attack of Prince Rhaegar, the death knight."

"Others may forget the cold winter and the threat of the undead, but the North never forgets, and Stark always remembers that winter is coming."

"Perhaps, we should accept Lannister's request for negotiation? Anyway, most of the western territory has been occupied by the wolf king's army."

Roose Bolton whispered softly: "Young Wolf Lord, it is too noble for you to think that way. Duke Tywin just took advantage of this when looking at the problem of the undead from a human perspective. Tywin uses this kind of conspiracy every day A trick to devour a good person like you."

"Where did the undead come from? It was Queen Cersei of King's Landing, the masterpiece of King Joffrey. The undead attacked Harrenhal and the Riverlands, hoping that our army would withdraw from the western border."

"Once our army agrees to a truce with the Lannisters in the Western Territory, then the Lannisters in King's Landing will continue to create undead and attack our territory. Once our army starts to withdraw, within half a year, Duke Tywin will be able to regain the Western Territory , when the time comes, Tywin and King's Landing's undead army will attack the riverlands."

Robb frowned, "So this is another Lannister conspiracy."

Blackfish Brynden said: "The truce of our army will give Lannister a chance to breathe. When the wolf king was in the western region, he once told me that he would not truce with Lannister no matter what. Therefore, no matter where Tywin is No matter what conspiracy is brewing, our army will not stop attacking."

Robb said: "But the problem is that the defense of Casterly Rock City is too strong. There are arrow towers, trebuchets everywhere, and a ring fort on the top of the giant rock. In addition, there are seaside caves and ports. Three times, our army will be beaten to death in Casterly Rock City."

Roose Bolton smiled darkly.

"Lord Young Wolf, I suggest that the nobles of the Western Region who surrendered be summoned and their army charged as a death squad. The more people they die at the hands of Lannister, the more loyal they will be to Stark."

On the second day, the attack officially began. Thousands of people from the Bamfort family, the Brax family, the Saliot family, the Plumm family, the Leighton family, and the Leford family launched an attack on Casterly Rock.

There was a huge boulder on Casterly Rock City, and the long arrow fell. The noble troops of the Western Region who surrendered to the wolf king suffered heavy casualties, so they had to withdraw.

Duke Tywin stood on a watchtower, watching the battle. He saw that the peace talks were hopeless, and Stark sent people from the West as the vanguard, so he couldn't help cursing.

"The Starks are all hypocrites, shameless."

After the attack was frustrated, Robb began to change his mind.

"Send an order to bypass Casterly Rock City and directly attack Lannisport. Lannisport's city walls are easier to deal with than Casterly Rock City."

An army of [-] marched towards Lannisport. Duke Tywin was very depressed when he saw the enemy's movement on the balcony of Casterly Rock City.

"The enemy really went to attack Lannisport. If our army sits in the city of sorrow and stands still, Lannisport will definitely fall."

"James, you take [-] cavalry to attack, and focus on attacking the enemy's flanks so that the enemy cannot attack the city."

Kaifeng said: "Five thousand against 2 has no chance of winning. It's better to stay in Casterly Rock."

Duke Tywin said: "If the enemy is allowed to capture Lannisport, the enemy can completely blockade Casterly Rock City, and then break down the remaining western castles one by one. After that, Casterly Rock City may end up like Castamere."

That night, James marched towards Lannisport with [-] cavalry, and the enemy's movement was quickly caught by Eagle King McCain's owl.

Robb, Blackfish sent multiple cavalry, Ferran's first desolate cavalry, Domilik's second Dreadfort cavalry, Theon's third Winterfell cavalry, Lynn Corbray's canyon knights The fourth team, the fifth team of the Vipers of the Red Viper Oberyn, the sixth team of Greatjon Umber, and the seventh team of the White Harbor Knights of Sir Wendell.

Seven teams of cavalry circled and outflanked, and the enemy also had mammoths, giants, bears and moas to help out. Soon, James' western cavalry was exhausted and the team collapsed. James led the cavalry to fight a bloody road and fled back to Casterly Rock.

Duke Tywin was very depressed and could only watch the enemy attack Lannisport. Then, news came that Sir Barristan led the army of the Wolf King and captured the town of Ketche and the city of Feastfire. Duke Tywin's mood hit rock bottom.

The wolf king's army made no progress in the attack on Casterly Rock City. Robb suddenly had an idea. He ordered the soldiers to find several fishing boats, filled several cans of wildfire, firewood, leather clothes, and the golden girl was still in the fishing boat. A handful of gold powder.

That night, taking advantage of the night wind, the burning fishing boat that drank the long wind crashed into the port of the cave of Casterly Rock City, and all the Lannister ships in the port were on fire.

Soldiers in the port tried to put out the fire, but the wildfire had formed an emerald-colored demon, releasing billowing smoke that choked many soldiers to death.

The main body of Casterly Rock City is a huge rock. The fire swallowed the port and could not spread, but the smoke began to spread upward along the tunnels and corridors, and quickly filled the halls, bedrooms, stables, armory, blacksmith shop, kitchen, golden hall, etc. Many soldiers Asphyxiation.

James protected Tywin and Kevan, and hid on a platform on the second floor. By the moonlight, he discovered that every window, every balcony, and every exit of Casterly Rock City was full of smoke. Hide in watchtowers, arrow towers, and balconies to take refuge. Some balconies that were in disrepair were directly crushed, and many soldiers fell screaming.

The giant eagle appeared in the sky. When Ed left the western border, he took most of the giant eagles with him, but he still left ten of them for Robb and Heiyu.

People avoiding the thick smoke huddled next to the arrow towers, watchtowers, and trebuchets, and had little power to fight back. Under the attack of the giant eagle, many soldiers screamed and fell from the sky, turning into a puddle hundreds of feet below the sky. red mud.

Due to the thick smoke, the lion gate of Casterly Rock City was completely defenseless. Margot, the king of giants, rode a mammoth, came to the gate, smashed the gate with a warhammer, and the thick smoke rushed out. The giants ran away one after another.

Afterwards, a fire was lit at the lion's gate, and thick smoke continued to pour into Casterly Rock.

Countless soldiers from the Western Territory died in the thick smoke like this. Duke Tywin understood that Casterly Rock City had been completely lost. Depressed, he came to a cave near the sea, where the Lannister family took refuge, and Kevan, James , and a group of Lannister soldiers, boarded the longboat hidden in the cave.

Flee to the sea.

 Thanks to Fenghuo 28, douxang01, 20171002210215204, Yangski, Luohu's praise, John Smith, a person's loneliness, Xueyue room, 286458, Suhehe, Junzi Shendu-dp, there is a shortage of books every day, Mo Zi, Listen to Fubuki on a moonlit night, Capricorn golden saint, 2023060680527, the monthly pass given out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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