Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 215 The Lord of the Young Wolf Enters Casterly Rock City, and the Dragon Knight Saves Harren

Chapter 215 The Lord of the Young Wolf Enters Casterly Rock City, and the Dragon Knight Saves Harrenhal

The thick smoke from Casterly Rock hadn't dissipated yet, and the wolf king's army had already begun to attack Lannisport.

After daybreak, Lannisport could clearly see the thick smoke of Casterly Rock.After all, the height of Casterly Rock City is three times that of the Impassable Great Wall.

Once upon a time, Casterly Rock was Lannisport's hope, and so long as the Rock stood still, there was hope for Lannisport's defenders and residents.

Today, billowing black smoke is coming out of the windows, balconies, and defense towers of Casterly Rock City, which can only show that Casterly Rock City has fallen.

The defenders and residents of Lannisport began to panic. Brynden the Blackfish and Yon the Bronze stepped up their attack immediately.

At the same time, Iron Bitch Helen Pike led the North West Coast Fleet, landed at the port of Lannisport, and stormed the west and south gates of Lannisport.

The fiercest battles took place at the North and East Gates.The wolf king's catapult hurled boulders at the city wall, and the defenders on the city wall exchanged arrows with the crossbowmen of the wolf king's army, and the death squads of the Frey family rushed to the city gate with their rams.

The giant eagle dived in the air to attack, and the crossbowmen of the Lannisport defenders could only aim at the giant eagle.

Some giant eagles were hit by sharp arrows and could only fly away with flapping wings.Although the giant eagle in the air was repelled, it also bought time for the siege troops below the city.

Magog, the king of giants, rode a mammoth and killed the city. Lannister's archers shot Magog. Magog's arms and thighs were full of arrows. Magog roared like a thunderbolt. The walls of Lannisport, he swung his hammer and smashed it at the gate.

The city gate, which was scarred by the battering ram, collapsed and collapsed in front of the giant's war hammer, and the defenders in the city gate were smashed under the gate. The king of giants, Margot, led the giant, and the giant who was riding a lion Together with the golden girl, they entered the gate of Lannisport.

The lion tore open the throat of a western knight, and Margo, the king of giants, smashed the defenders of Lannisport into meatloaf with a warhammer. There were screams, horses neighing and shouting everywhere in the city gate.The defenders fled one after another. Behind the giant and the golden girl were tens of thousands of warriors from the valley, the riverland, and the northern border.

The garrison of Lannisport, whose military morale was broken, was completely defeated in front of the army of the wolf king. The torrent of steel flooded the city wall of Lannisport and flooded every street in the city. After bloody and fierce street fighting, the army of the wolf king completely occupied Lannisport. Port of Nice.

Lannisport is the third largest city in Westeros, after King's Landing and Oldtown.Lannisport is the heart of the West, and even the central city of the entire west. The Golden Road connecting King's Landing, the River Road connecting the Riverlands, and the coastal road connecting the High Court of the Reach, all converge in Lannisport.

This city has the most goldsmiths in Westeros, and the gold processing technology is at the leading level in Westeros.

This is the third city to surrender under the banner of the direwolf after White Harbor in the north and Seagull Town in the Valley. Lannisport's wealth and population size far exceed those of Seagull Town and White Harbor.

White Harbor has a large number of silversmiths, and Lannisport has gathered many goldsmiths. Now, Wolf King Ed no longer has to worry about gold and silver processing.

All of Lannister's wealth fell into Ed's hands, and the gold and silver mines in the west made the wealth of Wolf King Ed and the Stark family skyrocket.

In the Goldsmiths Square in Lannisport, Robb the Young Wolf, Brynden the Blackfish, and Helen the Iron Bitch triumphantly joined forces.

Helen Pike wore a plundered gold-plated breastplate, black breeches, and seal boots, beautiful and evil.

Robb hugged the Iron Bitch, "Helen, you are worthy of being the Admiral of the North, you helped us conquer the West."

During the march into the western region, the northern west coast fleet commanded by Helen has been plundering the coastal areas of the western region, including the bane of the Bamfort family, the cliff city of the Westerling family, the Fairy Island of the Farman family, and the Kenning family's Keche Town, the fire feast city of the Prest family.The territories of these nobles have all been plundered by the Northern Fleet.

Even Lannisport, the fishing village near Casterly Rock, was not spared.

Helen tickled Robb and said with a smile: "I heard that you conquered Casterly Rock with thick smoke. Robb, you and Jon are both geniuses at war! Jon burned the Heat Wave River, but you conquered Casterly Rock with thick smoke Casterly Rock."

Casterly Rock City in the north is still emitting thick smoke, and the whole Casterly Rock City has become a castle of thick smoke, and the thick smoke covers the northern sky.

After the attack on Casterly Rock City began, Robb sent fishing boats equipped with wildfires to attack the cave port of Casterly Rock City, igniting the Lannister ships anchored in the port. Many fishing nets and canvases were ignited by the wildfire and burned, followed by the entire port. The docks and warehouses were all burned.

Afterwards, the giants smashed open the gate of the lion, directly lit a pile of firewood at the gate of the lion, and continued to pour in thick smoke.

Robb said: "Now Casterly Rock is full of smoke. We have to wait until the smoke clears before sending soldiers into Casterly Rock."

As soon as Helen Pike clapped her hands, the soldiers immediately charged Emmon Frey, Gina Lannister and his wife, their son Ser Cleo Frey and others.

Iron Bitch Helen said: "Duke Tywin's younger sister, Gina, and her husband, Emmon Frey, brought a group of children, grandchildren, family members, and soldiers. They planned to escape from the sea by boat and were captured by our warships in the north."

Gina is the younger sister of Lord Tywin, with blond hair, she is fat and bloated, her breasts are full, her golden silk dress seems to be bursting, and she wears a solid gold necklace with sapphires on it.

Emmon Frey is the second son of Lord Walder Frey. He married Gina, but settled in Lannisport and Casterly Rock all year round, which is equivalent to joining the Lannister family.Emmon Frey was as thin as a stalk, and his eyes were full of fear and tears.

Coward Emmon Frey fell to his knees as soon as he saw Robb.

"Young Wolf Lord, Sir Brynden the Blackfish, I am a pure-blooded member of the Frey family. After the war between Lannister and the Riverlands, I wanted to flee back to the Twin River City many times, join Frey's army, and fight for Eddard the Wolf King. Unfortunately, I never had a chance. I beg you, please forgive me!"

Mrs. Gina was furious, and slapped Emmon Frey, "Spineless thing, Ammon, do you think Stark and Tully will forgive you if you ask for mercy? Everyone is mortal, so beg for mercy temporarily It is useless, it will only make others despise you!"

The iron bitch Helen said with a smirk: "Ms. Gina has a lot of backbone. Originally, when my fleet was attacking the city, I shot and killed Sir Harrison Lannister, the captain of the Port Lannis Garrison, but Mrs. Gina took over. Lost the command and repelled the fleet's many attacks."

Robb stared at Mrs. Gina, "Our army has captured Lannisport and Casterly Rock City. Sir Barristan has captured the town of Ketche and the City of Banquet Fire. Lannister's rule in the West has collapsed. Lady Gina, surrender It's your only choice."

Mrs. Gina snorted softly, "How could a lion bow to a direwolf? Don't think that you can do whatever you want. Duke Tywin will lead an army and kill each of you. Remember "The Rainy Season of Castamere"? "

Robb said disdainfully: "In Castamere, the wolf king's army sang "The Rainy Season of Castamere" and crushed Duke Tywin's army. Duke Tywin fled back to Casterly Rock in a panic. Tried to hold back, but Casterly Rock still fell."

"Since ancient times, Casterly Rock City has never fallen. This time it was captured by the army of the Wolf King. Thick smoke filled every hall, every cave, and every corner of Casterly Rock City. I suspect that Kingslayer, Ser Kevan, Lord Tywin died at Casterly Rock."

Gina was a little sad. She clenched her fists and said tremblingly: "Even if you kill Duke Tywin, Duke Tywin will be reborn from death like Deathstorm and Prince Rhaegar! Lannister will pay back all his debts! We will have our revenge, the Starks, the Tullys, every intruder!"

After that, Gina punched Robb, and Robb avoided it easily. Then, Greatjon Amber on the side held Mrs. Gina down, and the soldiers put shackles on Mrs. Gina and took her down.

Blackfish Brynden looked at Mrs. Gina's back, "Ms. Gina is a woman with a backbone, but she is too paranoid. She actually desires members of the Lannister family and turns into an undead to take revenge. It's really depraved!"

Roose Bolton whispered: "Women of the Lannister family are all virtuous. The Lannister family lives in the golden cave and owns gold mines. Their blood is destined to be greedy and crazy. .Cersei will become the queen, also because of her Lannister blood."

"If Lady Gina, and Queen Cersei, were willing to leech their blood, they could certainly take the madness out of their veins."

Roose Bolton is a big fan of leech therapy. He uses leeches to suck blood every day. However, after entering the Western Region to fight, Roose Bolton is not in a good mood. This is because Roose Bolton’s Bolton family , responsible for protecting the convoy.

On the territory of the western region, the mountainous terrain made the huge convoy of supplies vulnerable to attack, and it was thankless to be in charge of the convoy of supplies. The Bolton family suffered many casualties, but they never had the honor of being a forward.

Thousands of Lannisport garrison soldiers, members of the Lannister family were captured, and the Wolf King army seized a large amount of food, horses, armor, weapons, the mansion of the Lannister family in Lannisport, weapons and armor in the armory, and stables All the war horses in the village were looted.

However, after Sir Brynden the Blackfish entered the city, he immediately dispatched soldiers to protect the goldsmith's shop on Goldsmith Street, the blacksmith's shop and silversmith's shop on Blacksmith Street, thus preventing many craftsmen from being looted.

The western region has a lot of gold, such as Castamere, Casterly Rock, Nunburg, Pendry Hills and other areas of gold mines, and silver mines are rich in reserves. The western region needs craftsmen to increase the value of gold and silver.

Since Lannister is a huge family, many of the captives are blond and blue-eyed, and the characteristics of Lannister are very obvious. Then, Robb announced the order of the wolf king Ed.

"According to my father's order, whether it is Lannister of Casterly Rock or Lannister of Lannisport. They were all put in shackles and escorted to the north, where they were resettled at the Wolf Castle on the Great Wall of Impossibility."

Iron Bitch Helen smiled wickedly.

"His Royal Highness Wolf wants to uproot the Lannisters in the Western Region! In this way, the gold in the Western Region will be completely out of touch with the Lannister family and their relatives."

Roose Bolton praised unceasingly, "If the Lannister family is left in the west, it will be a huge hidden danger in the future. Duke Tywin and Queen Cersei may make a comeback. When they return to the west, they will It turns out that those blonde relatives who live in Lannisport have all gone north."

Greatjon Umber said gruffly, "Let these noble Lannisters feel the wrath of the cold in the North! We'll teach them how to wipe their noble Lannisters clean with leaves. Winter Come, the Great Wall needs every living person, and there is no doubt that these Lannisters can contribute to resisting the undead beyond the Great Wall."

Members of the Lannister family, as well as their distant relatives Lanitz, Lanney, Lanter, etc., numbered more than 1000. These blond, blue-eyed, men, women, and children all put on shackles and caught up with the ship.

Three young men with blond hair and blue eyes tried to resist. They cursed endlessly and attacked the northern soldiers. The iron bitch beckoned. The three young men were immediately hanged in the port. Afterwards, the members of the Lannister family became more docile one by one. , like dejected ducks, lined up on the ship.

They will take a boat to the northern border, cross Ironman Bay, Bright Flame Bay, and reach Ice Bay. They will go to Wolf Castle on the Great Wall and work in the manor. They may also be used to defend the Great Wall during wartime.

A few days later, calm returned to Lannisport, and the Winter Wolves took over the defense of the city after the city garrison was disbanded.

At this time, the thick smoke from Casterly Rock City finally disappeared. Soldiers from the Sanhe Army, Winter Wolf Army, and Young Eagle Army moved out thousands of corpses from the caves, halls, barracks, halls, armory, etc. of Casterly Rock City. Some of the bodies were suffocated by the smoke.

Only the soldiers from the western border, such as Ring Fort, Platform, Watchtower, and Arrow Tower, escaped. These soldiers were scattered on various platforms of Kaiyan City at a height of more than 2000 feet, trembling in front of the giant eagle. After Duke Tywin escaped, Kaiyan The dragons in Yancheng were leaderless, and the survivors of the soldiers in the western region saw the endless enemies below the city, trembling with fear, and could only choose to surrender.

They were survivors of the smoke attack on Casterly Rock, and their combined numbers did not exceed 1000.

The corpses of the Westland soldiers piled up on the hill, and Robb ordered that the dead be cremated north of Casterly Rock.

In the age of the dead, cremation is the safest.

Robb the Young Wolf and Brynden the Blackfish entered Casterly Rock through the Lion Gate amidst the cheers of the soldiers and the roar of the Direwolf Gray Wind.

The most majestic, richest, and most defensive castle in Westeros fell into Stark's hands and into Ed's pocket.

This is another majestic castle won by Wolf King Ed after Eagle's Nest City in the valley and Harrenhal in the river.

The fall of Casterly Rock marks the end of Lannister's rule in the West and the beginning of Stark's rule.

The lion statues on both sides of the lion gate of Casterly Rock City have been removed by the giants, and the local stonemasons have begun to carve the direwolf statue.

The direwolf took the place of the lion, like the banner of Casterly Rock.The wolf king's army cut down the lion banner of the Lannister family and replaced it with the direwolf banner of the Stark family.

Casterly Rock City's piles of armor, weapons, bows and arrows, granaries filled with corn and wheat, and stables with [-] horses all fell into the hands of the Wolf King's army.

Robb, Brynden the Blackfish, the nobles of the north, the riverlands, and the valley, see winding corridors, halls with different characteristics, bedrooms, huge golden lion thrones, gorgeous golden corridors, and hanging Kings of Casterly Rock, Duke of Lannister, Knights of the Western Territory with gorgeous armor, and the Hall of Heroes with swords are all in admiration.

However, the most valuable thing is the gold mine in Casterly Rock.

The halls, barracks, armory, bedrooms, kitchens, etc. of Casterly Rock City were developed by mining gold veins.

Greatjon Umber looked at the gold in the mine, "No wonder Duke Tywin can lend King Robert millions of golden dragons. They have so much gold that they can't run out of it. Compared with gold, Silver in the West is as cheap as copper."

Robb said: "Duke Tywin has rarely exploited the gold mines in Casterly Rock City in recent years. The gold mines in Castamere alone are enough for Lannister to waste."

In the golden hall, Robb sits on the golden lion throne, the nobles of the riverlands, the north, and the valley, sit on both sides of the hall, the nobles and soldiers open the blue nobles from the collection of Lord Tywin, the golden wine of the Arbor Wait for the wine, and feast with food from the Lannister kitchens.

Red Viper Oberyn said excitedly: "In Lannister's castle, drinking Lannister's fine wine and playing with Lannister's women is really the greatest joy in life."

Bronze Jorn said: "Prince Oberyn, Lord Tywin, Jaime the Kingslayer, and Ser Kevan escaped, do you feel sorry?"

Red Viper Oberyn smiled, "For the old thief Tywin and the Lannister family, a painful and quick death is a kind of mercy. Let Duke Tywin escape! One day, I will finish Hunting and killing, making Tywin live in anxiety and fear, is also a kind of revenge for me!"

The Hound Sandor said roughly: "Speaking of revenge, the Red Viper at least killed his enemy Amory Loki. Where did my old brother Gregor the Devil Mountain escape? I hunted and killed the Devil Mountain all the way. Thought he was in Casterly Rock or Lannisport, but the Mountain's body was never found here."

Gregor the Magic Mountain was the target of the hunting dog Sandor and the Red Viper, but he disappeared in the chaos.

Robb said, "The Mountain isn't here. I guess they fled to the Reach. The Mountain's team, like Vargo Hurt's Blood Troupe, was defeated and turned into crippled robbers."

"The army of the Wolf King captured Clegane Castle with ease. My father has already ordered that once Lannister is defeated, the knighthood and territory of the Devil Mountain will be deprived, and the territory, castle, and taxes of Clegane Castle will be transferred to you. .”

"Sandor Clegane, you will be Lord Clegane Castle from now on."

Sandor didn't care, "I don't like Castle Klegon at all, but since it was given to me, I had to accept it. Now, my brother has completely become a lost dog, the Magic Mountain who lost its kennel. But I don't I will be at Clegane Castle, waiting for the Mountain to seek revenge. I will follow the Wolf King to continue the expedition."

Blackfish Brynden said: "Some captives said that Lord Tywin fled to the Iron Islands and went to King Balon. Some said he fled to the Reach and went to Mace Tyrell. Others said that Lord Tywin went to King's Landing, to Cersei, Queen of the Dead."

Robb said disdainfully: "After the fall of Casterly Rock City and Lannisport, Duke Tywin is already a dog with a broken spine. No matter where he escapes to, it will be difficult to make trouble again."

Blackfish Brynden said: "Casterly Rock City can house tens of thousands of people. This is really an impenetrable castle. Robb, if it weren't for your thick smoke strategy, we would not have been able to capture Casterly Rock City."

Robb said modestly: "Sir Brynden, you have taught me a lot. The greatest credit for conquering the Western Territory belongs to my father and you."

"The war in the Western Territory is about to end. The Farman family of Fairy Island has sent envoys and adopted sons to announce their surrender. Only the Crake Hall's Crake Hall family and the Swyfer family in Corn City are still struggling. Brace, however, I am sure, they too will capitulate soon."

"According to my father's instructions when he left the West Territory, Sir Brynden, you will be the acting lord of Casterly Rock City and the Governor of the West Territory."

Blackfish Brynden frowned, "Prince Rhaegar brought an army of undead to wreak havoc in the riverland. The riverland is my hometown. I originally thought that I would bring the army back to fight in the riverland!"

Robb said: "Sir Brynden, the North, the Valley, will fight alongside the Riverlands. My father sits in Harrenhal himself, and I will bring many nobles back to fight in the Riverlands. The Westlands need you more. "

"As long as you are in Casterly Rock City, the Governor of the West, Lord Tywin, and Jaime the Kingslayer, you will not be able to take back the West."

Storm's End, the banner on the top of the city is a crowned stag on one side and a flaming red heart on the other.

Since Deathstorm Robert used the crowned stag banner, this put Stannis, who was defending the head of Storm's End, in an awkward situation, because Stannis used the flaming heart stag banner.

The bright red flaming red heart almost completely devours the crowned stag in the middle, and it is impossible to see it unless you look carefully.

Davos, the onion knight, took the opportunity to persuade Stannis that he should replace the traditional crowned stag banner of the Baratheon family.

"Your Majesty, Storm's End is the home of the Baratheon family. Deathstorm uses the crowned stag banner. If you fly the banner of the flaming red heart, it is not conducive to uniting the hearts of the people in the stormland. People are not used to flying under unfamiliar banners. Let's fight."

In the end, Stannis adopted the suggestion of Davos, the onion knight, and exchanged back the crowned stag banner. Of course, on the other side of the banner, the flaming red heart symbolizing the red god R'hllor was still retained.

The red-robed girl Melisandre showed her abilities in front of the undead. Her flames helped Storm's End to repel the undead army and giant bats' attacks time and time again. Giant bats have to stay away.

However, Melisandre could not win people's love. Melisandre, who came from a foreign land, began to sacrifice living people to the Red God R'hllor. These living people all came from the dungeon of Storm's End and should have been executed.

As a result, as Melisandre assured Stannis, Melisandre's power in Storm's End grew stronger, and she could easily ignite giant bats in the air.

But this did not reduce people's worries. People began to whisper, and many people felt that Melisandre, like the Necromancer in King's Landing, relied on the fear of the dying to howl and absorb power.The red god R'hllor is as cruel as the cold god.

If the condemned prisoners in the dungeon of Storm's End run out, will Melisandre sacrifice innocent living people next?

With the undead raging, the red-robed woman Melisandre and her cruel red god could not reassure the people of Storm's End. Some nobles, knights, and ordinary soldiers began to pray to the seven gods.

The most typical representative of this is Sir Bonifer Hasty, "Little Baylor", an old knight from the Stormlands.He was nicknamed "Little Baylor" because of his kind heart and devout belief in the Seven Gods.

On this day, Stannis was inspecting the city defenses on the walls of Storm's End when Ser Bonifer Hastie came over.

"Your Majesty, I prayed to the Seven Gods in the church yesterday, and the old woman told me that we need to form a Holy Knight Corps composed of followers of the Seven Gods to resist the army of the undead. I beg Your Majesty, immediately form a Paladin Corps!"

Stannis's jaw tightened. "Paladins? I remember, during the time of Maegor I, the Cultists fought against the Iron Throne and caused Westeros to shed blood. Your Paladins sound like Cultists."

"Do you think I will let the religious order arm and make trouble under my nose?"

Sir Bonifer explained: "Your Majesty, this is not an armed sect. Frankly speaking, when I was in King's Landing, I couldn't understand those archbishops who pretended to be pious. They talked about benevolence and morality, but they were actually depraved."

"The paladins serve His Majesty Stannis, not the Church."

Stannis was unmoved, "I don't think it's necessary. If today I form the Paladin Legion for the Seven Gods, will I form the Flame Legion for the Red God tomorrow?"

Davos the Onion Knight said: "Your Majesty, High Bishop of Oldtown, call upon the Seven of Westeros, the anointed knights, to overthrow Cersei on the Iron Throne of King's Landing, Joffrey, and down Lannister. "

"After Renly gave up the crown, the only ones left to compete with His Majesty for the Iron Throne are the blasphemer of the Seven Gods, Joffrey who worships the evil cold god, and Eddard the wolf king. Eddard the wolf king has never been crowned king, but he holds the North If there is no accident, the land in the western region will soon be annexed, and it will be a matter of time before you become king."

"Wolf King Ed is a believer of the Old God, and Joffrey is a believer of the Cold God. We can make good use of this. Now that the undead are raging, if His Majesty forms a Paladin Legion, he will definitely win the support of the Seven Gods."

Melisandre on the side was silent.

Stannis began to grind his teeth, "I didn't expect that for a crown, I have to cater to this and flatter that. This is the price of the crown! If this is the case, I agree to form the Paladin Corps."

After Stannis left, Davos, the onion knight, said to Melisandre: "I was worried that you would oppose His Majesty's formation of the Holy Knight Corps. You seem to be less against the belief of the Seven Gods than before."

Melisandre said: "Onion Knight, there are no other gods in this world except R'hllor and Cold God. The people in the north worship the weirwood heart tree, and the people south of the Neck worship the seven gods. They are all false gods. "

"The duel between light and darkness, ice and fire is eternal. Once human beings lose this war, the fire of life in the whole world will be extinguished."

"The undead are raging, and the enemy is at hand. Since foolish people are willing to seek comfort from false gods, why should I stop them?"

At noon the next day, a thousand paladins knelt in front of Stannis, and under the watchful eye of the Seven Gods, swore allegiance to Stannis.

In the next few days, the Holy Knight Corps brandished the Burning Sword under the city of Storm's End, and defeated Deathstorm's army of undead, and Deathstorm retreated to the Royal Forest.

Stannis, Melisandre, stood on the walls of Storm's End, looking out at the cloudy sky to the north.

"Flame is indeed the nemesis of the undead. My soldiers have adapted to fighting the undead. Maybe it's time for us to fight back? From here to King's Landing, it is a straight road to the king."

The big ruby ​​on Melisandre's snow-white neck pulses with the beating of her heart.

"Your Majesty, you must never underestimate the enemy. The reason why our army played triumphant songs in Storm's End was because I sacrificed the sacrifices to the Red God R'hllor, which pleased the Red God. Can't compete with the cold god."

"In King's Landing, Ogbeta, the necromancer, has to sacrifice seven believers of the Seven Gods to the Cold God every day. I can only sacrifice one criminal every day, and the criminals in Storm's End are almost used up."

"If we can sacrifice more living people to please the Red God, we will have the strength to march towards King's Landing."

Stannis snorted softly, "Could it be that this war is a massacre between the Red God and the Cold God? I'm not Cersei, I don't allow innocent people to be killed indiscriminately."

Melisandre said sadly: "However, if there is no living sacrifice, we will not be able to confront the undead army. The necromancer Ogbeta, the resurrection of the frost dragon is a matter of time."

"Just imagine, once the great frost dragon Balerion sprays frost towards Storm's End, how will we resist the wrath of the ice dragon?"

"The dungeon is running out of prisoners, we have to find new offerings."

Stannis pondered for a while, "The dungeons of Griffin's Roost, Tarth, and Ismond Island can be dealt with for a period of time after they are emptied. I will send the royal fleet to attack the Stepstone Islands, and sacrifice the pirates caught directly to the Red God R'hllor."

Melisandre smiled, "Your Majesty, this is a good idea. However, Your Majesty should still be careful of the threat of undead."

"That one-eyed man appeared in the holy flame again. This time I saw his article clearly. It's a golden sea monster!"

"This man is the second brother of King Balon, Euron Crow's Eye. He came from the sea with a wicked horn, and surrounded by dead crabs."

"There is no doubt that the Crow's Eye will attack Crab Claw Peninsula or Crab Island."

Stannis said disgustedly: "So it was Euron. If Robert had executed the damned Balon, Euron, and Victarion, the kingdom would have been much more peaceful."

"I should still focus on the battle of Storm's End. I believe that the Royal Fleet and the pirate of Lys, Salado Sann, can protect the Crab Island and the Crab Claw Peninsula."

"In the past two days, there seem to be fewer giant bats."

Melisandre said: "The giant bats have gone north, I believe they are going to lay siege to Harrenhal."

"After all, Harrenhal has the nemesis of the undead, and there are dragons there."

Harrenhal Godswood, Aegis Dawson and Sir Willy Ward, escorting Wes, came over.

Weiss was a stocky, rosacea-nosed servant of the Countess of Heann, one of the tower stewards.

Because Harrenhal is too big, the Wailing Tower, Burning King Tower, Terror Tower, Widow's Tower, Ghost Tower, each tower has a steward, and Weiss is the steward of the Wailing Tower.

Arya pointed at Weiss with a sewing needle, "I saw that Weiss prayed to the skull necklace in the middle of the night like a cold god. He prayed that the cold god would bring down his wrath and destroy Harrenhal."

Caitlin often ran into Wess in the church. Every time she met Caitlin, Weiss was kind and flattering. Caitlin thought that the other party was a devout follower of the Seven Gods. Unexpectedly, Weiss was hiding in Harun Fort's cold god believers.

Caitlin looked at Weiss, "Are you really a believer in the cold god?"

Weiss smiled ferociously, "The Cold God will kill each of you. Every night I sleep, I can communicate with the ghosts of Harrenhal. Harrenhal is destined to be a castle for the undead!"

"Herron the Black will curse you, Gogan the Wedding Banquet will make your blood flow, and Mad Daniel Rothstein will send out her bats that will kill every single one of you."

Aegis Dawson punched Weiss in the face, Weiss' teeth were shattered, and blood spit out from the mouth, "Ma'am, this guy is completely crazy."

Weiss spit out a few broken teeth, "The old and new gods will tremble in front of the cold god, and the followers of the cold god will live forever in death and darkness!"

The acting city lord, Earl Rickard Karstark, said sullenly: "This kid actually dares to blaspheme the old gods in front of the sacred weirwood heart tree in the godswood. I will kill him and sacrifice his blood to the old gods!"

Then, Earl Rickard tore Weiss's chest open with a dagger, and the bloody corpse was hung under the weirwood heart tree, and the crows pecked Weiss' eyeballs.

Caitlin worried: "Master Rickard, those ghosts that Weiss said."

Earl Rickard Karstark said disdainfully: "Madam, Harrenhal is indeed full of ghosts, but are these ghosts worse than the undead that are about to move outside Harrenhal? If the ghosts of Harrenhal dare to provoke us , It’s not wrong to kill.”

"I'm more worried about how many disciples of the cold god are hidden among the living people in Harrenhal? I don't believe that Weiss is the only disciple of the cold god in the huge Harrenhal. If the undead, the giant bats attack Harrenhal At that time, it would be dangerous for these cold god believers to be in the castle as internal support."

Caitlin secretly rejoiced that after the wolf king Ed took control of Harrenhal, he immediately blocked the side gates of Harrenhal. There used to be many side gates in Harrenhal, and these small gates were easily used by traitors.

Today, Harrenhal only has a gate, and the defensive pressure has dropped sharply.

After night fell, Caitlin, Sansa, and Arya stood on the balcony on the second floor of the Burning King Tower, while the water dancer Syrio Forel, Aegis Dawson and Gendry stood by.

Gendry has been promoted to a guard. He is the illegitimate son of Robert and the adopted son of the wolf king Ed. His weapon is a warhammer. Years of blacksmithing has allowed Gendry to train his muscles. He is as strong as a bull.

Shocking horns came from all directions.

Tonight is destined to be another bloody night.

Giant bats came in groups, covering the bright moon sky.Could this really be Mad Daniel's bat?
Legend has it that Daniel Rothstein would send bats to capture children and bring them to Harrenhal. Daniel would eat the children and then bathe in their blood.In many songs and stories so far, Daniel has been the main character of terror, often used to frighten children.

On the city wall, the crossbowmen in the towers shot with bows and arrows and crossbows. The giant bat shook its wings, and the silver-haired and purple-eyed Prince Rhaegar jumped off the back of the giant bat.

The crossbowmen on the city wall were dumbfounded, and Prince Rhaegar's eyes were shining with blue light. The archers shot arrows at Prince Rhaegar. Prince Rhaegar dodged extremely quickly, and then jumped into the crowd of crossbowmen, chopping melons and vegetables Generally cut down every opponent.

Lots of blue-eyed undead jumping from giant bats, and some skeletal warriors.

The crossbowmen were caught off guard, undead, and the skeleton warriors swung their long swords, slashing and slashing, the crossbowmen screamed again and again, bleeding profusely.

The magic dragon Hawkeye and Koi flew to the top of the city and bathed the undead on the city wall with dragon flames. The undead screamed again and again, and then four giant bats besieged Hawkeye and Koi together.

After all, these two magic dragons did not grow up. Under the siege of giant bats, they fell from the city wall and fought with the bats on the ground.

The black and white bears, the direwolf Nymeria, and the lady rushed forward and bit the giant bat to death.

Lord Rickard, commanding the battle from the other side of the wall, roared, "Take courage and kill every bat, and Rhaegar!"

The defenders on the city wall struggled to resist the undead, skeletons, giant bats, shouts of killing, screams, blood everywhere, severed limbs and corpses, soldiers killed by the undead would soon be resurrected as blue-eyed dead .

Giant bats transported the undead to every tower. For a while, the Tower of Terror, the Tower of Wailing, the Tower of Ghosts, the Tower of Burning Kings, and the Tower of Widows were all shouting and killing.The sound of gold and iron clashing echoed in every corner of the castle.

The undead rushed into the Burning King Tower, and there were undead in the lobby on the first floor and the second floor.

The water dancer Syrio drew out the assassin sword, "Gendry, protect Lady Caitlin, Miss Sansa, Miss Arya, go back to the room and put down the latch!"

Catelyn, Sansa, and Arya, followed Gendry, retreated into the room, and Gendry lowered the latch.

Sansa breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally safe now."

As soon as the voice fell, a scream came from the window, a giant bat smashed open the window, and several undead were riding on its back, Caitlin and Sansa screamed in fright.

Zander slams the giant bat with his warhammer, and Arya fends off an undead with a sewing needle.

Under the training of the water dancer Syrio Forel, Arya has mastered the skill, but she is only a child after all, and soon, the undead knocked Arya's sewing needle away.

The undead stabbed Arya with a long sword, but fortunately Gendry smashed the undead, and Gendry protected Arya.

Sansa, Caitlin finally put down the latch, Aegis Dawson, and water dancer Syrio Forrell rushed in immediately. The two killed the undead with torches, and Zander smashed the head of the giant bat with a warhammer. pulpy.

There are more and more undead on the second floor. The water dancer Syrio and Aegis Dawson, protecting Caitlin, Arya and Sansa, rushed out of the second floor and came to the first floor. There are corpses everywhere in the darkness. Undead, Aegis Dawson, and water dancer Syrio blocked the undead.

Catelyn, Sansa, and Arya came to the yard, and the situation in the yard was even worse.

The back of the giant Lei Lei was covered with undead. Lei Lei strangled one undead and trampled two to death, but the number of undead was increasing.

Sir Carroll kills a giant bat with a burning sword, but is stabbed to death by the undead, and immediately becomes a member of the undead.

There are more and more giant bats in the sky, and a group of undead surrounded Sansa, Caitlin, and Arya.

The direwolf lady, Nymeria, rushed to protect her master, but they were stabbed by the skull sword, dripping with blood, and could only retreat to one side.

Gendry was hit on the head by a thick undead bald and fell to the ground.

Sansa begins to cry, Catelyn despairs, and even Arya despairs.

Suddenly, the screams of giant eagles came from the sky, and dozens of giant eagles appeared in the sky above Harrenhal.

Ed the wolf king arrived at the sky above Harrenhal with the giant eagle and the dragon.

This time, the wolf king Ed rode on the body of the magic dragon Flying Wolf for the first time, and he became a dragon knight.

The Targaryen family relied on blood to control the dragon, while Ed the wolf king relied on the ability of the skinchanger. He could control the dragon as easily as he could control the direwolf and the giant eagle.

This is a combination of the shapechanger and the magic dragon, which is much superior to the dragon controller of the Targaryen family. The magic dragon and Ed are one in mind.

When the soldiers of Harrenhal saw the Demon Dragon, the Giant Eagle Legion and Ed the Wolf King arriving on the battlefield, their morale was immediately shaken.

Count Rickard roared: "Long live the wolf king, kill every enemy!"

"Long live the wolf king, long live Stark!"

The magic dragon and flying wolf spewed a mouthful of dragon flames into the air, and the flames ignited several giant bats in the night sky, and the bats screamed and fell.

As the first dragon hatched by the wolf king, the flying wolf is three times the size of the eagle eye and the koi carp, and it is also more ferocious, bloodthirsty, and the dragon flame is even hotter.

The dragon flames of the dragon and the wolf caused the giant bats to evade one after another, and Ed, the wolf king, drove the dragon and rampaged in the sky.

300 years ago, Aegon the Conqueror controlled Balerion, the black god of death, and burned Harrenhal, and the dragon played the role of death in Harrenhal.

300 years later, when the undead ravaged Harrenhal, the wolf king Ed and the dragon Flying Wolf became the saviors of Harrenhal.

Hawkeye and the koi also flew into the sky, surrounded Ed, and staged the "Dance of the Dragon" together with Ed, the dragon father. Undead and bats all fell victim to Dragon Flame.

Blood stained the sky red.

 Thanks to God-like Aristotles, the old popsicle in the radiation wasteland, 160122122901557, the will of the king of salary, 20220604140735777, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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