Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 219 Dragon Mother's Western Expedition, True Dragon and Bulong

Chapter 219 Dragon Mother's Western Expedition, True Dragon and Bulong
Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Prairie, and Daenerys' fleet sail westward along the Summer Sea.

Daenerys stood on the bow of the "Aegon the Conqueror", and in the air, the black dragon Drogon spread its huge wings and swept across the sky.

Among the three dragons of Daenerys, the black dragon Aegon is the largest one. Ser Jorah, the queen's iron guard, believes that Aegon is the reincarnation of "Black Death" Balerion.Dany named the black dragon after her dead husband, Khal Drogo.

The milky white demon dragon Viserion was fishing when a dolphin jumped out of the water. Viserion spewed out a mouthful of dragon flame, roasted the dolphin, then rushed into the sea, bit the dolphin, and then rushed into the sky.Viserion was named in honor of Daenerys' second brother, Viserys.

The dragon Rhaegal flew behind the fleet, hunting a flock of seagulls, its scales were green and bronze.Rhaegal was named in honor of Daenerys' older brother, Prince Rhaegar.

Daenerys is annoyed at the thought of the necromancer resurrecting Prince Rhaegar and making him a slave to the cold god's darkness.

On the other hand, Daenerys couldn't help but wonder, could necromancy resurrect Khal Drogo?Drogo Kaos is the greatest horse king. Once resurrected, he will surely conquer all the tribes of Dothraki and help Daenerys complete the conquest of Westeros.

Thinking of Khal Drogo, Daenerys couldn't help but feel sad.At the beginning, the beggar king Viserys sold Daenerys to Khal Drogo together with Governor Illyrio in order to get Khal Drogo’s army. Their marriage was not from Daenerys’ will, but Later, Khal Drogo, the horse king, gave Daenerys happiness.

Just when Daenerys was about to give birth to Khal Drogo's son, when Daenerys got used to the identity of Khaleesi and the life of the Dothraki, the witch Mirri Maz Duer , but killed the horse king and Daenerys's unborn son.

Daenerys couldn't help wishing that she could also master the undead spell. In that case, she would resurrect her mother, Queen Rella, who died in childbirth in order to give birth to her, and revive the loyal Sir William Darry.

It was Sir William Darry who escorted Prince Viserys and Daenerys to the other side of the narrow sea. The old man cared for Daenerys in every possible way. died in time.

If possible, Daenerys is even willing to resurrect King Aerys, the father who was slandered as the "mad king" by the despoiler. Daenerys believes that the father is loving and the crimes of the "mad king" are nothing more than the slander of the snatcher.

Dany's bloodrider Argo, Jhogo and Rakharo, interrupted Dany's thoughts as they reported to Dany about the condition of the horses.The bloodrider's whip has several bells tied to it, all won when Daenerys conquered Slaver's Bay with Daenerys.

The three bloodriders are all brave and fearless fighters, but facing the sea, their eyes are full of fear.The Dothraki do not trust the sea, which they consider poisonous, even for horses.

Many Dothraki warriors on horseback vomited on the deck towards the sea, which made the Dothraki unaccustomed to sailing miserable.

Rakharo wields a scimitar of solid gold arakh, Jhogo is good at wielding a long whip with a silver handle, and Ago wields a dragonbone longbow. All three are demonic mounted warriors.

After Daenerys hatched the dragon, Rakharo, Jogo, and Argo followed Daenerys Khaleesi wholeheartedly, and followed Daenerys through the red wasteland. The three not only protected Daenerys many times, Now he is in charge of commanding Daenerys' cavalry and Dothraki troops.

Gray Worm stood beside Daenerys. He was the commander of the Unsullied. This young eunuch had no hair on his face, and his cropped short hair looked capable and resolute.

The Unsullied are Daenerys' trump card, a legion of eunuch infantry.

Equipped with spiked helmets, short swords, spears and shields, the Unsullied are the finest infantry in the world. Daenerys now has eight thousand Unsullied scattered across Aegon the Conqueror, Visenia and On board the three galleons of the Rhaenys.

Daario, the leader of the Stormcrows, stood on the right side of Daenerys. He was handsome, his beard and hair were dyed blue, and his teeth were shining with gold when he smiled. On the left side of Daario's armor hung an arakh scimitar , and in his right hand is a slender assassin sword with a hilt carved in the shape of a dissolute beauty.

Like Ser Jorah, Daario has been courting Daenerys, and Daario is clearly more attractive than the bald and hairy Ser Jorah.

Daenerys might actually consider marrying Daario if he wasn't a lowborn mercenary.

The head of the Second Sons, the brown man Ben Plenty, has gray hair and good eyes. He is in charge of more than 500 people in the Second Sons.

In addition to the mercenary regiment, the Dothraki tribe, and the Unsullied Legion, Daenerys also has the Meereen Beast Face Army, a free brotherhood composed of free folk from the three cities of Yunkai, Astapor, and Meereen. , and a legion of gladiators composed of Meereenian gladiators.

Among these legions, the Freedom Brotherhood has the largest number, more than 2 people, and they are all people who follow the Mother of Dragons.

Because Astapor in Slaver's Bay trained slaves to be Unsullied, Yunkai was famous for training bed slaves, and Meereen trained slaves to be gladiators. In addition, the three Slaver's Bay city-states all trained clerks, cooks, Blacksmiths, weavers, etc., Daenerys captured Astapor, defeated Yunkai, captured Meereen, and liberated a large number of slaves.

These are slaves transported by slave traders from all over the world to Slave Bay. There are Midsummer Islanders with skin as black as sandalwood, hairy Ibans, Dothrakis, kind-hearted and peace-loving Nass, yellow Yidi with dark skin and eyes, etc.

It was Daenerys who broke the shackles and freed them, and these people were willing to follow Misha to Westeros to help their Misha take back the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

Hearing that Daenerys was going to leave Meereen with an army, the local nobles in Meereen welcomed them very much, offered to donate ships and food, and sent Daenerys away like a plague god.

When she left Meereen, Daenerys's fleet consisted of hundreds of ships, mostly galleons, armed merchant ships, and galley warships.Varys said with a smile that the scale of Daenerys' westward expedition to Westeros is comparable to Queen Nymeria's "thousand ships crossing".

Daenerys's handmaiden Iri, Jiqi, stood by Dany's side, and there was also Missandei, a small clerk from Nas, who was proficient in many languages ​​and was Daenerys's translate.

The red-robed monk "Black Flame" Marquilo and the red-robed female Quirk wearing a red lacquer mask are Daenerys' wizards. Along the way, with the help of Quirk and Marquilo, the fleet's wind direction has been smooth .

Suddenly, the air began to smell of sulfur, and Daenerys noticed that the northern sky was overcast, and even the dragon Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion in the air began to stir.

Daenerys frowned, "This sea area is so strange."

Quaili wearing a red lacquer mask said: "Your Majesty, that sea area is a sea of ​​smoke. Valyrian Freedom Fortress was the most prosperous and proud city in the world. Feng, relying on slaves to dig out a large amount of gold, silver, and precious stones from it."

"However, more than 400 years ago, that is, 102 years before Aegon's conquest, every mountain in Valyria suddenly began to erupt at the same time. Lakes and rivers were instantly evaporated, some lakes were reduced to pools of acid, and the seawater flooded back and divided the land, forming today's sea of ​​smoke."

"To this day, the sea of ​​smoke boils, and curses every explorer who dares to enter. All wise captains, passengers, avoid the sea of ​​smoke. To this day, there are still demons wandering in the area of ​​​​the sea of ​​smoke. Volantis leads to slaves. The road on the bay was also renamed the Devil’s Avenue.”

Daenerys said: "I once heard my second brother Viserys talk about Valyria's doomsday catastrophe. He said that the Targaryen family was the only dragon king family that escaped the doomsday catastrophe, because the 'dreamwalker' Denise Dreamed of the destruction of Valyria, so the Targaryen family took the initiative to migrate to Dragonstone Island to escape the doomsday catastrophe."

Quai Li said: "The doomsday catastrophe did wipe out most of the dragon king's family, but there were still some dragon king nobles who were in Tyrosh, Qohor and other places and escaped the catastrophe. However, after the destruction of Valyria, These dragon kings were quickly overthrown by the local nobles."

Daenerys looked at the dark sky in the sea of ​​smoke, and said depressedly: "What kind of power caused the destruction of Valyria?"

Quail Lizard said: "Some people think that it was because the dragon kings of Valyria worshiped thousands of different gods at the same time, which caused the wrath of the gods. The curse that brought about the destruction of Valyria."

"Of course, among the believers of the red god R'hllor everywhere, there is a saying that it was the masterpiece of a red-robed woman who fell in love with a dragon king in Valyria. , but was abandoned by the dragon king all the time. The red-robed woman was furious, which drew the wrath of the red god R'hllor, leading to the destruction of Valyria."

Daenerys said, "Which version do you believe?"

Quai Li said: "I believe that the destruction of Valyria was indeed caused by the power of the red god R'hllor, but it was not caused by the red-robed woman. Obviously, the power to destroy Valyria is beyond the ability of mortals category."

Varys moved closer to Daenerys, smelling of perfume.

"Your Majesty, when the fleet arrives in Volantis, the Golden Company will join us. The Golden Company has many descendants of Westeros exiles. Many of them are descendants of nobles who supported the Blackfyre Rebellion. The battle of the Nine Copper Kings, and even the War of the Snatchers."

Daenerys frowned, "Blackfyre? Daemon Blackfyre and their descendants are traitors to Targaryen."

Varys showed a flattering smile, "Yes, but the Blackfyre Rebellion is a Targaryen internal struggle, no matter black or red, a dragon is a dragon."

"Many exiles are eager to serve Her Majesty, and to lead them to take back their homes and castles in Westeros. Among them, the most famous is Jon Connington, who once served as the former Prime Minister of King Aerys. The prince's closest friend."

"In addition, you have a relative who is waiting for you!"

Daenerys said blankly: "Since my brother Viserys died, I have no other relatives. Could it be that the reborn Prince Rhaegar has arrived in Volantis?"

Varys laughed and said, "It's Prince Rhaegar's son, Aegon Targaryen."

Daenerys was taken aback, "This is impossible. Back then, Tywin's mad dog, Demon Mountain, smashed little Aegon's head against the wall, and he died long ago."

Ser Jorah Mormont looked at Varys suspiciously.

The smile on Varys' face disappeared, and he said sadly: "Back then, in order to save Prince Aegon, I found a baby boy from Stinky Water Bay. The boy's father was an alcoholic. Wine, and sold the child to me. It was the poor stand-in boy that the Mountain killed."

"Later I sent Prince Aegon to Pentos, under the care of our friend, Prince Illyrio of Pentos. Your Majesty, when you and Prince Viserys were in exile all these years, your nephew Prince Aegon, too, is in exile in the Free Cities, from Robert the Reaver."

"Now, your nephew Aegon will join you on the journey to conquer Westeros."

Daenerys was thrilled to think that Prince Rhaegar's son Aegon was still alive.

"Varys, you should have told me the good news earlier. I always thought that I am the last true dragon blood, and all my relatives in this world are dead. If I knew that Prince Aegon was still alive, I would not be so lonely. gone."

Varys shrugged and apologized: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, all this is for the safety of Prince Aegon. Just imagine, if Robert or Lannister the Snatcher knew that Prince Rhaegar was still alive, they would definitely spare no effort Chase and kill!"

"That's why Her Majesty led the army to march west, so I dared to tell Her Majesty the truth that Prince Aegon is still alive."

Daenerys said: "This is the best news I have received today. Together with Prince Aegon, I will definitely be able to defeat the Snatcher of Westeros and lift the curse of the undead Prince Rhaegar."

After Varys left, Daenerys was still very excited. She said to Ser Jorah: "My elder brother Prince Rhaegar's son, Prince Aegon, is still alive! After all these years, he must be like me, in the Reaver's house." Hunting down the hard life, living a life of fear.

"Now, as Prince Aegon's aunt, I will protect him! My nephew, Prince Aegon, is still alive!"

Ser Jorah lowered his voice as he saw Varys go away.

"Your Majesty, whether Prince Aegon is dead or alive depends entirely on Varys himself. Who knows whether the baby who was killed by the Devil's Mountain on the wall of the Red Keep was Prince Aegon or the pathetic son of a drunkard?"

Daenerys raised an eyebrow. "You mean, Varys might be lying?"

Sir Jorah said: "Your Majesty, at least Prince Aegon's identity is very suspicious. Now we have three dragons, the Unsullied Legion, and Mercenaries, Dothraki Cavalry, Free Brotherhood, and Beast Face Jun, you are the younger sister of Prince Rhaegar, in the torn Westeros, you are the undoubted heir of the true dragon, and you will definitely have many followers."

"As we all know, Prince Aegon died in the Red Keep. For so many years, people have believed in the death of Prince Aegon. Her Majesty the Queen has lived in exile in the Free City-State for many years. According to Varys, this Prince Aegon is also in Eden. Sthoth is in exile, and he is also of the blood of the true dragon, why have we never heard of Prince Aegon?"

"According to the tradition of Westeros, the line of succession of this Prince Aegon is ahead of Her Majesty the Queen. In my opinion, this Prince Aegon is going for the Iron Throne, as long as he declares himself to be Prince Rhaegar son, he can join the Game of Thrones with dignity, and he is going to snatch Her Majesty's Iron Throne."

The Quail Lizard with a red lacquer mask said: "Your Majesty, your big bear is thick and thin. Do you remember the cloth dragon you witnessed in the dust temple of the immortal in Qarth? In the vision, people gathered around cloth dragon The dragons are noisy, and young Aegon may well be Bronn."

"If the Immortal's prophecy comes true, it will be Bron's debut!"

Daenerys pondered for a while, "It seems that Prince Aegon is indeed suspicious."

Jorah Mormont said: "Your Majesty, I witnessed with my own eyes that you hatched three dragons at the cost of blood and fire when you were in the Red Wasteland. At that time, the maids and servants beside you died in the Red Wasteland one by one. , our team was almost wiped out in the red wasteland."

"From the Red Wasteland to Qarth, to Slaver's Bay, Her Majesty the Queen overcame many difficulties to develop a team of hundreds of people into the tens of thousands of troops it is today."

"The fruits of victory must not be handed over to others, and speculators must not be allowed to snatch away the Iron Throne that originally belonged to Her Majesty the Queen."

Quail Lizard said, "Your Majesty, Eunuch Varys cannot be trusted under any circumstances. Watch out for Fragrant Steward!"

Daenerys sighed, "Prince Aegon has the backing of the Golden Company, as well as the support of nobles like Jon Connington. The Golden Company can be regarded as the most powerful mercenary group in the disputed land, and there are many Westeros in it." Descendant of nobility."

"If Prince Aegon is a hoax carefully fabricated by Varys, I suspect that Jon Connington and the commanders of the Golden Company have also been deceived. I will try to expose the deception and win the support of the Golden Company."

 Thanks to 20190805073259455, Kanna-AB, for the monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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