Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 220 The Frost Dragon Curses the Earth, Rose Proposes to the Direwolf

Chapter 220 The Frost Dragon Curses the Earth, Rose Proposes to the Direwolf
King's Landing, Dragon's Den.

In Cersei's newly remodeled dragon's lair, the blood-red lion and dragon patterns are engraved on the dry bone gate, covered with a thin layer of frost.

When the Dragonlords of the Targaryen family ruled King's Landing, the Dragon's Lair was a place of blood and fire. Now, it has become a place of bone and ice, and the remains of dragons are everywhere.

Cersei ordered the black-robed army composed of followers of the cold god to carry the keel of the "Black Death" Balerion and the bones of a dozen other dragons of different sizes to the dragon lair.

Today, the golden robes of King's Landing have been completely replaced by black robes, and Janos Slynt, who once died in a mob rebellion, has now become the commander of the black robes.

After death, Janos Slynt's eyes were pecked out by crows. After resurrection, he relied on the money he searched during his lifetime to press the eyes of two crystal balls. Janos Slynt's face was pecked by crows. Pale bones were exposed in the place, and it looked particularly terrifying.

Joffrey and Cersei stood on the dragon altar outside the dragon's lair, and the frost dragon Dreamfire spread its wings above the dragon's lair.

Cersei looked out over the hills of Visennia, where the dark temple was shrouded in clouds.

The most famous building before the Visenya Hills was the Baelor Cathedral, which was once the center of the belief of the Seven Gods of Westeros and the residence of the archbishop. Now, the Baelor Cathedral has been completely transformed into a dark temple , the seven crystal towers on the square became the psychic tower.

The Red Keep on Aegon's High Hill was covered with human heads and scavengers.

The people in Flea Nest, the blacksmiths in Steel Street, the prostitutes and benefactors in Silk Street, have become walking corpses because of eating the contaminated food of the undead, and they are dead set on the cold god.

Now, these believers of the cold god gathered in front of the dragon altar outside the dragon lair to witness the birth of the frost dragon.

This is Cersei's new King's Landing, the city of the dead.Now that there is a frost dragon, Cersei believes that she will start to sweep the great conquest of Westeros just like Aegon the Conqueror did.

King's Landing already has the first frost dragon Dreamfire, the necromancer Ogbeta, with a giant bat and Dreamfire, defeated Lando Tully in Tengshi Town, and successfully collected the "Bronze Wrath" Vermysol , the blue queen Tesserion, the dragon soul of Haiyan's three-headed dragon.

The skeletons of these three dragons have been placed on the dragon altar. "Bronze Wrath" Vermythor is the largest, and Vermythor was once the mount of Ren Rui King Jaehaerys. He passed through the long reign of Jaehaerys I and lived until the time of the Dance of the Blood Dragons.

The blue queen, Trixane, is much smaller than Haiyan, only one-third the size of Vermysol.

The necromancer Ogbeta stood on the dragon altar, and the skeleton scepter in his hand emitted bursts of blood-red halo.

"Your Majesty, today, I will bring you three giant frost dragons, this is the gift of the cold god!"

Cersei was as excited as a little girl, "Hurry up and let me witness the miracle of the cold god!"

Dreamfire, the frosty dragon in the air, let out a roar, and the necromancer Ogbeta opened the urn engraved with the dragon, and a cloud of bronze smoke spewed out, and the dragon soul of "Bronze Wrath" Vermythor appeared in the dragon's lair. above.

Then there was a cloud of blue smoke, and the dragon soul of "Blue Queen" Trixane appeared.

The last thing that appeared was silver-white mist, and the gathered dragon soul was Haiyan, majestic and beautiful.

The necromancer Ogbeta held the skeleton scepter high, and the sky was full of wind and snow. The dragon soul combined with the giant dragon skeletons of Vermisol, Trixane, and Haiyan. Soon, the skeleton was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. The dragon opened his blue eyes.

Vermissol, Haiyan, and Trixane waved the wings of death together, flew into the sky, and danced with Dreamfire.

Cersei smiled like a beast, "Now that I have four dragons, I can finally send troops to destroy Stannis of Storm's End and Eddard the wolf king of Harrenhal."

Joffrey pursed his plump lips, "Of the four frost dragons, only Vermythor, Dreamfire is okay, the blue lady Trixane, and this sea smoke, isn't it too small? "

The necromancer Ogbeta showed a flattering smile.

"Your Majesty, the Frost Dragon Haiyan and Trisan, no matter how small they are, they are still much bigger than Wolf King Ed's Flying Wolf, Koi, and Hawkeye."

Joffrey snorted softly, "But, the dragon in Wolf King Ed's hand is still growing, and you, the frost dragon, can't grow."

Cersei echoed: "Joffrey is so right. Ogbetta, hurry up and resurrect Balerion, the Black Death God! Back then, Balerion used dragon flames to conquer the huge lakeside of God's Eye Lake for Aegon the Conqueror. The castle of Harrenhal cut off the bloodline of Harren the Black."

"Today, if Balerion is reborn, captures Harrenhal with the Frost Dragon Flame, and slaughters the wolf king Ed and his dragon, it will make the world declare that the cold god rules the world."

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Your Majesty, more magic is needed to revive the Black Death God Balerion. There is no rush for such a thing."

"I will send Dreamfire, Vermythor, to attack Eddard's Harrenhal. I will send the Blue Queen, Sea Smoke, to attack Stannis' Storm's End. There are no dragons, eagles, and griffins in Storm's End. Send Two smaller dragons are more than enough."

Joffrey was impatient. "Go! I want Stannis, Eddard's head for a chamber pot!"

Necromancer Ogbeta said: "The birth of the Frost Dragon will bring curses, suffering and grief to mankind, and victory to the Cold God."

"Under the shadow of death, everything will turn into a cursed place, where nothing will grow and everything will wither!"

Vermythor spewed out a mouthful of ice dragon flames toward a small forest south of the dragon altar. The trees died instantly, and even the ground turned into a sickly dark black. The place bathed by the frost dragon flames seemed to be dying. .

Cersei smirked and said: "I understand, as long as the land is bathed by the dragon flame of the frost dragon, the land will be cursed, and nothing can grow. In this way, the north, the riverland, the valley, and the stormland... The enemy's land will not be able to produce food, and the enemy will be short of food!"

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "And our undead don't need food and food."

"The fireworks in the world are destined to be destroyed under the curse of the frost dragon!"

Harrenhal, Ed on the school yard, teaching Arya, Sansa how to use a musket.

Arya picked up the heavy musket and aimed it at a skull ten meters away from the school grounds. When it hit, the skull exploded, and Arya danced excitedly.

Sansa picked up the musket and tried for a long time. She mustered up the courage to pull the trigger. Her arm was sore and numb. As a result, the bullet missed, flew over the fence of the school yard, and hit the outer wall of the armory.

"I'm so scared! The musket shock hurts my fingers," Sansa thought pitifully.

Ed put his arms around Sansa's shoulders, "Sansa, I don't expect you to become a warrior like Miss Brienne, but now that the undead are raging and war songs are everywhere, you should learn to protect yourself."

On the head of Harrenhal, craftsmen have already built a fort. Forty large-caliber cannons are distributed in all directions of Harrenhal, which will make Harrenhal's defense more perfect.

There is also a fire-breathing crossbow that sprays wildfire, which can spray flames several feet into the sky.

Cannons, ballistas, fire-breathing crossbows, trebuchets, these are gifts prepared by Ed for the Frost Dragon.

The musket invented by Ed was originally cumbersome, and it was much easier to make a cannon than a pistol.

Under Ed's transformation, the alchemists have all become gunpowder experts. The workshops in Harrenhal are producing shells and cannons every day.

Brienne walked over to Ed's side.

"Your Highness Wolf, the mission from High Court is here, and the representative of the mission is Garth Tyrell, the Steward of High Court."

Ed was not surprised that Gaoting sent an envoy. Ed heard about the attack on Tengshi Town in the River Bend.Today, the Reach is facing the threat of the undead, Stannis has a feud with Duke Mace, Dorne is a feud in the Reach, and the Stark family has become the natural ally of the Tyrell family.

In the Great Hall of the Burning King Tower, Ed received an emissary from Highgarden, Garth the Stout.

Garth "The Stout" was the uncle of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden, and for many years was Lord Steward of Highgarden.He was bald, with a round beer belly and rosy cheeks, and was dressed in a green silk robe.

Gals said: "Your Highness Wolf, the undead are rampant. His Highness Wolf has repeatedly thwarted the attacks of the undead army in Harrenhal. Stark really deserves to be the savior of mankind."

Afterwards, Garth looked around seriously, "Where is my grandnephew Sir Loras, the Knight of Flowers?"

Ed said: "Sir Loras is serving in the Winter Wolf Army. He is following Robb and marching from the west to Harrenhal. He has reached the Riverlands now."

Gals smiled, "Loras has always been a good boy, the best knight in our Reach. Your Highness Wolf, your daughter Sansa is not yet engaged, isn't Sir Loras the perfect candidate? "

Ed said: "Sir Loras, he wanted to be a great hero. When he became Renly's rainbow guard, he had already given up his right to marry and have children. Although Renly had given up the crown, Sir Loras was still determined. Following Renly, there is no way for Sansa to be loved by Loras."

Although Loras is the dream lover of many girls, Ed knows very well that Loras is a man who loves rum, and Ed does not dare to marry Sansa to Loras.

Gals said with a smile: "The Duke of Mace hopes to form an alliance with His Royal Highness Wolf to jointly resist the threat of the undead. Marriage is the best way to form an alliance."

"His Highness Wolf is unwilling to marry Miss Sansa to Loras. I completely understand. After all, Loras is only the youngest son of High Court and has no right of inheritance. What if it is the heir of High Court, Vilas?"

"Veras is a loving and gentle young man. Yes, Vilas was crippled by the red viper Oberyn's treachery in the tournament field, and Vilas was crippled, but his She has a very shrewd mind and a wide range of hobbies, if Miss Sansa marries Vilas, the friendship between Rose and the direwolf will definitely last forever."

Ed said: "I don't know much about Vilas. I'm going to ask Sansa for her opinion before making a decision."

Gals persisted, "Miss Margery is the jewel of Highgarden. If Miss Margery can marry the young wolf lord Robb, they will also be a couple cared for by the Seven Gods and the Old Gods!"

Ed was a little embarrassed, "Have you forgotten? Margaery is married to King Renly."

Gals took out a letter, "This is a letter written by the archbishop of Old Town. Renly usurped the king and committed serious crimes. The archbishop has dissolved Margaery and Renly's marriage. Now Margaery has single again."

Renly usurped the throne?Renly has committed a lot of crimes. Wouldn't it be unforgivable for the House of Highgarden Tyrell who followed Renly and crowned Renly?Ed suppressed a smile.

It was only a matter of time before Ed was crowned king.The Tyrell family married Margaery to Robb, and Margaery still had a chance to become queen. Ed admired Tyrell's desire for the queen's crown.

Gals said: "When Miss Margery married Renly, she was still a virgin, and she is still a perfect woman. It is only appropriate to marry the young wolf lord Robb."

Would Margaery still be a virgin after being married to Renly for so long?Ed was skeptical.Renly is a man who loves rum, but wouldn't Renly be tempted to serve such a lovely beer like Margaery?

Renly passed among the flowers, only picking chrysanthemums and ignoring the little roses?Ed didn't believe it.

Ed said: "Who can refuse Miss Margery? I will seriously consider it, and when my son Robb arrives in Harrenhal, I will make a decision."

If Stark only ruled the North, it would be a good match for Vilas to marry Sansa, and Margaery to Robb, but now, Stark rules the vast lands of the North, the West, the Valley, and the Riverlands. Owning the dragon, the Tyrell family proposed to the Stark family, which can only be regarded as a high climb.

Gals said: "Your Highness Wolf, the Duke of Mace begged His Highness Wolf to be crowned king as soon as possible. High Court is willing to support His Royal Highness Wolf and wear the crown. The Tyrell family will use the wealth of the Reach to fight against rebellion for His Royal Highness Wolf. "

Ed said: "The undead are raging, it is too unwise to wear a crown at this time."

"I will save Westeros and overthrow the undead in King's Landing. If the people of Westeros, the nobles, think that I am a good king after the war, I will be crowned king."

Gals was in admiration, "Your Majesty Wolf's realm is too high. You are completely different from Stannis, Joffrey, Renly, and King Balon."

That night, Eddard, Catelyn, and the Highgarden delegation had a sumptuous dinner together, and Garth and Eddard announced, "House Tyrell and House Stark are allied and will love each other till the end of time and universe. "

The next day, after the Highgarden mission left, Dr. Marwyn and Tyrion came to Eddard.

Dr. Marwin stroked the necklace on his thick neck, and said, "Your Highness Wolf, the Necromancer has resurrected the Frost Dragon, and God's Eye Lake is the place where Prince Daemon, Prince of Flea Nest, fought Prince Emond the kinslayer. "

"At that time, two dragon warriors rode a magic dragon to fight over God's Eye Lake. Waghar and Korakxiu, together with the dragon warriors above, both fell. Now the bones of the giant dragon sink to the bottom of the lake."

"If the Necromancer Ogbeta brought the Frost Dragon to Harrenhal, it is entirely possible for him to directly resurrect the Frost Dragon at the bottom of the lake to serve the undead. Therefore, I think the dragon's bones should be salvaged as soon as possible."

Wolf King Ed said: "This is indeed a huge hidden danger. I have plans to salvage the remains of the dragon, but the question is, where should I put them? Put them in Harrenhal?"

Tyrion thought for a while, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, "If the necromancer can resurrect the remains of the dragon at the bottom of God's Eye Lake into a frost dragon, then maybe he can also resurrect it and store it in Harrenhal. The skeleton of the dragon turned into a frost dragon!"

"Damn it! If it looks like that, it would be a complete disaster if Vagehar and Kraxhu were resurrected in the city of Harrenhal."

Dr. Marwin said: "It is not right to leave the dragon bones of Vagehar, Kraxhu, at the bottom of God's Eye Lake."

Ed Wolf King said, "I know who to ask for help."

At noon that day, Ed rode the magic dragon Flying Wolf to Qianmian Islet of God's Eye Lake, and met the wooden dancer Xi Rui Yangxin in the cave of the Weirwood Forest. Sister of Linden Rivers and Cold Iron Egg Rivers.

Back then, Xirui Yangxin was famous for her beauty, Han Tie and Blood Crow fought for Xirui Yangxin's love, fell in love and killed each other all their lives.

Today, Xirui Yangxin is more than 100 years old. Her skin is loose, like old tree roots, and she has long since lost the appearance of the past. She has become a thin old woman and a wooden dancer.

A wooden dancer sits on a weirwood throne.

"Wolf King Ed, you have done a good job. Harrenhal has repeatedly defeated the attacks of the undead."

"However, I have observed through the trees that the Necromancer has resurrected the Frost Dragon. Future wars will be more cruel."

Ed said: "I'm worried that the Necromancer will resurrect Waghar and Klaxhu at the bottom of God's Eye Lake. Wood Dancer, do you have any way to stop the Necromancer from resurrecting these frost dragons?"

The wooden dancer said: "God's Eye Lake is a holy place watched over by the old gods. Necromancers cannot directly resurrect the dragons at the bottom of the lake, but the necromancers have already resurrected four giant frost dragons, which are enough to flatten Harrenhal and threaten the Isle of Thousand Faces." weirwood forest."

"Actually, you don't need to worry about Vagarhar and Kraxhu. You should worry about Balerion, the black god of death in King's Landing. Obviously, the necromancer is accumulating magical power. Before the resurrection of Balerion, the necromancer cannot go to God. Lake of Eyes, resurrect Vhagar."

Ed said depressedly: "My dragon, flying wolf, koi and eagle eye may not be able to grow to the physique of Balerion in another 100 years."

The wooden dancer nodded, "Belerion is the dragon that kills the most. Once revived, this frost dragon will once again become the messenger of death and the killing machine."

"The Frost Dragon waved its wings of death. Wherever it went, it turned into a cursed land. The land died as if infected with greyscale. The cursed land was barren of grass, but it was fertile ground for the undead."

"Wolf King Ed, you must march, before the frost dragon curses the earth."

Ed said: "Think of a way to destroy the Frost Dragon?"

The wooden dancer grinned toothlessly, "Control them!"

 The leaping stars in the clouds, Shen Tianming, 3 Nagasmic Tree 3, the monthly pass given out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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