Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 221 The Wolf King Fights the Frost Dragon, Stannis Summons the Balrog

Chapter 221 The Wolf King Fights the Frost Dragon, Stannis Summons the Balrog

On the majestic walls of Storm's End, Stannis stood before the holy fire several feet high, his jaw tensed.

"Frost Dragon? Are you sure you can see clearly?"

The big ruby ​​on Melisandre's snow-white neck gleamed under the starlight and holy fire.

"Yes, Your Majesty, there is no lie in the sacred fire. I saw it. The frost dragon spread its wings of death and sprayed icy flames towards the imperial forest. The imperial forest withered and the earth was cursed. The flowers, plants and trees on the earth were all die."

Stannis' face was gloomy. "Frozen flames? Don't you often say that ice and fire are sworn enemies? The frost dragon either spews out flames or spits out ice."

"How can there be such a strange thing as ice and flames?"

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, let's put it this way! The icy flames of the Frost Dragon are scorchingly cold."

"The magic dragon will turn the land into scorched earth, but the scorched earth will eventually regain its vitality and greenness. The place where the frost dragon's dragon flame has bathed is full of curses. The earth is withering and dying. In the future, there will be no grass growing, just like the sea of ​​smoke. "

Many storm lords showed fear on their faces.

What's the use of uncultivable farmland if the Frost Dragon cursed the land?How should the lords feed those subjects?
What is a lord without land?

Recently, many pirates in the Stepstone Islands were captured by the Royal Fleet and Salado Saan's Reese Mercenary Fleet. Melisandre can sacrifice one pirate every day to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Confident, that seductive body exudes warmth all the time, and her magical power is getting stronger and stronger.

Stannis gritted his teeth, "Sooner or later, the necromancer's frost dragon will attack Storm's End. Do you want my soldiers to use flaming arrows to fight against the frost dragon?"

Onion Knight Davos said: "Your Majesty Stannis, even Storm's End cannot resist the invasion of dragons, let alone frost dragons. How many frost dragons does Cersei have?"

Melisandre said: "There are four in total. The necromancer Ogbeta was the first to resurrect the frost dragon Dreamfire, and then in Tengshi Town, he collected the dragon souls who died in the battle of Tengshi Town during the blood dragon dance. Created three frost wyrms."

"Wormithor, the Bronze Wrath, Trixane, the Blue Queen, and Sea Smoke."

"Thankfully, two smaller frost wyrms appeared above the Kingswood in the Stormlands, Trixane the Blue Queen and Sea Smoke. Vermithor and Dreamfire may have been sent to attack Harren The Wolf King Ed of the Fort."

Stannis looked coldly, "That is to say, Cersei felt that sending two smaller frost dragons would be enough to handle me?"

The former Prime Minister, Sir Alister Florent, said: "Your Majesty, there are dragons, giant eagles, griffins, and skinchangers in Harrenhal. Moreover, the young wolf lord Robb is leading an army of tens of thousands to support us from the west. Harrenhal."

"Obviously, Cersei feels that Ed, the wolf king, is more of a threat."

Stannis began to grind his teeth, "Wolf King Eddard is in Winterfell, and Harrenhal hatches dragons as easily as a hen hatches an egg; Queen Cersei is in King's Landing, blaspheming the Seven Gods and killing the followers of the Seven Gods, but she relies on the necromancer , using the remains of the dragon to create the Frost Dragon."

"Only me, I sit in Storm's End, and I don't even have a dragon egg. Melisandre, you always say that I am the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, destined to save the world with the burning sword."

"But I don't even have a dragon, what can I do to save the world?"

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, you are destined to receive a gift from R'hllor, the Lord of Light. I know where to find the beast bestowed by R'hllor, the Lord of Light. I already smell blood and fire."

Stannis raised an eyebrow. "Are you talking about the stone dragon of Dragonstone? Use the king's blood to awaken the dragon in the stone?"

"If you are still thinking about Edric Storm, Robert's illegitimate son, save yourself! I will not sacrifice any innocent child to R'hllor, the Lord of Light, let alone Robert's blood, They are my blood relatives."

Melisandre smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will never have Edric Storm's idea, nor will I try to awaken the dragon in the stone."

"The place where I smell blood and fire is not Dragonstone, but Summerhall in the Stormlands."

Summer Hall used to be the summer palace of the Targaryen family. In the last year of Aegon V's reign, Prince Rhaegar, the great-grandson of Aegon V, was about to be born. Aegon V summoned many relatives, friends, and nobles to gather in Summer Hall to celebrate The birth of Prince Rhaegar also summoned fire magicians to hatch seven dragon eggs, trying to bring the magic dragon back to the world.

However, the hatching of the dragon turned into a tragedy. The fire got out of control, and the summer hall was engulfed in thick smoke and flames.

Aegon V, Ser Duncan "The Tall", Duncan Prince of Dragonfry, Jeyne of Blightstone, Dr. Gel'dan, etc., all died in the fire.

Today's Midsummer Hall has long been in ruins, but because the Midsummer Hall is located at the junction of the Reach, Dorne, and the Stormlands, its geographical location is very important.

The death storm brought the army of undead to attack Midsummer Hall many times, but was repelled by Stannis' army tenaciously. The necromancer once tried to revive the ghosts of Midsummer Hall.

Now, Melisandre claims that in the Summer Hall, the beast bestowed by the Lord of Light can be found, and Stannis frowned.

"There are dragon eggs in the ruins of Midsummer Hall? I have sent soldiers to rummage through the ruins, but there is not even a single dragon egg."

The gray-haired Maester Cressen said: "According to historical records, when the tragedy happened in Summer Hall, the Pyromancer tried to hatch seven dragon eggs in the hall in front of King Aegon V and many nobles."

"Theoretically speaking, dragon eggs are not afraid of flames. After the fire broke out, all seven dragon eggs disappeared. Your Majesty, the tragedy of Midsummer Hall happened 40 years ago. Even if there are still dragon eggs in the ruins, they were dug up by farmers and travelers long ago. gone."

"In the ruins of Summerhall, it is impossible to find the dragon eggs."

Melisandre's eyes were as red as burning coals.

"Your Majesty, the divine beast bestowed by the King of Light I am referring to is not a dragon, but a certain kind of power."

Stannis wondered. "Not a dragon? What the hell is that?"

Melisandre said: "Your Majesty, this beast will be the nemesis of the Frost Dragon. I saw it in the holy fire. In the Summer Hall, Your Majesty can not only win the support of the beast, but also resurrect the ghosts of the Summer Hall for my use. "

Maester Cressen, the Onion Knight, and Lord Alister Florent, the Lord Hand, were all taken aback.

Onion Knight Davos said: "Your Majesty, wouldn't resurrecting the ghosts of the dead create blue-eyed ghouls? Could it be that the red-robed woman, Melisandre, has degenerated to be as evil as the necromancer Ogbetta?"

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

Stannis glared at Melisandre coldly.

"I won't rely on the dead to win this war. Isn't R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the mortal enemy of the Cold God? Do we have to resurrect the dead like the Cold God to win this damn war?"

Flames danced wildly in Melisandre's eyes.

"Your Majesty, the Cold God can resurrect the dead, so can the Lord of Light, R'hllor. The slave of the Cold God's darkness is the slave of winter and ice, and the Lord of Light, R'hllor, is a warrior of flame and light. The slaves of darkness cannot compete with the flame warriors of the Lord of Light!"

"If we don't revive the ghosts of Summerhall, the necromancer Ogbeta will revive them sooner or later. By then, they will be blue-eyed undead."

"Just imagine, the legendary knight Sir Duncan, Prince Dragonfry, and King Aegon V will fight for His Majesty after resurrection. Why not?"

Harrenhal, Ed is in the bear pit, controlling the ghoul grain with his mind.

Ghoul Maili is only three years old. She was a captive ghoul when Ed conquered Beyond the Wall. She has blue eyes and long brown hair.

Because the wheat grains were too young to pose much of a threat, they were kept in Winterfell and treated by Dr. Marwin as an experimental product.

This time Dr. Marwyn traveled south from Winterfell and came to Harrenhal with the ghoul grain of wheat.

Ed has mastered the power of the elements. He wears a weirwood bracelet on his right hand and a skull bracelet on his left. Ed's skinchanger is unprecedentedly powerful. He uses mind control to control wheat grains, just like controlling direwolves, giant eagles and magic dragons. Just as easy.

The wooden dancer of Qianmianyu suggested to Ed, try to use the skills of the skinchanger, use mind control, and seize the soul to occupy the frost dragon.

"To drive the undead, the power of the Frost Dragon is the same. They are all dark magic, which is the mind control of the servant of the Cold God. As long as the shapechanger is strong enough, there is every chance to occupy the Frost Dragon."

"Of course, taking the soul to occupy the frost dragon is much more difficult than taking the soul to occupy the ordinary undead. The magic dragon was a creation of blood and fire, and it became bone and ice after death. The frost dragon has experienced the tempering of ice and fire. , you have to constantly absorb the power of the elements."

"Steel, trees, rivers, flames, and the earth... These powers can help you, enhance your magic power, and give you the power to control the frost dragon with your mind."

It would be nice if the Frost Dragon could be as easy to control as wheat grains, but the difference in difficulty was as big as the size of a three-year-old girl and a magic dragon.

The skinchanger Kanu came to the wolf king Ed.

"Father of life, my Falcon has seen the enemy's Frost Dragon. The Frost Dragon, Vermythor, is spraying ice dragon flames towards the earth. The earth seems to be suffering from greyscale, withered and dead. Lost life."

In fact, Ed felt the pain of the earth by smelling the power of the elements in the air. He could smell the cold and death breath of the frost dragon Vermythor dozens of miles away.

Vermythor's dragon flame hits the river, the river freezes, the fish in the river die instantly, and the power of the water element disappears; Vermythor's dragon flame bathes the forest, the forest instantly withers, and the wood element disappears; When Mithor's dragon flame sprinkles the earth, the power of the earth element will disappear, and the earth will be cursed.

Caitlin put her hand over her heart.

"Vormythor, the Wrath of Bronze, is the mount of Jaehaerys I, king of Ren Rui. Back then, the king of Ren Rui rode Vermy Thorn, which brought unprecedented prosperity and peace to Westeros. Now, Vermy Thorn actually Became death incarnate."

Tyrion said: "Ma'am, the real Black Death, Balerion, is still lying in King's Landing! However, I think my sister will revive Balerion soon."

Ed clenched his fists, "Let the Frost Dragon wreak havoc on the Riverland, and the fertile farmland in the Riverland will become a dark and sickly cursed land with no grass growing. I will never allow this to happen!"

"I want to ride the magic dragon Flying Wolf to meet Vermythor, the Bronze Fury!"

Caitlin's fear was clearly written on her face.

"Ed, this is crazy! The Demon Dragon Flying Wolf is too young, but Vermissol has lived for hundreds of years. The Demon Dragon Flying Wolf is no match for Vermysol at all."

Ed smiled and said: "In a one-on-one duel, the Dragon Flying Wolf is certainly not Vermysol's opponent, but the Dragon Flying Wolf is much faster than Vermissol, and I will take advantage of the speed."

Dr. Marwin said: "There are still some giant bats in the wild, Your Highness Wolf, you must not underestimate them."

Ed said: "Prince of the Giant Eagle, Mi Chu, will bring the Giant Eagle to deal with those giant bats. Don't worry, I won't attack rashly."

Wolf King Ed rode the magic dragon Flying Wolf and encountered Bronze Wrath Vermythor on the King's Road near God's Eye Lake.

Bronze Wrath Vermythor glared at the wolf king Ed with his blue eyes, and immediately, Vermythor spewed a mouthful of blue ice flames towards the dragon Flying Wolf.

The magic dragon and flying wolf deftly avoided the attack of the ice and flames, and began to rise rapidly. Vermysol chased him. In front of Vermysol, the magic dragon and flying wolf were like swallows in front of an eagle. The size difference between the two sides was too large, but the magic Long Feilang was even faster, and quickly threw off Vermisol, hiding in the clouds.

Vermythor is still looking for the opponent, the magic dragon flying wolf has circled behind the enemy, the magic dragon flying wolf let out a roar, and a jumping orange dragon flame hit the wing of the frost dragon, and the wings of the frost dragon exploded. The smoke became scorched black and let out an angry scream, and soon, the scorched black part was covered with a layer of frost again.

The wolf king Ed rode on the back of the demon dragon Flying Wolf, holding the keel longbow in his hand, and the long obsidian arrow flew out, hitting Vermisol's neck.

If the same material is used to make the Frost Dragon and the White Walker, then obsidian is obviously the nemesis of the Frost Dragon. Unfortunately, the obsidian arrow shattered when it hit the Frost Dragon, and Ed was very depressed.

Afterwards, Vermisol sprayed the ice dragon flame towards the dragon flying wolf, the surrounding clouds froze instantly, and the air dropped suddenly, Ed felt as if he had fallen into the belly of the ice dragon.

The skull bracelet on Ed's right wrist emits a blue halo. Ed concentrates and tries to use the shapechanger's possession technique to control the frost dragon Vermythor.

Vermythor's soul is as cold as black ice. Sure enough, the first attempt to control the frost dragon Vermythor failed.

At this time, there was a roar from the other side, and the frost dragon Dreamfire appeared in the air.

It turns out that Menghuo has been lying in ambush in the clouds in the sky, and even Ed can't perceive the existence of Menghuo because of flying too high.

Vermythor and Dreamfire sprayed out icy flames together, and the clouds around Ed and the dragon flying wolf were all frozen, even the dragon flying wolf and Ed were also frozen.

Ed felt the pain of freezing blood. If it was an ordinary person, he would be frozen to death by the ice and flames.

Fortunately, Ed has the power of elements in his blood, and the flames in his body protected Ed. At this time, the dragon and wolf spewed out flames, broke through the ice, and escaped.

The frost dragon Dreamfire, and Vermythor wanted to continue chasing it. At this time, the screams of giant eagles and griffins came from the sky.

The giant eagle prince Mi Chu, with the giant eagle and the griffin, came out from the flanks and attacked Dreamfire and Vermythor. The Frost Dragon had to turn around to deal with the giant eagle and the griffin.

The wolf king Ed rode the magic dragon Flying Wolf and came back to attack the Frost Dragon. Then, the giant eagle, the magic dragon Flying Wolf and the Griffin fled to Harrenhal together.

Vermythor and Dreamfire chased after them. When they waved the wings of death and came to the sky above Harrenhal, the little devil Tyrion on the city head waved the direwolf's flag.


The cannon on the fort roared, and the shell hit the Frost Dragon. The Frost Dragon had never seen this kind of weapon before. It screamed again and again, with thick green blood flowing out of its wings and skeleton, and turned around to run away.

On the walls of Harrenhal, the soldiers of the Wolf King's army roared and cheered.

Tyrion smirked and said, "Your Highness, the Frost Wyrm is also afraid of cannons! It seems that Cersei has to make more Frost Wyrms."

Ed said: "I'm afraid that Cersei will have no chance. I will march to King's Landing when the wolf king's army withdrawn from the western border arrives at Harrenhal."

Tyrion said: "Across the narrow sea, Daenerys, mother of dragons, has begun to march on Westeros."

Ed said indifferently: "I know. Cersei will welcome a woman who is more beautiful and younger than her."

The night in Summerhall was overcast.

Stannis watched the ruins of Summerhall under the protection of the Paladin Chapter, the night sky was lit with torches.

Onion Knight Davos worried: "Your Majesty, coming to Midsummer Hall at night is simply an adventure. Giant bats and frost dragons may attack us at any time. Midsummer Hall is not Storm's End."

Melisandre said: "Onion Knight, don't worry, if the giant bats and frost dragons dare to come tonight, they will die!"

"Tonight's Midsummer Hall is destined to belong to blood and fire."

Melisandre lit the holy fire, and the flames, several feet high, licked the sky and shone on the ruins of Midsummer Hall.

Then, Melisandre began to chant to the holy fire.

"King of Light, shine on us! Because the night is long and dangerous everywhere!"

The screams of giant bats came from the air, and several giant bats flitted across the night sky.

Paladins such as Gaudy Falin, Justin Marseille, and Clutton Songer hurriedly drew arrows with their bows, fired flaming arrows, and attacked the giant bats in the sky.

However, unlike the dense phalanx of archers standing on the city wall of Storm's End, on the ruins of Summerhall, the flame arrows of the paladins attacked the giant bats in the air from the ground, the effect was very poor, and many arrows missed.

A few giant bats swooped down, grabbed the paladin with their horses and men, tore them apart in the air, and devoured them. There was a shower of blood in the air, and some severed limbs fell from the air.

There was chaos around, Stannis pulled out the flaming sword, and the hero's red sword sprinkled halos of light, red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

"Giant bat, feel the wrath of the Lord of Light!"

However, the holy light emitted by the burning sword failed to disperse the giant bats, but attracted the attack of the giant bats.

Several giant bats swooped down towards Stannis at the same time, and several knights around them were killed by the giant bats. Stannis and the onion knight ran away with their heads in their arms.

The Onion Knight and Stannis hid behind a boulder on the hill, and the Onion Knight said, "Your Majesty, I told you that this is madness, stupidity!"

"Melisandre will kill us!"

The red-robed girl Melisandre stood in front of the flame. There were more and more giant bats in the air. The flame looked like a giant. It danced along with Melisandre's singing. The giant bats in the air did not dare to provoke Melisandre beside the flame. , only caring about slaughtering the paladins on the side.

The great ruby ​​around Melisandre's neck drank the flames.

"Lord of Light, please send your servant to the world to fight against the slave of darkness!"

A halo tore through the night sky and shone on the ruins of Midsummer Hall. For a moment, Midsummer Hall began to tremble, and then, magma and flames tore apart the earth.

After the flames passed, a giant more than two meters tall stood up from the flames. His whole body was covered with flames, orange-yellow, blood-red flames, and his eyes were black, as black as an abyss.

Stannis and the onion knight were all dumbfounded, and the flame giant was waving a long flaming whip in his hand, burning blazingly.

Melisandre was dripping with sweat, "Your Majesty, your servant Balrog fought bloody battles for you!"

The Balrog let out a roar, he danced in the flames, the flame whip in his hand turned into more than a dozen flames, and tied the giant bat in the air.

The giant bat let out a burst of screams, burned, shattered, and died under the strangulation of the Balrog's whip.

Stannis' soldiers cheered.

"Long live Stannis!"

The Balrog easily cleared the sky of the giant bats, and then the Balrog knelt before Stannis, causing the ground to turn red.

"Your Majesty, your servant Gross, the Balrog, is willing to serve you."

"You are like a great furnace," said Stannis. "What fuels your fire?"

The Balrog said: "This is the fire of hell, and it is also the fire of truth to help His Majesty clear away the slaves of darkness."

Stannis finally has magical creatures that can fend off frost wyrms and dark bats, but why does the Onion Knight think Balrogs are as evil as necromancers?
Then, Melisandre activated the spell, and several ghosts appeared in the flames.

"Lord of Light, please resurrect the ghosts of Summerhall and fight for your servant Stannis!"

After a while, the tall and legendary Kingsguard "Duncan the Tall", Aegon V, Prince Dragonfry, Jeyne of Wild Rock City, Dr. Geldan, all came back to life. They rode burning horses, waving The Burning Sword, however, has the same face as a human.

The Onion Knight feels like living in a fairy tale. The story of Sir Duncan and Aegon traveling around the Seven Kingdoms, and the story of Prince Dragonfly and Jeyne of the Wild Rock City are well known to all women and children. Now, they are all resurrected in Summer Hall .

At the same time, seven pyromancers were resurrected.These people have sworn allegiance to Stannis in the name of the Lord of Light.

Stannis pondered for a while, "Duncan V is my grandma Lelei Targaryen's father, my ancestor. Melisandre, if you can resurrect Aegon V, why not resurrect my parents?"

"My parents died in Shipwreck Bay under Storm's End."

Melisandre said helplessly: "L'hllor, the Lord of Light, witnessed the flames of Midsummer Hall, but he did not witness the storm in Shipwreck Bay. Your Majesty, I am only a servant of the Lord of Light, and a tool of the Lord of Light. I cannot revive your parents."

"However, thanks to the illumination of the King of Light, Mingguang, I revived the Balrog."

"With the Balrog, Your Majesty is strong enough to fight against the Necromancer's Frost Dragon!"

 Thanks to Lin'an farmers, 20230209235819731, 3 Nashengshu 3, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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