Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 222 The Golden Group, the True Dragon Queen, Little Aegon

Chapter 222 The Golden Group, the True Dragon Queen, Little Aegon

Volantis guards the mouth of the Lorne River, which is the largest river in the known world. The Lorne River gave birth to the great Rhoyna civilization, and also gave birth to Volantis, the "Queen of the Lorne River", " Valyria's eldest daughter."

The town of Vironsus is just a satellite city to the west of Volantis, but its scale is larger than the old town and King's Landing. What's more terrifying is that the town of Valisa in the north and Sehoru town on the east bank of the Lorne River are also of the same scale. .

Daenerys' fleet arrives at the port in the town of Vilonses, where the fleet replenishes fresh water and food.

In Meereen, Volantis was once Daenerys' mortal enemy, because Daenerys' conquest in Slaver's Bay left a chain of smoking cities that severely disrupted the slave trade, therefore, Yunkai, The slave cities of Volantis, New Ghis, Taurus, Elia, and Qarth all united to besiege Daenerys, Queen of Meereen.

Now, Daenerys gave up Meereen and returned to Westeros with the Brotherhood of Freedom, the Beast Face Army, the Dothraki Tribe, the Unsullied Legion, the Stormcrows, and the Second Sons. Daenerys, the god of plague, took the initiative to provide fresh water, food and other supplies for Daenerys' fleet, and so did Volantis.

Outside the town of Veronsus, the Golden Company awaits Daenerys.

The Golden Company was founded by the noble illegitimate son of Aegon IV, "Cold Iron" Aigor River. After the Blackfyre Rebellion was suppressed by the Targaryen Dynasty, Aegor River took Daemon Blackfyre's descendants and fled to Essos, on the other side of the narrow sea, wandered in the free trade city-states such as Lys, Tyrosh, and Myr.

At that time, the nobles who followed Aegor River, in order to make a living, many knights joined the mercenary regiment and fought in the disputed land.Aegor Rivers was worried that there would be fewer families supporting the Blackfyre, so he formed the Golden Company.

Most of the wars of the Golden Company took place in disputed places. At first, these members all came from the nobles of Westeros and their descendants.

Nowadays, the Golden Group is becoming more and more international. There are people from different ethnic groups such as Midsummer Islanders, Dothraki, Iban, and Kohor. The number has reached 1. The descendants of the nobles of Westeros mainly.

The Golden Company is also recognized as the most powerful mercenary group in the Disputed Lands.Daenerys' Stormcrows and the Second Sons together only have more than 1000 members, but the Golden Group has more than 1 people, with 2000 knights, [-] attendants, more than [-] horses, and several hundred heads Elephant, also has a thousand archers.

Daenerys stood on the bow of the "Aegon the Conqueror", soldiers of the Free Brotherhood, were loading barrels of ale, wine and red wine, fresh water, bread and baskets of pumpkins and oranges onto the ship.

Varys had a flattering smile on his face, "Your Majesty, the ten thousand warriors of the Golden Company are ready to go, they will accept your leadership, follow the banner of the true dragon, and win back the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms for Her Majesty the Queen! "

Daenerys said coldly: "Back then, my brother Viserys once hosted a banquet for the commanders of the Golden Company in Tyrosh. Viserys asked them to win back the Iron Throne for him. As a result, these commanders enjoyed Viserys' feast, and mocked Viserys as a delusional beggar king."

Now the remains of Prince Viserys were put into an urn by Daenerys and brought back to Westeros.

Viserys was a manic and irritable person who often abused Daenerys in the last few years of his life, but Viserys had taken care of his younger sister after all, and now the Mother of Dragons returns to Wester with an army Luo, to seize the Iron Throne that the Beggar King brother dreams of and dreams of day and night, Daenerys will not leave her brother in a foreign country.

Khal Drogo, the horse king, crowned Viserys with molten gold, so Viserys's skull is well preserved, and Viserys' golden skull will return to Westeros with Daenerys' army.

This is very similar to the tradition of the Golden Company.Back then, Yige Hewen, the founder of the Golden Corps, asked the soldiers to cook off the flesh and blood on their skulls, plate them with gold, and put them on the top of the military flag. The Land of Stroll.

Subsequent heads of the regiment continued this tradition, and the gilded skull has become the emblem of the Golden Regiment.

Varys laughed and said, "The so-called commanders that Prince Viserys hosted were probably bluffers! The real commanders of the Golden Company have a lot of affection for real dragons, and many of them are from Westeros. Descendants of the nobility."

"Harry Strickland, the head of the Golden Regiment, will bring the commanders to see you soon. In addition, there are also our old friends, Illyrio, the governor of Pentos, Jon Clinton, the former prime minister, and Prince Rhaegar's son, Her Majesty's nephew, Prince Aegon the Dragon."

Is it Prince Bron?Daenerys became more and more convinced that Prince Aegon's identity was a fake. However, since Prince Aegon now has the support of the Golden Group, Daenerys would naturally not be able to directly expose Prince Aegon's identity.

Daenerys has three magic dragons, and when Daenerys wins the support of the Golden Group, she can naturally figure out the true identity of Prince Aegon.

Varys said: "In addition, there is a mysterious guest who will welcome Her Majesty the Queen and return to Westeros."

Daenerys was curious, "Who is it?"

Varys said: "A nobleman from Westeros, allow me to keep a little bit of suspense for Her Majesty the Queen!"

That afternoon, on a hill by the river, Gray Worm, Commander of the Unsullied, Ser Jorah Mormont, Queen's Ironguard, Strong Belwas, Commander of the Dothraki, Argo, Jhogo, Rakharo, Dario, the leader of the Stormcrows, and Brown Ben, the leader of the Second Sons, welcomed Prince Aegon and others together with Daenerys.

Jon Connington brought Illyrio, Harry Strickland, the head of the Golden Company, and a large group of Golden Company commanders to Daenerys.

Daenerys couldn't help wondering which of the crowd was her nephew, Prince Aegon.

Jon Connington was neatly shaven, with lines around his eyes and a determined face, and his red hair was beginning to turn grey.

"Your Majesty, I was once honored to be your father, Aerys II's former Prime Minister, and I was once a close friend of Prince Rhaegar. I have been wandering in the continent of Essos for many years, and I am always looking forward to returning to Victoria under the banner of the true dragon." Stroh, avenge Prince Rhaegar."

Daenerys said: "Ser Jon Connington, I have heard about your deeds. Did you know that Prince Rhaegar has been reborn in West?"

Jon Connington gritted his teeth, "That's right. Damn Cersei, resurrected Prince Rhaegar, and she drove Prince Rhaegar like a slave to darkness. Now that the undead are raging in Westeros, the people and nobles are looking forward to the death of the real dragon." Come back, we will definitely be able to rescue Prince Rhaegar."

The fat Governor Illyrio said: "Your Majesty, when you left Pentos with Khal Drogo, you were a little girl. Now, you are the Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Prairie. The one who breaks the shackles, Misha."

"Countless slave-holding city-states tremble at the name of Daenerys, Mother of Dragons. Soon, Westeros will feel the same fear."

Daenerys has mixed feelings for Magister Illyrio.At the beginning, it was Governor Illyrio who took in the desperate Viserys and Daenerys. Governor Illyrio sold Daenerys to Khal Drogo and gave Daenerys three at the wedding. dragon egg.

Illyrio is a friend and a speculator who sees the wind and the wind.

Daenerys smiled, "Governor Illyrio, you have always been my closest friend."

Subsequently, Jon Clinton introduced Daenerys to Harry Strickland, the leader of the Golden Company.

Harry Strickland, plump and kindly, looked more like a merchant than a warrior.Harry Strickland served as Treasurer of the Golden Company before being promoted to Captain.

Subsequently, Jon Connington introduced the commanders of the Golden Corps to Daenerys. These people all have famous surnames such as "Mulder", "Cole", "Pole", and "Peck".

The Mulder family used to be the king of the Riverlands, the Cole family produced "King Bearer" Christon Cole, and the Peake family participated in rebellions many times and was suppressed.

These are the descendants of the exiled nobles of Westeros, many of whose families have long since been dispossessed, and they are eager to follow the banner of the true dragon and win back the castles and lands of their ancestors.

Later, Varys attracted a plain-looking man in a silk coat.

"Your Majesty, this is the mysterious nobleman I mentioned to you, Prince Quentyn Martell from Dorne, the eldest son of the ruler of Dorne, Doran Martell."

Although Quentin Martell is the eldest son of Prince Doran, he is not the heir of Dorne. He also has a sister, Arianne.In Dorne, men and women have equal inheritance rights, and the oldest is the heir.

Prince Quentin was of short stature, of ordinary appearance, with a solid build, and a little silver in his black hair.

Seeing the prince of Dorne, Daenerys smiled.

"I know that Dorne fought to the last moment for the Targaryen family. My elder brother Rhaegar led the army at the Trident River. The main force was Dorne's soldiers."

Prince Quentin said: "Your Majesty, Dorne will continue to follow the banner of the real dragon. Dorne can bring 5 Dorne warriors to Her Majesty the Queen."

Daenerys wonders which true dragon Dorne will support?Prince Aegon called himself a dragon now, after all.If Prince Aegon is really the son of Prince Rhaegar, then Prince Aegon is the son of Princess Elia of Dorne, the nephew of Prince Doran, it is hard to imagine that Dorne will abandon Prince Aegon and fully support no blood relationship Daenerys.

Daenerys saw several Dorne nobles behind Prince Quentin, most of whom were the Yronwood family. Daenerys was curious: "Prince Quentin, how long have you been away from Dorne? Have you been with the Golden Company?" ?”

Prince Quentin said: "I just arrived at the camp of the Golden Group three days ago. This is a letter from my father, Prince Doran, who asked me to send it to Her Majesty the Queen. It contains Sir William Darry, the guardian of Dorn and Her Majesty the Queen. signed contract."

This move surprised even Varys, Jon Clinton and others. Obviously, Quentin Martell never mentioned the secret contract with the members of the Golden Group.

Queen Daenerys opened the letter, read it, and then looked at the yellowed contract.

Ser Jorah was curious. "My lord, what was written in the letter?"

"Fifteen years ago, when Sir William Darry took Viserys and I for refuge in Braavos, Prince Oberyn and Sir William Darry signed a secret deed, which was issued by Braavos. The Sea King of Foss testifies. The contract stipulates that Viserys will marry Princess Arianne of Dorne. In return, when Viserys lands in Westeros with an army to seize the Iron Throne, Dorne will support him with all his strength. "

Daenerys turned to Prince Quentyn.

"Unfortunately, my second brother Viserys was crowned with molten gold by my husband, Khal Drogo, in the holy city of Dothraki. He is dead and unable to marry your sister, Princess Arianne."

Prince Quentyn took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, what my father, Prince Doran, means is that since Viserys is dead, I should marry Her Majesty, and you and I will marry to continue this contract."

Dario immediately squeezed over and said contemptuously, "The Dragon Queen needs the company of a man, not a little boy like you."

The Dornish knights on the side immediately cursed, clamoring to kill the Tyroshi mercenaries.

How to reject the Dornishmen?Prince Quentin obviously does not meet Daenerys' mate selection criteria, but if he refuses, he may lose Dorne's support, and Daenerys is in trouble.

At this time, Varys rescued Daenerys.

The eunuch said in a sweet tone: "Prince Quentin, this contract is for Prince Viserys to marry Princess Arianne. Since Prince Viserys is dead, the contract has no choice but to be cancelled."

"Her Majesty is eager to marry Dorne, and is very satisfied with you, but, according to the tradition of the Targaryen family, Queen Daenerys should marry her nephew, the son of Prince Rhaegar, who is of the blood of the true dragon. , Prince Aegon!"

Illyrio said: "Yes! Her Majesty is the mother of dragons. It is the Valyrian blood that allowed Her Majesty to hatch the real dragon. Her Majesty's marriage should follow the Valyrian tradition."

Prince Quentin still refused to give up, "I also have the blood of Valyria and the blood of the true dragon. Back then, the wise king Daeron married his younger sister Daenerys to Prince Dorne through marriage. Therefore, the Martell family I have the blood of the Dragon King. I have the blood of the real dragon."

Ser Jorah said sullenly, "It's disrespectful for you to argue so openly about the queen's marriage."

At this time, the dragon Drogon, Rhaego, and Viserion flew across the sky, and the wings of the dragon covered the sky and the sun.

The members of the Golden Group, the nobles of Dorne, saw the magic dragon for the first time, everyone was dumbfounded, and some were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat.

Daenerys said coldly: "My marriage is an important matter, you can consider it slowly. I will not easily agree to Prince Quentyn's marriage proposal, nor will I marry my nephew Prince Aegon easily. You are all suitors, you can fair play."

"Where is my nephew, Prince Aegon?"

Magister Illyrio brought out Prince Aegon from the crowd.

Prince Aegon was lanky, well-proportioned, and handsome, with his violet eyes and long silver hair, strong proof of Valyrian blood.

The obese Governor Illyrio introduced: "This is Prince Aegon. He has been hunted and killed by predators all year round, and fled in the major free trade cities."

Prince Aegon smiled and said, "Queen Daenerys, I beg to marry you."

Even though Prince Aegon is a nephew and Daenerys is an aunt, Prince Aegon is a few months older than Daenerys - if that's really Prince Aegon.

Prince Aegon excitedly introduced his team to Daenerys. Sir Raleigh Duckfield was responsible for teaching Prince Aegon martial arts, Sister Lemore was responsible for teaching him the belief of the Seven Gods, and former Prime Minister Jon Clinton taught him military skills. Tactics, Maester Haldon taught him languages ​​and history.

"Auntie, I have been studying hard all these years, I hope you will be happy."

Daenerys was not happy after hearing this.As an exile, Prince Aegon's life is obviously much better than that of Daenerys. Those careerists found nuns, bachelors, and even the former prime minister for Prince Aegon to tutor him, while Daenerys and Wessey Reese could only hide and hide, begging around like a beggar.

If Viserys had the guidance of a bachelor and a nun, he would not have become such a madman.

Daenerys forced a smile, "Prince Aegon, you are very outstanding. I believe that Prince Rhaegar will be very proud of you."

Prince Aegon said sullenly: "Cersei, the bitch queen, resurrect my father, Prince Rhaegar, and make the noble Prince Rhaegar a death knight. I must personally lead the army to defeat the lackeys of Lannister and the Reaver. !"

Varys lamented: "Prince Aegon, Cersei has turned King's Landing into a city of the dead. He not only resurrected Prince Rhaegar, but also Robert the Snatcher was resurrected by Cersei and transformed into a storm of death. "

Prince Aegon clenched his fists. "I will kill Deathstorm myself, and avenge my father, Prince Rhaegar."

Daenerys found that Prince Aegon was as immature as grass, sloppy, reckless, like a child, thinking that he was powerful and invincible.

Prince Aegon may have been carefully cultivated by bachelors, monks, and knights. However, Daenerys has experienced the betrayal and miscarriage of the witch and witch.

She hatched the dragon from the flames, and she led the dilapidated Dothraki tribe out of the red wasteland, conquered a series of cities in the slave bay, and made the slave owners all over the world tremble.

This kind of experience is something that Prince Aegon can't learn in his whole life.

If Prince Aegon was a cloth dragon carefully crafted by careerists, he would be vulnerable to a real dragon.

Daenerys was instantly confident. She said to the members of the Golden Group: "Many of your ancestors lost their fiefs and homes because they participated in the rebellion. You are homeless. I will take you home."

Daenerys then turned to Prince Quentyn.

"Dorne will fight side by side with the real dragon. In return, I will definitely reward Prince Quentin's territory and castle."

Daenerys' dragon roared, and the Golden Company and the nobles of Dorne cheered in unison.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Mother of Dragons!"

Varys, Illyrio was obviously a little uneasy, Daenerys said: "We are about to return to Westeros, so, where should we choose? As a landing point?"

Prince Quentin said: "Dorne is the perfect landing point. Dorne can directly threaten the Stormlands and the Reach. Relying on the dragon and the Dorne warriors, we can easily capture large areas of the Reach and the Stormlands. Go north, and kill Eddard, Lannister, the Reaver's lackey."

Harry Strickland, head of the Golden Regiment, said: "I suggest directly attacking White Harbor, Seagull Town, and attacking the North and the Valley. Wolf King Ed is already a dominant force in Westeros. Now Wolf King Ed is in the river The land is facing off against the Lannister undead army in King's Landing, and the northern border and the valley are relatively defenseless."

"The northern border is the heart of Stark. Wolf King Ed has built the northern border into a fertile land with sufficient food and countless armor and weapons. If we occupy the northern border, we will be able to shake Stark's rule and compete with Lannister in the south. North and South encroach on the Stark lands."

"It's nothing to worry about killing Ed the wolf king, Lannister, and Tyrell first."

Jon Clinton was very dissatisfied with this proposal.

"If you want to win the support of the followers of the Seven Gods, you must first deal with Joffrey and Cersei who have blasphemed the Seven Gods in King's Landing."

"Now that the undead are raging, it is too unwise to go to war with Stark. We should unite with Stark to capture the Narrow Sea Islands first, and then defeat Cersei of King's Landing. After capturing the Iron Throne, the Targaryen family's rule is justified. Then divide and divide the nobles of the western region, the valley, and the river, and defeat the Starks."

 Thank you for being lonely alone, pigeons in the flames of war, farmers in Lin'an, 20220427171134201, whether there is a sofa or not, the monthly pass given out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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