Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 223 The Balrog Fights the Frost Dragon, Tywin Arrives in King's Landing

Chapter 223 The Balrog Fights the Frost Dragon, Tywin Arrives in King's Landing

Sir Barristan, Young Wolf Lord Robb, Theon, Prince Oberyn the Red Viper, Sandor the Hound and other commanders arrived at Harrenhal.

Behind him is the skinchanger Eagle King McCain, Bear King Byers, the Golden Girl, the Lynx Woman Thorn, the Goat Girl Gisela, the Saber-toothed Tiger Warrior Tiger, Samantha riding a moa, and Polo riding a wild boar and others.

Mighty Mag, king of giants, led dozens of giants, riding a mammoth, and was at the end of the procession.

Eagle King McCain had the sharpest eyes. He relied on falcons, owls and eagles to scout, and was the first to discover the forts on the walls of Harrenhal.

"What it is?"

Prince Oberyn, the Red Viper, cast a shade with his hands, and glanced at the battery.

"This thing looks a lot like a larger Mill telescope. I speculate that it is used to observe the stars or detect the enemy's situation."

Eagle King McCain was not convinced.

"My apprentice Kanu is carrying the birds and is in charge of scouting at Harrenhal. Do we still need to use binoculars for scouting here?"

The gate of Harrenhal opened slowly, and Ed, the wolf king, Caitlin, accompanied by Brienne, Syrio Forel, Aegis Zeus, Black and White Bear, and Direwolf, came to welcome Robb in person.

The magic dragon, flying wolf, koi, and eagle eye appeared in the air, and the army of the wolf king burst into cheers.

The leader of the wildlings, the shapechangers, surrounded the wolf king Ed,
Ed Wolf King looked around the crowd, "Warriors, you are the ones who conquered the West for Stark."

Robb said: "Father, Sir Brynden Tully, the black fish, as the governor of the Westland appointed by the wolf king Eddard, stayed in the Westland with Bronze Yon, Sir Balon Swann."

"Today, there are Stark Manor and military settlements on the Golden Avenue, Binhai Avenue, and Hejian Avenue in the west."

"The Lannisters of Lannisport, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and the relatives of the Lannister family have all been relocated to the northern border. They will be placed in the Juntun Manor of the Great Wall."

Sir Barristan said: "Your Highness Wolf, according to your order, today we brought an army of [-] wolf kings to Harrenhal, and another [-] army of wolf kings came from the north, the riverlands, and the valley. Placed in Shitang Town, Earl Harroway's Town, Noble Heart Wolf Castle Noble City, Ruby Beach Wolf Castle Cross City, Saltpan Town, Maiden Spring City and other places."

"Good job," Ed said.

Robb, the young wolf lord, was a little confused.

"Father, the army of the undead has been threatening Harrenhal. Shouldn't our army concentrate our forces and march into King's Landing immediately? Why are the army dispersed in various military camps in the riverlands?"

Ed said: "Fighting against the undead army, a large number of people is not necessarily an advantage, it may become a burden, because the undead can pass through the corpses and continue to create blue-eyed ghouls."

"I will go out with elite troops and will not use crowd tactics."

Sean leaned over.

"Your Highness Wolf, I heard in the western region that my second uncle, Crow's Eye, attacked the Three Sisters Islands."

Ed nodded slightly, "Yes, Euron the Crow's Eye attacked the Three Sisters Islands, took away the Horn of the Waves from the Temple of the Sisters, and then led the pirate fleet south to plunder the castle of Earl Celtiga on Crab Island, Many valuable possessions were taken, including a Kraken's horn."

"I heard from the sea that Euron Crow's Eye's pirate fleet has circled the coast of Dorne, bypassed the Arbor Island, Old Town and the Shield Islands, and headed towards the Iron Islands."

Theon frowned, "The Crow's Eye had an affair with my third uncle Victarion's salt concubine, and my father, King Balon, exiled the Crow's Eye. If Euron Crow's Eye dared to return to the Iron Islands, my father would definitely take his life."

Ed said indifferently: "Then, the Crow's Eye is no longer the one who was exiled by King Balon back then. The Crow's Eye now works with wizards from the East, and the bright red hull of the Serenity is painted with blood."

"With all due respect, Euron Crow's Eye is more dangerous than your father, King Balon. Euron Crow's Eye returned to the Iron Islands with a high probability to snatch the position of Seastone."

Theon worried: "So, isn't my father, King Balon, in danger?"

Before that, King Balon sent the Iron Fleet to aggressively attack the Northern Territory. The governor of the Northern Territory, Jon Snow, set fire to the Heat Wave River, and the Iron Fleet was almost wiped out, including Harlaw's leader "The Reader" Rodrik, "Cleft Palate" "Dagmer, the captain of Botley in King's Harbor, and other ironborn captains were taken prisoner.

Now, the Crow's Eye brought his witchcraft and pirate fleet to the Iron Islands with mysterious witchcraft, and Theon felt a little uneasy.

Ed put his hands on Theon's shoulders, "Don't worry, King Balon is protected by the Drowned God, Euron Crow's Eye may not be able to succeed."

"Theon, you are the only surviving son of King Balon, and the seat of Seastone should be passed on to you according to the law."

"If the Crow's Eye tries to get involved in the Seastone Seat, I will send out an army to wipe it out."

Theon was greatly moved, "Your Highness Wolf, I will definitely be loyal and repay His Highness Wolf's respect."

"May I write to warn my father, King Balon? I want to remind my father that Euron Crow's Eye has returned with a wicked witchcraft, and is about to return to the Iron Islands."

Ed nodded, "Of course."

King Balon is old, and if the Crow's Eye succeeds in sneak attacking, the Crow's Eye may have the Iron Islands in his pocket without much trouble.

Let Theon warn King Balon. After receiving the reminder, King Balon should beware of the Crow's Eye. There is a high probability that Crow's Eye and King Balon will have a bloody fight in the Iron Islands. The fight between the golden sea monsters will make the direwolves win profit.

Prince Oberyn came to Eddard's side.

"Your Highness Wolf, what is the iron pipe on the top of the city?"

Ed smiled and said, "That's the fort. The thing on the fort is a cannon. The cannon fired shells and repelled the undead frost dragon."

Robb, Prince Oberyn, Ser Barristan, and others were horrified.

Prince Oberyn frowned, "The war at Harrenhal is indeed much more tragic than that in the Western Region! The undead resurrected the frost dragon?"

Ed nodded, "Wormythor, the Bronze Wrath of King Jaehaerys I of Renrui, and the Dreamfire of Princess Rhaena, sister of King Renrui, appeared in the riverland. Queen Trixane, Sea Smoke, rages in the Stormlands."

"I wouldn't be surprised if the necromancer Ogbeta revived Balerion."

Prince Oberyn was depressed.

"So, as long as Cersei, the queen of the corpse, has the remains of the dragon, she has a chance to resurrect the dragon? Alas! When Dorne fought against Aegon the Conqueror, he shot down Queen Rhaenys's dragon Mira at Hellgate Castle. Sith, and then Dorne returned the skull of Milaxes to King's Landing. The wise king Daeron married his sister to Dorne. After Dorne merged into the Seven Kingdoms, he returned all the remains of Milaxes King's Landing."

"If I knew that the keel could resurrect the Frost Dragon, Dorne should have kept the remains of Meraxes."

Barristan's attention had been fixed on the forts on the ramparts.

"Your Highness Wolf, you said that the cannon can fight the Frost Dragon? How did you do it?"

Afterwards, Ed the wolf king clapped his hands, and the musketeers Arya and Tyrion came to the crowd with muskets in their arms.

They fired muskets, and the stones tens of meters away shattered. Robb, Prince Oberyn, Ser Barristan, Sandor the Hound and others were shocked.

Sandor the Hound said roughly, "How is this possible?"

Ed said indifferently: "This is just a musket, and the power of the cannon is much greater."

Tyrion smirked. "Gunpowder will end knights and cold weapons. Ser Barristan, the Hound, you are brave with swords alone. Dwarfs stand no chance against you."

"But the dwarf has muskets, and you have swords and shields. The dwarf can easily defeat you."

Barristan sighed, "This is really a magical age. A knight's sword cannot compete with a wizard's magic staff, nor can it compete with gunpowder muskets and cannons."

"The skills that knights have spent decades of hard training and earned are so vulnerable."

Eddard took Ser Barristan's wrist.

"Weapons may be updated and iterated, but chivalry will be passed on."

Today, Ed has sent alchemists to set up military factories in Wolf's Castle Cross City, Griffin City in the Valley, Seagull Town, White Harbor in the North, Winterfell, and the Great Wall to manufacture gunpowder, guns, and artillery.

In Ed's plan, in the future, in the north, the valley, the west, and the riverlands, every fortress and port will set up forts, and musketeers will be set up everywhere.

In the future, the ships of the Wolf King's fleet in the northern region, the river land, the western region, and the valley will all be equipped with cannons. In this way, the Wolf King's fleet can easily dominate the sea, whether it is the Qingting Island fleet, the Royal Fleet, the Iron Islands fleet, or even It is the fleet of the sea king, and it cannot confront the wolf king's fleet equipped with cannons.

Edron the Wolf King said: "Winter is coming. When winter arrives, the White Walkers beyond the Wall will definitely go south. The Night King's army is about to move, and there are dragon remains in King's Landing. The longer the time drags on, Cersei's Frost Dragon will die." There will be more and more."

"I decided to march to King's Landing immediately to purify the land cursed by the Frost Dragon!"

When Stannis came to the city of Storm's End with the Paladins, Robert, the Death Storm, was attacking the majestic Storm's End with the Frost Dragon and giant bats.

The Blue Queen Trixane, Haiyan's size is only one-third of the Bronze Wrath Vermythor's. It doesn't look that scary, but the destructive power of the Frost Dragon still cannot be underestimated.

The speed of these two giant frost dragons was very fast. They sprayed out ice dragon flames. The crossbowman on the city wall was hit by the ice dragon flames and died screaming.

The giant bat swooped over Storm's End, snatched up a dozen soldiers, and flung them into the air, crashing off the walls.

More and more defenders fell from the city wall.

Stannis and Deathstorm meet at Storm's End.

Deathstorm rode on a rotting horse, "Stannis, I am your brother and your king. Storm's End should submit to me!"

"Fighting against the cold god, there will be no good results if you persist in the corner. You have also seen that your soldiers can't fight against the frost dragon at all!"

Stannis drew the flaming sword, "Not necessarily!"

"Blaze Demon Gross, listen to my orders and destroy the slaves of the cold god's darkness!"

The ground trembled, and the flame demon Gross, who was covered in orange, yellow, and red flames, tore through the ground and got out. He waved the burning whip, and instantly strangled a dozen giant bats. The giant bats screamed, burned, and shattered. Other giant bats fled screaming to the sea or north.

The Balrog Gross threw a fireball at the blue queen and sea smoke of the frost dragon in the air, and the wings of the frost dragon started to burn, so he fled to the north screaming.

The death storm was shocked. He waved the skull hammer, and the corpses of soldiers under the city wall instantly turned into blue-eyed dead men, attacking the Balrog.

The Balrog smiled slightly, and some unresurrected corpses turned into flame slaves with burning flames in their eyes, and fought together with the resurrected ghouls from the death storm.

Death Storm sullenly said, "What kind of monster is this?"

The red robed woman Melisandre said: "This is a gift from R'hllor, the Lord of Light, to His Majesty Stannis, Balrog. Deathstorm, you slaves of darkness, cannot compete with the warrior of light, Balrog!"

Furious, Deathstorm swung his hammer and charged at Stannis.

The "tall" Sir Duncan on the side, wearing a flaming armor, riding a flaming steed, holding a flaming sword, intercepted the death storm and fought.

Deathstorm respected heroes and warriors the most during his lifetime. When he saw this big Burning Knight, he was extremely brave and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

Sir Duncan said: "I used to be Captain of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall, by the light of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and Melisandre, the red lady, gave me the fire of life, resurrected me and reborn for the light. Fight the flames against you slaves of darkness."

Death Storm said depressedly: "The necromancer once tried to revive you in Midsummer Hall, but unexpectedly, the red-robed woman Melisandre took the lead."

Sir Duncan used the flaming sword to block the hammer of the death storm. The hammer was covered with frost, and the flaming sword was wrapped in flames. Ice and fire continued to fight.

Sir Duncan said seriously: "Back then, at the castle of Storm's End, I defeated your ancestors, Duke Leonor of the Laughing Storm, and Deathstorm, you are no match for me!"

The Balrog Gross continued to slaughter the giant bats and ghouls on the battlefield. There were fewer and fewer ghouls on the battlefield, but more and more flame slaves were resurrected by the Balrog.

Deathstorm fought with Sir Duncan. At this time, Prince Aegon V, the Burning Warrior Dragonfry, and Jeyne of Blindstone City, entered the battle and besieged Deathstorm.The death storm couldn't stop them, so they had to spread their legs and fled to the north.

Stannis looked at Gros the Balrog.

"You are worthy of being a warrior sent by R'hllor, the Lord of Light. No matter whether it is a frost dragon, a giant bat, a death knight or a ghoul, they cannot compete with you."

The Balrog Gross said humbly: "Your Majesty, in a duel with the undead, in the final analysis, as long as my flame can suppress the Frost Dragon, we can win. Conversely, if the Frost Dragon's ice is colder, I will be defeated or even fall." .”

"Queen Lan, Haiyan is a smaller Frost Dragon. If it were Bronze Fury or Dreamfire, I might not be able to win."

Stannis pointed to the fire slaves with fire in their eyes.

"What should these flame slaves do?"

The Balrog said: "Your Majesty, the Flame Slave will fight for His Majesty. Your Majesty can use the Flame Slave to fight against ghouls. I want to return to Your Majesty and drink the fire from the center of the earth, so as to keep the flames burning!"

The ground trembled for a while, and the Balrog Gross got into the ground. The ground was scorched red by the flames, and it took a long time for the temperature to return to normal.

Stannis looked at the hundreds of fire slaves before him.

"These are good knights and soldiers who followed me. I didn't expect that after they died, they would be resurrected by R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and become flame slaves, fighting for me."

The Onion Knight said worriedly: "Your Majesty, with all due respect, the Flame Slaves are as evil as the ghouls. Everyone is mortal and deserves to rest in peace after death. If we resurrect the dead to fight for ourselves, we will be as depraved and evil as the undead."

Melisandre, the red-robed woman, smiled.

"Onion Knight, you are a kind woman. If we don't resurrect the corpses and turn them into flame slaves, the undead will resurrect them and turn them into ghouls."

"Like the ghosts in Summerhall, if I hadn't revived them first, the necromancer would have revived them and become slaves to darkness."

"This is a duel between light and darkness, ice and fire, life and death. If we lose, all the fireworks in the world will be extinguished. This is a war that all human beings cannot afford to lose.

Lord Tywin, James, and Kevan took Jilian's Laughing Lion, entered Blackwater Bay, and headed for King's Landing.

The Royal Fleet blocked Blackwater Bay, and the surrounding Dragonstone Island, Tidehead Island, and the sharp point on Cape Marseille were all Stannis' territory.

"We should change to a smaller boat to complete the smuggling." When the boat entered Blackwater Bay at night, Duke Tywin suggested, "The big ship Laughing Lion will definitely be discovered, and only a small boat has a chance to enter King's Landing."

Jillian smiled and shook his head.

"Brother, if you want to use a small boat to smuggle people, you must have an excellent smuggler like the Onion Knight. Don't worry, the Laughing Lion will arrive smoothly."

James stroked his swordbelt uneasily.

"Uncle Jillian, how can you be so sure?"

Jillian put his arms around the waist of his wife Grace, "Grace saw it in the crystal ball."

Grace, with honey-colored hair, was wearing a crystal-colored long dress, and her round body looked extraordinarily charming. This witch was playing with a crystal ball all the time.

Along the way, the Laughing Lion had a tailwind, and James, Tywin, and Kevan all felt that Grace could control the direction of the wind.

Jilian can laugh and laugh, but he doesn't have any body temperature. Taiwen and Kevan once suspected that Jilian is also an undead, but Jilian is not afraid of fire, and he can drink and eat meat by the brazier.

The undead don't need to eat or drink. Jilian is obviously not an undead, but he probably became like this because he encountered some kind of mysterious force.

Grace stared at the crystal ball and said: "The Royal Fleet in Blackwater Bay is often attacked by giant bats in King's Landing. Many ships are hiding on Tidehead Island, Dragonstone Island, and Wonderful Harbor. Stannis' Royal Fleet is right. The control of Blackwater Bay is not as strong as imagined."

James looked at the crystal ball curiously.

"There are no illusions on the crystal ball, how do you know?"

Grace smiled sweetly.

"Sir Jaime, of course the crystal ball has illusions, but you can't see it. I was in the Crystal Palace on the bottom of Yidi, learning from the dragon girl and communicating with the mermaid of the summer sea. Only then did I learn the skills of the crystal ball and the ocean. magic."

James was shocked, "The Crystal Palace under the sea? This is incredible."

Duke Tywin said indifferently: "Thinking about the resurrected Prince Rhaegar, the death storm Robert, the undead everywhere, and the reborn dragon, I don't doubt Grace's legendary experience at all."

Grace said gently: "Duke Tywin obviously knows more about witchcraft."

Sir Kevan said: "In the Western Region, there was a golden witch who served Lannister. However, after she was captured by the wolf king's army, she immediately joined Stark. Now, she is serving under the tent of the wolf king Ed. .”

Duke Tywin was displeased, "Kevon, Grace is Jillian's wife, our younger siblings, how could it be comparable to the Golden Girls? Grace is a member of Lannister."

Grace smiled: "Duke Tywin really has a tongue like honey, it's so sweet to be recognized by Duke Tywin and become a member of Lannister!"

In fact, Duke Tywin doesn't trust Grace at all, but he needs the power of the witch to regain the West and defeat Stark and Stannis.

James clenched his fists. "Ogbeta, the necromancer, bewitched Cersei, blasphemed the seven gods, and controlled the government. I must kill him!"

Duke Tywin said: "James, you are too reckless to do this. The correct way is to use the necromancer to help Lannister win back the West, win the Iron Throne and this war."

Grace said: "Duke Tywin is right. King's Landing is headed by the necromancer Ogbeta, and the undead are powerful. Lannister must not conflict with the necromancer."

Jilian said: "We should fight for Queen Cersei. With the support of Queen Cersei, Lannister can use the undead to wipe out our enemies."

King's Landing Throne Hall, Cersei sat on the Iron Throne puffed up.

"Ogbetta, didn't you say that with the Frost Dragon, Edd the Wolf King of Harrenhal and Stannis of Storm's End could be easily defeated?"

"As a result, the frost dragon Dreamfire and Vermythor were repelled by the wolf king Ed's artillery, and Stannis of Storm's End used the Balrog to easily defeat the blue queen Trixane, Haiyan."

The necromancer Ogbeta apologized: "Your Majesty, the plan can't keep up with the changes. I didn't expect that Ed, the wolf king, would prepare such a powerful weapon as a cannon, and I didn't expect that Stannis would summon the Balrog to fight against the frost in Midsummer Hall." Dragon."

Cersei said angrily, "Didn't you go to the Summer Hall? Why didn't you notice the Balrog underground?"

The necromancer Ogbeta had a flattering smile.

"Your Majesty, flame is the mortal enemy of ice. Our undead belong to ice magic, and are mortal enemies with flame. How could I know that there is still a Balrog in the center of Midsummer Hall?"

"I went to Midsummer Hall to revive the ghosts of Midsummer Hall."

Cersei said depressedly: "As a result, the red-robed woman Melisandre resurrected the ghosts of Summerhall! Sir Duncan, Prince Dragonfry, Jeyne of Blightstone City, and Aegon V, all resurrected! They became Burning Warriors."

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. The real threat is nothing more than the artillery of the wolf king Ed, the Balrog, and the burning warriors cannot control the situation of the battle."

"This is destined to be a short autumn, and winter is coming soon. The Night King has assembled an army in the land of eternal winter, and is ready to go south to attack the Great Wall at any time."

"I will resurrect more frost dragons. At that time, the Balrog is doomed to be unable to fight the frost dragons."

Cersei opened her nostrils, "I ask you, order the Night King to go out for me as soon as possible! If he fails to lead his troops well, I will replace him. Prince Rhaegar and Deathstorm can replace the Night King."

In Cersei's view, the Night King is the servant given to her by the cold god, and she never takes the Night King seriously.

Whenever Cersei overestimated herself, she would look cute, and the necromancer had to suppress a smile.

"That's natural. Of course, Her Majesty the Queen Mother has the ability to judge the Night King."

"In addition, Your Majesty, I saw in the darkness that your father, Lord Tywin, Sir James, Uncle Kevan and others will arrive in King's Landing soon."

Cersei sneered.

"They lost the West Territory, Casterly Rock City, Lannisport, and the Lannister family business in disgrace, and then came to King's Landing to join me? When I was in King's Landing and asked for help from the West Territory, they didn't send a single soldier. Come and support me."

Ogbeta, the necromancer, showed a sinister smile.

"Your Majesty, why don't I send giant bats, kill them, and then resurrect them to become servants of darkness, so that these people will all become servants of Queen Cersei."

Cersei shook her head, "Forget it! After all, they are my relatives, and blood is thicker than water."

Necromancer Ogbeta lowered his voice, "Your Majesty, I saw in the vision that your uncle Jillian is also in the team, and his Laughing Lion is carrying your relatives."

Cersei was amazed.

"Shortly after I married Robert, Uncle Jillian took the Laughing Lion on an adventure to the East, saying that he was going to retrieve Lannister's Valyrian steel sword, Lightscream. He had been missing for many years. I always thought He's dead, but he's still alive."

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Your Majesty should be alert to this Jillian and his witch wife. The cold god has already sent us a warning in the dark phantom."

At the Port of Mudgate, Cersei and the necromancer Ogbetta welcome Tywin, Jaime, Sir Kevan and others together.

Cersei wore a crimson dress and wore a moonstone and sapphire necklace around her neck, which was extremely gorgeous. In contrast, Tywin, Jaime, Kevan and others were much poorer, having sailed at sea for so many days , Everyone smells fishy.

Lord Tywin said: "Cersei, it's good to see you."

Cersei squeezed out a smile, "Father, when I was surrounded by Stannis' army in King's Landing and asked for help from the West, I hoped day and night that Jaime would bring the Lannister army to rescue me, but unfortunately, no army came. Presumably, father, he didn't receive the letter from Raven?"

Duke Tywin sighed, "I did receive the letter at the time, but it's a pity that I couldn't mobilize troops."

Cersei snorted softly, "In the end, you lost the entire Western Territory, and the direwolves took everything from the Lannisters in the Western Territory. Did you think of the Lannisters in King's Landing?"

James said angrily: "Sister, you are in King's Landing, killing and blaspheming the seven gods. The archbishop rebuilt the church in Old Town, openly calling on the knights and seven gods believers all over the world to overthrow the rule of Lannister. The knights defected in droves, and we lost the battle. All of this is your fault. Are you crazy? You actually killed the disciples of the Seven Gods?"

Cersei sneered, "Brother, I am the Queen Mother, I can do whatever I want, you dare to accuse me? Have you forgotten who I am?"

Sir Kevan said: "Cersei, Jaime, now that Lannister has lost the West, our blood relatives were escorted to the Great Wall by Stark, Eddard, the wolf king, stationed troops at Harrenhal, Stannis walked in the storm, Lannister It would be unwise to fight each other, and we Lannisters need to unite against the Starks and Stannis."

Jilian leaned over, "Yes, Cersei is the supreme queen and the well-deserved leader of Lannister. We must support Queen Cersei unconditionally."

Cersei looked at the thin Jillian, "Uncle Jillian, you still can talk. You came back from an adventure. After all these years, I have been worried about you to death."

"Have you ever found the Lannister clan sword?"

Ji Lian offered the sword Guangxiao with both hands.

"This is the sword of the kings of Casterly Rock. I found him from the ruins of Valyria. The wizard wandering in the ruins of Valyria told me that this sword should be worn by Queen Cersei of Lannister."

"I came across mountains and seas just to dedicate the sword to Her Majesty the Queen Mother!"

Queen Cersei took hold of the sword, and suddenly felt as great as the ancient King of the Rock.Cersei has always dreamed of being a man, the supreme king, the lion king of the Lannister lions.Every word Jilian said entered Cersei's heart.

"Uncle Jillian, you are so considerate, I have decided to appoint you as my sea minister!"

Later, Jillian introduced Grace to Cersei.

"This is the wife Grace I married during my adventure. She is a witch from the East and has powerful magical powers."

Grace said humbly: "I am willing to serve Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

 Thanks to Mo Zi, the loneliness of being alone, the monthly pass I sent out, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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