Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 224 Tyrant Joffrey, Meraxes

Chapter 224 Tyrant Joffrey, Meraxes
King's Landing, Throne Hall, Joffrey sits on the hideous Iron Throne, pus dripping from the scar on his brow.

Cersei sat next to Joffrey, holding the Lannister ancestral sword, Light Howl, in her hand.

Flame Nulustu, Black King Tabit, and the brothers of the Kingsguard were lined up around the Iron Throne. James was surprised to notice that the pure white coat of arms of the sworn brothers had all been replaced with terrifying skulls.

On both sides of the hall, dozens of black-robed soldiers stood, all of them were followers of the Cold God.

Lancel, commander of the black cloaks, hugged Ser Kevan.

"Father, I can finally be reunited with you. I was worried that you would die in battle."

Ser Kevan stroked Lancel's sandy brown hair, "I've been worried about you, too."

Ser Kevan heaved a sigh of relief to see that Lancel hadn't turned into a wraith.

Duke Tywin, Kevan, and James, seeing the cauldron in the middle of the Iron Throne filled with white bones and smiling skeletons, couldn't help being secretly startled.

There was a bright smile on Jilian's face. He and her witch wife, Grace, had seen the situation in King's Landing from the crystal ball a long time ago, so they were not surprised by the bones in the throne room.

Jaime raised his voice, "These are the bones of followers of the Seven Gods? Why are you so depraved? The throne room is full of corpses. Even the cruel Maegor, Aegon the King, and Aerys the Mad King are not as depraved as you."

Cersei smiled slightly and said, "Sir Jaime, King's Landing has long been a city of the dead. To tell you the truth, this place has been cleaned. It is usually full of bloody corpses, full of crows and flies."

James said angrily: "Crueling life will never win the love of nobles and commoners."

Joffrey showed a ferocious smile, "No, I'd rather let commoners and nobles be afraid of you than be loved by them. Kingslayer, you once slaughtered the mad king Aerys who was sworn to guard by the Kingsguard in the Throne Hall, are you An oath breaker, a chameleon, a man who treats honor as shit, let alone the love of the people."

"I heard that the little devil uncle became a traitor, and now he is a dog next to the wolf king Ed. Uncle Kingslayer, do you want to follow in the little devil's footsteps and become a traitor to Lannister?"

"I heard that my hunting dog, Sandor, is also working for the wolf king Ed. I will kill the hunting dog Sandor and the little devil myself!"

Looking at Joffrey's cruel face, James regretted having an affair with Cersei and gave birth to Joffrey, a cruel beast.

Tywin cleared his throat, "Your Majesty, let's not talk about how you treated the followers of the Seven Gods before, and let him pass on the past. However, I suggest that you don't harm the followers of the Seven Gods in the future."

The necromancer Ogbeta showed a scarlet and terrifying smile.

"Duke Tywin, no one wants to kill the disciples of the Seven Gods. It's just that dark magic is needed to resurrect the frost dragon and manipulate the undead army. Killing these disciples of the Seven Gods, their fear and screams before death can be transformed into dark magic .”

Duke Tywin said: "In the area south of the Neck, the Seven Gods have the most believers. If you offend the church and the Seven Gods believers, Lannister will not be able to win this war."

Joffrey raised his voice, "Duke Tywin, under your leadership, Lannister lost the West, lost Casterly Rock, and Lannisport. In the past thousands of years, whether Lannister was King of Casterly Rock, The era, or the era of the Duke of Lannister, firmly controlled the Westland."

"But you lost the western border in the war with the direwolves. You are a loser, so don't teach others how to win this war."

Being so humiliated by the 14-year-old kid king Joffrey, Tywin really wanted to strangle Joffrey to death.

But now, Tywin is here to join Cersei and Joffrey, and he still wants to rely on King's Landing's undead army to take back the West, plus the throne room is full of black-cloaked cold god believers, plus that gloomy Ogbetta, the dreadful necromancer, Lord Tywin dared not offend Joffrey, so he had to hold back his anger.

Jillian took a step forward, a broad smile on his face.

"Your Majesty Joffrey, there is no need to be so harsh on your grandfather, Duke Tywin. Victory and defeat are common occurrences. Although Lannister lost the West, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Joffrey, the enemy will definitely be wiped out. , to take back the Western Territory."

"Your Majesty, history has pushed you to the stage. This is a great opportunity for His Majesty Joffrey to make contributions and rebuild the country."

Joffrey was very satisfied, "It's better that you are more discerning, and I'm going to personally conquer."

Cersei cleared her throat, "Joffrey, I ruled the Seven Kingdoms before you came of age. As a king, you are a man of gold, how can you easily face your enemies?"

Sir Kevan said: "Your Majesty, we should immediately re-establish the Imperial Council. I suggest that Duke Tywin be appointed Prime Minister, Hand of the King."

Cersei narrowed her eyes, "You are all my relatives, I can absorb all of you into the imperial council, but I want to remind you that the duty of the imperial council is to assist me and you must obey my orders. Anyone who dares to disobey I order, I will never be polite."

Ji Lian laughed and said, "The imperial meeting must be for the Queen Mother Regent. Don't worry, Your Majesty the Queen Mother. We Lannisters will definitely be your most humble servants."

The skeleton scepter of the necromancer Ogbeta emitted bursts of blood, and he had a sly smile.

"It would be great if all Lannisters could convert to the faith of the cold god and follow the great cold god together. The army of the cold god can help Lannister to take back the western border."

Sir Kevan and Duke Tywin glanced at each other. James gritted his teeth and was about to draw his sword. Jillian stopped James and said first: "The Cold God is the only true God in my mind. We are willing to convert to the Cold God."

Cersei grinned wickedly.

"Are you all willing to become followers of the Cold God?"

Lord Tywin and Ser Kevan could only vaguely agree with "yes".

The necromancer Ogbeta said with a smirk: "Everyone seems to be insincere. I know that even if you see giant bats and skeleton warriors, you still have doubts about the power of the cold god."

Duke Tywin looked around in embarrassment, "We have doubts, I haven't seen the resurrected Prince Rhaegar, I haven't seen Robert the Deathstorm, and I haven't seen the resurrected Frost Dragon."

The necromancer Ogbeta explained with a smile, "Prince Rhaegar fought on the riverland battlefield, and Deathstorm fought on the stormland. The fertile soil has turned into a cursed land."

"The ice dragon Haiyan and the blue queen Trixane encountered a small setback in their attack on Stannis' Storm's End. They have already retreated to the Royal Forest."

Duke Tywin was shocked, "Stannis has a weapon that can rival the Frost Dragon?"

Cersei said: "Stannis's red-robed woman Melisandre summoned the Balrog in the Summer Hall. The Balrog is the nemesis of the undead army. The Blue Queen and Sea Smoke lost to the Balrog."

"Jaime has been attacking me for sacrificing followers of the seven gods to the cold god, but Melisandre, the red-robed woman under Stannis, has been sacrificing living people to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. If I Without sacrificing the lives of the disciples of the Seven Gods and pleasing the Cold God, we have already lost to Stannis, the disciple of the Lord of Light."

The necromancer said: "Don't forget, the wolf king Ed of Harrenhal is more powerful. The wolf king Ed invented the artillery, which is powerful. With the dragon, the griffin and the giant eagle, even the frost dragon can hardly match the army of the wolf king." contend."

"In addition, we have a strong opponent who is marching towards Westeros, that is Daenerys, the mother of dragons, who has a powerful army in her hands, the Unsullied Legion, the Dothraki Cavalry, and the Free Brotherhood , the Golden Crows, the Stormcrows, the Second Sons, etc., and she also has three dragons."

Lord Tywin clenched his fists, "Robert should have gotten rid of Daenerys back then, but now we are breeding dragons, and the dragons have grown up."

The necromancer Ogbetta said: "Daenerys, the mother of dragons, and her dragon are definitely ruthless characters. Lord Lannister, don't think that we have won the frost dragon and the death knight." This war."

"On the surface, this is the war between Stannis, Daenerys, Eddard the wolf, and Lannister, but in fact, this is the old god behind Stark, behind Stannis and Daenerys. The war between R'hllor, the Lord of Light, and the Cold God behind Queen Cersei."

James disdainfully said: "So, the Cold God may not win this war?"

Necromancer Ogbeta said: "Kingslayer, the cold god will win of course. When winter comes, the cold god's power will be unmatched. Today, I am like you, showing the cold god's power!"

"I want to resurrect the dragon Meraxes to become the Frost Dragon!"

James, Duke Tywin, Sir Kevan, Jillian and the witch Grace were brought to the school grounds of the Red Castle by the necromancer Ogbeta.

The skeleton of the giant dragon Milaxes was lying on the school grounds, surrounded by cages, full of monks, nuns, silent sisters, and some fishermen, prostitutes, farmers, stable boys, etc.

Back then, Aegon the Conqueror, together with his sisters Visenia and Rhaenys, relied on three dragons to conquer Westeros except Dorne.

Meraxes is the mount of Queen Rhaenys. The skull is so big that it can swallow the enemy with one bite.

Back then, Queen Rhaenys controlled the dragon Meraxes and conquered Storm's End. Together with Balerion and Vagarhar, she participated in the Raging Fire and defeated the coalition forces of the King of the Reach and King Casterly Rock in one fell swoop.

In the war to conquer Dorne, Queen Reynis rode Meraxes. In the Battle of Prison Gate Castle, a crossbow arrow hit Meraxes in the eye impartially, and the dragon screamed and fell. Queen Nice died on the spot.

Previously, the necromancer Ogbeta had specially sent bats to collect the dragon soul of Merasis in the Prison Gate Castle, and brought the dragon soul back to the Red Castle.

Under the watchful eyes of Joffrey and Cersei, the necromancer stepped onto the high platform and waved his staff.

"Under the witness of the cold god, I will resurrect Meraxes."

James glared at the necromancer Ogbeta, who pointed his long sword at the followers of the Seven Gods in the cage.

"You want to use the lives and blood of these innocent people to resurrect a dead monster?"

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Of course there is a price to pay for witchcraft. The lives of these people are worthless. After they die, I will resurrect them as undead warriors and continue to serve Lannister."

James sullenly said, "Using witchcraft to kill unarmed people is too evil!"

Cersei snorted softly, "James, I remember that you have always been indifferent to the gods, when did you become so devout?"

"I remember when we were young, we often prayed together in the church of Casterly Rock City. You didn't take it seriously at all."

James suppressed his anger, "This has nothing to do with faith, innocent people should not be killed!"

Joffrey said angrily: "Kingslayer, you are so brave, you are the embodiment of a warrior, why don't you sacrifice yourself to the cold god."

"Necromancer, kill my uncle Kingslayer, then resurrect him, make him a death knight, maybe teach him the way of humility."

Jilian quickly stepped forward to stop him, "James just doesn't understand the magic process. Since this is a necessary step to revive the Frost Dragon, we Lannisters absolutely support it!"

Under Jillian, Tywin, and Kevan's persuasion, James stepped aside indignantly.

Ogbeta, the necromancer, stood on a high platform full of skeletons, urging a spell, dark clouds and strong winds.

"Great Hanshen, please enjoy these weak bodies and humble souls!"

The skeleton scepter in the hands of the necromancer Ogbeta emits strange blue lights, and the blue lights shine on the cages around the school grounds. The disciples of the Seven Gods in the cages screamed and emitted black smoke from their bodies.

The howling, despair, and fear of the dying people formed a huge magical power, which was all collected into the skeleton scepter of the necromancer Ogbeta.

The necromancer Ogbeta began to chant.

"Please bring Meraxes back to the world, turn into a frost dragon, and kill all the flames of life!"

Stripes of blue light shone on the remains of the dragon of Meraxes, and soon, layers of frozen and rotten flesh grew on the skeleton of the dragon, and Meraxes opened his blue eyes.

Merasis spread his wings of death, and the shadow of the undead covered the sky above the Red Castle.

Cersei and Joffrey, leading hundreds of black-cloaked soldiers, servants of the Red Castle, maidservants, and skeleton warriors, all knelt on the ground and shouted, "Long live the cold god!"

Jillian and the witch Grace knelt down, but Tywin, Kevan and others had no choice but to kneel on the ground and join the chorus of death.

Only Jaime stood proudly among the crowd, sword in hand.

After a while, everyone got up slowly, and the frost dragon, Meraxes, landed beside Cersei, and Cersei climbed up to Meraxes.

"I am a dragon warrior more beautiful than Queen Rhaenys."

Duke Tywin said excitedly: "With such a frost dragon, we will definitely be able to take back the Western Territory. Cersei, please send me the undead army, and march to the Western Territory immediately!"

Cersei shook her head, "Father, Meraxes wants to stay in King's Landing. All the wolf king's army that conquered the western region gathered near Harrenhal, and the strength of the wolf king's army near Harrenhal exceeded 6."

"Wolf King Ed has artillery, dragons, giant eagles, and griffins. If he leads an army south along the King's Road, he will be able to reach the city in a few days."

Duke Tywin said: "Cersei, you have so many frost dragons, how about giving me one? It's best to directly resurrect Balerion, the Black Death God."

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "Duke Tywin, to resurrect Balerion, the black god of death, requires more dark magic, more sacrifices and sacrifices, and it is temporarily impossible to resurrect Balerion."

Duke Tywin refused to give up, "I am willing to be the most loyal servant of the Cold God. Even if you can't revive Balerion, you have so many frost dragons, how about giving me one? If I win back to the Western Region as soon as possible, we can get back to the West as soon as possible." Defeat the Starks, Stannis."

The necromancer Ogbeta put his hand on Tywin's wrist, "Lord Tywin, you have lost your homeland and are eager to take back the Western Territory. I completely understand, but please note that the Western Territory is not the top priority. The real battlefield is in King's Landing. The Iron Throne."

"Stark garrisoned Harrenhal, eyeing a tiger. Stannis is in Storm's End. Stannis, who owns the Balrog, has greatly increased his strength. The Balrog can resurrect the corpse and become a flame slave, which is exactly the same as the resurrection of our undead."

"Not to mention the beautiful Daenerys, Daenerys' three dragons are much bigger than the dragon in Stark's hand. Daenerys is likely to attack King's Landing directly."

"King's Landing is surrounded by powerful enemies. We need every frost dragon to guard the city of the undead."

Tywin was unhappy, and Cersei added: "Actually, father, don't worry. Winter is coming soon. When my subordinate, the Night King, brings an army of undead, he will go south from beyond the Great Wall, capture the Great Wall, and sweep across the North. Ke's base is taken away, and it's easy for us to take back the Western Territory."

Jillian leaned over, "I believe that Her Majesty the Queen Mother will definitely be able to lead Lannister to win this war."

"Our Lannisters are all followers of the Cold God, and we have parted ways with the Seven Gods since then."

Cersei was satisfied: "Since you have all converted to the God of Cold, there should be no more barriers between us. My father, Duke Tywin, will be the Hand of the King, and Uncle Kevan, you will be his financial advisor, and James will still be his Captain of the Kingsguard, Uncle Jillian, you are Sea Lord."

After Joffrey, Cersei, and the necromancer left, James was furious.

"You have abandoned the belief of the Seven Gods that Lannisters have believed in for generations? What a shame!"

Tywin said: "James, you are very brave, but unfortunately, you have no brains. King's Landing is the city of the dead. Let's go to Cersei and the necromancers. Of course we have to follow them."

"Remember, Lannister's goal is to use the undead to recapture the western border and defeat the enemy. Since the necromancer Ogbeta has demonstrated the power of the cold god, why not be a disciple of the cold god on the surface?"

"Deep in your heart, you can leave a place for the Seven Gods, but there is no need to say it out, otherwise, you will only become a death knight like Death Storm and Rhaegar."

 Thank you for the tip from hiddencret, and thank you for the monthly pass for farmers in Lin'an, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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