Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 225 The Storm Dances with Sea Monsters, The Crow's Eye Conquers the Iron Islands

Chapter 225 The Storm Dances with Sea Monsters, The Crow's Eye Conquers the Iron Islands

In Pike City, King Balon sits on a Seastone Seat and wears a Driftwood Crown.

King Balon is in a good mood recently. Shipyards across the Iron Islands have been building longship fleets around the clock. The Iron Fleet has been rebuilt.

When the Iron Fleet attacked the northern border, they conquered Blacksmith City at Kraken Point, Rock City on the Rocky Coast, Warhorse City at Streamland and other wolf castles along the way.

When the Iron Fleet went up to the Saltspear Beach, Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of the wolf family in the north, used iron chains to cross the river, and attacked with wildfire. In addition, Ed the wolf king led a giant eagle, and the dragon and flying wolves attacked. The Iron Fleet was wiped out. The king's conquest came to a bloody end.

Asha's "Black Wind" and Victarion's "Invincible Ironborn" were all destroyed in the war. Now, the shipyard has built new ships. Asha and Victarion have their own The new ship, and still bears the name of the previous ship.

The new ship was launched, and the recruitment of crew members was successfully completed. After all, no matter how poor the ironmen were in the barren land of the Iron Islands, there was no shortage of ships and sailors.

King Balon sat on the Seastone Seat, Aeron Damphair was his fourth brother, and Victarion, his third brother, stood in the great hall.Lord Balon raised his voice.

"The Iron Fleet has been rebuilt, and we can finally take revenge on Stark!"

Asha came forward with a letter in her hand.

"Father, I'm afraid your vengeance will need to be postponed. This is a letter from Theon from Harrenhal."

King Balon frowned, "What was written in the letter? Could it be that Stark wants to use Theon to threaten me?"

Asha said softly: "Theon reminds us that Euron Crow's Eye is back."

Aeron Damphair and Victarion exchanged glances.

Asha really didn't know whether the return of the Crow's Eye would be a good thing or a bad thing for the Iron Islands.

As an Ironborn, the Crow's Eye has always been a good fighter in battle, but he is equally dangerous and evil to his own people.

Crow's Eye Euron likes to torture the minds of those around him for fun. The two younger brothers, Aeron Damphair and Victarion, Commander of the Iron Fleet, were both bullied by the Crow's Eye. Both Aeron Damphair and Victarion Hated Euron Crow's Eye.

Aeron Damphair was brutally raped by the Crow's Eye as a child.The Crow's Eye had an affair with Victarion's salt concubine, and after Victarion was insulted, he beat the salt concubine to death with his fists, and has never married since, and has no heirs to this day.

It was also because of the Crow's Eye's affair with Victarion's salt concubine that King Balon exiled the Crow's Eye and declared: "As long as I live, the Crow's Eye will not be allowed to return to the Iron Islands."

After reading the letter, King Balon murmured, "Euron Crow's Eye has plundered the Three Sisters Islands and Crab Island. He is approaching the Iron Islands with his pirate fleet."

Aeron Damphair said: "Brother, the Crow's Eye is an ungodly lunatic. This man has always taken pleasure in torturing our brothers. This time he led the fleet back to the Iron Islands. He made it clear that he wanted to disobey your order and seize the sea. Stone seat."

Victarion clenched his fists, "If it wasn't for the Drowned God's curse on Kinslayer, I would have killed the Crow's Eye back then. Our brand new fleet is very hungry for blood. If the Crow's Eye dared to make trouble in the Iron Islands, I would have killed the Crow's Eye." Take the Iron Fleet and smash his pirate fleet."

King Balon rubbed Theon's letter to pieces, "The Iron Fleet has just been rebuilt, so it's time to fight? In any case, I won't allow anyone to kill the Crow's Eye. The Crow's Eye has done a lot of bad things. He is our brother after all. .”

"When I exiled the Crow's Eye, and when the Crow's Eye left with his ship, the Serenity, I made it very clear that as long as I lived, the Crow's Eye would not be allowed to return. Do you know why?"

Asha said: "Father, you are very kind. You hope that the Crow's Eye will grow old and weak, and when he is very old, he can return to the Iron Islands, return to his hometown, and feast in the palace of the Drowned God."

King Balon shook his head, "It's a big mistake! My only surviving son, Sean, was taken hostage and adopted by Stark. Asha, I am very satisfied with you, but it is a pity that you are a woman, and women are very happy. It is difficult to rule the ironborn. Aeron Damphair is a priest of the Drowned God, and Victarion is a man of war, but alas, he is a general, not a commander."

"I allowed the Crow's Eye to return to the Iron Islands after my death. I left the Iron Islands with a candidate for ruler. The Crow's Eye is cunning and cruel. If my successor is weak, the Crow's Eye can take the seat of Seastone. In this way, the Iron Islands have at least one powerful raider leader, so they won't be bullied by the people of the Green Land."

Aeron Damphair said, "Brother, if a blasphemer like the Crow's Eye is allowed to sit on the Seastone Seat, that will be the end of the Ironborn and the Iron Islands."

Victarion said: "The problem now is that the Crow's Eye has made it clear that he wants to take the seat of the Seastone. We still prepare our army and wait for the Crow's Eye to come."

"If the Crow's Eye dares to attack, the Iron Fleet will crush them."

Euron the Crow's Eye stood on the bow of the Serenity, overlooking Pike City on Pyke Island and Kings Harbor in the distance. He smelled the salty smell of the sea, the pine smell of shipbuilding, and the smell of saltpetre and steel in the blacksmith's shop.

"The taste of hometown, so familiar."

Littlefinger Petyr Baelish had his usual narrow smile.

"Lord Crow's Eye, when you occupy the Iron Islands, you can wear the driftwood crown, lead the Ironborn, and restore the ancient roads. In this troubled world, you can do a great job."

Littlefinger was captured by the Crow's Eye in the Narrow Sea. Relying on his sharp tongue, he begged the Crow's Eye to spare his life. Now, Littlefinger is serving as a staff officer and treasurer in the Crow's Eye's fleet.

The Crow's Eye said: "It's a pity that my eldest brother Balon and my younger brother Victarion, with wet hair, will not welcome me, and they will not give up the seat of Seastone."

Littlefinger said: "One sneak attack is enough to handle everything. Since wizards can use magic horns to control storms and sea waves, why not just create a storm and destroy the Iron Fleet?"

The Crow's Eye showed an evil smile, "No, I still want to keep the Iron Fleet to conquer!"

"I will defeat them, but try to keep the longships of the Iron Fleet."

When the Crow's Eye's Serenity approached Pyke with a fleet of pirates, the Iron Fleet stopped them.

Victarion's "Ironborn" appeared in the north, Asha's "Black Wind" appeared in the west, and King Balon's "Ocean Monster" appeared in the south.

Surrounding the three large Greyjoy longships, there were more than a dozen longships, and more longships appeared behind the Crow's Eye fleet, cutting off their retreat.

Victarion stood on the prow of the Invincible Ironborn, clad in steel plate and steel gauntlets, when he saw the Crow's Eye on the Serenity.

"Crow's Eye, in the name of King Balon I of the Iron Islands, I command you to immediately take your sailors and crew and put down your weapons. Otherwise, all that awaits you is destruction!"

"Don't make me a kinslayer!"

The Crow's Eye said disdainfully, "Victarion, are you going to kill your kin? You make it sound like you can really defeat me. I heard that you were completely wiped out by the Stark bastards on the Saltspear Flat." , your new ship still has the face to be called the 'Invincible Ironborn', and the Ironborn's face has been completely lost by you."

Victarion beckoned like a raging bull, and the crossbowmen of the Ironborn and the surrounding ships took aim at the Serenity.

"If your ship dares to take a step forward, I will give the order to launch an attack!"

Crow's Eye hurriedly laughed and said, "Don't, I came across the mountains and seas, not to fight with the iron people. The iron people should love each other and family, right? I beg you, don't be impulsive."

"I immediately sounded the horn and ordered my men to surrender."

Victarion frowned, "The horn? Could it be a magical horn? I warn you, if you dare to act recklessly, neither you nor your men will survive."

The Crow's Eye laughed and said, "Where is there a magic horn in this world? Don't listen to their nonsense, this is the horn of surrender."

Aeron Damphair, who was beside Victarion, said, "The Crow's Eye, under the watchful eye of the Drowned God, will fail even if he tries to use dark magic."

The Crow's Eye clapped his hands, and a stout wizard walked up beside him, holding a horn engraved with runes in his hand, and blew.

The sound was like thunder, echoing between the sea and the sky.

The storm fell from the sky, and it was only a heartbeat time. Ships such as "Invincible Iron", "Black Wind", and "Hongyang Monster" were blown upside down. Many soldiers of the Iron Fleet, crossbowmen, were directly killed. into the sea.

The Magic Storm only hits the Iron Fleet, and the Crow's Eye's fleet survives the storm unscathed.

Then, another wizard blew the sea monster's horn, which was engraved with the crab crest of the Celtiga family.

The sea was torn apart, forming a huge vortex. Many small boats were swallowed by the vortex. A terrifying sea monster with a height of hundreds of meters and countless tentacles rose from the ocean.

Under the attack of sea monsters and storms, the ships of the Iron Fleet collided with each other. The soldiers were terrified, curled up on the deck and shivered, screaming, falling into the water, and calling for help.Even Ironborn, who has been wandering in the sea all his life, has never seen such a terrifying sea.

Littlefinger knelt on the deck, looking at the storm and sea monsters, and the turbulent sea, dumbfounded, with a look of admiration on his face.

Victarion was strangled by the tentacles of the sea monster and became a prisoner, Damphair was captured by the dumb pirates of the crow's eye, and Asha was swept into the sea by the storm, and then was caught by the crow's eye with fishing nets.

After defeating the Iron Fleet, the Crow's Eye's pirate fleet easily captured King's Harbor, which is the closest port to Pike City. The Crow's Eye's pirates immediately attacked Pike City, the home of the Greyjoy family.

King Balon wanted to close the city gate on the city wall of Pike City and stand firm. However, the storm tore the cable bridge of Pike City and blocked the connection between the various fortresses. The city gate was destroyed, and the pirates from the Crow's Eye swarmed in.

Only an hour later, Pike City fell into the hands of the Crow's Eye, and the Crow's Eye sat in the Seastone Seat in the lobby.

King Balon, Victarion, Asha, and Aeron Damphair were brought before the Crow's Eye.

Asha glared at the Crow's Eye, "How dare you sit on my father's throne."

Crow's Eye smirked and said, "The Iron Islands follow the law that the strong bully the weak, and the strong are king. Now that I am stronger than Balon, I should sit on the Seastone Seat."

"Balon, when you bowed your knees to King Robert, all the Ironmen of the Iron Islands had to kneel with you. If you are willing to submit to Robert, a big bastard in the green land, you probably don't mind. Bow down?"

Balon pondered for a while, "If you are willing to spare my daughter Asha, Victarion, and Aeron with wet hair, I am willing to give up the driftwood crown and honor you as the King of the Iron Islands."

Damphair, Victarion, Asha immediately began to curse.

Victarion said: "Better die than bow the knee to the Crow's Eye."

Damphair said, "An ungodly beast like the Crow's Eye, who sits on the Seastone Seat, will surely be punished by the Drowned God."

Asha spat on the ground, "I would rather die than bow the knee to the Crow's Eye who manipulates dark magic!"

Crow's Eye smiled and said, "You really have backbone, it would be too kind to execute you, it seems that I have to teach you how to be humble."

Then, the Crow's Eye ordered the wizard to take out four magic crabs.

"I found these crabs in the ruins of Valyria. If you are disobedient, the crabs will pinch your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, making you miserable. You can only be loyal servants obediently, otherwise, life is worse than life." die!"

Afterwards, Popeye opened the mouths of King Balon, Victarion, Damphair, and Asha, and fed the crabs.

The crabs soon began to pinch the host's internal organs. Lord Balon, Victarion, Damphair, and Asha screamed in agony, so they had to bow their knees to the Crow's Eye and begged for mercy.

Crow's Eye was satisfied, "I want to call the chiefs and captains of the Iron Islands on Old Wake Island, in the Gray Sea King's Hall, on Naga's ribs, and formally be crowned King of the Iron Islands."

Seven days later, hundreds of noble leaders and captains from the Iron Islands, as well as thousands of people, gathered in the Gray Sea King Hall on Old Wake Island.

In the Iron Islands, the richest and most populous island is Harlow, the largest island is Great Wick, the most powerful is Pike, and the most sacred is Old Wyk, because Old Wyk Ke Island is the location of the Gray Sea King's Hall, which has Naga's ribs. The ancient king selection meetings were held in the Gray Sea King's Hall.

Whether it is the noble Harlow family, the Gubler family, the Zhuogu family, or the humble Cowd family and the Humberley family, they all arrived.

Looking at the Naga rib fossils everywhere, Littlefinger sighed, "When I was the Chancellor of the Exchequer in King's Landing, I often went to the customs. Sailors from all over the world said that the Hall of the Gray Sea King is a holy place for the belief of the Drowned God."

"Excuse me, what legend happened here?"

The Crow's Eye nudged Aeron's wet hair with his elbow.

"As a priest of the Drowned God, Aeron Damphair must be familiar with these legends."

Although Aeron Damphair was extremely reluctant, he still had to say: "During the Dawn Era, on the land under our feet, the Gray Sea King killed Naga. Naga is the world's first sea dragon. To feed on sea monsters, you can swallow an entire island in one bite."

"After Naga's death, the Drowned God blessed Gray Sea King, and used Naga's bones to build a palace for Gray Sea King. Naga's ribs were turned into the beams and pillars of Gray Sea King's hall, and Naga's mouth became Gray Sea King. Throne. The Drowned God kept the fire of the Naga for mankind, keeping the hall of the Gray King always warm and bright."

"The mermaids weaved the brocade of the hall with silver seaweed, and the warriors sat on seats made of mother-of-pearl, drinking with the Gray Sea King, enjoying the gift of the sea and the fine wine plundered from the green land."

"However, after the death of the Gray Sea King, the God of Storms immediately extinguished the fire, and the thief stole the seat and tapestry. The Hall of the Gray Sea King decayed and collapsed. Now only the Hall of the Gray Sea King and the ribs of Naga remain, eternally commemorating the era of heroes , the glory of the Ironborn."

Crow's Eye sneered, "Under my leadership, the Ironborn will win even greater glory than when they were Gray Sea King."

Captains and leaders from all over the Iron Islands looked at the Crow's Eye with cold and indifferent eyes. The Crow's Eye had never been loved by the ironborn of the Iron Islands.

The Crow's Eye said: "In the past few years, my Serenity has plundered the nine free trade city-states, Iban, the Midsummer Islands, Slaver's Bay and other ports around the world. I have completed the conquest and glory of the Ironborn. Today, I will At the same time, I will show you the magical power I brought back from the east."

"I want to use Naga's ribs to revive Naga!"

The leaders immediately started talking.

Leader Gubler: "This is impossible, Naga has long been turned into a fossil."

Leader Zhuogu: "Crow's Eye thinks we are fools? No one can revive a pile of stones."

Aeron Damphair said, "The Crow's Eye, the Naga was slain by the Gray Sea King that year. You cannot resurrect the Naga. The Drowned God told me that you cannot."

The Crow's Eye smirked and said, "I will prove with my actions that I am the spokesperson of the Drowned God."

The wizards brought a bowl of clear water, and then Crow's Eye cut his finger and dripped blood into the bowl, and the Crow's Eye poured the blood on Naga's ribs.

Then the Crow's Eye blew an ancient horn.

Lords of the Iron Islands, wait with bated breath.

The mountain shook for a while, and Naga's ribs actually grew flesh and scales. Soon, it became a huge sea dragon taller than the mountain.

Damphair was stunned, and the leaders of the Iron Islands knelt on the ground one after another, and began to shout at the top of their voices.

"Long live the Crow's Eye!"

"The true iron king!"

Victarion, Asha, and Balon stood far away without kneeling.

Asha said bitterly: "Now, the Crow's Eye has completely won the support of the Ironborn."

Baron said helplessly: "No matter how bad the Crow's Eye is, they are still ironmen after all, and they are our blood relatives. Maybe under the leadership of the Crow's Eye, we can defeat Stark, restore the ancient road, and conquer the green land."

Afterwards, Aeron Damphair took out the driftwood crown that he had made. The driftwood crown must be made from the first piece of driftwood that the sea sent to the king's hometown. The first piece of driftwood to Pike City was weirwood again.

The weirwood is the sacred tree of the old gods. The last time King Balon's driftwood crown was also a weirwood, this time the Crow's Eye wanted to make a driftwood crown, but the Drowned God still sent the weirwood.

Because there are no weirwood heart trees in the Iron Islands, and in the naval battle of Pike Island that day, many ships were destroyed by storms and sea monsters, and the surrounding waters were full of driftwood from shipwrecks, but none of them floated to Pike City. It's weirwood, which makes it even more incredible.

Euron the Crow's Eye donned the driftwood crown and sat the naga sea beast, and was once again greeted by the shouts and cheers of the Ironborn lords and commoners alike.

After the enthronement ceremony, Littlefinger said: "Lord Crow's Eye, now you have won the support of the Iron Islands, and you also have sea dragon naga, sea monsters, and the Iron Islands fleet. In Westeros, King Crow's Eye can easily crush Qing Ting Island Fleet, Royal Fleet, Wolf King Fleet."

"Now Ed the Wolf King has occupied the Riverlands, the North, the Valley, and the West in Westeros. He has become the dominant family. Ed the Wolf King stationed troops at Harrenhal to fight against the undead in King's Landing. I suggest King Crow's Eye, Immediately send troops to attack Sea Front City, Bear Island, Keche Town, Lannisport, Deepwood Castle and other places."

"In a few months, all the strongholds of the wolf king Ed on the seaside will fall into the hands of the ironmen. At that time, King Crow's Eye will blow his horn and concentrate his forces to attack the land between the rivers. The Trident River is the ironborn. The perfect stage, history will repeat itself, the ironborn will once again conquer the riverlands, and the empire of wolves will fall!"

(End of this chapter)

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