Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 228 The Battle of Ice and Fire

Chapter 228 The Battle of Ice and Fire
Qorhor's goat, Vargo Hurt, arrived in King's Landing with the remnants of the Warriors and the remnants of the Mountain.

After being defeated by the army of the wolf king, the warrior group and the army of the magic mountain soon became bandits in the river land and the western region. They fled to the river bay to avoid the hunting of the wolf king army.

Everywhere they went, the Warriors chopped off the hands and feet of civilians, and the Mountain took pleasure in killing and ravaging women. They committed many crimes that people had heard of in the Reach, and were finally defeated by Randyll Tarly.

The Warriors and the Mountain were desperate, so they had to flee to King's Landing with the remnants.

The Queen Regent, Cersei, sits on the Iron Throne and receives the Mountain and the goat Vargo Hutt.

"You are truly a model of loyalty. Ser Gregor, your brother Sandor has become a traitor, and you alone remain a loyal dog of the Lannisters."

The Mountain insisted: "I am willing to be Queen Cersei, King Joffrey's eternal servant."

Wag Hutt of Qohor spit and pledged his allegiance.

Cersei sent the Mountain away, and after Vargo Hurt left, James frowned, "The goat and the Mountain are models of loyalty? Their crimes cannot be forgiven by the nobles everywhere, and no one takes them in. That's why they came to King's Landing." .”

"Wolf King Ed publicly declared that he would not spare any member of the Warriors, because the mercenary group of the goat Wagger Hurt committed heinous crimes, the pious Uswick, Timon, Pug, Shagwei the Clown, who The one whose hands are not stained with the blood of innocent people? There is also Cobain who studies the autopsy of living people, and Friar Utter who likes boys, which one is a normal person?"

"As for the Devil's Mountain, his territory was deprived and occupied by Wolf King Ed, and transferred to Sandor. Today, the Devil's Mountain is a lost dog. The Red Viper, the Hound Sandor, Wolf King Ed, and Daenerys are all hunting him. Tyrell of Highgarden also offered a bounty for the Mountain's hideous head."

Cersei snorted softly, "What do you know? These people can spread fear, and the magic mountain and goats are still useful. When they die fighting for me, the cold god will directly resurrect them as death knights."

"Whether it is Robert Deathstorm, Prince Rhaegar, or the Brotherhood of the Kingswood, they are all loyal to me."

They are loyal to the necromancer, James really wants to tell Cersei loudly, however, Duke Tywin, Kevan and Jilian have repeatedly warned James not to provoke the necromancer.

Joffrey, Cersei has become a fanatical believer in the cold god, and the two murdered many innocent civilians and followers of the Seven Gods in King's Landing.James looked at Cersei on the Iron Throne, as if seeing the mad king Aerys back then.

Back then, Jaime cut the throat of the mad king Aerys with a gilded sword in the throne room, preventing the mad king Aerys from burning King's Landing with wildfire.

Today's Cersei is more crazy and depraved than the mad king Aerys.

It was all caused by the necromancer Ogbeta. James has always believed that it was the necromancer's evil witchcraft that controlled Cersei.

Cersei is just vain, arrogant, greedy, selfish, hot-tempered, jealous, pompous, selfish, assertive, vicious, proud, willful, ruthless, controlling, that's all.

Cersei would never have become so bloodthirsty without the necromancer Ogbeta whispering in her ear.

Joffrey's scalp is bleeding every day, and like a butcher every day, he personally sacrifices living people to the cold god at the dark altar of the Red Castle. He is depraved and evil, but Joffrey has shown cruel characteristics since he was a child. His fall did not surprise James.

It was Myrcella, Tommen, who really hurt James.

They are nominally Robert's children, but they are actually of James' offspring.

Myrcella has blond hair and green eyes. She inherited the beautiful eyes of her mother Cersei, but she is not as vicious as Cersei. The young girl Myrcella has already shown the potential of a great beauty.

Tommen is a simple and honest little fat man, docile and obedient.

The only thing that makes James feel lucky is that Myrcella, Tommen has been living in the Maiden's House, where Lancel and Lannister guards are protecting. Many nobles living in the Red Castle, such as Earl Redwyne's twin Huo Bo, Horace, Countess Tanda Stokeworth, Earl Gales Rosby, etc., all live in Maiden's House.

Even Grand Maester Pai Sear, in order to avoid the Necromancer, moved from the Bachelor's Tower to the Maiden's Residence.

Maiden's Habitat became the only paradise in the Red Castle of Dread.

Myrcella and Tommen, who have been living in the courtyard of the Maiden's House, were unaware of the horrors such as the sacrifice of the living and the resurrection of the dead that occurred in the Red Castle and King's Landing, but they also noticed the abnormality.

When James arrived in King's Landing, Myrcella and Tommen asked where the monks and nuns they were familiar with went, but James couldn't answer, because these monks and nuns who educated Myrcella since childhood were all killed by necromancers and sacrificed. Gave it to the cold god.

Damn Necromancer Ogbeta, James will never allow Necromancer Ogbeta to bring death and terror to his children.

James would personally use the whetstone to sharpen the sword every night, dreaming that one day he would be able to seal the throat of the necromancer with a single sword, and let the gilded sword drink the blood of the necromancer.

However, James knew very well that Ogbeta, the necromancer, could see the future in the dark.

According to Grand Maester Pycelle, Lancel and others, Tyrion, the eunuch Varys, the Hound Sandor, Bronn and others once carried out a well-planned assassination in King's Landing, trying to kill the undead As a result, the assassination plan of the wizard Ogbeta failed, and many warriors lost their lives in vain. Tyrion, Bronn, Varys, Sandor and others could only escape overnight.

James needs more patience to assassinate the necromancer Ogbeta.

The necromancer Ogbeta came in, "Your Majesty, the Frost Dragon and the giant bats have occupied Duskendale Town. Daenerys and her army have left Duskendale Town."

Cersei gave an evil smile, "Looks like you resurrected Viserys, Khal Drogo, and scared Daenerys the shit out of her head and ran straight back to the sea."

The necromancer Ogbetta apologized: "Your Majesty, Daenerys' army did not escape, but went to Harrenhal."

"Mother of Dragons and Wolf King Ed have formed an alliance."

Cersei's expression darkened immediately.

"Impossible. Back then, the Mad King Aerys executed Ed's father Rickard and his elder brother Brandon. Ed helped Robert overthrow the Mad King Aerys. They had a blood feud. How could they join forces?"

The necromancer Ogbeta showed a terrifying scarlet smile, "Daenerys and the wolf king Ed reached a compromise. They knew very well that neither party could fight against the army of the undead, so they chose to form an alliance."

"Daenerys, Wolf King Ed, stay in Harrenhal, it's better, our frost dragon, just right, capture Harrenhal, Daenerys' dragon, Wolf King Ed's dragon, giant Eagles, griffins, skinchangers, all in one."

Cersei leaned forward on the Iron Throne.

"Wolf King Ed and Daenerys add up, there are a total of six magic dragons, which frost dragon do you plan to send?"

James echoed: "You also have to be careful of Stannis in the south. Since the Balrog and the Flame Slaves, Stannis' strength has greatly increased."

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "The Balrog is powerful, but the Balrog cannot purify the land cursed by the Frost Dragon like the Devil Dragon. After passing through the land cursed by the Frost Dragon, no grass will grow. The Blue Queen, Haiyan, these two The Frost Dragon will cooperate with the Kingswood Brotherhood, Deathstorm, and deal with Stannis and Balrog."

"Now, R'hllor's revived Flame Warrior Prince Duncan, Prince Dragon Frye, Jeyne of Wild Rock City, Aegon V, etc., are making arrows with the servants of the Cold God and the smiling knights of the Kingswood Brotherhood in the Stormlands. Dick, Wenda the White Deer, Simon Toyne, Oswin the Giraffe, Ben with the big belly and others, started a fierce battle."

James rubbed his sword belt, "I also contributed to the suppression of the bandits of the Brotherhood of the Kingswood. Back then, I followed Arthur Dayne, Sir Barristan and others, and it took a lot of effort. Only then did we put down this group of bandits."

"Cersei, you have resurrected the bandits of the Kingswood Brotherhood. Now, Stannis' side has actually resurrected the legendary Kingsguard Sir Duncan to fight against the Undead Kingswood Brotherhood. If Sir Arthur Dayne knows in hell, what will he do? How do you feel?"

Cersei smiled coquettishly, "Thank you for the reminder! If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot that we should resurrect the famous Dawn Sword, Arthur Dayne, to fight for us."

It's over now, and even the Sword of Dawn, Arthur Dayne, can't rest in peace. James was very depressed, and quickly said: "You already have so many death knights, there is no need to resurrect Arthur Dayne!"

Cersei said solemnly: "It is very necessary! Stannis revived the legendary Ser Duncan. Ser Barristan, a traitor, went to serve under the tent of Eddard, the wolf king. Right now, you are the only one famous in Joffrey's Kingsguard, but you Kingslayer, compared with Ser Duncan and Ser Barristan, the Kingsguard in King's Landing is too weak."

"Dawn Sword Arthur Dayne, Oswell He'an, and White Bull Gero Hightower all died in battle in Dorne's Tower of Bliss. If we revive them all, we will not only have more Three death knights, and three more legendary Kingsguard."

"Look, Oswell Hean is still a member of the Hean family of Harrenhal. He is the most familiar with Harrenhal. Maybe he can help us capture Harrenhal."

Cersei turned to the necromancer Ogbeta, "Jello Hightower, Oswell Hean, Arthur Dayne, all buried in Dorne's Tower of Bliss, I remember Ed's friends back then, Also died there, quickly send out the undead, take out their remains, and resurrect them."

The skeleton scepter in the hand of the necromancer Ogbeta emitted bursts of blood-red light.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, my dark bats have spread all over the seven kingdoms. We continue to sacrifice the living to please the cold god. My magic power is getting stronger and stronger. I can resurrect them as long as I take out any bone or ashes of them." them."

Cersei was interested, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"Back then, the bitch Lyanna also died in the Tower of Bliss. It's a pity that Wolf King Ed brought Lyanna's ashes back to Winterfell, and they are now buried in the catacombs of Winterfell."

"I remember that the King of Winter, the King of the North, and Duke Stark of the Stark family were all buried in the catacombs. If you can think of a way to resurrect the Stark ancestors in the catacombs, Let them be used by us, wouldn't it be easy to create an army of undead in Winterfell, and catch Stark by surprise."

The necromancer Ogbetta smiled and said: "Your Majesty, things are not as easy as you imagined. Winterfell was built by Brandon the 'Fortress', which meant that the foundation of the city wall of Winterfell has magical powers. Besides, the descendants of the Starks and the First Men of the North, who remember what many Southerners have forgotten, know how to place swords before the statues of the dead, to suppress ghosts."

"The godswood in Winterfell has also strengthened the magic defense of the castle. It is very difficult for ordinary undead resurrection to succeed in Winterfell. Unless the undead occupy Winterfell."

"Wait until winter, when the Night King brings an army of undead to capture the Great Wall and Winterfell. At that time, our magical power will become stronger, and we will have the opportunity to resurrect Lyanna and Stark's ancestors."

Cersei smirked and said, "When I resurrect Lyanna, let her be my maid, and Deathstorm Robert and Rhaegar will be my guards."

"Immediately send an army to attack Harrenhal. I want Daenerys and Wolf King Ed to taste the power of the Frost Dragon."

James said: "Ogbetta, only a powerful wizard like you has a chance to win Harrenhal for Lannister. You should charge with the Frost Dragon yourself." Then it is best to be killed by the dragon or the artillery die.

As long as the necromancer and the undead usher in destruction, Jaime would rather lose the war with Lannister.

The necromancer Ogbeta said: "I will fight in person, Merasis, Vermythor, the Bronze Fury, and the three frost dragons of Dreamfire, plus the death knight Prince Rhaegar, the horse king Drogo, and the sleeping dragon Prince Viserys. , enough to defeat the enemy."

"Prince Rhaegar's magical powers are growing stronger, and he will surprise his sister Daenerys."

"Besides, we still have strong reinforcements waiting outside Harrenhal. I have already used bats to steal the three skulls of the Golden Group. Toin, they have all been resurrected."

"Especially Hantie Yige Hewen, this person lost the game of power back then, he lost his territory, title, woman, love, everything, he had the most resentment, and after his resurrection, he was full of anger and Soaring fighting spirit."

Thousand Faces Islet, God's Eye Lake, south of Harrenhal.

There is a forest of weirwood on Qianmian Island.

Ed, the wolf king, rides a giant eagle and lands in a cave in the middle of the weirwood forest, where he meets the wooden dancer Xirui Yangxin.

Siri Oceanheart sat on the weirwood throne. She was a skinny old woman, but when she was young, she was the most beautiful woman in Westeros. She was the youngest illegitimate daughter of King Aegon IV, and her mother was Rhys Serena.

Back then, Brynden Tully, Duke of Blood Raven, who was born in the Blackwood family, and Iron Yigg River, who was born in the Bracken family, hated each other for the love of Siri Oceanheart, and became sworn mortals. sworn enemy.

Wolf King Ed said: "Wood Dancer, the three golden skulls of the Golden Group are all lost. I suspect that the Necromancer will resurrect them. One of them is the founder of the Golden Group, Hantieyi Ge Hewen."

Wooden dancer Xirui Yangxin nodded, her shriveled neck crumpled like old parchment.

"Yes, I saw it through the trees. At this time, Aigor River has ushered in rebirth under the reshaping of dark magic. He has become a death knight."

"The other two golden skulls, the ferocious Maris, and the black-hearted Mies Toin have also been resurrected, but the combined threat of these two people is not as great as that of Han Tie alone."

"I still remember that when we met for the first time in the cave of Qianmianyu, I told you that Hantie Yige Hewen will definitely be resurrected, and the skull will be gilded, and the skull will be preserved better. With more memories, hatred and resentment, it is very easy for necromancers to resurrect this golden skull."

Ed the Wolf King said: "You were once the lover of Igor River of Cold Iron. According to the ballad, Igor River and Brynden River of Blood Raven pursued you hard."

"Now that Yigor Hewen has been resurrected, will he lead an army of undead to directly attack God's Eye Lake?"

The wooden dancer said: "If Hantie had his own will, of course he would attack the Isle of Thousand Faces in the God's Eye Lake, and then run to the Red Grassland to revive his beloved brother Daemon Blackfyre. As the illegitimate son of the Bracken family , he will lead an army of undead to attack Raventree City of the Blackwood family."

"He will even go beyond the Great Wall to fight his arch-rival Blood Raven Brynden. He may even go to Dragonstone Island to face the Targaryen he hates, King Aegon the Wise King, Daeron the Wise King, Aerys I, Maekar I, etc. Pissing on people's graves, cursing...these are all things Hantie could do."

"However, today's Cold Iron, like Prince Rhaegar and Death Storm, is just a death knight, a puppet of the Cold God. Unless the curse of the Cold God is lifted, these death knights cannot have self-will."

Ed said: "Now Daenerys and I form an alliance. Daenerys' army and the wolf king's army are stationed in Harrenhal. I guess the enemy will attack Harrenhal soon. By then, Thousand Faces Isle It may also be attacked, how about I send some giant eagles and griffins to protect Qianmian Islet?"

The wooden dancer shook his head.

"No, Ed, take good care of Harrenhal. Isle of Thousand Faces is an old sacred place. With the protection of the green man, we can protect ourselves."

"Remember, as long as Harrenhal is in the hands of humans, the Islet of Thousand Faces will be safe. Once Harrenhal falls, many creatures in the river will turn into undead, and Islet of Thousand Faces may also fall under the attack of the undead. "

Daenerys, Ed the Wolf King stood on the walls of Harrenhal, watching the craftsmen repair the gun towers and trebuchets, Brienne of Tarth, Loras, the Knight of Flowers, Ser Jorah, and Ser Barristan together, guarding Beside Daenerys.

The big woman Brienne has freckles on her face, buck teeth, and ugly appearance, but she has a pair of clear sapphire eyes, Daenerys quickly fell in love with Brienne.

There is also the handsome and handsome Loras, the Knight of Flowers. Daenerys knows that the Tyrell family fought against the snatchers for Targaryen back then. Daenerys naturally fell in love with Sir Loras until the last moment.

However, Daenerys' favorite is her grandfather Ser Barristan, who told Daenerys some stories about King Aerys and Prince Rhaegar.

Sansa, Arya, became friends with Daenerys in a short time.Daenerys is used to being accompanied by the little clerk Missandei, the maid Irri, and Jiki. With her two little sisters by her side, Daenerys is also very happy.

Dragon Drogon, Flying Wolf, Hawkeye, Koi, Viserion, Rhaego, hovering in the air together.

When she was in Meereen, although Daenerys could ride the dragon Drogon, she couldn't control the dragon. Sometimes, the dragon would hunt in the wild everywhere, using dragon flames to kill sheep, wild boars, and cows. Small things, sometimes, the dragon will attack humans.

Drogon once burned a six-year-old girl to death, which aroused the fear of dragons in the residents of Slaver's Bay.In order to protect the people, Daenerys had to keep the dragons in the pyramid dungeon for a period of time. It was not until Daenerys left Meereen that the dragons regained their freedom.

Now, because Wolf King Ed is a skinchanger, he can easily control every magic dragon, Drogon, Rhaego, Viserion, and in front of Wolf King Ed, he is as docile as Flying Wolf, Koi, and Hawkeye.

Daenerys stands at Harrenhal, overlooking the vast riverlands.This castle is simply prepared for the magic dragon. The magic dragon can fly over God's Eye Lake, or go fishing in the Trident River. Lin, and sometimes the city wall.

Under the control of Ed the Wolf King, the dragons and humans live in harmony. Everyone in Harrenhal, whether they follow Daenerys' Golden Company, the Free Brotherhood, the Unsullied, the Beast Face Army, or those who follow Ed Wolf King The Winter Wolf Army in the North, the Sanhe Army in Hejian, and the Young Eagle Army in the Valley are all full of pride for the dragon.

Daenerys and Ed the wolf king stepped onto the fort, and Daenerys stroked the cannon.

"The artillery is amazingly powerful. I heard that last time, it was the artillery, the magic dragon, that you repelled the frost dragon Vermythor and Dreamfire."

Wolf King Ed said: "At that time, the Frost Dragon had never seen artillery, and we were caught off guard by the Frost Dragon. This time, the Frost Dragon made a comeback, so we must be fully prepared."

Daenerys was a little worried, "Yes, necromancers may create new frost dragons at any time, and there are dragon remains in King's Landing."

"Some of my people followed me from the Red Wasteland, and most of them came from the Slave Bay. I broke their shackles and made them free people. Unexpectedly, I led them to a war against the undead."

"They need to face the frost dragon and the undead army."

If the dragon is killed by the undead, it may be resurrected as a frost dragon by the necromancer on the spot, but Ed feels that there is no need to tell Daenerys this. Daenerys' husband and two brothers have become Death knight, she has enough to worry about.

Ed decides to share some good news for Daenerys.

"I have written to Winterfell, asking Prince Rhaegar's son, your nephew Jon Snow, to come down to Harrenhal to meet you."

Daenerys was both surprised and delighted, "Does Jon know who he is?"

Ed said: "I don't know, you can tell him yourself. Maybe, Jon will meet his biological father Rhaegar."

Three nights later, the temperature dropped sharply and the wind was blowing. Even Eagle King McCain's hawks, falcons, and owls shivered and hid inside the city walls, unable to go out to investigate.

Fortunately, Ed, who controlled the power of the elements, smelled the cold and death outside the city. The frost dragon came, and Ed, the wolf king, immediately controlled the dragon to fly into the sky to fight.

The Hound Sandor, the Lightning King blew the horn, and the red-robed monk Soros urged the spell, and the long swords of every soldier on the city wall ignited, illuminating the night sky.

The soldiers on the fort began to adjust the position of the cannon, and the ballista, trebuchet, etc. also began to wait with bated breath.

Daenerys rides on Drogon's back, and the mount chosen by the wolf king Ed this time is the dragon Rhaego.

Although the dragon Leigo is not as big as Drogon, it is bigger than Ed's dragon Flying Wolf, Koi, and Hawkeye.

Wolf King Ed said: "The enemy is coming soon. They may have frost dragons, death knights, or other strange spirits, but our dragons, artillery, will help us win the final victory!"

The necromancer Ogbeta, riding the frost dragon Meraxes, climbed all the way up, avoiding the range of the turret and ballista.Ed the wolf king has eagle-like eyes and powerful night vision ability. He saw Merasis in the sky and the necromancer on his back.

Ed the wolf king told Daenerys on the side, "The necromancer wants to swoop down from the sky. That's what Aegon the Conqueror did when he controlled the Black Death God Balerion. I must stop him."

Daenerys stroked Drogon's crotch.

"The Frost Dragon, Meraxes, is much bigger than our Demon Dragon. If you ride Lei Ge, you will definitely be no match for Meraxes. I will ride Drogon with you."

Wolf King Ed said: "No, Daenerys, you have to stay here to defend. The necromancer Ogbeta must still be in the dark, ambushing other frost dragons, don't forget, there are death knights."

Daenerys worried: "However, how could a magic dragon be the opponent of Meraxes? This is the mount of Queen Reynis during the Conqueror's War!"

The wolf king Ed whistled, and a group of giant eagles surrounded Ed.

"In the sky, the agility of the giant eagle can help me and the dragon to defeat Meraxes."

Afterwards, the wolf king Ed led the dragon Lei Ge, and together with the giant eagle, rushed into the night sky.

Sure enough, when the wolf king Ed rode the magic dragon up into the sky and disappeared behind the clouds, two more frost dragons appeared in the sky.

Ser Barristan on the walls, calling the shots.

"Prepare the artillery, aim at the Frost Dragon!"

Tyrion urged, "Ballista ready!"

Many turrets began to roar, shells shot out, ballistas began to shoot, some shells and long arrows hit the Frost Dragon Bronze Wrath and Dreamfire.

However, the bronze wrath of the frost giant dragon, Dreamfire let out a roar, and spewed ice more than ten meters high. The thick ice instantly froze the forts, ballistas, trebuchets, etc. on the east wall, and many soldiers With a scream of blood freezing, he died instantly.

If Bronn hadn't hugged Tyrion, Tyrion would have been almost hit by the ice.

To make matters worse, the fort was hit by ice, and a lot of gunpowder instantly failed.

The undead under the city wall began to climb up the frozen city wall.

At this time, Daenerys controlled the dragon Drogon, covered the sky, spewed dragon flames, the ice melted instantly, and the ghoul bathed in the dragon flames, screaming and dying.

The frost dragon Bronze Wrath, Dreamfire, began to lay siege to Daenerys on Drogon's back, when the dragon Viserion rushed out to join the fray.

Ed, who was in the sky, used his mind to control the magic dragon Flying Wolf, Eagle Eye, and Koi, and detoured to all directions of the Frost Dragon, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Crowds of giant bats came out of the darkness, their black wings covered with ghouls, the giant bats shook off ghouls as if they were shaking off lice, and fell on the top of the city, courtyards, and towers.

Brienne, Knight of Flowers, Barristan, Hound, Lightning King, Soros, Strong Pig, Gray Worm, Sir Jorah, Dario and others, wielding the burning sword, fighting with wights, torrent of steel flooded every city wall.

The giant eagle prince Michu and the giant eagle princess Bertha, led the giant eagle army, and together with the griffins, fought with giant bats in the air.

Inside the city walls, Bear King Byers and Varamyr manipulated bears to fight against ghouls. Tiggers rode on a saber-toothed tiger and bit through a blue-eyed ghoul. King of Giants swung his hammer and smashed Every ghoul that gets close.

Shouts, shouts, and screams echoed in every corner of Harrenhal.

The death knights Horse King Drogo, Viserys, Prince Rhaegar, Cold Iron, Maris the Fierce, Mys Toyne the Black and others rode giant bats and landed in the castle.

When Daenerys saw Prince Rhaegar for the first time, her heart beat faster.Inhuman beauty, the embodiment of perfection.

Prince Rhaegar plucked the silver-stringed harp, and the sounds of death echoed on the walls, enchanting even Daenerys.

Under the music, the soldiers who were frozen to death instantly turned into blue-eyed ghouls and began to attack the human defenders.

Daenerys was secretly startled, she didn't expect that the first time she heard Rhaegar's music, it was a curse.

Cold Iron landed in the godswood, which happened to be the camp of the Golden Company.

"I'm Hantieyige Hewen, the founder of the Golden Group, you all have to fucking listen to me!"

Behind Han Tie was Maris the Fierce, the second head of the Golden Company, and Mies Toyne, the third head.

Especially Mis Toyne, who died only four years ago and is now back from the dead. Many soldiers of the Golden Regiment know Mis Toyne.

Mist Toin said: "Brothers, lay down your weapons and fight for the cold god!"

As soon as the members of the Golden Corps saw the old leader, their morale collapsed, and many Golden Corps mercenaries were killed by death knights and ghouls.

Jon Connington roared: "They are all dead, they are puppets! Kill them so that your captain can rest in peace!"

Only then did the Golden Group regroup, and the Unsullied infantrymen came to them.

Under the gaze of the weirwood heart tree, the death knights were unable to resurrect the dead, and the dragon flying wolf began to attack the cold iron with dragon flames. Maris and Mis Toin, the three death knights had to retreat to the courtyard.

The wolf king Ed rode the dragon Rego, and confronted the necromancer Ogbeta on the back of Merasis at high altitude.

The surrounding giant eagles kept attacking Milaxes. Because the wolf king Ed took mind control, the attacking cooperation between the giant eagle and the magic dragon was perfect. Milaxes was huge, but not agile enough. Under the siege of the giant eagle and the magic dragon, , Gradually lost, Ogbeta could only control Meraxes and escape into the night.

After Merasis retreated, the wolf king Ed immediately dived to the sky above Harrenhal, took the dragon, the giant eagle, and the griffin, and wiped out the ghouls in the castle. .

 Thanks to 20220602092204632, TCOGMX, Korean Tired, Wanbang Laike Gathering, Drunk People Have Fun, 20221111064121228, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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