Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 229 The Wolf King's Victory, The Crow's Eye's Threat

Chapter 229 The Wolf King's Victory, The Crow's Eye's Threat

The dawn light dispelled the darkness and bathed Harrenhal beside the God's Eye Lake.

Ed the wolf king, Daenerys became the hero of Harrenhal, when Daenerys rode the dragon Drogon, Ed the wolf king rode the dragon Rhaego and landed over Harrenhal, the dragon koi, flying wolf, Weisser Leon roared in unison, people shouted the names of Dragon Queen and Wolf King.

After the battle of Harrenhal, the direwolves, bears, and moas, together with the magic dragon, held a feast with ghouls and giant bat corpses on the walls, yards, and school grounds of Harrenhal.

The craftsmen of the Free Brotherhood and Westeros immediately began to repair the ballistas, turrets, trebuchets, etc. on the city wall to prepare for the next battle. Nurses bandaged the wounded, and people shared wine and bread from wine bags. Enjoy the victory of the rest of your life.

Eddard, the wolf king, and Daenerys, the dragon queen, desperately needed the victory that united their bands.

In the past, in Harrenhal, the Golden Company loyal to Dragon Queen Daenerys, Stormcrows, Second Sons, Unsullied, Free Brotherhood, Beastface, etc., liked to gather together, and allegiance to Ai Germany's Northern Winter Wolf Army, the Young Eagle Army in the Valley, and the soldiers and knights of the Sanhe Army in the Hejian Land, etc., also prefer to stay with the Wolf King's subordinates.

Today, after the baptism of fighting together, whether it is mercenaries, soldiers of the Wolf King, or Unsullied, craftsmen and blacksmiths of the Brotherhood of Freedom, they all clearly realize that the undead are their common enemy. The relationship between subordinates is much closer.

During the battle, Kuaili, Marqiro, and the red monk Soros were responsible for lighting the long sword that smeared the wildfire with a spell.

After the battle, Soros, the wine and meat monk who was loyal to the wolf king Ed, prayed together in front of the holy fire with the dragon queen's Quai Li, Black Flame Maqiluo.Quiet Lizard clung to Soros' ear and told a joke, which made Soros laugh out loud.

Tyrion, Bronn, Sandor the Hound and others, mingled with the commanders of the Golden Group; Tormund, the giant buster, played dice with Dario, the leader of the Stormcrows; Sansa, Arya, Join Missandei and lead soldiers from all over the world to pray to the old gods in front of the weirwood heart tree in the godswood
Daenerys looked at the giant bat corpses everywhere, and said depressedly: "The only regret is that we failed to kill any frost dragon."

Unfortunately for Wolf King Ed, he failed to control the Frost Dragon.

When Wolf King Ed rode on the back of the dragon Rhaego to face the Frost Dragon, he tried to use the power of the shapechanger to control the Frost Dragon Merasis, Bronze Wrath Vermythor, and Dreamfire. In the end it failed.

When Ed used his thoughts to try to control the Frost Dragon, he seemed to have fallen into the belly of the Frost Dragon. His temples and scalp were covered with a layer of frost. The cold almost made him faint.

The severe pain caused by the cold made Ed almost lose control of the dragon, giant eagle, and griffin. Ed had to give up the idea of ​​controlling the frost dragon.

In fact, it is reasonable to fail to control the Frost Dragon. After all, Ed can only control ghouls at present, and the gap between controlling ghouls and controlling the Frost Dragon is like the gap between a little devil and a giant. same size.

Daenerys scanned the wights lying on the ground.

"Are these ghouls dead?"

Ed nodded, "After being washed by wildfire and dragon flame, the ghouls are dead."

Daenerys was a little worried. "My brother Rhaegar, Viserys, and my beloved husband Drogo, they all escaped on giant bats. Can the flame kill the death knight?"

Ed said: "Dragon Flame may be able to. I noticed that you control the dragon Drogon, attack Cold Iron, the two-headed monster Maris, Mis Toin, but you are against Rhaegar, Viserys and Drogo, and your men show mercy."

Daenerys said sadly: "After all, they are my relatives! Besides, even if I control the dragon, call out the dragon flame, and order Drogon to attack, I may not be able to hit it. The deaths of those golden groups last night The knight, just escaped in the same way."

Especially Rhaegar, Prince Rhaegar died in battle before Daenerys was born. He died at the Trident River under the hammer of his old enemy Robert.After Rhaegar came back to life, she met the legendary elder brother.

Daenerys thought of Rhaegar under the moonlight in Harrenhal last night. Her melancholy dark purple eyes and godlike beauty broke Daenerys' heart.

Daenerys said: "When I was in Meereen, I heard for the first time that my elder brother Rhaegar was resurrected by Cersei and the Necromancer and became a servant of darkness. I was so angry that I just wanted to kill West as soon as possible. Luo, severely punish these enemies who enslave Rhaegar with dark magic, and at the same time, kill Rhaegar, let Rhaegar's soul rest in peace."

"However, when I faced Rhaegar, I couldn't do it. To make matters worse, when I arrived in Westeros with an army, the necromancer resurrected my second brother Viserys and my husband Drogo."

"I hatched the dragon in the flames, and the three dragons Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal are my children. I use my beloved Khal Drogo, my brothers Viserys and Rhaegar, Named after them. Do I have to let my beloved be wiped out in ashes under the dragon flame and die forever?"

Ed said: "Death knights are servants of the cold god, they are puppets. They have lost their will. There is no doubt that manipulating the magical power of death knights is a kind of mind control."

Daenerys said: "There is no doubt that the necromancer Ogbeta is the one who manipulates magic and controls the death knight."

Ed said: "Ogbeta, the necromancer, has powerful and evil power, but he is just a tool of the cold god, just like the red-robed woman and the red-robed monks are the tools of the king of light, R'hllor."

"If we can defeat the necromancer Ogbeta, the undead army, and destroy the dark temple in King's Landing, maybe we can lift the curse on the death knight."

Daenerys became excited, "The curse is lifted, Rhaegar, Drogo, and Viserys will have self-awareness and survive?"

Ed took out an obsidian dagger.

"If you hit the White Walker with an obsidian dagger, or a Valyrian steel sword, the White Walker will shatter like glass in an instant. We have used an obsidian dagger and an arrow to hit a death knight, and the obsidian shattered, and the death knight was unharmed , which proves that they are not White Walkers, but undead."

"After the curse is lifted, whether the death knights will be wiped out along with the dark power that drives them, or whether they will regain their will and continue to survive, no one knows. However, we all have to admit that it is possible for the death knights to survive."

Daenerys was as excited as a little girl and kissed Ed on the cheek.

"In this way, at least Rhaegar, Viserys and Drogo still have a glimmer of life. Let us defeat the enemy together and lift the curse of the death knight as soon as possible!"

At noon that day, Ed had lunch with Caitlin, Robb, Sansa, Arya, the adopted son Theon, and Domeric. They enjoyed grilled trout, cheese and donkey meat. Sansa wore a pink silk dress , Arya is wearing a brown brocade dress, Lady Direwolf, Gray Wind, Nightwalker, and Nymeria is standing by.

Robb smirked at Sansa and said, "Sansa, have you fallen in love with Sir Loras? Many servants have said that you have a crush on Sir Loras."

"You might as well marry Ser Loras."

Sansa blushed politely, "Ser Loras and I are just friends. Robb, you are going to marry Margaery soon, you should ask Ser Loras more to know Margaery better."

Ed told Robb about High Court's proposal, and Robb learned that he was likely to marry Margaery. He had been thinking about Margaery in High Court these days.

Originally, Ed was worried that Robb would reject the marriage. After all, Margaery had married Renly once, and Renly was still the king at that time.The Tyrell family, seeing Renly's career failure, immediately abandoned Renly. After Renly fled to Riverrun for refuge, the Tyrell family unilaterally passed the archbishop to abolish Renly and Margaery. marriage.

Robb's willingness to marry Margaery at least proves that Robb has matured a lot, and he has understood the importance of political marriage to the alliance.

Arya said: "Bran, Rickon, will follow Jon to Harrenhal soon, and our family can be reunited."

Caitlin was a little worried, "Will Jon Snow take my son Bran, Rickon, in danger? The riverlands will be attacked by frost dragons and giant bats from time to time."

Robb said: "Mother, don't worry! Jon has proved his ability when he was the governor in the north. He can protect his brothers."

There was a smile on Sean's face.

"Jon still needs to prove himself. After all, he has never fought against the undead. Yesterday, I killed several ghouls with my own hands, and even fought against the cold iron for a while."

At this time, Maester Norman walked in, holding a letter in his hand.

"Your Highness Wolf, a raven came from Haijiang City, bringing news from the Iron Islands."

Everyone looked at Theon in unison, the smile on Theon's face disappeared, and he became nervous.

Caitlin excitedly said: "Could it be that King Balon is attacking the Riverland again? Haijiang City is the Riverland's strong shield against the Ironborn!"

Bachelor Norman shook his head, "No, the ironmen have not attacked for the time being. Earl Jason Mallister of Sea Frontier City said in his letter that the Iron Islands have changed their king, Euron Crow's Eye attacked and defeated the Iron Fleet, and he deposed Big Brother Now, Ron, the Crow's Eye wears the Driftwood Crown and the Seastone Seat."

Ed was not surprised. He had expected that the old Baron was no match for the Crow's Eye.Ed's only concern was how many sea monsters died in this civil war.

Theon felt uneasy, his Adam's apple rolling.

"Euron the Crow's Eye must have murdered my father, the kinslayer."

Robb put his hand on Theon's shoulder, "Theon, I'm sorry."

Bachelor Norman explained: "The Crow's Eye snatched the seat of the Seastone and did not harm Balon. Theon, your father Balon, your sister Asha, your third uncle Iron Fleet Commander Victarion, and Even Aeron the Damphair has bowed the knee to Euron the Crow's Eye, and no one has been harmed."

Theon was a little relieved, but then frowned.

"As long as my father is alive, he will never bow his knee to the Crow's Eye. Is the content of the letter wrong?"

Bachelor Norman said: "Earl Jason Mallister of Seafront City wrote in his letter that many fishermen in the Iron Islands are rumored that the Crow's Eye summoned a sea monster in the naval battle that defeated the Iron Fleet, and even more Many ironborn are rumoring that the Crow's Eye resurrected the Sea Dragon Naga on Old Wake Island, in the Hall of the Gray Sea King, using Naga's rib."

"Naga feed on sea monsters and sea beasts, and can swallow an island. If the Crow's Eye has the ability to summon sea monsters and resurrect Naga, then he used magic to control King Balon, Asha, and Victarion And Damphair et al, it's no wonder."

Theon's eyes widened. "Naga's ribs are just stones. It's impossible for Crow's Eye to revive Naga, and it's unlikely that he has the ability to summon sea monsters from the bottom of the sea."

Ed said: "Theon, now is the era of revival of spiritual energy, with dragons dancing wildly and undead raging, what else is impossible? The Crow's Eye has been wandering in the East for several years. He has been to Valyria, and his There are many wizards on the Tranquility, and he attacked the Three Sisters Islands and Crab Island before, all because of the magic horn, and the Crow's Eye has magical powers, what's so strange about it?"

Ed originally hoped that the Crow's Eye's return to the Iron Islands to seize power would cause the golden sea monsters of the Greyjoy family of the Iron Islands to fight among themselves, further weakening the strength of the Iron Islands. Unexpectedly, the Crow's Eye easily seized the ruling power of the Iron Islands.

Theon pondered for a while, "I understand, the Crow's Eye must have controlled my father, my sister and uncles like a necromancer controlling undead ghouls."

Ed said: "Then, don't worry, the Crow's Eye has snatched your father's Seastone seat. According to the rights, after Baron's death, you are the heir to the Seastone seat. I will send troops to attack at the right time." Iron Islands, take back the Seastone for you."

Caitlin looked at Ed in shock.

"Although the Iron Islands suffered a disastrous defeat in the last Battle of the Heatwave River, the Iron Islands are a kingdom composed of oceans, islands and longships. The Iron Islands fleet is rebuilding very quickly."

"Now the Crow's Eye may have sea monsters and naga. Such enemies are far more dangerous than the previous King Balon. What can we do against the Iron Islands fleet that owns sea monsters and naga?"

"As long as the Crow's Eye doesn't attack the Riverlands, the West and the North, we should thank the gods and praise the gods. You still want to provoke the Crow's Eye? We should immediately rectify the defenses of the coastal areas and prepare to fight the Crow's Eye. The sea monster fleet, when necessary, can send out magic dragons."

Robb frowned, "The Riverlands are guarded by us and the Duke of Hoster, and Ser Brynden the Blackfish is in the west. After my father went south, Governor Jon has been the governor of the north. Jon is going south now, will the Crow's Eye take advantage of the opportunity?" What about attacking the northern border?"

Ed said: "Don't worry, after Jon Snow goes south, Wyman Manderly of White Harbor will take over the position of governor."

Caitlin said awkwardly: "Earl Wyman is a good man, but can he be the opponent of the Crow's Eye?"

Arya said: "Earl Wyman is so fat, everyone calls him Lord Eel, there is no doubt that if the Crow's Eye eats Earl Wyman, it will definitely cause the Crow's Eye to suffer from indigestion."

Ed said: "Earl Wyman is fat, but he is a smart man."

"Besides, Earl Wyman and Roderick Cassel, the acting city lord of Winterfell, Mance Rayder, the advisor outside the wall, Benyan Stark of the Night's Watch, Mormont the Bear, and others, took on the responsibility Burden of the defense of the North."

"The forts of our coastal Wolf Fort have all been built, and the artillery will strengthen our defense. If the Crow's Eye brings his sea monsters and fleets to attack the northern border, the riverlands, and the army from the western border to attack the Iron Islands. .”

Caitlin worried: "The Riverland is only separated from the Iron Islands by Ironborn Bay, but at sea, we are no match for the Crow's Eye. I am still worried that the North will be attacked."

Ed comforted: "Don't worry too much, I don't think the Crow's Eye will attack the northern border."

"After the Crow's Eye returned to Westeros, his first stop was the Three Sisters Islands, where he snatched the magic horn from the Temple of the Sisters. At this time, the Crow's Eye's fleet was only a short distance away from the wealthy White Harbor, but he had no choice. Attack White Harbor."

"The second stop was Crab Island, where he robbed a sea monster horn in Earl Celtiga's castle. At this time, the Crow's Eye was very close to Dragonstone Island, Tidehead Island, King's Landing, and Dusken Valley Town. He also did not plunder it. These few islands, the wealth of the town."

"The third stop is the Iron Islands. If the news is true, he resurrected Naga in the Hall of the Gray Sea King."

"Obviously, the Crow's Eye likes to attack places with magical powers. The north belongs to the land of the old gods. What can he find there?"

Caitlin said, "Where do you think the Crow's Eye might attack?"

Ed turned to Maester Norman.

"Maester Norman, write at once to Lord Mace of Highgarden, Lord Leighton Hightower of Oldtown, High Bishop of the Starry Sept in Oldtown, and the Cardinal of the Academy, warning them that Euron Crow's Eye may Attack Oldtown with the sea monsters, naga, and Iron Islands fleet."

"Dr. Marvin is asked to write a letter to the Cardinal Council of the Academy City. Although he is at odds with the doctors of the Academy City, he is a member of the Cardinal Council after all. Marvin's warning will make the administrators of the Academy City take it seriously."

Bachelor Norman has been studying in the old town for many years. He has a lot of affection for the old town. He was surprised: "Your Highness Wolf, why do you think the Crow's Eye will attack the old town?"

Ed said: "Because the school city has the richest collection of books in the known world. There are many ancient scrolls, magic books, bones of many magical animals, magic horns and other things."

"The Hightower family is one of the richest nobles. Their family history can be traced back to the Dawn Era, and they have collected many magic weapons. Earl Layton has not stepped down from the towering tower for decades, and has been hiding in the The tower studies magic books."

"These things will lead the Crow's Eye to Oldtown. There are Shield Islands and the Arbor Isle fleet in the Reach. They were originally impenetrable, but they are very difficult to resist in front of sea monsters."

Sansa stroked her heart, "I heard from Sir Loras that Old Town is the most beautiful city in Westeros. Loras' mother, Lady Allery, is the daughter of Lord Leighton Hightower."

"Have Loras write a letter to warn Lord Mace and Lady Allerly, so that Highgarden will take the threat of the Crow's Eye more seriously."

"If the Old Town is attacked by the Crow's Eye, it will be a disaster! The Hightower family should be allowed to transfer all valuables to Highgarden for refuge."

Ed said: "High Court is not safe either. Once the Ironborn fleet captures the Shield Islands, they can go up the Mander River and threaten High Court."

Sansa thought for a while, "Then let Old Town transport valuables such as the School City, the books collected by the Hightower family, and magic horns to the riverlands or the northern border. We are relatively safe here."

Ed smiled, "Sansa, you are so naive, since it is a valuable item, how could they give it to us so easily?"

Quai Lizard, Soros, and Black Flame Marquis surrounded the holy flame, watching the orange, yellow, and golden flames constantly jumping and changing from different directions.

These believers of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, all have the ability to predict the future through flames.

Daenerys said: "Quiet Lizard and Black Flame Marquis are very powerful believers of the Lord of Light. It was with their help that my fleet arrived in Westeros smoothly. .”

Ed, Daenerys walked in front of them.Ed said, "What did you see?"

Soros said: "I saw the crow hovering under the sky of the eye of death, and the dark tide flooded the lighthouse and library by the sea."

The crow circled the eye of death, which obviously refers to the crow's eye. The lighthouse is probably the towering tower, a landmark building in Old Town, and the library, most likely refers to the school city. Ed is becoming more and more convinced that the crow's eye is going to attack old town.

Black Flame Maqiro said: "I saw the swordsman of the dawn reborn in the dark land."

"I see flames and storms fighting in the southern skies, and the earth is full of pain," said the Quail in the red-lacquered mask.

Ed looked into the eyes beneath the red lacquer mask.

"What do you think this means?"

Quai Li said: "I think this refers to the Balrog in the Stormlands. Where the Balrog walked, there was a piece of scorched earth. The Balrog is a dangerous tool of the Lord of Light. Melisandre summoned the Balrog in the Summer Hall , The Balrog is currently helping Stannis to fight against the undead, but both Stannis and Melisandre may have forgotten that the Balrog has a will of its own."

"The Balrog can use corpses from the battlefield to create flame slaves. Once such a powerful creature is out of control, it is very dangerous."

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(End of this chapter)

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