Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 243 The undead surrender, god Ed

Chapter 243 The undead surrender, god Ed

The Great Wall is one hundred leagues long and seven hundred feet high, and there are nineteen castles along it.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Even the savages and northerners have never seen such heavy snow. The cold is freezing to the bone.

Daenerys wears a white lion skin coat, which was a gift given to Daenerys by Khal Drogo in the Dothraki steppe.

Daenerys stood on the Great Wall, heavy snow fell one after another, and the army of the undead in the north was marching in the ice and snow. She said depressedly: "Khal Drogo gave me this lion skin coat, but he became the death of the Night King. Knight, and my brothers Rhaegar and Viserys."

Ed said: "Daenerys, don't worry, as long as we defeat the Night King, Khal Drogo, Prince Rhaegar, and Viserys, they will all regain their sense of self, and they will remember those who love them and who they are. Beloved person."

Six magic dragons: Flying Wolf, Koi, Hawkeye, Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are hovering over the Great Wall. The fortress on the south side of the Great Wall is the Shadow Tower.

The Children of the Forest placed teleportation stones in every castle, allowing Ed to take the magic dragon in his hand and teleport through space. From Eastwatch, they used the teleportation stone to go directly to the Shadow Tower.

On the Great Wall, many castles, including Black Castle and Nightfort, were attacked by the undead. Ed decided to come to the Shadow Tower first.

The Night King's mighty Undertaker, along with tens of thousands of corpses and stitch monsters, approached the Shadow Tower of the Western Castle of the Great Wall from the north amidst the flying snow.

The Stitch Monster is a monster pieced together from corpses. It is more than two meters tall. Its limbs are sewn together from dozens of rotten heads and limbs. Pus oozes from the suture parts, and its whole body exudes the smell of abscess and corpse odor.

The Winter Wolf Army and the Night Watch on the Great Wall have already planted mines within 1000 meters north of the Great Wall. When the ghouls entered the range of the mines, many ghouls and stitch monsters were instantly blown into pieces. .

If it were a human army, when it encountered a landmine, it would be frightened and hesitate, but the undead did not know fear and continued to move forward.

After the mines were blown up, the cannons on the Great Wall began to roar, and the shells exploded among the undead under the Great Wall.

After the bones all over the place were put into the funeral car, it didn't take long for these corpses to turn into suture monsters or blue-eyed ghouls.

Ed has eyes like an eagle, and he can clearly see all the undead under the Great Wall of Despair. When Ed saw the pus-flowing Stitch Monster, he felt sick, and he swept the snow from his hair with his hands.

"I kind of like the cold weather brought by the Night King. If the weather is warmer, the stench of the Stitches will kill us."

After the undead army went south to attack the Great Wall, the weather became colder and colder. People are still debating whether the undead like to hang out in the cold, or whether the appearance of the undead brings the cold.Even the bachelors of the Academy City can't answer this question.

In the extremely cold weather, guarding the largest ice structure like the Great Wall of Despair, every breath felt like a needle pricking into the lungs.Many warriors who came to the Great Wall from Dorne, the Reach, and the Stormlands to fight were still shivering even though they were wearing thick furs in three layers.

Fortunately, there is plenty of wood on the Great Wall of Despair. Otherwise, such weather would freeze people to death even without a fight.

Ed is not bothered by the cold. The elemental power in his body is extremely powerful and has reached a perfect balance.Even if the power of the elements is put aside, the sword and ice in Ed's hand is like a furnace, exuding warmth. This is because the Balrog is sealed in the sword and ice.

The roar of the Frost Giant Dragon came from the air, and three Frost Giant Dragons appeared above the Impassable Great Wall, and sprayed light blue ice dragon flames towards the fortifications on the Impassable Great Wall.

Eddard recognized that one of the frost dragons was Silverwing. She once belonged to the "good" Queen Alexa. Back then, Queen Alexa persuaded the Stark family to donate the new land and use her jewelry to , to help the Night Watch build the new castle. In order to thank Queen Alexa for her contribution, the Snow Gate to the west of Castle Black was even renamed the Queen's Gate.

At Harrenhal, the ice sprayed by the frost dragon could freeze cannons, trebuchets, ballistas, etc. Once these defensive equipment were frozen, they would completely lose their ability to attack.On the Great Wall of Impasse, due to the magic of the Great Wall itself, the ice sprayed by the frost dragon cannot freeze the siege equipment.

However, the frost dragon's ice attack power is still astonishing.

The back of the frost dragon was covered with corpses exuding yellow plague, and they landed on the wall of the Great Wall of Despair like lice.

The ice hit the cannon on the turret, and the surrounding soldiers screamed with blood freezing, died instantly, and turned into blue-eyed corpses.

Ice bats appear from the sky. This monster is more ferocious than giant bats. Its wingspan is usually three meters long. It is exuding plague. It is much smaller than the frost dragon, but its size is enough to rival giant eagles and griffons.

The plague ghoul on the back of the ice bat also jumped off the bat's back and landed on the Great Wall of Despair.

Daenerys and Jon quickly mounted the dragons to fight. Eddard controlled the six dragons with his mind, spraying out dragon flames. The ice bats screamed, burned and fell.

However, there are still more and more plague ghouls at the top of the city. Some of these plague ghouls jumped off the backs of frost dragons and ice bats, and more were human defenders killed by the ice of the frost dragon. , turned into a plague ghoul.

The air was filled with the smell of corruption, sourness, and death, and some human soldiers couldn't help but cough.

Qorin Halfhand and his brothers of the Night's Watch struggled to resist. Qorin Halfhand wielded his flaming sword, cutting down one enemy after another.

Jon was riding on the back of the dragon Rhaego. A plague wight jumped from the back of the frost dragon onto Rhaego's back and rushed towards Jon. Jon pulled out the sword Blackfire and pierced it with one sword. Killed the ghoul's head.

On the Great Wall of Impossibility, Melisandre is wearing a long red silk dress, which wraps plump icy muscles and bones. The red-robed girl Melisandre has hot skin and is not affected by the cold at all. This is because she serves Rah, the King of Light. Lo's sake.

Melisandre activated the spell, and the big ruby ​​on her snow-white neck emitted blood-red light. She summoned flames and swallowed up the hordes of corpses on the Great Wall.

The giant frost dragon Vormisor swooped down towards the Great Wall of Despair. The leaves of the Son of the Forest sprinkled a handful of green powder. The powder fell on Vormisor and instantly turned into a big net, covering Vormisor. , Wormisor struggled hard, the net became tighter and tighter, the giants were prosperous, Duoduo, the strong Mag, picked up the war hammer and smashed Wormisor.

The remaining two frost dragons, Silverwing and Silverwing, were also covered by the Children of the Forest's net. Silverwing was killed by Daenerys' dragon Drogon, and Silverwing was killed by artillery.

After the death of the frost dragon, only the ice bats were left in the undead air force above the Shadow Tower. The giant eagle prince Michu led dozens of giant eagles and griffins to kill them, and the ice bats were quickly killed.

Under the Great Wall of Despair, the funeral convoy of mourners constantly resurrected corpses and suture monsters.Stitch monsters and wights are fiercely attacking the gate tunnel of the Shadow Tower under the Great Wall.

The six dragons bathed the undead, ghouls, and stitch monsters below with dragon flames, screaming and dying.

The mourner is dressed in black, holds a sickle, and smiles.

"Wolf King, you are so brave. It's a pity that humans' brave resistance will only add fun to the Night King's conquest."

Ed rode on Airwolf's back, "I've really had enough of your nonsense!"

The flying wolf breathed out dragon flames, and the mourner's scythe produced a black light. A coffin covered the sky above the mourner. The coffin emitted billowing black smoke. When the dragon flames burned the coffin, the mourner disappeared without a trace and fled to the north.

The human defenders finally repelled the enemies of the Shadow Tower, however, many soldiers were infected with the plague.

Melisandre looked at the wounded, "If the plague is not treated in time, these wounded will eventually turn into blue-eyed ghouls."

Ed said: "The children of the forest will bring nurses, heal them, and transfer the wounded to the land-grant manor."

Daenerys said: "We have killed three frost dragons. Will the Night King resurrect them?"

Ed said: "If the Night King wants to resurrect the frost dragon, he will waste more magic. The magic of the undead also has an upper limit."

The craftsmen immediately began to repair the forts, trebuchets, and ballistae.

More than a dozen castles on the Great Wall of Despair are all under attack by the undead. Ed is breathing the power of elements in the air. The place where the smell of death is the strongest is where the undead attack is most violent.

Ed decided to support Castle Black first. He used the teleportation stone to bring the dragon, giant eagle, griffon, Daenerys, Jon Snow, and Melisandre to Castle Black.

The Bat Enchantress is leading an army of undead to attack Castle Black.

Kingslayer Jaime, Brienne, Advisor beyond the Wall Mance Rayder, Old Bear Mormont, Ser Jorah and others are commanding the battle at the top of the Great Wall.

The bats brought by the Bat Enchantress include not only huge ice bats, but also ordinary bats. These mouse-sized bats appear densely in the sky above the Great Wall of Despair.

Ed rode on the back of the dragon and flying wolf, held high the sword and ice, and the colorful rainbow light instantly shone over Castle Black, and the little bat screamed and died, turning into ashes.

Deathstorm Robert and the goat Varg Hutt, riding ice bats, landed on the wall of the Great Wall.

Brienne holds the sword Dark Sister and stops the goat Wagg Hurt from fighting. When the colorful light appears, the goat Wagg Hurt instantly loses his vision and is temporarily blind. Brienne takes the opportunity to use the Dark Sister to pierce the tile. In the heart of G. Hut, the goat Wag Hut screamed and convulsed, his body turned into ashes, and his ghost floated into the sky.

Deathstorm Robert was shot by a weirwood arrow from the Children of the Forest. The rainbow light also interfered with Deathstorm. Jaime, the Kingslayer, took the opportunity to scream with Valyrian steel sword and pierced the heart of Deathstorm. Deathstorm laughed maniacally. After death, the ghost floats to the north.

The children of the forest locked the bats with magic nets, and the cannons and dragon flames destroyed these ice and snow bats.Seeing that she could not win, the Bat Enchantress could only escape with the remnants of the undead.

Ed said: "Brennes killed the goat Wagg Hut, and Jaime killed Deathstorm. It would take a lot of magic for the Night King to resurrect these two death knights."

Brienne stroked the sword Dark Sister, "This is a gift from Your Majesty and the Mother of Dragons to me. I should kill my enemies to live up to this gift."

Jaime shrugged, "It seems that I was born to be a regicide! In the Red Keep of King's Landing, I was fed up with Robert crawling into Cersei's bed every night. I always regretted not being able to kill Robert with my own hands. Unexpectedly, Robert became a death knight, and I finally got what I wanted."

Later, Ed led the magic dragon, giant eagle, and griffon to defeat the necromancer Ogbeta in the Sable Hall.

In Shimen Village, the magic dragon defeated the Spider Baron's ice spider army.

The most brutal battle took place in the Nightfort. The Night King personally led an army to attack the Nightfort.

The Nightfort is commanded by the experienced Sir Barristan. Loras the Knight of Flowers, Oberyn the Red Viper, Sandor the Hound, the Lightning King, and Thoros the Red Monk are also in the Nightfort.Of course, the most important resistance force in the Nightfort is the Green Seer, the Three-Eyed Raven, the Crow Soldiers and the Children of the Forest.

The ice bats and ghouls who retreated from the major castles gathered towards the Nightfort.

The Night King was once the 13th Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch. He and his queen had wonderful memories here. It is obvious that the Night King hopes to tear apart the defense line of the Great Wall from the Night Fortress and open the way to the south. the way.

When Daenerys and Jon came to the sky above the Nightfort, they were all surprised because a moving castle appeared in the sky. The castle was in the shape of a skull and had blue eyes.

The Night King held his arms around the waist of Queen Cersei, admiring the killings at the Wall at the Moving Castle.

Daenerys raised an eyebrow.

"Why can this kind of castle fly?"

Ed said calmly: "This is dark magic." Sooner or later, this will become Ed's castle.

Jon worriedly said: "This castle flies higher than the Great Wall. Will the Night King directly use the moving castle to fly over the Great Wall?"

The answer was the Three-Eyed Crow, "The Great Wall itself has magic, and the Moving Castle cannot fly over it."

The wights rode frost dragons and ice bats, and fell on the city walls in droves. The Night Watch, the Winter Wolf Army, and the soldiers of the Golden Company fought back with flaming arrows and muskets to fight against the wights.

The frost dragons Blue Queen Trisain and Red Queen Melias flew up the Great Wall and sprayed ice, but were trapped by the children of the forest's net. The cannon roared and the shells penetrated the two frost dragons. Frost The giant dragon screamed repeatedly, and then the giant eagle and griffin tore the frost dragon into pieces together.

Ed rode on the back of the demon dragon Feilang. He controlled the koi with his mind and together with Hawkeye, killed the frost dragon Menghuo.

The Night King on the Moving Castle, snap your fingers.

"Ed, it's game over!"

The shadow of the death of the frost dragon covered the sky and the sun, and Aegon the Conqueror appeared riding the Black Death God Balerion, behind him was Visenia riding Vagarhar, and Rhaenys riding Meraxes .

The ice sprayed by Balerion was so cold that the dragon, flying wolf, koi, and eagle eye were frozen in mid-air by the ice. Ed activated the elemental power, and the flames fell from the sky and broke through the ice.

The shadows of Meraxes, Vhagar, and Balerion covered the sky, and they spewed out silver-blue ice, and the ice covered the sky.

The Great Wall is blessed with magic and will not collapse under the ice flames of the Frost Dragon. However, the humans on the Great Wall cannot survive the attack of ice. Ed pulled out the giant sword Ice and shot out a burst of fire. The Balrog appeared on the Wall, blocking Meraxes, Vhagar and Balerion Ice.

The Children of the Forest took the opportunity to sprinkle the powder and turned it into a magic web, entangling Meraxes, Vhagar and Balerion.

Eddard stretched out his finger, and the surrounding fire elements shook. Meraxes, Vhagar, Balerion, and Aegon the Conqueror, Visenya, and Rhaenys on their backs began to burn.

The Night King was furious, he kicked Cersei aside and pulled out the Sword of Death.

The flames on the frost dragons Vhagar, Balerion, and Meraxes disappeared, but the dragon knights all died. The Night King rode on the back of Balerion, the black god of death. The sword of death shot out a blue light, and the Balrog was miserable. Called Lianlian, the blood of magma flows out.

The Night King is so powerful that not even the powerful Balrog can take a single blow from the Night King.

Ed had no choice but to put the injured Balrog into the ice of the sword.

The Night King rode Balerion, the black god of death, and swooped towards the dragon flying wolf under Ed's crotch. The sword of death shot a blue light and hit Ed. Bright red blood flowed from Ed's heart. He lost control instantly and began to slowly fall to the ground.

The world spun and Ed fell into the dirt.

Daenerys, Jon, tried to ride a dragon to save Eddard, but was blocked by the frost dragon Meraxes and Vhagar.

The shadows of the Night King and the Black Death enveloped Ed, and the Night King held the sword of death against Ed's heart.

"Ed, death is sweet. After you die, you can be my slave of darkness forever."

Ed smiled, "I'm afraid it's you who will be the slave!"

The power of the elements surged, and the power belonging to the earth, streams, rivers, oceans, forests, and wetlands condensed into Ed's body, and Ed was instantly filled with power.

The Night King's sword of death was deflected by the power of the elements. The Night King was shocked. He held the sword of death tightly and stabbed Eddard. Eddard stroked the weirwood bracelet on his right wrist, and Winterfell and Casterly Rock appeared in the sky. , Highgarden, Riverrun, Harrenhal, Towering Tower, Storm's End, Eyrie, Sunspear and other castle totems.

Ed said: "This belongs to Westeros, the Seven Kingdoms, countless rivers, creeks, earth, mountains, forests, oceans, the power of metal, the Night King, the power of death, which cannot resist the power of nature."

The sky bleeds, and these castles condense into a map of Westeros under the gaze of the God's eye, a map of Westeros made of weirwood.

The moving fortress shattered in an instant, Vhagar, Meraxes, and Balerion were trembling, and the wights and ghosts were wiped out.

Under the gaze of the God's Eye, the Night King began to burn internally, his internal organs began to burn, the Valyrian steel sword and ice began to burn, the fire demon danced wildly in the heart of the sword, and Eddard cut off the Night King's head.

The Night King's soul tried to escape, but Ed used the power of the elements to trap the Night King and put the Night King's soul into the sword of ice. Ed absorbed all the undead's magical abilities.

The Night King screamed again and again, and merged with the Balrog in the sword. Now, Ed's sword Ice became the "Concerto of Ice and Fire."

As the Night King was brutally sealed, the dark altar in the Land of Everwinter began to collapse, and tens of thousands of undead armies instantly lost their mind control. Just one heartbeat later, Ed took over the undead army, the Undertaker, and the undead wizard Ogbeta. , Spider Baron, Death Knight, Bat Enchantress, Frost Dragon, Crow Eye, etc., all became puppets controlled by Ed.

The heavy snow stopped, the sun broke out from the dark clouds, the cold winter was over, and spring came. This may be the shortest winter in the history of Westeros.

The Night King became a pendant on the Ice Sword, which was silver-blue. Next to the Night King's pendant was the fiery red Balrog pendant.

Ed stroked the sword Ice and summoned the Night King.

The Night King, with his army of undead, knelt at Ed's feet.

"Emperor Ed, your servant the Night King is willing to serve you. What can the servant of the undead do for you?"

Ed said: "The workshops in Westeros need undead to work, the land needs to be cultivated, and the port needs shipbuilding. In the future, the undead can farm my land, work in the workshop, dig canals, and build roads."

The undead do not need to sleep, eat or drink. They are perfect slaves and can work hard at their jobs forever, which can save Ed's production costs.

Ed controls the undead army. These undead are Ed's puppets and have lost their self-awareness. They are perfect killing machines.

Ed only restored his self-awareness through the quasi-death knights Prince Rhaegar, Robert, Viserys, and Horse King Drogo.

This is because Robert is Ed's good brother, Prince Rhaegar is Jon's father, and Daenerys's brother. Horse King Drogo is Daenerys's husband. Although Viserys is stupid, he is Dany after all. Liz's brother.

Robert hugged Eddard, "Ha! My good brother Eddard, became a king? That's what you did to me in the beginning. It's time for you to die and taste what it's like to be a king."

Prince Rhaegar stroked Jon Snow's black hair, "I didn't expect you to have grown so big. Thank you Lord Eddard for raising you. I made many stupid decisions because of the prophecies back then. "

Daenerys hugged Khal Drogo and said, "My sun and star, you have finally awakened. It was me who mistakenly believed in the witch, and that's how I killed my sun and star."

Khal Drogo said: "This is my fate and has nothing to do with women and wives. I really want to have an affair with you, but unfortunately, I am an undead after all, and I can't give you another child."

Daenerys said: "Are you jealous that I'm betrothed to Jon?"

Khal Drogo said: "Drogo will fight Jon for this, but the undead Drogo will not, because I have seen death. Living is the happiest thing, woman and wife, please enjoy life, I will fight for you and protect you. All of you."

On the Great Wall, the Three-Eyed Crow told Ed.

"Emperor Eddard, you are already a god-like being. You surrendered the Night King, stopped the Long Night, and created the shortest winter in the history of Westeros. Spring is coming. The children of the forest and I are going back to the forest. ”

Ed said: "The wolf forest, the royal forest, the rain forest, the valley, let the children of the forest live in it."

The Three-Eyed Crow said: "The Children of the Forest also think you are the greatest wise man. It is because of Emperor Ed that the Children of the Forest have learned to advance and retreat with mankind. In the future, the Children of the Forest will become part of the Westeros family of creatures."

Jon comes to Eddard.

"Your Majesty, we have defeated the undead, what should we do next?"

Ed said: "After your wedding to Daenerys, Robb and Margaery, after the wedding, I will fulfill the promise I made to Daenerys. I will march across the narrow sea, liberate the slaves, and create a new world." empire."

 Thanks to Corn Tomato, Wenchenzi, Taoli Panfeng, Yangyang, 20210102192500270, Pan Wei, there is a shortage of books every day, kitepaper, the passer-by in the world, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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