Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 244 Junlin Wedding, the Emperor’s Ambition

Chapter 244 Junlin Wedding, the Emperor’s Ambition
The moving castle pulled by six magic dragons soared over King's Landing. The butchers and shoemakers in King's Landing's Flea Bottom, the prostitutes and patrons on Silk Street, the baker boy on Flour Street, and the Winter Wolf Army at the top of the city burst into screams and cheers. People chanted the name of Emperor Ed the Great.

After defeating the undead, the Citadel sent out white crows to announce the end of winter and the arrival of spring.It was Ed the Great who defeated the Night King and ended the cold winter. The past winter became the shortest winter since there were written records in the history of Westeros. Ed has become a god-like existence everywhere.

The undead do not need to eat, drink or sleep. Tens of thousands of undead followed Eddard southward. Eddard sent them to the west to mine, to produce gunpowder in the northern workshops, and to build ships in White Harbor, the Three Sisters Islands, and Seagull Town.

More than 40 frost dragons, including the Black Death Balerion, Meraxes, and Vhagar, have become Ed's pets. These frost dragons will become Ed's defense of Westeros and intimidate the nobles. A tool for stable rule, it is also a great weapon for future foreign wars and expansion of the empire's territory.

Death knights such as Aegon the Conqueror, Robert the Deathstorm, Prince Rhaegar, Cold Iron, The Mountain, Khal Drogo, and Wagg Hutt the Goat have also become tools in Ed's hands to spread terror.

The undead captain Crow's Eye will become the ace of the Westeros Empire's navy together with the mermaid fleet of the sea witch Grace, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the royal fleet, the iron fleet, and the Arbor Redwin fleet.

The Night King became Ed's younger brother, and Ed's magical power was once again enhanced. He used the power of the elements to collect high-quality stone from the valley, high-quality wood from the north, high-quality soil from the River Bend, and high-quality sand from Dorne. The iron from the Iron Islands and the sand from the river land were used to make this moving castle. The moving castle has an armory, a granary, a barracks, a school ground, a garden, a banquet hall, etc., and the wine cellar is full of blueberry wine and golden wine.

The Moving Castle even has a treasure room for storing dragon eggs. The Three-Eyed Raven, the Golden Lady, and Melisandre help Eddard find dragon eggs all over Westeros. Now, from the Iron Islands, Fairy Island, and the River Bend Dragon eggs were found in Tengshi Town and Dragonstone Island.

Once these dragon eggs hatch, they can breed more dragons.

The Moving Castle traveled all the way from the north to the south, pulled by six magic dragons and surrounded by giant eagles and griffins, becoming a miracle in the eyes of residents everywhere.People are afraid of the dragon, but they are proud of it.

In the eyes of the residents of Westeros, whether they are Ironborn, Rockborn, Dornishmen, Borderlanders, Children of the Forest, or Giants, Eddard is already one of the gods.

In the North, Ed is even more legendary than Brandon the Builder.

In the Reach, Ed was born as "Greenhand" Garth.

In the Vale, it is believed that Eddard was reborn as the Winged Knight.

In the Iron Islands, where he was the Drowned God and the Storm God, priests trembled and spoke Eddard's name, and sailors prayed to Eddard's image.

In Dorne, Ed became the dream lover of countless men, women and children.

In the Stormlands, he is Duren, the "God Sees Sorrow". The Church of the Seven Gods publicly declares that Ed is the incarnation of the Seven Gods in the world. He rules over the Visenya Hills and the rebuilt church is named St. Ed's Cathedral.

Next to St. Ed's Cathedral, there is the Temple of the Old Gods, which enshrines the ancient gods belonging to the mountains, the earth, rivers, streams, oceans, forests, the six-shaped man Varamyr, the eagle king McCain, and the bear king Beyer Such shapechangers became druids of the old gods.

In the corner of the Visenya Hills, the Memorial Hall of the Undead was built. In front of the memorial hall stood a huge stone tablet. On the stone tablet were carved scenes of Cersei, Joffrey, and the necromancers killing believers of the Seven Gods and innocent people. In King's Landing, where the undead rule During this period, tens of thousands of believers of the Seven Gods and innocent people were brutally killed. The Memorial Hall of the Dead will remember the crimes of the Lannister and the undead and serve as a warning to future generations.

Former Grand Maester Pycelle, under the orders of Eddard, wrote the book "Lannister and the Sins of the Undead", which has begun to spread among the people in the city.

With the Lannister's sins remembered by nobles and commoners alike, they pose no threat.

Giant eagles, dragons and griffons surrounded the Moving Castle and arrived over the Red Keep. Ed, Daenerys and Jon stood at the door of the Moving Castle.

Young Wolf Lord Robb, Queen Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, and Rickon, with a group of direwolves, looked at the Moving Castle in the sky.

Arya's eyes widened, "It seems that the news from the north is true. Father indeed has a moving castle, a magic castle!"

Caitlin said, "Ed, how do we get up there?"

Ed whistled, and a few giant eagles landed on the ground. Caitlin and the children, together with the direwolves, flew up to the moving castle.

After the family members gathered together, they walked toward the castle hall. The hall was covered with Myr carpets and all blue and white porcelain tableware was used. Roses from the Reach, cactus from Dorne, and gardenias from the Riverlands were placed in vases. , chrysanthemums in the valley, etc.

Eddard ordered the servants to deliver lemon cake, caviar, pretzel bread, grilled trout, wild boar and other delicacies. Catelyn was surprised to find that Cersei was actually one of the maids.

Caitlin said worriedly: "Ed, Cersei is a maid? Aren't you afraid that this vicious woman will poison us?"

Ed said: "Cersei is an undead now, she is my puppet, and the mind control has made all that is left in her mind is obedience. Now, Cersei is a maid. She has to scrub the castle stairs, wash clothes, and work in the house every day. Helping in the kitchen. It's a way of atonement."

Caitlin was relieved that Arya and Sansa were not in the mood to eat at all. They ate lemon cake and visited the study, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, stable, stable, sanctuary, godswood, etc.

Sansa said happily: "This is simply the magic castle that only appears in songs!"

Jon and Robb prefer the armory and the school grounds, Ed said: "This castle will come in handy right away. On the wedding day, the nobles will dine at the moving castle."

Robb and Jon will marry their brides on the same day. Robb will marry Margaery, the daughter of the Duke of Mace in Highgarden, and Jon will marry Daenerys. Witness the engagement ceremony between Bran and Myrcella. In Eddard’s plan, in the future, Bran will rule the West and become the Duke of Casterly Rock.

Myrcella is a sweet little girl. She has bright golden hair and turquoise eyes. She is charming, but she does not have Cersei's viciousness at all. Marrying Myrcella can unite the nobles of the West and appease those who have migrated. To the Lannisters in the North.

The three-eyed crow visits Bran's dream every night. Now Bran has shown the potential to become a green seer. He can easily control crows, wild wolves, squirrels and other animals.

When Bran grows up in the future, he will become the Duke of the West Territory and guard the West Territory for the Stark family.

Winterfell and the North will be left to Rickon to inherit. Now, Bunyan has become the acting city lord. In the future, Benyan will assist Rickon and rule the North.

After surrendering the Night King and the undead, the Night's Watch completely became the Stark family's army, and Eddard transferred Benyan to Winterfell.

Later, Michu, the giant eagle prince, brought in the gryphon prime minister Jon Clinton, the finance minister Tyrion, the intelligence chief Varys, the sea minister Stannis, the commander-in-chief of the Kings Guards Sir Barristan and other important officials of the royal council.

The royal ministers were amazed when they first arrived at the moving castle.

Tyrion smiled and said: "This moving castle is simply tailor-made for dwarfs! Standing on such a castle, dwarfs are as tall as giants."

Varys rubbed his soft hands, "What a great castle, just like His Majesty's great victory."

Aide said: "Ministers, welcome, let us come to the chamber to hold a royal meeting!"

Everyone came to the gorgeous meeting hall. The meeting hall was paved with gold and used ivory tables and chairs. The floor was covered with Myr carpets. The map of Westeros and Essos was engraved on the rosewood screen.

Prime Minister Jon Clinton sat on Eddard's right hand, while Tyrion, Varys, Stannis and Ser Barristan were in two rows.

Eddard said: "Lord Clinton, during my expedition to the Wall, you were in King's Landing, assisting Robb, and completed your work responsibly."

Jon Clinton said: "This would not be possible without the help of all your lords. However, Acting Grand Maester Marwyn is an exception. He spends his days in books, either studying dragon eggs or giant eagles. A few days ago, another Starting to study ghouls, Dr. Marvin is often absent from the imperial meeting, and he is not willing to communicate with the people in the imperial meeting."

Ed said: "Dr. Marwin is a member of my think tank. He doesn't like the job of a grand maester. Fortunately, the Cardinal of the City has selected an experienced, wise and generous grand maester for us."

Tyrion stared at those eyes of different sizes, "The new Grand Maester is on his way to King's Landing from Old Town?" Eddard said: "No, the new Grand Maester sets out from Castle Black on the Great Wall."

Sam supported Maester Aemon and came to the crowd.

After the War of the Undead, Maester Aemon's nearly 70 years of service in Castle Black finally came to an end. He was ready to return to Oldtown to live in retirement, but he was appointed Doctor by the Cardinal Council of Oldtown and voted as Grand Maester. .

In the past, due to Aemon's Targaryen ancestry, the cardinals of Oldtown would not trust Maester Aemon at all. Maester Aemon stayed on the Wall for nearly 70 years.

However, the doctors of the Cardinal Council were even more repelled by Dr. Marwyn. In the era of spiritual recovery, Marwyn was an authority in the field of magic. They were afraid that Marwyn would serve as Grand Maester in King's Landing for a long time, so they immediately gave Maester Aemon the title of doctor. He also elected Bachelor Aemon as Grand Bachelor of the Imperial Council.

Everyone stood up to welcome the arrival of Archmaester Aemon. Aemon said: "I am already blind. I didn't expect that at such an age, I could still serve as a grand maester. I am afraid that I am too old and frail to be qualified."

Ed said: "Maester Aemon, Sam will attend the royal meeting on your behalf, Maester Norman will be responsible for the treatment, and Dr. Marwin will also help. You only need to contribute your advice."

In the future, Sam has become Maester Aemon's apprentice. Sam, who is diligent and studious, will become Maester Aemon's successor, the Grand Maester.

Ed said: "Spring is coming. I want to promote Stark Manor throughout the Seven Kingdoms. People who join Stark Manor can use the livestock, plows and other farm tools provided by the Stark family for free, and have priority to enter." Work in Stark's workshop and learn blacksmithing, weaving and other skills."

Varys said: "Your Majesty, since you have mastered magic, why don't you use magic to cultivate the land and produce goods? Why return to the old way of farming? I remember that you have a harvest horn in your hand. When the horn blows, Sweet fruits, corn, and wheat will appear.”

Ed said: "Please remember that any magic has a price, and misuse of magic will lead to corruption. The Balrog and the Night King have powerful magical powers, but they are all evil and corrupt creatures. If we can't even farm, Use magic, and magic will pollute the earth, forests and skies, and poison our hearts."

Archmaester Aemon agreed, "Yes, magic is sweet, but pastoral songs are a return to nature."

Ed said: "Westeros relies too much on the Braavos Iron Bank. We want to open Stark Bank, headquartered in King's Landing, Lannisport, White Harbor, Old Town, Seagull Town, and set up branches. In the future, Maiden Spring Town, Shield Islands, Beauty Collection, Weeping Town, Iron Islands, Earl Harroway's town, Eastwatch and these places also have branches."

Griffin Prime Minister Jon Clinton said: "Your Majesty, the upcoming wedding is a long-awaited event in the Seven Kingdoms. Nobles from all over the Seven Kingdoms gathered in King's Landing and packed every inn and tavern in King's Landing. Many The nobles couldn’t find an inn to live in, so they had to set up tents outside King’s Landing.”

"Tents have sprouted up on both sides of the Blackwater River like bamboo shoots after a rain. During the wedding, martial arts competitions, singer competitions, troupe performances, etc. will be held. People from all over the country are flocking to King's Landing."

Sir Barristan frowned and said: "The security of King's Landing will be a huge test. Thieves, robbers, human traffickers and the like will definitely take the opportunity to do some illegal and criminal things. I will lead the Guardsmen and be ready."

Ed said: "Don't worry, we have magic dragons, giant eagles, and griffons in King's Landing. When necessary, I will also release the frost dragon, balrog, and naga. King's Landing is absolutely safe, and lawbreakers will live in peace."

On the day of the wedding, thousands of nobles poured into the Great Temple of Ed on the Visenya Hills. The Great Temple of Ed turned into a sea of ​​silks and furs, and the sunlight passed through the crystal glass and shed colorful lights.

Daenerys is wearing a purple-gold silk dress, with the three-headed dragon crest of the Targaryen family engraved with rubies on the chest of the dress. Daenerys' long silver-white hair hangs down to her waist, and her purple eyes are breathtaking, as if falling into the sky. A fairy in the world.

Margery wears a light blue brocade dress, which is made of opal, lapis lazuli, sapphire, ruby, agate, emerald, pure gold, etc., carved into seven colors of roses.

Robb was wearing a gray fur coat, and his silver cloak was fastened with a direwolf pin. Jon was wearing a black silk coat. The direwolf Gray Wind, Ghost, Nymeria, Lady, and Shaggydog crowded together to witness Robb and Jon. Eun's wedding.

The Archbishop and the Druids of the Old Gods, in the name of the old and new gods, blessed the newlyweds Margaery and Robb, Jon and Daenerys.

Witnessed by the nobles from all over Westeros, Myrcella and Bran got engaged, and Ed officially appointed Bran as the Duke of Casterly Rock in the Western Territory. , to manage the West Territory for the Stark family.

Then, amid the cheers of the people, the Moving Castle descended over the Visenya Hills, lowered a wooden staircase, and the nobles walked up to the hall of the Moving Castle.

The Great Hall of the Moving Castle is larger than the Throne Room, comparable to the Hall of the Hundred Furnaces at Harrenhal.

Duke Mace, Lady Olenna, Prince Oberyn, Lord Theon, Edmure Tully, Duke Hoster, Lysa, Stannis, Renly and others occupied the honorary positions on the highest stage.

Northern caviar, black truffle, poached eggs from the Valley, pork chops, sisters stew from the Three Sisters Islands, peacock meat from the River Bend, skylark meat, grilled trout black pepper steak from the River Lands, pepper snake from Dorne Meat and other delicacies were served one after another, and the singers began to perform.

Tom of Seven Strings performed "The Master of Justice" which praised common heroes; the Blue Poet performed "Roses Are Forever" which praised Margaery's beauty; Simon the Silvertongue performed "Brown Soup and Golden Hands"; Marillion performed "The Eagle's Nest". "The Fall of the City", White Smiling Walter performed "Night Without Lions", Misaki Bethany performed "The Love of Dragons and Wolves", and Arik the Ethan performed "Conquest of the Starks", one after another. The songs excited the audience.

King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder's "Song of the Sirens" enchanted countless people. However, when Prince Rhaegar began to play the silver-stringed harp and played "The Dragon Queen", every audience was shocked. .

The black and white bears danced a funny dance in the hall, the court jester Moonboy, Stannis' jester Patchface, Lady Olenna's jester Buttercake, and House Frey's jester jingle in the crowd. Performing on stilts, mocking every guest around him; Tyrion flirted with a prostitute named Shae at the wedding banquet; Ser Jorah watched Daenerys get married and couldn't help crying.

After the wedding, the bridal chamber began, Greatjon Umber, Earl Rickard Karstark, King Theon, Domilik, Phelan, Jory Cassel, Sir Wendel Manderly and other northerners , yelling and throwing them on the marriage bed.

Tormund Giantsbane, Harma the Dog, the King of Bones, Mance Rayder, Brother Pyp of the Night's Watch, Donal Noy, Qhorin Halfhand, Yoren, Melancholy Edd and others, while singing songs , making dirty jokes outside the wedding room.

Robb marries Margaery, and Jon marries Daenerys, solidifying the alliance between the Starks, the Tyrells, and the Targaryens, and bringing Westeros to unprecedented unity.

In the next few days, the tourney began. Sir Brienne of Tarth defeated Loras, the Knight of Flowers, Barristan, Oberyn the Red Viper and other players. In the final, Brienne defeated Sandor the Hound and won the championship. won the championship crown.

Brienne was canonized as a knight by Ed himself. Ed is not a knight. According to tradition, only knights can be canonized as a knight. However, Ed seems to be the spokesperson of the Seven Gods in the world. His canonization of Brienne means great glory.

The sharpshooter Phelan won the runner-up in the shooting competition, the frontier shooter Angai won the championship, and Jalabah Saul from the Summer Islands won the No.3.

Jalaba Thror is an exiled prince who turned out to be the prince of Red Flower Valley in the Summer Islands.His skin was dark, and he stayed in the King's Landing court all year round. Later, he participated in the war against the undead on the Wall and performed well.

After the game, Jaraba Thrall asked Emperor Eddard to send troops to attack the Summer Islands and recapture Red Flower Valley for him.

Ed comforted: "When the time comes, I will naturally go to the Midsummer Islands, but now, the time is not yet ripe."

After the wedding, there was an extra map table in the map table hall of the moving castle.

This is a map of Westeros and the continent of Essos on the other side of the Narrow Sea. Forests, rivers, mountains, towns and other terrains are clearly differentiated.

The continent of Essos on the other side of the Narrow Sea is Ed's goal.

The first stop Ed conquered was the Stepstone Islands.

The Stepstone Islands are an archipelago located in the middle of the Narrow Sea. They were once the Arm of Dorne, a land bridge connecting the continent of Essos and Westeros. After the Arm of Dorne broke apart, the Stepstone Islands were formed.

This is a pirate nest, which seriously affects the trade of Westeros. Sometimes, pirates will go to Dorne, the Stormlands, Tas Island, Ismon Island and other places to rob, kidnap civilians, and sell them to the other side of the Narrow Sea. slave traders.

Tyroshi, Lys, and Myr are located in the southwest of the Essos continent. They are close to the Stepstone Islands. Tyroshi, Myr, and Lys are at war with each other all year round. Once Ed captures the Stepstone Islands, he can conquer these islands. Three wealthy cities.

 Thanks to the old popsicle in the radiation wasteland, 20230209235819731, Xia Chan Climbing Trees, Guardian of the Forest, Pan Wei, Lin'an Farmer, Drunken Dream Universe, for sending monthly tickets, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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