Chapter 31
Ed stood at the head of Winterfell, surrounded by vassals.Outside the city of Winterfell, banners and banners were unfurled, and there were huge crowds of people.

Ed saw the steel gauntlet flag of the Earl of Deepwood Glover, who had led eight hundred Deepwood soldiers with his brother Robert Glover a few days ago. Arrived at Winterfell with three hundred Forest Tribe soldiers, all of them were crossbowmen.

Earl Mitch Seven's spearmen arrived first, numbering [-]. Seven Hundred is the northern nobleman closest to Winterfell, and their family's flag is a sharp battle axe.Every time Winterfell summoned an army of vassals, the Seven family was almost always the first to arrive, which really echoed their family's idiom "Steady soldiers are waiting".

Sir Herman Tallhart, the lord of Torrhen's Square, brought eight hundred horse archers, and the three-tree banner of the Tallhar family was flying in the camp of the Tallhar family.

Eight hundred cavalry came from Streamland. Earl Roderick Lathwell chose to stay in Streamland because of his advanced age. He sent his brother Roger Lathwell to lead the cavalry force. Horseheads are engraved on the shields of ground cavalry.

Barrowton Widow Madame Ballet sent Deron Dustin with five hundred foot soldiers from Barrowton.Considering Mrs. Barbaret Dustin's vast fiefdom and large population, sending only 500 people can be regarded as shabby.

Mrs. Ballet has always been perfunctory to the orders of Winterfell, and Ed has accepted Mrs. Ballet's nephew, the heir of the Dreadfort, Domeric Bolton, as his heir, and this has not changed.

Domeric is the son of Barbaret's sister Bethany. After Bethany's death, Barbaret took Domeric to the Barren Hall to raise him. Since her husband William Dustin died in the Tower of Joy, he has been buried in a strange land in Dorne Since then, Barbaret has been a widow and naturally has no children. This sad widow has always regarded Domilik as her son.

Fortunately, the ballet sent all the strong young men. If the ballet sent all the old, weak, sick and disabled, Ed would really ask the barbarian to ask the teacher.

The number of knights sent by White Harbor reached 1000, and they were led by Wendell Mandler, the second son of Earl Wyman.Sir Wendell, like his father, is also a fat man, although Sir Wendell is one size smaller than Lord Eel.

Arriving with the Knights of White Harbor, there are 500 soldiers of Earl Hornwood.

According to the news brought by Sir Wendell, his elder brother, the heir of White Harbor Willis Manderly, had already set off by sea with a thousand soldiers out of Bite Bay towards Roose Bolton's territory.

In order to eradicate the rock pirates, White Harbor generously sent [-] cavalry and [-] infantry by sea.Although the rock pirates did not threaten the territory of White Harbor, the trade in White Harbor has already been affected. If the rock pirates are allowed to rampage, captains from all over the world will be hesitant to trade in White Harbor because of the pirate problem.This is obviously not something Earl Wyman can bear.

According to Ed's instructions, Earl Wyman requisitioned more than a dozen merchant ships staying in White Harbor, including the Swan Ship from the Midsummer Islands, the Iban Whaling Ship, the Rhys Galleon, and merchant ships from all over the Seven Kingdoms. Plus ten ships of various sizes from the Mandalay family.

After arriving at the Three Sisters Islands, the White Harbor miscellaneous fleet commanded by Willis Mandalay will spend money to hire some "sister men" ships as scouts.The Three Sisters Islands are desolate and barren. Historically, the pirates of the "Sister Boys" were once a serious threat to White Harbor and the Valley. Their naval combat capabilities are far superior to those in the North.

In addition, the old town, the widow hoped that a small number of ships and troops would join the fleet at White Harbor on the way.

The fleet of more than 1000 people was handed over to the command of Willis Mandler, who is fat and hearty. Ed couldn't help but sweat for this fleet at sea.

People in the north are not good at naval battles. In the temporary fleet of White Harbor, there are captains and sailors from all over the world, such as Iban, Midsummer Islands, Rees, and Pentos. Tricky, let alone Willis Mandalay?
As the heir to White Harbor, Ed never doubted Willis' loyalty, but loyalty and ability are two different things.Since White Harbor contributed money and effort for this expedition, and also lent [-] golden dragons to Winterfell, Ed did not appoint the commander of the White Harbor Fleet, but let Earl Wyman appoint himself. As a result, he chose his heir.

White Harbor has no shortage of gallant knights, and Earl Wyman of White Harbor has more than 100 landed knights.If Ed were to choose the naval commander for this expedition, he would choose Marlon Mandler.This man is the cousin of Earl Wyman, and the commander of the White Harbor Garrison.

Ed knows to pray that the White Harbor Fleet goes well, otherwise, even if the northern army gathers in Seal Bay, they will not be able to cross the sea without ships, let alone sweep Skagos Island.

Ed, who was standing at the head of Winterfell, was full of thoughts.

"Maester Luwin, send a message to Roose Bolton in the Dreadfort, asking him to meet the White Harbor fleet at all costs."

According to the plan, White Harbor's fleet will first stop at Roose Bolton's territory, help Dreadfort drive out the rock-species pirates by the sea, and then head north.

Ed never trusted the soft-spoken Roose Bolton, but no one could deny the Lord of Dreadfort's ability, his cunning and combat experience.

Gabriel Glover, who was standing next to Ed, was wearing a black moleskin robe, "Master Ed, I have always had a question. Is it really necessary to gather such a large army to deal with rock pirates?"

Ed said: "If it weren't for driving the rock pirates back to the sea, we really wouldn't need so many people, but the purpose of our expedition this time is to wipe out Skagos Island."

When the army goes north, joined by warriors from the Mountain Clans, the Umbers, the Karstarks, and the Dreadfort, it will no doubt exceed 1 men.Maester Luwin deduced from the data of the rock species rebellion more than 100 years ago that the combined strength of each tribe on Skagos Island cannot exceed 5000 people.But if there are ironmen on the island or mercenaries from across the narrow sea, that's another matter.

"Of course, I have another consideration, which is to deter the enemy. Just imagine, when the rock species pirates were defeated by the northern army and fled back to the island, the news spread, and fear would spread among the rock species tribes. This will be more conducive to our landing on the island.”

Now that the army is gathering, it's time to set off. If the army stays in Winterfell for one more day, it will waste a lot of food in vain.Eddard understood that it was time to give Rockborn a taste of the fury of the North.

The armor and weapons on the rock species are all made by ironmen, and there is a great possibility that there are ironmen forces on Skagos Island.Whether Rockbreed is in league with Lord Balon Greyjoy, or Mance Rayder, Lord Beyond the Wall, or a foreign conspirator across the Narrow Sea, the Great Army of the North will tear the veil from the enemy and bring the man behind it to the throne. Find out.

(End of this chapter)

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