Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 32 Arriving at the Last Hearth City

Chapter 32 Arriving at the Last Hearth City

Ed led the army from the north, left Winterfell in a mighty way, and headed north along the King's Road.

Caitlin held the baby Rickon, and together with Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Bran, watched the northern army set off.

In recent days, Caitlin has been depressed because of the expedition, and often quarrels with Ed. Ed doesn't blame her. After all, Winterfell is now heavily in debt, owed a huge debt of 50 golden dragons to the Iron Bank, and also owed Bai Gangwei. Earl Man has [-] gold dragons, and fighting is the most expensive thing.

Ed's financial advisor, Kral, assured him that when Ed returned triumphantly, the forge, barracks, and large market would be officially put into use, and Mikken would lead the blacksmiths to create sharp weapons and solid plate armor, chain mail, The big market will provide shelter from the wind and rain for people trading in Winterfell Town, and the barracks will provide a place for the Winterguard Town Guards to practice and live, and it will become an important place for Winterfell to call up the army in the future.

The toy workshop in charge of the carpenter Douglas will soon be put into production. This carpenter and toy dealer who has traveled all over the Seven Kingdoms can make puppet toy knights, puppet animals, etc., which can bring huge profits to Winterfell.

Ed was at the head of the line, and next to him was Robert Glover of Deepwood Motte.

Robert Glover has a chiseled face, a head of gray brown hair and beard, he is tall and thin, because his brother Galbert Glover has never married and had no children, Robert is the heir to Deepwood Motte .

Ed said to Robert Glover, "Robert, you choose twenty cavalrymen to scout ahead."

Robert frowned, "Lord Ed, I just left Winterfell. This is the hinterland of the northern border. What kind of enemies can there be? Still need to investigate?"

Ed said: "Do we have to wait until we reach the seaside before sending scouts to investigate? When the army is assembled, we must always be vigilant. I will let my guard Ferran be with you."

Robert Glover often went to Winterfell. He knew many guards in Winterfell, but he didn't know Ferran. Robert looked at Ferran, "Lord Ed, is this your new recruit?"

Ed said: "Phelan used to be a poacher, he was a marksman."

When he heard the word "poacher", Robert Glover's face immediately darkened, "Lord Ed, the Glover family will never cooperate with poachers! Poaching Poachers will only steal the property of the nobles from the forest." Glover's territory is mostly forest, and he has always hated poachers.

Ed said: "Ferran has abandoned evil and pursued good. He is now my bodyguard. Robert, let's take the scouts with Ferran to investigate!"

Robert Glover had no choice but to set off with Phelan and the scouts.

The Braavos water dancer Syrio Forel followed Eddard's left, and the strong Dawson carried his thirty-pound battle ax on his back, holding Duke Eddard's Valyrian steel sword "Ice" in his hand Following on Ed's right, Theon followed not far away, with a consistent smile on his face.

Jon Snow and Domeric Bolton rode together. Since Maester Luwin stayed in Winterfell, Ed handed over the task of managing the raven delivery to Domeric, and Jon was responsible for assisting Domeric. A total of ten cages of ravens were brought.

Riding at the head of the procession were more than 2000 horsemen and horse archers from White Harbor, Torrhen's Square, and the Streamlands.

In the middle of the team are infantry, who are equipped with spears, axes, maces, even sickles, hammers and other weapons.

The baggage convoy was at the end, and Ed handed over the task of being in charge of the baggage convoy to Sir Herman Tauhar of Torun Square City and Deron Dustin of Barren Town.The baggage convoy is full of food and grass, which is also the top priority.

When the army arrived near Long Lake, warriors from the Mountain Clan joined in one after another. The Flint Clan, the Wall Clan, the Norry Clan, the Riddle Clan, the Harley Clan, etc., the number of Mountain Clan warriors was close to 2000. Big Barrel" Wall and Donal Flint lead.

Lady Maggie Mormont of Bear Island arrived with the Mountain Clan, and she brought six hundred warriors with her, and Daisy Mormont, heir to Bear Island, was with her.

When the procession arrives at Last Hearth, Umber's castle, Greatjon Umber's uncle, Hather "The Whorebane" Umber, comes out of town to greet him.

"Lord Ed, the Greatjon is leading his troops to confront the rock pirates along the coast of Seal Bay. These damned pirates always attack at night, and flee back to the sea as soon as they see our soldiers. Our soldiers on the seashore Fishing villages, farmland and Yantun have all been destroyed."

Horser Umber is skinny, old, and has a long white beard, but when he was young, Umber the "whore nightmare" was undoubtedly a ruthless character.When he was young, he went to Oldtown to study and aspire to become a bachelor. When he killed a whore who tried to rob him with his bare hands in bed, it was later rumored that the so-called whore was actually a man.
Ed looked to the east, "My army will rush to the beach immediately, and the army will go straight to Pirate Bay."

Theon said: "Lord Ed, there are also rock pirates in Lord Karstark's territory. Should we divide our forces and go to Kahuo City?"

"No need." The rock pirates are obviously fighting guerrilla warfare, and Ed will not divide his troops and be led by the nose by the rock pirates." The letter sent by Kahuo City said that Earl Rickard Karstark was talking to the rock pirates. The forest north of Cahoe City is repeatedly contested by these pirates, and if the pirates are willing to spend there, Skagos Island will be empty, and we can catch them by surprise."

Earl Mitch Seven said melancholy: "Lord Ed, what if the pirates in the rocks block the White Harbor Fleet along the coast of Kahuo City's territory? The pirates are raging along the coast, which proves that they have completely controlled the sea route. The White Harbor Fleet is blocked, we are in Seal Bay, how can we cross the sea without a ship?"

Willis Mandalay's fleet.Under normal circumstances, pirates would only run away when encountering a fleet, but now that rock-species pirates are raging along the coast, they are obviously ready to face the fleet head-on, and Willis Mandalay's ability is very problematic.This is indeed a big hidden danger.

Theon said playfully: "I hope Sir Willis Manderly, don't lead the fleet of White Harbor astray! We can't find the fleet of White Harbor, so why don't we go by sea?"

Sir Wendell Manderly was obviously very dissatisfied with Theon's words, "My brother will never let Lord Ed down, Willis will definitely sink every pirate ship he encounters, maybe he is already waiting in Seal Bay We are."

Theon said: "If I were to command the White Harbor Fleet, I would boldly attack Skagos Island and kill the rock pirates by surprise. Obviously, Willis Mandalay does not have the guts."

Sir Wendell said angrily: "Theon, be careful what you say. White Harbor will not take orders from your mere ironborn. Many people say that the ironborn are in collusion with the rock species. If you are asked to command the White Harbor fleet, you will only be able to Sell ​​out the White Harbor Fleet to the enemy."

Sean was about to retort, and Ed said angrily: "Quiet! Leave your anger to the enemy! The army will set off immediately and gather at Seal Bay."

At that time, Ed can only hope that the White Harbor Fleet will appear by the sea as scheduled, otherwise, the army in the north can only look at the ocean and utter impotent rage.

(End of this chapter)

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