Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 33 The Ironborn Prisoners

Chapter 33 The Ironborn Prisoners
When Ed arrived at Umber's camp, he found Greatjon Umber looking tired, with bloodshot eyes in dark circles.

"Lord Ed, this place is one league away from Seal Bay. We set up our camp by the sea at first, but the pirates either came to rob the camp or beat drums on the boat, which made our soldiers unable to sleep peacefully. The coastline is too long, and sometimes The enemy will land on the beach far away, outflank the camp by the sea, and attack us with the pirates at sea."

Ed patted Greatjon on the shoulder, "Damn rock pirates, when did these barbarians become so cunning?"

Domilik Bolton, the heir of the Dreadfort, said: "Lord Ed, no matter which ancient book records, the rock species living on Skagos Island are not good at water warfare and navigation. Why did they suddenly become so proficient? Naval tactics?"

Greatjon snorted softly, "Because the damn Ironborn pirates colluded with Rockborn pirates."

Ed said: "I know that the rock pirates are equipped with the armor and weapons of the Ironborn, as well as the longship of the Ironborn, but we have no direct evidence to prove it."

"Lord Ed, we have evidence." Bigjon beckoned, and his son Littlejon walked out of the tent, and after a while pushed over a prisoner in chain mail with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The prisoner in front of him was about 30 years old. His chain mail was stained with blood, and his mouth was full of coagulated blood.

The Greatjon punched the captive in the chest, and the captive let out a groan of pain. "Boy, tell Master Ed, who sent you to the northern border to rob?"

"Balbalon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands, Lord of the Raiders of Pyke," said the captive slowly.

Herman Tallhart, Galbert Glover, and Maggie Mormont immediately exploded.

"Master Ed, it is indeed Baron who is behind the scenes! The northern border should send troops to take the Iron Islands."

"Send a message to King's Landing that King Robert muster an army to punish the traitor Balon Greyjoy."

"It's time to liquidate the Ironborn."

A dragon war seemed to break out in Ed's mind. Ed had considered that Balon Greyjoy was behind the scenes. After all, all the previous evidence pointed to the Iron Islands. Both the ship and the armor imply that the Rockborn has conspired with the Ironborn.

However, the more obvious facts often hide a bigger conspiracy.Ed was not only thinking in his heart, if Balon Greyjoy extended the tentacles of the golden sea monster around the entire Westeros continent to Skaggs Island, what benefits would he gain?

Theon Greyjoy shouted loudly among a group of angry northern nobles: "It is impossible for my father to send people to Skagos Island to plunder. What are you doing with this desolate and barren island?"

Maggie Mormont, Countess of Bear Island, let out a mocking laugh from her thin lips, "You bloody heir to the Iron Islands, adopted by Lord Eddard, Balon Greyjoy wants revenge, Isn't it obvious that this is why they colluded with Yanzhong and tried to bring down the North from within?"

Sir Herman Tallhart of Torrhen's Square said: "The cunning Balon Greyjoy knows that the strength of the Iron Islands alone will not be able to shake the North, so he has colluded with the rock species inside the North."

Sir Wendell Manderly of White Harbor echoed: "It's true that the Iron Islands have apparently banned plundering in the Seven Kingdoms these years, but Ironborn pirates still appear from time to time on the west coast of our northern border. Lord Balon understands, If you directly send troops to attack the northern border, King Robert will consider it a rebellion, so he chose to collude with the rock species and let the rock species attack the northern border."

The other northern nobles echoed in unison, and Theon was a little anxious, "Your evidence comes from a captive. Who knows if he lied? What if someone secretly plots to provoke a dispute between the Iron Islands and the North?" Woolen cloth?"

Ed had to agree, "King Balon is suspected, but the possibility that Theon said also exists."

The Great Jon kicked the prisoner, "Tell Master Theon, what is your name? Where do you come from?"

"James Cawdor, from the Iron Islands," said the captive.

James Could did have an ironborn accent. This was a fact that Theon could not deny. Theon forced himself to be calm, "Who knows if this guy is from a rock species or from somewhere else? Everyone can call themselves an Ironborn." .Besides, even if he is really an Ironborn, he really comes from the Cauder family, he is just a commoner, what weight does his words have?"

"This family is lying. I grew up in the Iron Islands. I have never heard of James Codd. Do you know the Codd family? They are the most humble nobles in the Iron Islands, and they are slave laborers. The descendants of them, even commoners despise them, so their ethnic language is 'disdain and contempt', how shameless do you think?"

James Coulder showed a horrifying smile at Theon, "We were indeed sent by King Balon. The iron people hated the Stark family for helping Robert suppress the Iron Islands, so they chose to take revenge. You are the one who colluded with the rock species." My second uncle, Uren Greyjoy's idea."

"Crow's Eye" Urren Greyjoy is a dangerous figure in the sea monster family. When King Balon launched a rebellion, "Crow's Eye" Urren planned the Iron Fleet to raid Lannisport, and burned the Lannisport fleet in the port mile, which made it easy for the Iron Islands to gain command of the sea along the coasts of the Riverlands and the West Territory at the beginning of the war.Colluding with rock species is indeed like Yulun's handwriting.

James Could continued: "According to the plan of the Crow's Eye, once the northern army is attracted to the east coast by rock-species pirates, Balon will send his second brother, Victarion Greyjoy, to lead the army to sweep On the west coast of the northern border, the Ironborn will send troops to occupy Deepwood Castle, Bear Island, and even burn the war to Barren Tonkun!"

In history, Bear Island has been ravaged by Ironborn pirates for many years, forcing the women there to become resolute female warriors. Maggie Mormont, Countess of Bear Island, said in astonishment: "What an evil plan, Lord Ed, what if The army of the ironborn is really in danger, and my Bear Island, my people, and my castle will all be in danger."

Galbert Glover said: "Deepwood Motte is also in danger. Our wooden castle is vulnerable to fire."

There was a smug expression on James Could's face. Although it was only for a moment, Ed caught it.Ed said: "James, are you willing to swear to the gods in the sky for the things you said?"

James Could curled his lips, "Duke Ed, I have become a prisoner, do you still dare to lie? In the name of the old and new gods, I swear that what I say is true."

Ed said coldly: "Gods old and new? Don't the Ironborn believe in the Drowned God? You have to swear to the Drowned God."

James Could was visibly panicked, with sweat dripping from his forehead, "This place is too far from the ocean, I swear to the Drowned God, but the Drowned God can't hear it."

Eddard said: "You can smell the sea salt here, and the Drowned God can hear it. You must swear, if you lie, you will never enter the Drowned God's flowing water palace to feast after you die."

James Could raged, "Never would the Ironborn swear such a vile oath to the Drowned God."

Now many northern nobles saw that James Could was lying, and Theon kicked James Cowd in the face, "This kid has no truth at all."

Domeric Bolton looked at Ed with admiration as the Umber soldiers dragged James Cowd out.

"Master Ed, we almost all believed James Could's lie, why can you see through it?"

Ed said: "He talks too much. He comes from a slave labor family that is despised by others. He is at most a captain. How could King Balon and Yulun disclose such an important plan to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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