Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 34 The King of Rocks

Chapter 34 The King of Rocks
Although James Could's lies were exposed by Ed, his Iron Islands accent and devotion to the Drowned God can prove that his ironman identity is true.

In the camp, Ed looked at Greatjon Umber, "How many ironborn prisoners have you captured?"

Greatjon said helplessly: "It's too damn rare. Whether it's the ironborn pirates or the rock pirates, they are equipped with ironborn armor and hold ironborn weapons. , when we meet, we can only kill, otherwise our casualties will only be more serious."

"In addition to James Could, we also captured a few ironborn prisoners, but these prisoners were seriously injured. Some of them lost blood and died after being captured, and some died after being tortured for a few hours. These The captives all confessed that King Balon of the Iron Islands was behind the scenes, so I firmly believe it."

Ed said: "James Could is lying. It seems that this group of iron people pirates who colluded with the rock species have unified their caliber before setting off. Once they are captured by the northerners, they will confess that they were sent by King Balon. The iron people The pirates seem intent on directing the wrath of the North on Balon Greyjoy."

"Besides Balon Greyjoy, have you questioned any other names from the ironborn captives?"

Greatjon Umber put his strong arms on his chest, "Some ironman captives confessed the two names Iron Bitch and Helen Pike before they died. Lord Ed, I suspected it in Winterfell , These pirates were found by Carter Pike of Eastwatch, you see, this Helen Pike has the same surname as Carter Pike, probably his sister?"

Ed couldn't help smiling.As simple as the Great Jon, he would make such a mistake.

Ed explained to Greatjon, "Pike is the surname of the illegitimate son of the Iron Islands, the same as Snow in the North, Buddha Flower in the Reach, and Stone in the Valley. If there is such a person as Helen Pike, it can only mean that she is What could an illegitimate daughter of the Iron Islands have to do with Carter Pike of Eastwatch?"

After hearing this, Greatjon suddenly realized, "So that's it. Could it be that the iron bitch and an illegitimate daughter named Helen Pike planned this attack on the east coast together? Damn it, thinking that I lost the war to a woman, I just feel bad."

Ed said: "Where are the rock species captives? What did they reveal?"

Greatjon said helplessly: "Since the war with the pirates, we have captured more rock pirates, there must be a dozen! But many of these barbarians would rather die than reveal the news. But under torture, There are still some gains. The Rock Seed captive revealed that the nine tribes of the Rock Seed, under the leadership of Samro Claure, have obtained the ironmen's equipment and become stronger, and they will continue to bring wealth back to the island. "

Domilik Bolton, heir to the Dreadfort, took a pen and took notes.Because there are too few ancient books on Skagos Island, the island has been shrouded in mist, and even the school city lacks information. Domilik Bolton is determined to record all kinds of information obtained from the battle with the rock tribe. He tentatively titled the book "The Forgotten Corner of the North——The Complete Record of Skagos Island and Rock Species".

Domilik stopped writing, "Lord Greatjon, did the Rockseed captive reveal how many tribes there are on Skagos Island?"

Greatjon Umber stroked his beard and pondered: "My people have asked, and the rock species captive said that there must be more than 30 tribes of different sizes, and the most powerful are the nine tribes. Among the nine tribes, , the Klauer tribe and the Stan tribe are the most powerful. Samuro Klauer unified Skagos Island more than ten years ago. Pledge of allegiance. Samro crowned King of the Rock."

Ed frowned and said, "The King of the Rock? It sounds like this Samro is more dangerous than Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall. Did the Rockseed captive say when the Ironborn pirates came to Skagos Island? "

Since "The Conqueror" Aegon swept Westeros with the dragon, and Toren Stark, the last king of the North, offered his crown and bowed his knees to Aegon, the Stark family of the King of the North has been downgraded. For the Duke of the North.Since then there has been no king in the North.

Now, on Skaggs Island, the back garden of the northern border, there is actually a King of Rocks, how can the Stark family bear it?
Greatjon Umber frowned. "Three years ago? Five years ago? I don't remember."

Theon Greyjoy said: "Lord Ed, whether it was three years ago or five years ago, it was all after my father's rebellion was suppressed. After the Iron Islands rebellion was suppressed, my father restrained the Ironmen , only fishing is allowed, and no plundering in the Seven Kingdoms is allowed, but the ironmen's plundering in the Stepstones and the Summer Sea is allowed."

"The ironborn are pirates in the sky, they are a free nation. The captain of each longship is the king on his own ship. Naturally, these ironborn were not happy with my father's ban. I guess it was during this period that there was a group of people who wanted to conquer the sea. , the ironmen who plundered their wealth, left their homeland, and began their adventures on the Stepstones or the Summer Sea, and came to the Isle of Skagos."

Ed frowned and said, "But this doesn't explain why they only chose Skagos Island? There are so many ships from the Seven Kingdoms and the Free Trade City in the Stone Steps Islands every day. Pirates plunder the Stone Steps Islands. High, it's closer to the Iron Islands, why did they choose to come to Skagos and plunder the east coast of the North?"

Theon bowed his head in thought, "This is really abnormal."

Eddard turned to Greatjon, "Did the Rockborn captive mention the names of Iron Bitch and Helen Pike?" If the Rockborn captive also mentioned these two names, the ironborn captive's confession would be much more believable .

Greatjon shook his head, "No. However, the rock species captives did confirm that there are women among the Ironborn pirates, and the Ironborn pirates must have reached an alliance with the rock king Samuro Crowle, but these rock species are just ordinary looting Those who don't know what kind of friendship their Rock King has with the Ironborn."

"The rock species captives also mentioned that the ironmen first got longships, weapons and armor from the south, and later blacksmiths and shipbuilders came to the island. Rock species does not know how to smelt steel or shipbuilding, the king of rocks Samro Crowle treated blacksmiths and shipbuilders well on the island, and they had their own blacksmith shop and a place to build ships."

Accepting the ironmen to build ships for rock species and blacksmithing, it seems that this Samuro Klauer has far more ambitions than unifying Skagos Island.

When Ed expanded the winter town, he asked Theon Greyjoy to write to King Balon, asking the northern border to hire blacksmiths and shipbuilders from the Iron Islands, but King Balon was very perfunctory, sending only apprentice blacksmiths. , and none of the shipbuilders.

Now Skagos Island actually has blacksmiths and shipbuilders of the ironmen, which is an advantage over Winterfell, and Ed is upset when he thinks about it.

Ed said angrily: "It seems that the damn rock king, Samrow Claure, intends to use the wealth looted from the northern border to develop the economy of Skagos Island and strengthen the military power of the rock species." .”

Domeric Bolton held a pen, "Lord Ed, how does this look like something a man-eating barbarian would do? Even if the confession of the rock-seeded captive is only half true, this Samuro Klauer will never Simple, by no means easy. It seems that the materials on the rock species and Skagos Island in the North and the Academy City are seriously outdated. My book will record the real rock species."

Ed approved, "You have this ability."

Domilik turned to Greatjon, "Lord Greatjon, did these rock species captives say that there are no coins on Skagos Island? It is recorded in Bardell's "The Edge of the World" that rock species have the custom of cannibalism, They have no concept of currency, and they trade with outsiders by barter, using obsidian and unicorn horns to trade with adventurers who come to the island. Is it true?"

"Did the captives of the rock species say whether the records in these materials are true? How did they trade?"

Greatjon scolded: "Fucking rock pirates are raging on my territory, how can I have the mood to ask them how they spend their money?"

(End of this chapter)

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