Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 35 Arriving at Seal Bay

Chapter 35 Arriving at Seal Bay

Now that Greatjon Umber has reported that the rockborn and ironborn pirates like to sneak at night, Eddard decides to give the pirates a counter-raid.

All the members of the Amber family said that these days, the pirates always like to go around to the beach far away to land. They went around to attack behind the Amber’s camp on the coast. When the soldiers of the Amber’s family were busy dealing with the enemies in the rear However, the pirates hiding in the sea would charge from the beach and flank the Amber family's followers. This trick has been tried and tested.

Ed ordered Jolly Cassel, Captain of the Winterfell Guards, to take [-] soldiers from Winterfell to the beach and set up ten tents with straw figures and some food inside.When dusk wiped out the last ray of sunlight and darkness fell, Jory Cassel returned to the camp of the Northern Army with the soldiers of Winterfell.

After the bait is placed, it is waiting for the enemy to take the bait.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, the scouts led by Phelan and Robert Glover discovered the enemy.About 50 pirates circled around the back of the camp in the dark, and rushed towards the camp roaring.

Pirates of the sea also broke out from the beaches and entered the camps, some of which were set ablaze.The pirates soon discovered that the tents were empty except for some straw men.

Then Greatjon Umber blew the horn of the North, echoing in the sky by the sea.

The cavalry from the Streamland, the Knights from White Harbor, and the horse archers from Torrhen's Square came from all directions.Ed rode on a gray warhorse, wielding the giant sword Ice, and rushed over with the cavalry of Winterfell, Jory Cassel, the captain of the guards of Winterfell, and Syrio Forel, the Braavosi water dancer. , the guard Dawson followed closely beside Ed.

These days, the Amber family seldom used cavalry to attack the pirates. This was because the pirates once set fire to the Amber family's camp. Many war horses were either burned to death or ran away, or were snatched by the pirates.Since then, the Umber family has been suffering from a lack of horses, and the pirates are more comfortable when fighting guerrillas.

The pirates obviously didn't know the news of the arrival of the army from the north. When shouts of "Long live Winterfell!" Understand that they fell into a trap.

Facing the cavalry rushing out from all directions in the darkness, the pirates could only fight hastily. Many pirates were trampled under their feet before they could react.

The northern cavalry only lost five people, killed more than 30 pirates, and captured eight. Only a small group of pirates fled to the seaside, jumped on the boat and escaped. Three longships remained.

After the battle, Jon Snow said: "Lord Ed, it's a pity that some pirates still ran away."

Ed said: "Let them escape! When they escape back to Skagos Island and bring the news that the northern army has assembled in Seal Bay to the island, the rock species and iron people pirates on the island will definitely be afraid. Spread among the enemies, they will be timid before fighting, unable to resist the sweep of sword and fire."

Domeric Bolton's long sword was stained with blood, "Theon, I killed an enemy. This pirate became the first enemy I killed in my life."

Theon jumped off his horse and rummaged through the corpse of a pirate who had been shot like a hedgehog. "I shot three."

Domilik said, "So many horse archers are shooting arrows, how do you know that you shot them to death?"

"Believe it or not, when I bend my bow and set an arrow, I will know if I have hit it." Theon pulled off the pirate's sealskin boots.

"Why do you pick up dead people's things?" Domilik was puzzled.

Theon proudly said: "Flayer, you don't understand this? I shoot this guy, and I have the right to take everything on him. This is called 'paying iron money'. His spoils are mine. Yes! It's a pity, the fellow is a poor fellow, with only a decent pair of boots."

The captives were escorted to Ed. They were all tall and strong men with unshaven beards and thick body hair. They wore animal skins and chain mail.In appearance, these people look more like rockborn than ironborn.

Eddard said, "Which of you is an ironborn?"

Some of these people glared at Ed, some looked indifferent, and some showed disdain, but none of them were afraid.A pirate wearing a horned helmet sneered, "None of us are ironborn, we are all rockborn."

The gaze of the horned pirate rested on the direwolf emblem on Ed's chest. "You are the wolf king of Winterfell? I tell you, the Stark family of Winterfell, there is no way to bring the proud rock species to its knees anymore. Samuro Crowle, the king of rocks, will kill every one of you." people."

The Greatjon kicked the horned pirate's mouth, and there was a sound of teeth cracking. The horned pirate groaned, fell to the ground, and spit out two broken teeth.Greatjon drew out his dagger, "Lord Ed, these beasts have killed many of my soldiers and people, and kidnapped women and children. Kill them all! Anyway, none of the rock species we captured surrendered."

Ed shook his head and refused, "No, we don't know much about Skagos Island and the rock species living on it. First arrest them and torture them, maybe we can find out something."

These rock-species pirates have just been caught, and no one is willing to be a coward when they gather together, but after a long time, if they are interrogated alone, Ed believes that there will be gains.

After the northern army appeared in Seal Bay, the pirates who ravaged Amber's territory disappeared like dew in the sun.The pirates jumped on the longboat and fled towards Skagos Island, the largest island in the north on the east coast of Seal Bay.Some pirates who did not have time to escape back to sea were all killed by northern soldiers.

Soon, the coast regained its tranquility.However, the burned farmland, the burned fishing boats by the sea, the destroyed Yantun and the fishing villages destroyed by the war, as well as the dead bodies everywhere, all tell the sadness of this land after the pirates ravaged.

Sir Herman Tauhar of Torren Square City said: "Master Ed, the fleet of White Harbor has not arrived yet, where are we camping? In order to prevent the pirates from making a comeback again, I suggest that we withdraw to a place 1 league away from the coast. It's safer to camp there."

"No, just set up camp here." Ed refused angrily, "arrange the convoy and food behind the camp. In the camp near the sea, raise the flag of the direwolf of Winterfell and the flags of the major families in the north. If the pirates have the guts to come and scout, they'll know they have no chance when they see our great army camp with flying flags."

Jory Cassel said: "Lord Ed, the White Harbor fleet doesn't know where it is? Should we send a raven to look for it?"

Ed shook his head, "Let's forget it. It's not a problem to let the raven go to the castle to deliver the letter. Go to the sea to find the fleet to deliver the letter? There is a high probability that you won't find it. Besides, there may be pirate ships on the sea. If the raven is shot down by pirates, the letter will be lost." In the hands of the enemy, we will only be passive."

"Big Barrel" Woll of the Mountain Clan said: "Lord Ed, are we here, doing nothing and waiting for the White Harbor Fleet?"

Ed was helpless, "We can only wait. Cross-sea warfare is like this, and you can't do anything without a ship." Ed can only hope that Willis Mandalay will not lose the fleet at sea, otherwise the food for the northern army will be lost. It will only be wasted.

(End of this chapter)

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