Chapter 57
The northern army braved the rain and snow and set off towards the valley north of Abyss Fort. Ed took away more than 4000 northern soldiers, and he left more than 3000 soldiers, who continued to stay outside the rope bridge of Abyss Fort, waiting for an opportunity Siege the city and contain the enemy.

This time, the targets of the northern army were the Frost Snow Hall of the Rock Species Frost Snow Clan and the Ice Dragon Hall of the Ice Dragon Clan.

The Northern Army that remained outside Abyssburg was commanded by Earl Roose Bolton of Dreadfort, and Earl of Deepwood Gelbert Glover served as Roose Bolton's deputy.Roose Bolton is a cunning and calm person. Ed believes that with him and the northern army staying outside Abyss Castle, the Rock King Samuro Crow will not dare to act rashly.

Riding on a black war horse, the cold rain and snow hit Ed's face.In summer in the northern region, there will be a little snow from time to time. Skagos Island is one of the most northern regions in the northern region. The frozen fish here, the light snow is colder than Winterfell.

On the expedition, Ed couldn't help but think of his family who stayed in Winterfell.

Little Rickon must have grown up a lot, babies are always different every day; Arya must be in Winterfell again, making many new friends, Arya loves to be with the stable boy, the butcher boy, the pigherd, etc. Sansa and her female companions must be talking about fairy tales and heroes in ballads while being a female celebrity.

Robb is estimated to be sulking in Winterfell. This time, whether it is Ed's adopted son Domeric Bolton, Theon Greyjoy, or Ed's illegitimate son Jon Snow, they all got the right to follow the army. However, Robb could only stay in Winterfell.

As for Caitlin, Ed's beautiful and virtuous wife, she has always opposed Ed's sending troops to attack Skagos Island. He was worried that Caitlin must go to the church every day to pray to the seven gods she believed in for his safe return!
Ed also wanted to know how the expansion project of the winter shelter town was going.Did his financial advisor, Kral, help Winterfell earn more money?How many puppet knights have been made in the toy workshop of toy carpenter Douglas?Are the barracks, forge, and workshop built by architect Downs going well?Has the number of animals increased in the pig pens, cow pens, and chicken farms of Ji Wen, the farm manager?
After the victory of the northern army, Ed can return to Winterfell, hug his family, and focus on the winter town and the development of production.

At that time, Ed must use the knowledge of the traversers to make some inventions and make a lot of money, but first, Ed must make the rock species bow his knees.

In Abyss Castle, the flames jumping from the brazier illuminated the hall brightly.The King of Rock, Samrow Claure, ordered his servants to bring plates of wild boar, seal meat and prawns, and barrels of spirits, and entertained Billy, the leader of the Stern clan, and Ace, the leader of the Ice Dragon clan. , Gwen, the leader of the Frost Clan, Joel, the leader of the Maple Leaf Clan, and others.

The Rock King sits on the Rock Throne, and at both ends of the back of the throne are two finely carved unicorns. Billy, the leader of the Stern clan, sits on the right hand of the Rock King, and the other leaders sit on both sides of the long table.

The servant filled up the spirits, and the Rock King Samrow Claure raised his glass with a smile on his face: "We are in the Abyss Castle, eating and drinking, and let the northern army tremble in the rain and snow Right! The army in the north is all cowards, and they dare not attack the city when they arrive at Abyss Castle."

Some clan leaders raised their wine glasses suspiciously and drank the wine.The King of Rock saw that Billy Stern didn't touch his glass, "Billy, why don't you drink?"

Billy Stern said coldly: "My son Paulson is in the hands of the northern army, and his life or death is uncertain. How can I be in the mood to drink? Ed Stark agreed to exchange prisoners. Noble, what about exchanging my son?"

The Rock King was a little unhappy, "Don't worry, your son will be fine. If Ed Stark dares to harm your son, I will kill the northern nobles in my hands."

Billy Stern snorted softly, "If something happens to my son, what's the use of killing the northern nobles?"

The Rock King said: "The army in the north is short of food and grass, and the iron people under the iron bitch will continue to attack the grain ships in the north. The destruction of the army in the north will happen sooner or later. When Ed Stark is in a dilemma, he will naturally send Return your son to ask for peace. Don't worry, the situation is under my control."

Billy Stern and the other clan chiefs, apparently less confident than the Rock King, exchanged glances.

A rock species scout walked in.

"King of the Rock, the army of the North has moved out."

The Rock King's eyes lit up, and he said to the clan leaders, "Did you see that? I knew Ed Stark would retreat with his tail between his legs. Now that he has retreated, we can attack now."

The rock species scout said: "Lord Rock, more than half of the northern army has withdrawn, Stark's direwolf flag has all been withdrawn, but there are still thousands of soldiers outside the Abyss Castle."

The news made King Rock a little disappointed, "So, the northern army is divided?"

Billy Stern was a little worried, "Where did Ed Stark lead his troops?"

The rock species scout said: "The northern army is heading towards the northern valley."

Ace, the leader of the Ice Dragon Clan, and Gwen, the leader of the Frost Clan, immediately became nervous.Gwen, the leader of the Frost Clan, said: "King of the Rock, the northern army is heading towards my Frost Hall. I ask the King of the Rock to let me take the warriors of my clan and tribe back to the territory and guard my castle. "

Ace echoed: "I want to go back too, the northern army is bound to enter the territory of the Ice Dragon Clan."

"No!" The Rock King refused, "Can't you see it? This is Ed Stark's plan. He attacked your territory just to lure us to divide our troops to defend. Once the strength of Abyss Fort decreases , the northern army guarding outside Abyss Castle will wait for an opportunity to seize the castle, you must stay here."

Ace, the leader of the Ice Dragon Clan, said: "Could it be that the northern army is allowed to destroy my castle and slaughter the warriors of my Ice Dragon Clan?"

The Rock King said: "Your castles are all made of mud and wood. Even if you go back to the castle, you won't be able to defend it. If you go there, you will die in vain."

Billy, the leader of the Stern clan, didn't think so, "Even if you die in battle, you shouldn't let the northern army wreak havoc on the land of the rock species. King of the rocks, at the meeting of the tribal leaders of the nine clans, you swore that you would let the rock species ravage the land." The northern border, now that the northern border has ravaged rock species, but you let us drink and eat meat here, and sit in a sad city, is this appropriate?"

The Stern clan is one of the most powerful tribes among the Rock Race clan. When they saw Billy Stern speak, the leaders of other clans echoed and demanded to lead their troops back to their respective territories.

The Rock King slammed his fist on the stone table, and all the leaders fell silent.

"You choose me to be the king of rocks. You must listen to me when the enemy is at hand. If we keep arguing, Ed Stark will only lead the northern army to defeat us."

"Lei Sen, the leader of the Magna Clan, has already marched towards Abyss Fort from the King's Hall with thousands of rock warriors. As soon as the reinforcements arrive and we have wiped out the northern army outside Abyss Fort, we can go to the deep mountains to stop Ed. The Starks' northern army."

(End of this chapter)

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