Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 58 Capture the Frost Hall

Chapter 58 Capture the Frost Hall

The northern army captured Frost Hall with ease.

It was a two-story rock castle, built of mud and wood, with a thatched roof, more shabby than some towers in the north.

The fight was over before it even started, and Theon Greyjoy shot and killed two old men who were trying to resist, brandishing their clubs. Then three white-haired old men filed out, followed by six children of rock species, the oldest of whom was only about 11 years old.

Ed looked at the old man in front of him, "How many of you are the only ones in Frost Hall?"

An old rock species said: "Gwen, the leader of our Frost Clan, responded to the call of the Rock King and took the young and strong rock species in the territory to the Abyss Castle. We are the only ones left."

During the siege, old people and children are useless mouths for the defenders. It is estimated that even if these old people and children go to Abyss Castle, the Rock King will not take them in.

Theon played with the bow and arrow excitedly, "With two arrows, I captured a castle of rock species for the northern border. When I return to Winterfell, I must show it off to Robb."

Domilik Bolton, the heir of the Dreadfort, smiled and said, "Theon, I guess this is the pinnacle of your life. Looking at the Seven Kingdoms, it's hard to come across a castle that is simpler and weaker in defense."

In fact, there are a lot of high-quality stones on Skagos Island. After observing these few days, Ed found that the stones here are no worse than the stones in the Vale of Arryn.These stones have been processed by masons and can be used to build castles, but the rock species obviously lack the technology to process stones and build castles, and they can only use wood and mud to build shabby castles.

Once Ed conquers Skaggs Island and lets the rock species return to the rule of Winterfell and become a citizen of Winterfell, Ed will make good use of the stone resources on Skaggs Island to help the rock species improve. Life.If the rock species is left barren, even if the rock species surrenders temporarily, it will be a matter of time before they rebel again.

Jon Snow looked into Frost Hall, "Lord Ed, why didn't any women see it?"

Ed said: "It is estimated that they fled to a deep mountain beforehand, or it was a cave."

Jon Snow said: "Lord Ed, why don't you send people to the deep mountains and caves to drive these rock species out?"

Ed said: "Jon, if you want to become a commander in the future, you must understand the terrain and the advantages of the enemy and the enemy. We fought against rock species in strange lands. Skaggs Island is full of peaks, valleys, caves, and narrow paths. During the vertical and horizontal period, there is no doubt that those rock warriors will be waiting for us in caves or narrow mountain roads. If I send troops into caves or deep mountains, the sneak attack of rock warriors will kill many of us."

Jon nodded thoughtfully.

Jory Cassel, Captain of the Winterfell Guards, and Syrio Forel, a Braavos water dancer, entered Frosthall and searched around.Jory Cassel found some crusty buns and sour cheese, and Syrio Forrell found a half-eaten roast chicken.

Jory Cassel said: "Lord Ed, the urn in the castle is empty. It seems that when the clan leader left, he took away the food."

Ed was not surprised, "There are only a few old people and children left as guards in this castle. Of course, the clan leader will not leave the food here. He probably brought it to Abyss Castle!"

Greatjon said roughly: "Lord Ed, the Rockborn colluded with the Ironborn and burned, killed and looted the east coast of the northern border. We should kill these old people and children, as a lesson for the leaders of the Frosthall clan."

Ed shook his head, "It's the rock king and the iron bitch who are doing the evil. If we kill every rock species, what is the difference between us and those bloodthirsty barbarians?"

Rickard Karstark, Lord of Kahoe, said: "Then burn this castle."

The Clan Chief's castle must be destroyed in order to force the King of the Rock of Pitfall out of town to fight.The Winterfell Guards threw torches on the roof of Frosthall, and the castle burned.

Ed walked up to the old man and the children. These old men may have been resolute fighters when they were young, but now they are gray-haired, old and weak, and even their courage has dissipated. No old man dare to look at Ed.

The children of rock species were rather angry, staring at the Duke of Winterfell in front of them.

Ed decided to let some captives go to Abyss Castle to spread fear, and the old man was obviously easier to manipulate than children.Children still have the opportunity to become soldiers in the future, but the future of the elderly is only in the grave.Ed felt that it was time to put on the duke's mask and scare the old men.

"Take these children away to me, put them in shackles, and put them in a cage!" The order was issued, and the rock seed kid cursed and was taken away by the soldiers of Winterfell.

Kneeling in front of Ed, only a few gray-haired old rock species remained.Ed raised his voice.

"You old men, I will let you go to Abyss Castle. Go to your leader and tell me that I have destroyed your castle. If the clan leader staying in Abyss Castle still chooses to follow the King of Rock and fight against the corner, I will It will destroy all the castles of the leaders of the rock species."

"Go and tell your chiefs that the Rockborn women and children captured by the Northern Army will be sold to slave traders. Your women and daughters will be sold to Lys brothels, and your men will be sold to Tyrosh, Myr Work as a coolie. Not only will I order the northern army to burn the farmland, but I will also sprinkle salt on the land, so that your already barren land will no longer be able to grow anything."

The old men of rock species were obviously scared, Ed waved his hand, and the soldiers drove away the old men, who disappeared behind the woods.They will bring the news to Abyss Fort.

Jon Snow was frightened by Ed's words, "Lord Ed, are you really planning to sell women and children of rock species to slave traders? This is illegal! The Seven Kingdoms prohibit the slave trade."

Domeric Bolton said: "Yes! Lord Ed, I remember that Jorah Mormont of Bear Island sold the captured poachers to slave traders. You punished him severely for this, Jorah Mormont fled to the other side of the Narrow Sea, and has never dared to return to the North. Why do you want to be a slave trader now?"

Theon Greyjoy frowned and said, "Master Ed, I support the sale of those rock-born women and children to slave traders. Every ironman raider in our Iron Islands has the right to take captives as slave labor. In fact, it is almost like a slave. But the thing of spreading salt to the land is too extreme, is it really not giving the rock any way of life?"

Ed smiled, "Children, you are still too young. The plan I said is of course a lie. My purpose is to force the rock species to leave the impenetrable Abyss Fort and fight us as soon as possible. Therefore, I These rock species must be provoked. Only a sufficiently terrifying threat can spread fear and achieve its goal."

(End of this chapter)

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