Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 6 The Ironborn and the Wildling Menace

Chapter 6 The Ironborn and the Wildling Menace
The birthday party continued, Domeric Bolton sang songs, people sang and laughed, and mingled with each other.

Benyan Stark came in front of Ed. He had a slender figure and a long face, black hair, and gray eyes. He now served as the chief ranger in the Night Watch Corps.

"Ed, it's summer now, and tens of thousands of people are crowded in the town of winter shelter. What's going on? When Commander Mormont and I were heading south, we kept meeting people on the king's road, heading towards the town of winter shelter. Rumors are flying among the people, some say that the Duke is to gather the people to deal with the ironmen, some say it is to sweep away the wildlings north of the Great Wall, some say the long summer is coming to an end."

Ed smiled and said, "I just want to make the northern border rich and powerful. When winter comes, the people in the northern border can live a better life. That's all. How is the Great Wall?"

Bunyan sighed, "It's not the same. All kinds of thieves, poachers, perverts, and scum are sent to the Great Wall. There are fewer and fewer decent people who voluntarily join the Night Watch Corps. The power of Mance, the king beyond the wall, is getting stronger and stronger. , this guy might really storm the Great Wall."

Old Bear Mormont came over, "Lord Ed, the Great Wall needs manpower. I talked to the captain of the guard, Jory Cassel, and he said that there have been too many people in the winter escape town recently, and the law and order is very poor. His guards arrested I caught some thieves and perverts, locked them in a cage, less than [-] people in total, give these scumbags to me!"

With so many people flooding into the winter resort town at once, it is inevitable that the law and order will decline. Pickpockets and robbers will always mix in the crowd.In the past few days, Jory Cassel has expanded the number of guards to 200 people. The 200 guards wear daggers, short sticks, and long swords. They patrolled around Winterfell Town and Winterfell City, and captured a group of prisoners. The situation gradually stabilized.

The night watchman has always been a friend of Winterfell. The night watchman guards the Great Wall and keeps the wildling army out of the Great Wall.However, when the number of night watchmen decreased sharply, they were also struggling to deal with the continuous stream of wildling raiders. There were often wildlings who crossed the Great Wall, or smuggled across the Seal Bay by boat, and entered Amber's house, Woll's house, and Kashi's house. The Tucker family's territory was burned, killed and looted.

"Take all these people away!" Ed couldn't refuse the request of the commander-in-chief of the night watchman. There are more and more."

Xiong Lao said: "I will take good care of them. Lord Ed, there is no way. Most of them sent to the Great Wall these days are criminals, but even for such scum, I still don't have enough people. I once dreamed of reclaiming the manor in the newly added land and bringing the newly added land back to life, but it seems that there is no chance."

"Big Barrel" Lord Woll came over, "Mormont, the wildlings often pass through the new land to plunder the territory of our mountain clan, 'guard the kingdom's strong shield', hey! A large group of wildling raiders appeared That time, it wasn't the Umbers and us hill tribes who wiped out these bastards."

The newly added land was a piece of land to the south of the Great Wall at the south of the Great Wall. The manor taxes here really helped But now, due to the frequent harassment of the wildlings, the tenant farmers here have gone south one after another, almost reduced to no man's land, completely deserted.

Ed said: "Master Mormont, maybe Winterfell will take over the new land, and I will send people to plant the land, which can help the Night Watch Corps."

Elder Xiong frowned, "Lord Ed, the newly added land was donated by Winterfell to the Night's Watch. It was witnessed by the king and queen of the Targaryen family at that time, as well as the gods in the sky."

Ed smiled, "Don't be nervous, I don't want to take back the newly added land. I have a lot of land waiting to be reclaimed in the north. I mean, for joint development, I plan to send troops there to build a military settlement centered on Houguan Town. The people there usually farm the land and practice during the slack season. When they find savage raiders, they light the beacon towers and hunt these savages with the night watchmen. I will share part of the income from the military camp with the night watchmen."

The doubt in Xiong Lao's eyes disappeared, "That's good."

Elder Xiong left, Lord Nori, Lord Flint, Lord Riddle, Lord Wall, these mountain tribe leaders immediately surrounded him.

Lord Riddle was dressed in animal skins and was short and thick. He said, "Lord Ed, what is going on with the winter towns? People like Barrenton, Cahoe City, and White Harbor have rich lords, but not in winter." They also have hope of surviving in the winter town, but our mountain clan is different."

"In winter, when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, our life in the mountains is suffering. There is no winter shelter town, so we can only close our eyes and wait for death. Many old people in my tribe are worried that there will be no place for winter shelter in the winter town. I left my hometown ahead of time and came to the winter town. I saw that the winter town is already overcrowded. Could it be that our mountain clan is really not accepted in winter?"

Ed took Riddle's hand, "Lord Riddle, remember, the halls of Winterfell are always open for the mountain clans!"

The chiefs of the hill tribes shouted loudly.

Master Woer said: "Master Ed, this time, hundreds of people from my tribe have come to settle in the winter town. I am relieved that they have settled down. But on the other hand, after the number of people has decreased, we face Invasions of ironborn pirates and wildling raiders are even more passive."

The Vol tribe lived in the mountains beside the Ice Bay. This tribe had to guard against ironmen pirates when fishing, and wildlings when grazing. They had deep hostility towards ironmen and wildlings.

Ed said: "I discussed with Commander Mormont just now, and I will set up military camps in the newly added area to resist the wildlings. As for the threat of the ironmen on the west coast, I also have a plan."

After the banquet, the servants removed the banquet and replaced the tables and chairs, and Ed called the vassals for a meeting.

Before the meeting, Ed found Theon, Robb and Jon, chatting with Domeric Bolton standing in the corner of the hall.

"Theon, Jory has been complaining that there are not enough patrols in the winter town, you can help!" Since this meeting will inevitably involve the topic of ironmen, Ed does not want Theon to stay here, so as not to hurt his self-esteem.

Theon bowed and left, clearly dissatisfied.

Ed sat on the direwolf throne, looking around at the vassals.

"I'm going to set up a series of arrow towers and send troops to garrison them in Bear Island, Deepwood Castle, Streamland, Flint's Finger, Kraken Point, and Barren Mound Village along the west coast."

The news immediately caused the lords to explode. Earl Lathwell of Streamland stroked his snow-white beard, Galbert Glover of Deepwood Motte exchanged glances with his younger brother Robert Glover, Maggie of Bear Island The Countess of Mormont cursed, and Lady Ballet turned her head to whisper to Roose Bolton.

Robert Glover said: "Master Ed, the iron people came from the sea to resist the iron people. They should build ships. What's the use of the arrow tower?"

Ed said: "The iron people are the people of the sea. We only have fishing boats on the west coast, and we can't compete with the iron people's longships for the time being. We are stationed at the Arrow Tower, and the iron people have to pay the price when pirates come."

Meggie Mormont said harshly: "Lord Eddard, the arrow tower and soldiers have to spend money, who will pay for it? I am very poor on Bear Island."

Ed said: "The lord where the arrow tower is located will pay half, and the rest will be shared by other lords."

At this time Ed noticed that Theon had actually returned, standing next to Robb, Domeric Bolton and Jon Snow.

Roose Bolton said softly: "It's useless, Lord Ed, it's better to send troops directly to the Iron Islands, and ask Balon Greyjoy to raise his army. Isn't he the leader of the Iron Islands raiders? Wipe out the bandits Wo, the world is at peace."

Ed frowned and said, "Luce, I am the guardian of the northern border, and I maintain the peace of the kingdom in the name of Robert. If our army goes to the Iron Islands, we will become criminals who destroy the peace of the kingdom."

Besides, Ed knew that the ironborn were very difficult to deal with in the sea. When Balon Greyjoy rebelled, Robert gathered the riverlands, the west, the stormlands, the northern army and the royal fleet to destroy the iron fleet. Forcing Baron to sacrifice his son as a hostage, he bowed his knees and surrendered.

If the "broken fleet" of the Northern Army headed towards the Iron Islands, it would be a question of whether they could successfully land in front of the Iron Islands longship fleet, let alone conquer.

A wolf-like smile bloomed on the face of Mrs. Ballerina. "Lord Ed, why are the Ironborn pirates so rampant? It's because you are merciless. Your adopted son, Theon Greyjoy, is the only surviving son of Balon. When the Ironborn plundered the North, you should have killed him." Theon. He expects you will not harm the hostages, which makes him feel safe."

Wall echoed: "Yeah, what's the use of a hostage who can't be hurt?"

Ser Herman Tallhart clenched his fists. "Kill!"

Earl Rickard shrugged, "It should have been done long ago."

Ed hadn't expected the meeting to go this far.

Theon looked angry and was about to explode when he was stopped by Robb and Domeric Bolton.

Roose Bolton's soft voice interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Actually, I still like the boy Theon. His father must be warned, but it is not necessary to kill the boy. I suggest cutting off part of Theon's skin and giving it to Balon Greyjoy. He is wise." , will restrain his subordinates."

Theon turned away, and Robb chased him out.

Ed sighed, "My lords, I am sorry to see you seriously discussing how to murder a young man. The ironmen are difficult to restrain. Every captain is the king of his own ship. Balon Greyjoy can control the iron people. Islands, but can't control the Ironborn pirates scattered on the pirates, killing Theon is useless, and this matter ends here."

(End of this chapter)

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