Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 7 Yantun and the Honey Project

Chapter 7 Yantun and the Honey Project

People from the west coast of the north, whether it is the Layswell family in the streamland, the Mormont family in Bear Island, the Glover family in Deepwood Moor, the Flint family in Flint's finger, and the Wolverine family in the high mountains near the Bay of Ice. Your family was once ravaged by ironborn pirates, and these lords hated ironborn pirates to the bone.

But asking them to pay for the construction of arrow towers to defend against the Ironborn, these lords were very passive.

"In order to protect the safety of the west coast, the arrow tower must be built." Ed urged the vassals.

The Earl of Laswell said: "Master Ed, the coastline is long and long. Building arrow towers and sending troops to garrison them will cost a lot of money, and the maintenance costs in the future will also be a lot of money."

The Countess of Maggie Mormont echoed, "The Great Wall of Desperation is a good example, isn't it the largest fortification in the world? Brandon the 'Builder' built so many castles back then, most of them are now abandoned, Only Eastwatch, the Shadow Tower, and Castle Black are holding on."

The other nobles nodded in agreement.Ed said: "I have already thought about the maintenance cost of the arrow tower and the cost of the soldiers. Each arrow tower is stationed with [-] soldiers. These soldiers can work every day except for training. Next to each arrow tower, the development Salt farms, to refine sea salt. Just like military villages, I call them 'salt villages'."

Mrs. Ballet's eyes widened, Galbert Glover was lost in thought, and Herman Tall looked confused. Obviously, these people didn't quite understand what Ed was talking about.

Ed had no choice but to explain patiently.

"My lords, the northern border is basically self-sufficient in salt in summer, but in winter, when the sun is not shining enough, our sea salt collection output will drop sharply, and many places have stopped production in the long winter saltworks. At this time, we We can only rely on purchasing salt from the southern region across the Narrow Sea.”

"Every winter, we spend a lot of gold, dragon and silver deer to purchase salt. We have a long coastline on the east and west sides of the northern border. Why don't we take advantage of the summer and vigorously develop salt farms by the sea? In winter, we can store a lot of salt. In the future, it can even be exported to other places to make money."

The ancestors were not a nation of seafarers. On the land of the northern border, the people of the northern border once faced the invasion of all kinds of pirates, such as Andal pirates, ironborn pirates, wildling pirates, sister and male pirates, and Stone Step Islands pirates. Salt farms are often destroyed by pirates, and over time the number of salt farms in the north has declined sharply.In winter, salt is so expensive that ordinary people dare not expect extravagance.Ed is determined to change that.

The vassals of Winterfell City gradually understood, and Mrs. Ballet said: "Lord Ed, what you mean is to use the income from the saltworks to pay for the soldiers and the maintenance of the Arrow Tower? This seems a good idea. But the problem is, What if the sea salt is produced and cannot be sold out?”

Ed said: "Winterfell will be purchased at the market price. You only need to be responsible for the safety of the arrow tower and the saltworks. Salt is not worth much to the ironmen, so you don't have to worry about the ironmen attacking the saltworks."

Originally, the vassals on the west coast were complaining about the cost of the arrow tower and the soldiers. When they thought of the salt farm that was developed together, they could still make money. They all immediately cheered up and agreed with Ed's plan, all smiling.

Seeing that the vassals on the west coast had arrow towers and could make money from the salt farm, the vassals on the east coast also became concerned.

Roose Bolton's dirty ice-like eyes flashed with light, "Master Ed, in fact, some pirates will come to my territory from time to time, and I can also build arrow towers and open saltworks there, but I don't know how to deal with it soon." Winter City, are you willing to buy it at the market price?"

Rickard Karstark stroked his beard, "Lord Ed, the Karstark family is a branch of the Stark family. Since you proposed the Yantun plan, how can I fall behind? The sunshine of our family's territory Sufficient, sea salt must be of good quality, don't forget my family crest, which is white sunburst."

"It is well known that many wildling raiders rowed round Eastwatch, and across the Fjord of Ice, and landed on my domain, a great menace to the North. I believe that, on the shores of my peninsula, Develop the salt fields, build arrow towers, and send soldiers, those savages can no longer endanger the kingdom!"

Earl Locke of the Old City, and Lady Lyshan Flint of the Widow Watch also requested to build the Arrow Tower saltworks in their territory. In the end, even Wyman Manderly joined in.

"White Harbor has a lot of beaches, and we originally had some salt farms. As long as Lord Ed needs it, I can build arrow towers and salt farms and join the salt village project. Arrow towers can strengthen the city's defenses and scare those smugglers!"

In fact, Earl Wyman does not care about the income from the Arrow Tower Saltworks. After all, White Harbor receives considerable tariff income every day. There is no need to worry about selling the salt.

Ed nodded in agreement, "White Harbor can join, but you have to make it clear that the salt that Winterfell buys at the market price is the salt produced by the Arrow Tower Salt Field in the north, so don't let the salt from the Free Trade City or the South mix in." .”

Earl Wyman happily rubbed his fat fingers, "Lord Ed, don't worry! How dare I fool you?"

All the nobles by the seaside have joined the Yantun project, and some lords who do not have seaside fiefdoms can only envy them from the sidelines. Among these people, many are the leaders of the Langlin tribe and the mountain tribe, and there are also nobles such as Earl Seven and Earl Horwood.

Ed saw the thoughts of these people, "Those nobles who did not join the Yantun project, don't worry, I have prepared another deal for you."

The lord immediately listened attentively, and Ed said: "We have vast forests, mountains, and farmland in the north, which are suitable for beekeeping. I want to promote beekeeping technology. You can build beekeeping factories in various territories, and follow the instructions I give you. design the beehives, feed the bees according to the recipe I gave, and I will assign experienced beekeepers to you.”

"Believe me, as long as you do what I say, the bees will make money for you. You don't have to worry about selling the honey you brew. Just like salt, Winterfell will buy it at the market price."

The hearts of the lords were as sweet as honey.The northern border has always been a harsh place. These lords have to worry about the affairs of the territory and their people every day, shivering under the shadow of the cold winter all the time. Now, Duke Ed's plan is like a lighthouse, illuminating their hope.

Greatjon Amber said: "Lord Ed, I'm a rough man, and I don't understand these things, but I'm worried, you have been buying these honey, salt and the like at the market price, won't it be a waste if you can't finish it? Don't lose money."

Ed smiled, "Big Jon, don't worry, I won't lose money. The honey and salt I bought are for my own use. I still need everyone's help. If there are powerful craftsmen in your territory , I don't care if he is a blacksmith, tailor, stonemason, or veterinarian, as long as he has solid skills, he can be sent to Winterfell."

As soon as Ed waved his hand to signal the end of the meeting, Earl Horwood immediately led the lords to leave one after another.

"Lord Wyman, you stay."

(End of this chapter)

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