Chapter 8 Theon
Wyman Manderly was trying to move his huge body, trying to get up and leave, but when Ed called him, he immediately sat back.

"Master Ed, what are your orders?"

At this time, the nobles had already left, and only Ed and Earl Wyman were left in the hall.

"Lord Wyman, you are the Earl of White Harbor. White Harbor deals with ships and sailors from all over the world every day. Among my vassals, you obviously know the most about ships."

Since "Shipburner" Brandon, the Stark family has never been interested in sailing, and now Ed suddenly asked,
Earl Wyman was a little surprised, "Lord Ed, do you want to build a boat?"

"No, I want to build a fleet."

Earl Wyman rubbed his fat chin, "Build a fleet? Lord Ed, it will cost a lot of money."

Ed clasped his hands together, "Where is the shipyard with the best quality?"

Earl Wyman thought for a while, "Braavos, the shipyard there can build a ship a day. Of course, the Arbor Island, the shipyard in King's Landing is also good, don't forget the Iron Islands, the chief of the iron people The ship is no match for any warship. No matter where the shipyard is, the price of the ship is expensive."

Ed said: "So I plan to build it myself, build ships to build a fleet, and create a navy in the north. We have enough wood in the wolf forest, so we need a ship designer."

Most of the people in the northern border are descendants of the ancestors. The ancestors did not sail. When the ancestors came to Westeros, they came here with the arm of Dorne.On land, the ancestors were brave and good at fighting, but they were completely incapable at sea.The northern border has a long coastline, and Ed needs to build a powerful navy to guard his homeland and protect his people.

If the northern border has a fleet in White Harbor, once Robert and Jon Arryn in the south are in trouble, Ed can send two armies, all the way south along the King's Road, and the naval fleet can carry soldiers from White Harbor Go out of Bite Bay, go straight to King's Landing through the narrow sea, once it enters a state of war, Winterfell will have more initiative.

The plan excited Lord Wyman.

"Master Ed, the emblem of our Mandalay family is a male mermaid holding a trident. Who knows the ocean better than a mermaid? You can leave the shipbuilding to me. There are boats from the other side of the narrow sea every day in White Harbor. Ships come and go, and I can help you find good shipbuilders."

After Lord Wyman left, Robb hurried in.

"Dad, Theon is angry, you should go and have a look! He's in the Godswood."

Today is a cruel day for Theon. In the meeting just now, Theon witnessed nobles from all over the north discussing how to deal with the ironborn. These nobles even thought that Theon should be killed as a gift to Balon Greyjoy warning.

Godswood, Theon and Domilik Bolton are standing together. The heir of the Dreadfort seems to have become friends with the heir of the Iron Islands in a short period of time. Domilik is comforting Theon.

Domilik bowed to Ed and left, leaving only Ed and Theon in the Godswood.

Ed looked at the pale weirwood, and the scarlet eyes on the weirwood seemed to be weeping blood, watching Ed and Theon.

"You came to the godswood, seeking the comfort of the old gods."

Theon snorted softly, "Master Ed, this strange tree is not my god, never has been! Just like what the northern nobles said in your meeting, I am a damn ironborn, I am not a Yankee. But here I can't hear the sound of the sea, can't smell the sea salt, the Drowned God has no power here, where can I go? The Seven Gods are strangers to me, Sister Mordane and Chayle in the temple Monks just babble."

Only then did Ed realize that the godswood was stained with blood, and Theon's fingers were all covered with blood.

"You hit the weirwood with your fist? You're hurt, go to Maester Luwin!"

Ed checked Theon's fingers, and Theon withdrew his hand.

"Lord Ed, I'm sorry to shake my fist at the Old God. Will those Yankee nobles execute me for this?"

Ed sighed, "Theon, I'm very sorry about the meeting. Before the meeting started, I asked you to find Jory. I sent you to join the guards and go to the winter town to maintain order, just because I was worried that you would hear something bad. If so, I didn't expect you to come back."

Theon said contemptuously: "I'm glad I'm back, I've seen how hypocritical and bloody those noble lords are."

Ed said: "Theon, you can't blame these lords. Their people were slaughtered by the ironmen. They mistakenly transferred their anger towards the ironmen to you. Words are like wind. When the lords are in a meeting All wearing public masks, especially when such lords gather."

"These aristocrats are intriguing with each other, some are even feuds, some despise each other, some use each other, but they sit there and have to express their opinions. They clamor for me to kill you, many of them are just attached , like a parrot learning its tongue, it can’t be true.”

Ed patted Theon on the shoulder, "Of course, I didn't excuse them. They openly discussed the murder of my adopted son at my lord meeting, and asked my adopted son to be responsible for crimes he shouldn't be involved in. I No! I severely reprimanded these guys."

Theon was suspicious, "But today, a cavalryman from Barrentown laughed at me, saying that as long as my father dares to annoy the North or the Iron Throne, you will use the Stark family's Valyrian greatsword 'Ice ', cut off my head. Adopted sons are used to ensure family loyalty, and if my father's loyalty is questioned, I will die."

Ed said frankly: "Back when I adopted you as an adopted son, I did have the consideration of ensuring that your father, Baron, would no longer rebel. This is a fact. I was also worried for a while. Do you have the courage to hurt an innocent child like you. When you came to Winterfell, you were indeed a hostage, but now, you are not at all."

"You were ten years old when you came to my house, every day you ate with my wife, my children, my bastard, shared the fire and the hall, you were trained by Sir Rodrik Cassel, with my children Read with Luwin, and you know everyone in Winterfell, whether it's Hodor, Beastmaster Fran, Old Nan, Gage the Cook, Mikon the Blacksmith, or Hullen the Stable."

"Theon, it's true that you grew up in Winterfell. You are a sea monster and a wolf cub. I don't know what you think. Anyway, I have always regarded you as the eldest son in my heart. You are Robb. Brother, teach him a lot, and you can help me protect Bran and Rickon in the future."

Theon was greatly moved, "Lord Ed, I didn't expect to be sorry, I thought."

Ed said: "I used to be an adopted son next to Jon Arryn with Robert. At that time, some people in the valley said I was a hostage. When the mad king Aerys asked Jon Arryn to hand over me and Robert's At that time, what did Jon Arryn do? He chose to raise the flag of rebellion, and bet the fate of himself and his family for two adopted sons who have no blood relationship."

Theon murmured: "Yes, that war even buried the dynasty of the dragon."

Ed leaned in front of Theon, "To tell you the truth, I discussed with Earl Wyman about shipbuilding and building the Northern Fleet. Theon, you are an iron species, training the navy and commanding the fleet, who is more suitable than you? You play an irreplaceable role in my plan."

Theon smiled, "Lord Ed, I will inherit the Iron Islands in the future, and the Greyjoy family and the Ironborn fleet will be at your disposal."

He was immediately confused again, "I will inherit, right? After all, I am my father's only surviving son."

Ed said, "What did you hear?"

Theon said: "In the winter town, a fisherman from Kraken Point heard that my father intends to let my sister Asha inherit the Iron Islands, but the captains of the islands seem to be more willing to support my uncle Euron the Crow's Eye." And Victarion Greyjoy."

Ed smiled and said, "Theon, it is your right to inherit the Iron Islands. If your family and the Ironmen don't respect your rights, I will help you win the seat of Seastone."

"Use the power of the entire northern border!"

(End of this chapter)

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